31 research outputs found

    Using field experiments to analyze changes in electronic data capture adoption decisions

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    Lacovou presented research results in a framework that describes the role of the determinants of technology, organization, and environment simultaneously influencing the innovation adoption decision-making process. The Lacovou framework is an extension study of the Tornatzky framework. Tornatzky's framework addresses three determinants that influence innovation adoption. Unfortunately, Lacovou did not present how the decision process took place. Decisions can be rational or irrational. Ajzen and several other studies defined rational decisions as decisions based on considered information or for a reason as. Previous research had not revealed empirically the rational calculation process in making innovation adoption decisions. Innovation adoption is someone's choice when he/she perceive the benefit and feel appropriate the innovation and will use or intend to use it. This study intends to reveal how the process of rational calculation in the decision-making adoption of innovations through the field experiment method. This study also reveals whether the decision of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to adopt Electronic Data Capture (EDC) is rational. Research analysis using descriptive analysis method. The results show that the rational calculation process can be observed through the field experiment method. The shift in decisions represented by changes in the data on the number of subjects who make adoption decisions illustrate the rational calculation process. The results show that the decision of SMEs in adopting EDC is mostly rational. The yields of this field experiment- research was confirming Lacovou framework. The research illustrates the simulation of the effect of a combination of perceived benefits, organizational readiness, and environmental factors simultaneously  Lacovou presented research results in a framework that describes the role of the determinants of technology, organization, and environment simultaneously influencing the innovation adoption decision-making process. The Lacovou framework is an extension study of the Tornatzky framework. Tornatzky's framework addresses three determinants that influence innovation adoption. Unfortunately, Lacovou did not present how the decision process took place. Decisions can be rational or irrational. Ajzen and several other studies defined rational decisions as decisions based on considered information or for a reason as. Previous research had not revealed empirically the rational calculation process in making innovation adoption decisions. Innovation adoption is someone's choice when he/she perceive the benefit and feel appropriate the innovation and will use or intend to use it. This study intends to reveal how the process of rational calculation in the decision-making adoption of innovations through the field experiment method. This study also reveals whether the decision of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to adopt Electronic Data Capture (EDC) is rational. Research analysis using descriptive analysis method. The results show that the rational calculation process can be observed through the field experiment method. The shift in decisions represented by changes in the data on the number of subjects who make adoption decisions illustrate the rational calculation process. The results show that the decision of SMEs in adopting EDC is mostly rational. The yields of this field experiment- research was confirming Lacovou framework. The research illustrates the simulation of the effect of a combination of perceived benefits, organizational readiness, and environmental factors simultaneously &nbsp

    Um projeto de social media marketing: o caso da Biblioteca do Campo Arqueológico de Mértola

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    Esta apresentação tem como objetivo apresentar o projeto de social media marketing em curso na Biblioteca do Campo Arqueológico de Mértola (BCAM), desde 2011. Sendo uma biblioteca especializada em História, Arqueologia e Património e com uma taxa de utilizadores externos baixa, concebeu-se uma estratégia de comunicação mais ampla, agregando à comunicação dita tradicional as potencialidades do marketing digital. Mais do que uma opção, a inclusão da web social na estratégia de comunicação revelou-se um imperativo no sentido de agregar mais valor ao serviço de informação, dando-o, desta forma, a conhecer a não utilizadores e a stakeholders. Em concreto, destacam-se os social media em que a biblioteca está presente; as aplicações em uso no facebook, bem como as regras de publicação e de estilo nos social media, implementadas para efetivar a comunicação e respetiva monitorização. A utilização de métricas relativas ao ROI (Return ofIinfluence) e IOR (Influence of Relationship) têm si determinantes para assegurar a visibilidade e sustentabilidade da biblioteca

