294 research outputs found

    NeuroFlow: A General Purpose Spiking Neural Network Simulation Platform using Customizable Processors

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    © 2016 Cheung, Schultz and Luk.NeuroFlow is a scalable spiking neural network simulation platform for off-the-shelf high performance computing systems using customizable hardware processors such as Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Unlike multi-core processors and application-specific integrated circuits, the processor architecture of NeuroFlow can be redesigned and reconfigured to suit a particular simulation to deliver optimized performance, such as the degree of parallelism to employ. The compilation process supports using PyNN, a simulator-independent neural network description language, to configure the processor. NeuroFlow supports a number of commonly used current or conductance based neuronal models such as integrate-and-fire and Izhikevich models, and the spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) rule for learning. A 6-FPGA system can simulate a network of up to ~600,000 neurons and can achieve a real-time performance of 400,000 neurons. Using one FPGA, NeuroFlow delivers a speedup of up to 33.6 times the speed of an 8-core processor, or 2.83 times the speed of GPU-based platforms. With high flexibility and throughput, NeuroFlow provides a viable environment for large-scale neural network simulation

    Neural networks-on-chip for hybrid bio-electronic systems

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    PhD ThesisBy modelling the brains computation we can further our understanding of its function and develop novel treatments for neurological disorders. The brain is incredibly powerful and energy e cient, but its computation does not t well with the traditional computer architecture developed over the previous 70 years. Therefore, there is growing research focus in developing alternative computing technologies to enhance our neural modelling capability, with the expectation that the technology in itself will also bene t from increased awareness of neural computational paradigms. This thesis focuses upon developing a methodology to study the design of neural computing systems, with an emphasis on studying systems suitable for biomedical experiments. The methodology allows for the design to be optimized according to the application. For example, di erent case studies highlight how to reduce energy consumption, reduce silicon area, or to increase network throughput. High performance processing cores are presented for both Hodgkin-Huxley and Izhikevich neurons incorporating novel design features. Further, a complete energy/area model for a neural-network-on-chip is derived, which is used in two exemplar case-studies: a cortical neural circuit to benchmark typical system performance, illustrating how a 65,000 neuron network could be processed in real-time within a 100mW power budget; and a scalable highperformance processing platform for a cerebellar neural prosthesis. From these case-studies, the contribution of network granularity towards optimal neural-network-on-chip performance is explored

    Real-time biomimetic Central Pattern Generators in an FPGA for hybrid experiments

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    This investigation of the leech heartbeat neural network system led to the development of a low resources, real-time, biomimetic digital hardware for use in hybrid experiments. The leech heartbeat neural network is one of the simplest central pattern generators (CPG). In biology, CPG provide the rhythmic bursts of spikes that form the basis for all muscle contraction orders (heartbeat) and locomotion (walking, running, etc.). The leech neural network system was previously investigated and this CPG formalized in the Hodgkin–Huxley neural model (HH), the most complex devised to date. However, the resources required for a neural model are proportional to its complexity. In response to this issue, this article describes a biomimetic implementation of a network of 240 CPGs in an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), using a simple model (Izhikevich) and proposes a new synapse model: activity-dependent depression synapse. The network implementation architecture operates on a single computation core. This digital system works in real-time, requires few resources, and has the same bursting activity behavior as the complex model. The implementation of this CPG was initially validated by comparing it with a simulation of the complex model. Its activity was then matched with pharmacological data from the rat spinal cord activity. This digital system opens the way for future hybrid experiments and represents an important step toward hybridization of biological tissue and artificial neural networks. This CPG network is also likely to be useful for mimicking the locomotion activity of various animals and developing hybrid experiments for neuroprosthesis development

    Optimized Real-Time Biomimetic Neural Network on FPGA for Bio-hybridization

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    Neurological diseases can be studied by performing bio-hybrid experiments using a real-time biomimetic Spiking Neural Network (SNN) platform. The Hodgkin-Huxley model offers a set of equations including biophysical parameters which can serve as a base to represent different classes of neurons and affected cells. Also, connecting the artificial neurons to the biological cells would allow us to understand the effect of the SNN stimulation using different parameters on nerve cells. Thus, designing a real-time SNN could useful for the study of simulations of some part of the brain. Here, we present a different approach to optimize the Hodgkin-Huxley equations adapted for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation. The equations of the conductance have been unified to allow the use of same functions with different parameters for all ionic channels. The low resources and high-speed implementation also include features, such as synaptic noise using the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process and different synapse receptors including AMPA, GABAa, GABAb, and NMDA receptors. The platform allows real-time modification of the neuron parameters and can output different cortical neuron families like Fast Spiking (FS), Regular Spiking (RS), Intrinsically Bursting (IB), and Low Threshold Spiking (LTS) neurons using a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). Gaussian distribution of the synaptic noise highlights similarities with the biological noise. Also, cross-correlation between the implementation and the model shows strong correlations, and bifurcation analysis reproduces similar behavior compared to the original Hodgkin-Huxley model. The implementation of one core of calculation uses 3% of resources of the FPGA and computes in real-time 500 neurons with 25,000 synapses and synaptic noise which can be scaled up to 15,000 using all resources. This is the first step toward neuromorphic system which can be used for the simulation of bio-hybridization and for the study of neurological disorders or the advanced research on neuroprosthesis to regain lost function

