125 research outputs found

    Efficient Heuristics for Scheduling Tasks on a Flo Shop Environment to Optimize Makespan

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    In modern manufacturing the trend is the development of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, CIM technologies which is a computerized integration of manufacturing activities (Design, Planning, Scheduling and Control) produces right products at right time to react quickly to the global competitive market demands. The productivity of CIM is highly depending upon the scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS). Shorting the make span leads to decreasing machines idle time which results improvement in CIM productivity. Conventional methods of solving scheduling problems based on priority rules still result schedules, sometimes, with significant idle times. To optimize these, this paper model the problem of a flow shop scheduling with the objective of minimizing the makes pan. The work proposed here deal with the production planning problem of a flexible manufacturing system. This paper model the problem of a flow shop scheduling with the objective of minimizing the makes pan. The objective is to minimize the make span of batch-processing machines in a flow shop. The processing times and the sizes of the jobs are known and non-identical. The machines can process a batch as long as its capacity is not exceeded. The processing time of a batch is the longest processing time among all the jobs in that batch. The problem under study is NP-hard for makespan objective. Consequently, comparison based on Gupta’s heuristics, RA heuristic’s, Palmer’s heuristics, CDS heuristics are proposed in this work. Gantt chart was generated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches

    Multi-agent based beam search for intelligent production planning and scheduling

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    Production planning and scheduling is a long standing research area of great practical value, while industrial demand for production planning and scheduling systems is acute. Regretfully, most research results are seldom applied in industry because existing planning and scheduling methods can barely meet the requirements for practical applications. This paper identifies four major requirements, namely generality, solution quality, computation efficiency, and implementation difficulty, for practical production planning and scheduling methods. Based on these requirements, method, a multi-agent based beam search (MABBS), is developed. It seamlessly integrates the multi-agent system (MAS) method and beam search (BS) method into a generic multi-stage multi-level decision making (MSMLDM) model to systematically address all the four requirements within a unified framework. A script language, called EXASL, and an open software platform are developed to simplify the implementation of the MABBS method. For solving complex real-world problems, an MABBS-based prototype production planning, scheduling and execution system is developed. The feasibility and effectiveness of this study is demonstrated with the prototype system and computation experiments. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.postprin

    Worker-robot cooperation and integration into the manufacturing workcell via the holonic control architecture

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    Cooperative manufacturing is a new field of research, which addresses new challenges beyond the physical safety of the worker. Those new challenges appear due to the need to connect the worker and the cobot from the informatics point of view in one cooperative workcell. This requires developing an appropriate manufacturing control system, which fits the nature of both the worker and the cobot. Furthermore, the manufacturing control system must be able to understand the production variations, to guide the cooperation between worker and the cobot and adapt with the production variations.Die kooperative Fertigung ist ein neues Forschungsgebiet, das sich neuen Herausforderungen stellt. Diese neuen Herausforderungen ergeben sich aus der Notwendigkeit, den Arbeiter und den Cobot aus der Sicht der Informatik in einem kooperativen Arbeitsplatz zu verbinden. Dies erfordert die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Produktionskontrollsystems, das sowohl der Natur des Arbeiters als auch der des Cobots entspricht. Darüber hinaus muss die Fertigungssteuerung in der Lage sein, die Produktionsschwankungen zu verstehen, um die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Arbeiter und Cobot zu steuern

    Model-Driven Design and Development of Flexible Automated Production Control Configurations for Industry 4.0

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    The continuous changes of the market and customer demands have forced modern automation systems to provide stricter Quality of service (QoS) requirements. This work is centered in automation production system flexibility, understood as the ability to shift from one controller configuration to a different one, in the most quick and cost-effective way, without disrupting its normal operation. In the manufacturing field, this allows to deal with non-functional requirements such as assuring control system availability or workload balancing, even in the case of failure of a machine, components, network or controllers. Concretely, this work focuses on flexible applications at production level, using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) as primary controllers. The reconfiguration of the control system is not always possible as it depends on the process state. Thus, an analysis of the system state is necessary to make a decision. In this sense, architectures based on industrial Multi Agent Systems (MAS) have been used to provide this support at runtime. Additionally, the introduction of these mechanisms makes the design and the implementation of the control system more complex. This work aims at supporting the design and development of such flexible automation production systems, through the proposed model-based framework. The framework consists of a set of tools that, based on models, automate the generation of control code extensions that add flexibility to the automation production system, according to industry 4.0 paradigm.This work was financed by MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE (grant number RTI2018-096116-B-I00) and by GV/EJ (grant number IT1324-19)

    A design methodology for modular processes orchestration

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    Industry 4.0 is characterized by increased flexibility of production processes, a level of customization, a level of automation, smart manufacturing execution, and overall optimized production processes. Despite global competition, flexibility is a differentiation strategy applied by manufacturers to remain competitive. By incorporating flexibility in the manufacturing process of their products, enterprises can adapt faster to the demands. Enterprises need cost-effective, intuitive solutions to benefit from Industry 4.0 involving minimal efforts and integration costs. This study presents a new approach increasing the flexibility of manufacturing operations including robot trajectory, processing, and quality control. The results are tested in an industrial platform 4.0 installed in the laboratory. Our approach is to transform a rigid production system into an agile production system. For this, we break down the manufacturing process and reorganize it by programming core modules while maintaining the existing control structure but upgrading its programmable function to the Manufacturing Execution System Layer. Thus, the production manager can use the developed modules connected by flows to orchestrate a new production plan in a short time compared with the traditional approach

