10 research outputs found

    Fundamental Categories or Facets: a methodology for the design of corporate taxonomies of Argentinian web sites

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    El análisis por facetas ha sido revalorado en los últimos años para el diseño de taxonomías corporativas. Con el fin de confirmar su utilidad, analizamos los sitios Web de diferentes organizaciones argentinas: tres bodegas de vino, tres industrias alimenticias, seis clubes de fútbol, cinco asociaciones profesionales, tres facultades universitarias y cinco agencias de gobierno. De las 16 categorías o facetas fundamentales propuestas por el Classification Research Group, las bodegas de vino coincidieron en 13 (81%), las industrias alimenticias en 11 (68%), los clubes de fútbol en 7 (43%), las asociaciones profesionales en 5 (31%), las facultades en 8 (50%) y las agencias de gobierno en 9 (56%). Estas diferencias se deben al hecho de que no todas las categorías son necesarias para todas las organizaciones. Se concluye que el método del análisis por facetas es útil para diseñar taxonomías corporativas y optimizar los sitios Web, de acuerdo con las características particulares de cada organización.Faceted analysis has been reassessed in last years for designing corporative taxonomies. In order to confirm its usefulness, we analyzed the Web sites of different Argentine organizations: three wineries, three food industries, six football clubs, five professional associations, three university schools, and five government agencies. From the 16 fundamental categories or facets proposed by the Classification Research Group, wineries coincide in 13 (81%), food industries in 11 (68%), football clubs in 7 (43%), professional associations in 5 (31%), university schools in 8 (50%), and government agencies in 9 (56%). These differences are due to the fact that not all the categories are necessary for all organizations. We conclude that the method of faceted analysis is useful for designing corporative taxonomies and for optimizing Web sites, in accordance to particular characteristics of each organization.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Fundamental Categories or Facets: a methodology for the design of corporate taxonomies of Argentinian web sites

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    El análisis por facetas ha sido revalorado en los últimos años para el diseño de taxonomías corporativas. Con el fin de confirmar su utilidad, analizamos los sitios Web de diferentes organizaciones argentinas: tres bodegas de vino, tres industrias alimenticias, seis clubes de fútbol, cinco asociaciones profesionales, tres facultades universitarias y cinco agencias de gobierno. De las 16 categorías o facetas fundamentales propuestas por el Classification Research Group, las bodegas de vino coincidieron en 13 (81%), las industrias alimenticias en 11 (68%), los clubes de fútbol en 7 (43%), las asociaciones profesionales en 5 (31%), las facultades en 8 (50%) y las agencias de gobierno en 9 (56%). Estas diferencias se deben al hecho de que no todas las categorías son necesarias para todas las organizaciones. Se concluye que el método del análisis por facetas es útil para diseñar taxonomías corporativas y optimizar los sitios Web, de acuerdo con las características particulares de cada organización.Faceted analysis has been reassessed in last years for designing corporative taxonomies. In order to confirm its usefulness, we analyzed the Web sites of different Argentine organizations: three wineries, three food industries, six football clubs, five professional associations, three university schools, and five government agencies. From the 16 fundamental categories or facets proposed by the Classification Research Group, wineries coincide in 13 (81%), food industries in 11 (68%), football clubs in 7 (43%), professional associations in 5 (31%), university schools in 8 (50%), and government agencies in 9 (56%). These differences are due to the fact that not all the categories are necessary for all organizations. We conclude that the method of faceted analysis is useful for designing corporative taxonomies and for optimizing Web sites, in accordance to particular characteristics of each organization.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Las categorías o facetas fundamentales: una metodología para el diseño de taxonomías corporativas de sitios Web argentinos

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    El análisis por facetas ha sido revaloado en los últimos años para el diseño de taxonomías corporativas. Con el fin de confirmar su utilidad, analizamos los sitios Web de diferentes organizaciones argentinas: tres bodegas de vino, tres industrias alimenticias, seis clubes de fútbol, cinco asociaciones profesionales, tres facultades universitarias y cinco agencias de gobierno. De las 16 categorías o facetas fundamentales propuestas por el Classification Research Group, las bodegas de vino coincidieron en 13 (81%), las industrias alimenticias en 11 (68%), los clubes de fútbol en 7 (43%), las asociaciones profesionales en 5 (31%), las facultades en 8 (50%) y las agencias de gobierno en 9 (56%). Estas diferencias se deben al hecho de que no todas las categorías son necesarias para todas las organizaciones. Se concluye que el método del análisis por facetas es útil para diseñar taxonomías corporativas y optimizar los sitios Web, de acuerdo con las características particulares de cada organización. Palabras claves Análisis de facetas; Taxonomías corporativas; Sítios Web argentinos. Fundamental categories or facets: a methodology for the design of corporate taxonomies of Argentinian web sites Abstract Faceted analysis has been reassessed in last years for designing corporative taxonomies. In order to confirm its usefulness, we analyzed the Web sites of different Argentine organizations: three wineries, three food industries, six football clubs, five professional associations, three university schools, and five government agencies. From the 16 fundamental categories or facets proposed by the Classification Research Group, wineries coincide in 13 (81%), food industries in 11 (68%), football clubs in 7 (43%), professional associations in 5 (31%), university schools in 8 (50%), and government agencies in 9 (56%). These differences are due to the fact that not all the categories are necessary for all organizations. We conclude that the method of faceted analysis is useful for designing corporative taxonomies and for optimizing Web sites, in accordance to particular characteristics of each organization. Keywords Faceted analysis; Corporative taxonomies; Argentine Web sites