    Parallel computing for brain simulation

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    [Abstract] Background: The human brain is the most complex system in the known universe, it is therefore one of the greatest mysteries. It provides human beings with extraordinary abilities. However, until now it has not been understood yet how and why most of these abilities are produced. Aims: For decades, researchers have been trying to make computers reproduce these abilities, focusing on both understanding the nervous system and, on processing data in a more efficient way than before. Their aim is to make computers process information similarly to the brain. Important technological developments and vast multidisciplinary projects have allowed creating the first simulation with a number of neurons similar to that of a human brain. Conclusion: This paper presents an up-to-date review about the main research projects that are trying to simulate and/or emulate the human brain. They employ different types of computational models using parallel computing: digital models, analog models and hybrid models. This review includes the current applications of these works, as well as future trends. It is focused on various works that look for advanced progress in Neuroscience and still others which seek new discoveries in Computer Science (neuromorphic hardware, machine learning techniques). Their most outstanding characteristics are summarized and the latest advances and future plans are presented. In addition, this review points out the importance of considering not only neurons: Computational models of the brain should also include glial cells, given the proven importance of astrocytes in information processing.Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; GRC2014/049Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; R2014/039Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI13/0028

    Scalable parallel architecture for biological neural simulation on hardware platforms

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    Difficulties and dangers in doing experiments on living systems and providing a testbed for theorists make the biologically detailed neural simulation an essential part of neurobiology. Due to the complexity of the neural systems and dynamic properties of the neurons simulation of biologically realistic models is very challenging area. Currently all general purpose simulator are software based. Limitation on the available processing power provides a huge gap between the maximum practical simulation size and human brain simulation as the most complex neural system. This thesis aimed at providing a hardware friendly parallel architecture in order to accelerate the simulation process. This thesis presents a scalable hierarchical architecture for accelerating simulations of large-scale biological neural systems on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The architecture provides a high degree of flexibility to optimize the parallelization ratio based on available hardware resources and model specifications such as complexity of dendritic trees. The whole design is based on three types of customized processors and a switching module. An addressing scheme is developed which allows flexible integration of various combination of processors. The proposed addressing scheme, design modularity and data process localization allow the whole system to extend over multiple FPGA platforms to simulate a very large biological neural system. In this research Hodgkin-Huxley model is adopted for cell excitability. Passive compartmental approach is used to model dendritic tree with any level of complexity. The whole architecture is verified in MATLAB and all processor modules and the switching unit implemented in Verilog HDL and Schematic Capture. A prototype simulator is integrated and synthesized for Xilinx V5-330t-1 as the target FPGA. While not dependent on particular IP (Intellectual Property) cores, the whole implementation is based on Xilinx IP cores including IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point adder and multiplier cores. The synthesize results and performance analyses are provided

    Stochastic resonance and finite resolution in a network of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons.

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    This thesis is a study of stochastic resonance (SR) in a discrete implementation of a leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron network. The aim was to determine if SR can be realised in limited precision discrete systems implemented on digital hardware. How neuronal modelling connects with SR is discussed. Analysis techniques for noisy spike trains are described, ranging from rate coding, statistical measures, and signal processing measures like power spectrum and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The main problem in computing spike train power spectra is how to get equi-spaced sample amplitudes given the short duration of spikes relative to their frequency. Three different methods of computing the SNR of a spike train given its power spectrum are described. The main problem is how to separate the power at the frequencies of interest from the noise power as the spike train encodes both noise and the signal of interest. Two models of the LIF neuron were developed, one continuous and one discrete, and the results compared. The discrete model allowed variation of the precision of the simulation values allowing investigation of the effect of precision limitation on SR. The main difference between the two models lies in the evolution of the membrane potential. When both models are allowed to decay from a high start value in the absence of input, the discrete model does not completely discharge while the continuous model discharges to almost zero. The results of simulating the discrete model on an FPGA and the continuous model on a PC showed that SR can be realised in discrete low resolution digital systems. SR was found to be sensitive to the precision of the values in the simulations. For a single neuron, we find that SR increases between 10 bits and 12 bits resolution after which it saturates. For a feed-forward network with multiple input neurons and one output neuron, SR is stronger with more than 6 input neurons and it saturates at a higher resolution. We conclude that stochastic resonance can manifest in discrete systems though to a lesser extent compared to continuous systems

    Simulation of Intelligent Computational Models in Biological Systems

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