    Réduction du comportement myope dans le contrôle des FMS : une approche semi-hétérarchique basée sur la simulation-optimisation

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    Heterarchical-based control for flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) localizes control capabilities in decisional entities (DE), resulting in highly reactive and low complex control architectures. However, these architectures present myopic behavior since DEs have limited visibility of other DEs and their behavior, making difficult to ensure certain global performance. This dissertation focuses on reducing myopic behavior. At first, a definition and a typology of myopic behavior in FMS is proposed. In this thesis, myopic behavior is dealt explicitly so global performance can be improved. Thus, we propose a semi-heterarchical architecture in which a global decisional entity (GDE) deals with different kinds of myopic decisions using simulation-based optimization (SbOs). Different optimization techniques can be used so myopic decisions can be dealt individually, favoring GDE modularity. Then, the SbOs can adopt different roles, being possible to reduce myopic behavior in different ways. More, it is also possible to grant local decisional entities with different autonomy levels by applying different interaction modes. In order to balance reactivity and global performance, our approach accepts configurations in which some myopic behaviors are reduced and others are accepted. Our approach was instantiated to control the assembly cell at Valenciennes AIPPRIMECA center. Simulation results showed that the proposed architecture reduces myopic behavior whereby it strikes a balance between reactivity and global performance. The real implementation on the assembly cell verified the effectiveness of our approach under realistic dynamic scenarios, and promising results were obtained.Le contrôle hétérarchique des systèmes de production flexibles (FMS) préconise un contrôle peu complexe et hautement réactif supporté par des entités décisionnelles locales (DEs). En dépit d'avancées prometteuses, ces architectures présentent un comportement myope car les DEs ont une visibilité informationnelle limitée sue les autres DEs, ce qui rend difficile la garantie d'une performance globale minimum. Cette thèse se concentre sur les approches permettant de réduire cette myopie. D'abord, une définition et une typologie de cette myopie dans les FMS sont proposées. Ensuite, nous proposons de traiter explicitement le comportement myope avec une architecture semi-hétérarchique. Dans celle-ci, une entité décisionnelle globale (GDE) traite différents types de décisions myopes à l'aide des différentes techniques d'optimisation basée sur la simulation (SbO). De plus, les SbO peuvent adopter plusieurs rôles, permettant de réduire le comportement myope de plusieurs façons. Il est également possible d'avoir plusieurs niveaux d'autonomie en appliquant différents modes d'interaction. Ainsi, notre approche accepte des configurations dans lesquelles certains comportements myopes sont réduits et d'autres sont acceptés. Notre approche a été instanciée pour contrôler la cellule flexible AIP- PRIMECA de l'Université de Valenciennes. Les résultats des simulations ont montré que l'architecture proposée peut réduire les comportements myopes en établissant un équilibre entre la réactivité et la performance globale. Des expérimentations réelles ont été réalisées sur la cellule AIP-PRIMECA pour des scenarios dynamiques et des résultats prometteurs ont été obtenus

    Solución de un problema Job Shop con un agente inteligente

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    This paper defines a new and effective methodology, based on intelligent agents, for the sequencing of production in Job Shop environments; especially, for small and medium enterprises in the metalworking sector, where these techniques have not been widely used; Due to the high resistance to change. This work is carried out in two phases. In the first, the different techniques used are defined. In the second, statistical tests are carried out in order to determine the percentage of approximation of these solutions to the optimal or sub-optimal solution. The result of this work shows that intelligent agent-based techniques do not always produce an optimal result; but in a few seconds, these techniques can find a suboptimal solution with an approximation of 97.81% and 90.43% to the optimal or suboptimal solution, in the variables total process time and total dead time, respectively. This contrasts with the little effectiveness found in traditional techniques.En el presente trabajo se define una nueva y efectiva metodología, basada en agentes inteligentes, para la secuenciación de la producción en ambientes Job Shop; especialmente, para pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector metalmecánico, donde estas técnicas no han sido muy empleadas; debido a la alta resistencia al cambio. Este trabajo se desarrolla en dos fases. En la primera, se definen las diferentes técnicas utilizadas. En la segunda, se ejecutan las pruebas estadísticas con el fin de determinar el porcentaje de aproximación de estas soluciones a la solución óptima o subóptima. El resultado de este trabajo muestra que las técnicas basadas en agentes inteligentes, no siempre producen un resultado óptimo; pero en unos pocos segundos, estas técnicas pueden encontrar una solución subóptima con una aproximación del 97,81% y 90,43% a la solución óptima o subóptima, en las variables tiempo total de proceso y tiempo total muerto, respectivamente. Esto contrasta con la poca efectividad encontrada en las técnicas tradicionales