40 research outputs found


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    The present paper explores specificity of communication process and formation of communication skills in militarized educational institutions working on the basis of vertical (downward) communication.  Service and “subject – object” relationships build up a barrier between teaching staff and students, since there is a difference in service ranks and holding positions interfering with a successful communication process turning it into unfinished process, without which a successful formation of communication skills is impossible. The paper covers the problems in formation of communication skills in Border Guard training process and the author try to find out correlations and regularities of communication skills formation in militarized educational institution.


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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik kelompok siswa kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif melalui model Problem Based Learning dibandingkan dengan kelas kelompok siswa kelas kontrol yang mengikuti model pembelajaran Ekspositori. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Rancangan Quasi Eksperimental, yang membantu peneliti untuk melihat hubungan kausal dari berbagai macam situasi yang ada disebut kuasi karena merupakan variasi dari penelitian eksperimen klasik. Adapun subjek penelitiannya adalah peserta didik kelas XI AP 1 dan 2 SMKN 2 Sumedang. Peserta didik kelas XI AP1 sebagai Kelompok Kelas Eksperimen dengan Jumlah Siswa sebanyak 36 Orang. Sedangkan peserta didik kelas XI AP2 sebagai kelompok Kelas kontrol dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 35 orang. Pada kelompok kelas eksperimen menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning sedangkan kelompok kelas control menggunakan model pembelajaran Ekspositori dalam pembelajaran Adminiatrasi Kepagawaian. Adapun hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa penggunaan model Problem Based Learning memiliki perbedaan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Ekspositori, dalam menigkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMKN 2 Sumedang

    Understanding online learning across cultures: The encounter between Confucius culture and Western culture

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    The purpose of this study is to understand how much the field knows about the role culture plays in online learning. Further, the question is situated in the interplay between online learning behaviors influenced by Confucius culture and Western teaching pedagogy. The shared understandings of Confucius culture and Western culture presented in current literature are reviewed and compared. The impact on online learning beliefs and behaviors of international student sojourners from Confucius culture is discussed from the following three dimensions: teacher-student relationship, curriculum development, and teaching and learning pedagogy. This study cautions that culture matters in online learning but its influence should neither be underestimated nor overestimated/stereotyped

    Cross-cultural education: learning methodology and behaviour analysis for Asian students in IT field of Australian universities

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    Australian tertiary education of information technology (IT) has attracted a large number of international students, particularly from Asia. Cultural factors have affected the quality of learning of international students and the teaching approaches adopted by Australian lecturers. Therefore, cross-cultural teaching and learning situations have become an important issue in Australian universities. This study intends to improve the understanding of Asian students' cultural backgrounds, their previous learning approaches and their perspectives on Australian culture and educational mode, with the objective of helping international students from different cultural backgrounds to overcome the difficulties of cross-cultural study. This study has completed a questionnaire survey of 1026 students, including 292 Information Technology (28.5%) students from five universities in Australia. Among these IT students, there are 100 (34.25%) local students and 192 (65.75%) international students from 39 other countries. The questionnaire contains 55 questions within six question sections and one information section. This paper presents comparison-based data analysis results of this survey on learning methodology and behaviours of Asian students in IT field of Australian universities. It particularly reveals the main difference for students between the universities in their home countries and in Australia, also the difficulties of these students during their study in Australian university through qualitative analysis on open questions of the survey. This paper also reports the research methodology and main findings in cross-culture teaching and learning generated from this study. This work was fully supported by Australian Learning and Teaching Council (CG7-494)

    Experiences and challenges of international students in technology-rich learning environments

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    This article presents a study of international students and their use of technology in a Scandinavian institution of Higher Education. A special emphasis is placed on patterns of use of a virtual learning environment (VLE) that is available to all the study programmes at the institution. Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is used as a theoretical approach to focus on the socio-material nature of the various networks that students, teachers, course designers, and artefacts make up within the realm of the institution. Qualitative data were collected through interviews with forty informants, all of them students or staff members at the studied institution. The main findings of the study are that the following factors are essential in the educational experience of international students: the students’ level of digital literacy, their degree of understanding of academic and administrative language, and the types of technology that are used in communication. The article also suggests that technology as a socio-material assemblage may encapsulate cultural codes that can be alienating for international students and that there is a need to “open the black boxes” of technology to cater for the needs of international students