    Social media marketing in portuguese academic libraries

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    Apresentam-se as perceções dos profissionais da informação das bibliotecas académicas portuguesas face à adoção do conceito social media marketing. Os resultados foram obtidos, através da aplicação de um questionário online à Rede de Informação do Instituto Nacional de Estatística em Bibliotecas do Ensino Superior (Portugal). Conclui-se que apesar dos profissionais da informação reconhecerem o valor da participação das bibliotecas académicas na web social e da sua utilização visando o marketing, ainda são poucas as organizações que apresentam uma participação nas plataformas sociais, em concreto no facebook, com um ritmo de publicação regular, com regras de normas e estilos de utilização e que procedem à sua monitorização e avaliação. Conclui-se também que à estratégia de marketing carecem estudos de perfis dos utilizadores, incluindo a análise dos respetivos comportamentos informacionais, face a este contexto que se impõe na web social.The perceptions of 'social media marketing' of information professionals in higher education libraries are presented. Data was gathered through an online questionnaire, to the Information Network of Higher Education Libraries of the National Institute of Statistics (Portugal). Results show that even though information professionals acknowledge the value for higher education libraries of participating in the social web, and its use in marketing, there are still few institutions participating regularly in social media platforms, particularly in facebook, and carrying out monitoring and evaluation activities. We also conclude that the marketing strategy lacks the study of user profiles, including the analysis of their information behaviour when facing the present context of social web.Trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito de: UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007702), FCT/Portugal, COMPETE, FEDER, Portugal 2020

    Perceived Attributes of Diffusion of Innovation Theory as a Theoretical Framework for understanding the Non-Use of Digital Library Services

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    Rogers’s diffusion of innovation theory is one theoretical approach to understand how members of a social system can adopt an innovation. Certain attributes of the innovation itself may facilitate its adoption. This paper highlights the necessity of designing a Digital Library Service (DLS) in conformity with the attributes of Innovation. These attributes are: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability. It further discussed previous studies that have used the theory of perceived attribute of innovation to conduct research on acceptance and rejection of an innovation in different fields and concluded that Digital Library Service designers who adopts the theory of the perceived attributes of innovation will understand why there is low or non-use of these services and help them in designing DLS that can easily be adopted by potential users

    Academia.edu: Social network or Academic Network?

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    Academic social network sites Academia.edu and ResearchGate, and reference sharing sites Mendeley, Bibsonomy, Zotero, and CiteULike, give scholars the ability to publicize their research outputs and connect with each other. With millions of users, these are a significant addition to the scholarly communication and academic information‐seeking eco‐structure. There is thus a need to understand the role that they play and the changes, if any, that they can make to the dynamics of academic careers. This article investigates attributes of philosophy scholars on Academia.edu, introducing a median‐based, time‐normalizing method to adjust for time delays in joining the site. In comparison to students, faculty tend to attract more profile views but female philosophers did not attract more profile views than did males, suggesting that academic capital drives philosophy uses of the site more than does friendship and networking. Secondary analyses of law, history, and computer science confirmed the faculty advantage (in terms of higher profile views) except for females in law and females in computer science. There was also a female advantage for both faculty and students in law and computer science as well as for history students. Hence, Academia.edu overall seems to reflect a hybrid of scholarly norms (the faculty advantage) and a female advantage that is suggestive of general social networking norms. Finally, traditional bibliometric measures did not correlate with any Academia.edu metrics for philosophers, perhaps because more senior academics use the site less extensively or because of the range informal scholarly activities that cannot be measured by bibliometric methods.This paper is supported by ACUMEN (Academic Careers Understood through Measurement and Norms) project, grant agreement number 266632, under the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union

    Bibliotecas do Ensino Superior Português: a importância de um projeto comunicacional para o social media marketing

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    Este estudo pretende analisar quais os social media mais utilizados pelas bibliotecas académicas e, em particular, verificar se existe um projeto para a web social nestas organizações e se está concertado com a estratégia de comunicação implementada. O universo alvo deste estudo foi as bibliotecas de Ensino Superior que integram a Rede do Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE). A metodologia utilizada para a obtenção dos resultados consistiu, por um lado, na observação das páginas dos diferentes social media, nas quais as bibliotecas académicas se encontram representadas e, por outro lado, na aplicação de um questionário aos profissionais de informação que se encontram a implementar um projeto direcionado para a web social. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que apesar de serem poucas as bibliotecas académicas que apresentam um projeto deste âmbito, colocam em  prática procedimentos exemplares


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    Apresentam-se as perceções dos profissionais da informação das bibliotecas académicas portuguesas face à adoção do conceito social media marketing. Os resultados foram obtidos, através da aplicação de um questionário online à Rede de Informação do Instituto Nacional de Estatística em Bibliotecas do Ensino Superior (Portugal). Conclui-se que apesar dos profissionais da informação reconhecerem o valor da participação das bibliotecas académicas na web social e da sua utilização visando o marketing, ainda são poucas as organizações que apresentam uma participação nas plataformas sociais, em concreto no facebook, com um ritmo de publicação regular, com regras de normas e estilos de utilização e que procedem à sua monitorização e avaliação. Conclui-se também que à estratégia de marketing carecem estudos de perfis dos utilizadores, incluindo a análise dos respetivos comportamentos informacionais, face a este contexto que se impõe na web social

