6 research outputs found

    Augmenting and Sharing Memory with eyeBlog

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    eyeBlog is an automatic personal video recording and publishing system. It consists of ECSGlasses [1], which are a pair of glasses augmented with a wireless eye contact and glyph sensing camera, and a web application that visualizes the video from the ECSGlasses camera as chronologically delineated blog entries. The blog format allows for easy annotation, grading, cataloging and searching of video segments by the wearer or anyone else with internet access. eyeBlog reduces the editing effort of video bloggers by recording video only when something of interest is registered by the camera. Interest is determined by a combination of independent methods. For example, recording can automatically be triggered upon detection of eye contact towards the wearer of the glasses, allowing all face-to-face interactions to be recorded. Recording can also be triggered by the detection of image patterns such as glyphs in the frame of the camera. This allows the wearer to record their interactions with any object that has an associated unique marker. Finally, by pressing a button the user can manually initiate recording

    Emerging technologies for monitoring behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

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    (c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are complex array of symptoms that have devastating impact on patients, carers and their loved ones. In this paper we argue that with the combined use of pervasive computing and big data, we could make significant progress in the diagnosis of the causes of BPSD, monitoring response to treatment and helping in the prevention of these symptoms. We review the available technologies, such as Cloud computing and context aware systems, and how they could help in managing and hopefully preventing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Gaze estimation and interaction in real-world environments

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    Human eye gaze has been widely used in human-computer interaction, as it is a promising modality for natural, fast, pervasive, and non-verbal interaction between humans and computers. As the foundation of gaze-related interactions, gaze estimation has been a hot research topic in recent decades. In this thesis, we focus on developing appearance-based gaze estimation methods and corresponding attentive user interfaces with a single webcam for challenging real-world environments. First, we collect a large-scale gaze estimation dataset, MPIIGaze, the first of its kind, outside of controlled laboratory conditions. Second, we propose an appearance-based method that, in stark contrast to a long-standing tradition in gaze estimation, only takes the full face image as input. Second, we propose an appearance-based method that, in stark contrast to a long-standing tradition in gaze estimation, only takes the full face image as input. Third, we study data normalisation for the first time in a principled way, and propose a modification that yields significant performance improvements. Fourth, we contribute an unsupervised detector for human-human and human-object eye contact. Finally, we study personal gaze estimation with multiple personal devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops.Der Blick des menschlichen Auges wird in Mensch-Computer-Interaktionen verbreitet eingesetzt, da dies eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit für natürliche, schnelle, allgegenwärtige und nonverbale Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Computer ist. Als Grundlage von blickbezogenen Interaktionen ist die Blickschätzung in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein wichtiges Forschungsthema geworden. In dieser Arbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf die Entwicklung Erscheinungsbild-basierter Methoden zur Blickschätzung und entsprechender “attentive user interfaces” (die Aufmerksamkeit des Benutzers einbeziehende Benutzerschnittstellen) mit nur einer Webcam für anspruchsvolle natürliche Umgebungen. Zunächst sammeln wir einen umfangreichen Datensatz zur Blickschätzung, MPIIGaze, der erste, der außerhalb von kontrollierten Laborbedingungen erstellt wurde. Zweitens schlagen wir eine Erscheinungsbild-basierte Methode vor, die im Gegensatz zur langjährigen Tradition in der Blickschätzung nur eine vollständige Aufnahme des Gesichtes als Eingabe verwendet. Drittens untersuchen wir die Datennormalisierung erstmals grundsätzlich und schlagen eine Modifizierung vor, die zu signifikanten Leistungsverbesserungen führt. Viertens stellen wir einen unüberwachten Detektor für Augenkontakte zwischen Mensch und Mensch und zwischen Mensch und Objekt vor. Abschließend untersuchen wir die persönliche Blickschätzung mit mehreren persönlichen Geräten wie Handy, Tablet und Laptop