    Automatic Generation of Trace Links in Model-driven Software Development

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    Traceability data provides the knowledge on dependencies and logical relations existing amongst artefacts that are created during software development. In reasoning over traceability data, conclusions can be drawn to increase the quality of software. The paradigm of Model-driven Software Engineering (MDSD) promotes the generation of software out of models. The latter are specified through different modelling languages. In subsequent model transformations, these models are used to generate programming code automatically. Traceability data of the involved artefacts in a MDSD process can be used to increase the software quality in providing the necessary knowledge as described above. Existing traceability solutions in MDSD are based on the integral model mapping of transformation execution to generate traceability data. Yet, these solutions still entail a wide range of open challenges. One challenge is that the collected traceability data does not adhere to a unified formal definition, which leads to poorly integrated traceability data. This aggravates the reasoning over traceability data. Furthermore, these traceability solutions all depend on the existence of a transformation engine. However, not in all cases pertaining to MDSD can a transformation engine be accessed, while taking into account proprietary transformation engines, or manually implemented transformations. In these cases it is not possible to instrument the transformation engine for the sake of generating traceability data, resulting in a lack of traceability data. In this work, we address these shortcomings. In doing so, we propose a generic traceability framework for augmenting arbitrary transformation approaches with a traceability mechanism. To integrate traceability data from different transformation approaches, our approach features a methodology for augmentation possibilities based on a design pattern. The design pattern supplies the engineer with recommendations for designing the traceability mechanism and for modelling traceability data. Additionally, to provide a traceability mechanism for inaccessible transformation engines, we leverage parallel model matching to generate traceability data for arbitrary source and target models. This approach is based on a language-agnostic concept of three similarity measures for matching. To realise the similarity measures, we exploit metamodel matching techniques for graph-based model matching. Finally, we evaluate our approach according to a set of transformations from an SAP business application and the domain of MDSD

    Systematische Prozessunterstützung für die Entwicklung laufzeitkritischer Softwaresysteme: Systematische Prozessunterstützung für die Entwicklung laufzeitkritischer Softwaresysteme: PROKRIS-Methodik und -Framework

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    In vielen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens, angefangen vom Online-Banking bis hin zur Steuerung im Flugzeug, kommt Software mit laufzeitkritischen nicht-funktionalen Eigenschaften (NFE) zum Einsatz. Die Erfüllung der NFE spielt in diesen Anwendungen eine zentrale Rolle. Um dies zu erreichen, ist eine systematische und zielorientierte Behandlung dieser Anforderungen während der Entwicklung zwingend erforderlich. NFE zeichnen sich im Gegensatz zu funktionalen Eigenschaften durch besondere Merkmale aus, die ein adaptives Vorgehen zur Definition des Entwicklungsprozesses erzwingen. In der Arbeit wird eine Methodik zur kontextbasierten Anpassung von Vorgehensmodellen an laufzeitkritische NFE auf der Basis von Prozessmustern sowie das PROKRIS-Framework als unterstützende Umgebung vorgestellt

    Interrogation d'un réseau sémantique de documents : l'intertextualité dans l'accès à l'information juridique

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    A collection of documents is generally represented as a set of documents but this simple representation does not take into account cross references between documents, which often defines their context of interpretation. This standard document model is less adapted for specific professional uses in specialized domains in which documents are related by many various references and the access tools need to consider this complexity. We propose two models based on formal and relational concept analysis and on semantic web techniques. Applied on documentary objects, these two models represent and query in a unified way documents content descriptors and documents relations.Une collection documentaire est généralement représentée comme un ensemble de documents mais cette modélisation ne permet pas de rendre compte des relations intertextuelles et du contexte d'interprétation d'un document. Le modèle documentaire classique trouve ses limites dans les domaines spécialisés où les besoins d'accès à l'information correspondent à des usages spécifiques et où les documents sont liés par de nombreux types de relations. Ce travail de thèse propose deux modèles permettant de prendre en compte cette complexité des collections documentaire dans les outils d'accès à l'information. Le premier modèle est basée sur l'analyse formelle et relationnelle de concepts, le deuxième est basée sur les technologies du web sémantique. Appliquées sur des objets documentaires ces modèles permettent de représenter et d'interroger de manière unifiée les descripteurs de contenu des documents et les relations intertextuelles qu'ils entretiennent

    Faceted Knowledge Representation

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    Faceted Knowledge Representation provides a formalism for implementing knowledge systems. The basic notions of faceted knowledge representation are "unit", "relation", "facet", and "interpretation". Units are atomic elements and can be abstract elements or refer to external objects in an application. Relations are sequences of matrices of 0's and 1's (binary matrices). Facets are relational structures that combine units and relations. Each facet represents an aspect or viewpoint of a knowledge system. Interpretations are mappings that can be used to translate between different representations. This paper introduces the basic notions of faceted knowledge representation. The formalism is applied here to an abstract modeling of a faceted thesaurus as used in information retrieval