    Designing Asynchronous Online Discussion Environments: Recent Progress and Possible Future Directions

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    Asynchronous online discussion environments are important platforms to support learning. Research suggests, however, threaded forums, one of the most popular asynchronous discussion environments, do not often foster productive online discussions naturally. This paper explores how certain properties of threaded forums have affected or constrained the quality of discussions, and argues that developing alternative discussion environments is highly needed to offer better support for asynchronous online communication. Using the Productive Discussion Model developed by Gao, Wang & Sun (2009), we analyzed current work on four types of asynchronous discussion environments that have been developed and researched: constrained environments, visualized environments, anchored environments and combined environments. The paper has implications for developing future asynchronous discussion environments. More specifically, future work should aim at (a) exploring new environments that support varied goals of learning; (b) integrating emerging technologies to address the constraints of current environments; (c) designing multi-functional environments to facilitate complex learning, and (d) developing appropriate instructional activities and strategies for these environments

    Public feedback - but personal feedforward?

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    Academic feedback is taken here as the reporting to student writers of the strengths and weaknesses of their submitted draft work, while academic feedforward refers to constructive advice regarding possible strengthening of students’ next work. Both originate from a tutor’s initial judgement of a student’s work. Feedback and feedforward on work showing need for improvement are problematic in a Confucian Heritage Culture. Even gently constructive advice within a programme seeking evidence for assessment of critical thinking may lead to perception of hurtful criticism by Taiwanese students. Some could withdraw from class activity accordingly. So the writers adjusted their response style. They now choose between different approaches featuring tutorial feedback or feedforward, depending on the standard of work being judged. When individual postings feature poor critical thinking, the writers opt for private messages concentrating on constructive feedforward. For better postings, they provide positive feedback with reasons for their judgements, and summarise to the class these exemplars of generic strengths in critical thinking. They also offer private prompting when they see scope for further enrichment of an able student’s critical thinking. This might also be a useful practice when tutoring solely in the West


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    AbstractThis study aimed to determine the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in improving students’ critical thinking skills in straight motion in SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak. The research method used was an experimental research method in the form of pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design model. The sampling technique used in this study was intact group technique and obtained class VIII A with a total of 35 students. The ability of critical thinking was seen from the explanation aspect in this research. The instrument of this research have5 description test. Based on the results of Wilcoxon test obtained a significant increase in critical thinking abilities with asymp.sig (2-tailed) below 0,05 (0,000<0,05). The results of this study were supposed to be applied by the teacher as an alternative to improve students’ critical thinking skills. Keywords: Critical thinking skill, explanation aspect, problem based learning, straight motio

    Exploring critical thinking with Chinese students during induction

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    This comprehensive book provides advice and guidance to those seeking to develop and enhance Masters level programmes

    Shepherd Leadership: A Review and Future Research Directions

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    This chapter is important because Shepherd leadership is not much taught in popular business or leadership textbooks. There is inadequate understanding and practice of compassionate care-Shepherd leadership quality-in sectors such as education and healthcare. Education is an important sector as it impacts students’ learning. Teachers with Shepherd leadership qualities motivate students to outperform, and be creative and work persistently to improve themselves, their communities and society. Healthcare is an important sector because providing healthcare has significant impact on personal and public health, development and economic growth to attain major employment. Additionally, research reveals that caring and compassionate leadership is lacking in organizations because it forms resilience, nurtures a team spirit, enhances engagement, and may reduce employee turnover. This chapter sheds light on the importance of compassionate and caring leaders in religious and educational organizations, healthcare, the army, and business organizations. This chapter will discuss mainly Shepherd leadership and aims to define it and will explore where it is mostly utilized and in what type of organizations has this leadership been applied and successful. This chapter also compares Shepherd leadership with Servant leadership, a closely related leadership, and other popular leadership styles in today’s organizations. Lastly, this chapter will touch on the challenges of Shepherd leadership