    Мировая библиотечная политика в области веб-аналитики: современное состояние и тенденции развития

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    The libraries’ web-outposts open up new opportunities, enable libraries to interact efficiently with their users and to promote their information products in the virtual space. The systematic assessment is integral to high performance of libraries’ web-divisions. The author explores the intensity of applying evaluation methods to the libraries’ web-sites. She examines the current state and popular trends in libraries’ representation in the virtual space using the relevant methods of web-analytics. The findings of the 2019 survey “Modern trends in the development of library resources in the web space”, comprising 387 Russian and foreign libraries of various organizational and legal status, are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the presence of libraries in the web space and resource management using web-analytic instruments. Based on her research findings, the author concludes that the major accomplishment for the libraries today is the very fact of their presence in the web space in the form of official websites and accounts in social media. Though the respondents confirmed that they used web-based analytical tools to evaluate their own web-based representation, the survey demonstrates that just a small part of the analytical tools potentiality is actually used.Веб-представительства открывают перед библиотеками новые возможности, позволяя активно взаимодействовать с пользователями и продвигать собственные информационные продукты в виртуальном пространстве. Предпосылкой для эффективного развития веб-представительств библиотек в виртуальном пространстве является их последовательная оценка. Цель статьи – изучить, как используются методы оценки эффективности деятельности библиотек в веб-пространстве. Автор рассматривает текущее состояние и популярные тенденции развития веб-представительств библиотек в виртуальном пространстве с применением современных методов веб-аналитики. В статье изложены результаты опроса «Современные тенденции развития ресурсов библиотек в веб-пространстве» 2019 г., в котором приняли участие 387 российских и зарубежных библиотек разных организационно-правовых форм. Особое внимание уделено присутствию библиотек в веб-пространстве и управлению ресурсами с использованием веб-аналитических инструментов. Результаты опроса позволили сделать вывод: сегодня главным достижением библиотек остаётся наличие официальных сайтов и аккаунтов в социальных медиа. Респонденты отметили, что они используют веб-аналитический инструментарий для оценки собственных веб-представительств. Однако результаты опроса показали: фактически используется только незначительная часть того потенциала, который предоставляют сегодня аналитические инструмент

    Innovations in the Public Sector: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda

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    Abstract In the public administration literature there has been increasing attention to innovation, due to for instance New Public Management (NPM), budget constraints of states and societal problems like ageing. However, enquiry is mainly based on conceptual or normative articles and books, thereby lacking an evidence-based approach. Based on a systematic review of the literature in the period 1990-2013 this article synthesize empirical publications on public sector innovation - linking innovation as a process and innovation as an outcome. The articles are analyzed based on the themes of the definitions of innovations, objectives, types, influential factors to the innovation process (including the adoption and diffusion stage) and outcomes. We further identified whether the studies referred to certain policy fields as well as their employed methods. The research shows that influential factors related to both the organizational, environmental and employee level as well as innovation characteristics should be taken into account. Our findings concentrate on the huge variety in the field, which points to the very fragmented nature of public innovation. We propose an agenda for the study of public sector innovation that address various methodological, theoretical and empirical gaps

    Understanding innovation and policy transfer: implications for libraries and information services in Africa

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    Library development in Africa has involved large-scale processes of innovation and policy transfer, also referred to as policy borrowing or policy learning. A good deal of theory has been developed in various disciplines to study these processes. This has not been applied in library and information services (LIS) to any significant extent, but it can help us to gain a better understanding of why attempts to transfer new ideas fail, how to select the ideas we want to transfer, and how to improve the chances of successful innovation and policy transfer. This paper places policy transfer within the broader framework of the diffusion of innovations before considering what we can learn from the theory of policy transfer and related processes, with emphasis on theory developed in comparative education. An attempt is made to apply these insights to library development in Africa and draw some lessons for African library decision makers. Some of the examples are drawn from the author’s experience in the South African library profession.published or submitted for publicationOpe