5 research outputs found

    Drowsy Driver Detection System Using Eye Blink Patterns

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    International audienceThis paper presents an automatic drowsy driver monitoring and accident prevention system that is based on monitoring the changes in the eye blink duration. Our proposed method detects visual changes in eye locations using the proposed horizontal symmetry feature of the eyes. Our new method detects eye blinks via a standard webcam in real-time at 110fps for a 320×240 resolution. Experimental results in the JZU [3] eye-blink database showed that the proposed system detects eye blinks with a 94% accuracy with a 1% false positive rate

    Eye Blink Detection

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    Abstract. Nowadays, people spend more time in front of electronic screens like computers, laptops, TV screens, mobile phones or tablets which cause eye blink frequency to decrease. Each blink spreads the tears on the eye cornea to moisture and disinfect the eye. Reduced blink rate causes eye redness and dryness also known as Dry Eye, which belongs to the major symptoms of the Computer Vision Syndrome. The goal of this work is to design eye blink detector which can be used in dry eye prevention system. We have analyzed available techniques for blink detection and designed our own solutions based on histogram backprojection and optical flow methods. We have tested our algorithms on different datasets under various lighting conditions. Inner movement detection method based on optical flow performs better than the histogram based ones. We achieve higher recognition rate and much lower false positive rate than the-state-of-the-art technique presented by Divjak and Bischof

    Characterization of McKibben Pneumatic Artificial Muscle in Model Parameter Space

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    Many phenomena in the nature exhibit anomalously large temporal fluctuations exceeding what cannot be explained as a consequence of statistically independent random events. Eyeblink is one of the natural parts of human activities which can be used in diverse applications such as Cognitive fields, Human Computer Interfaces etc. For instance, there is a large and growing body of evidence that sequences of psychophysical data fluctuate as 1/f noises and many researchers are trying to find what these fluctuations are suggesting us. Considering the fact that eyeblink has been proposed as a marvelous way for detecting driver\u27s and pilot\u27s drowsiness, the importance for eyeblink detection is increasing. There are several ways for eyeblink detection such as the EOG method, Infrared sensors, Cameras, and Doppler sensors. Recently, several types of glasses have been produced, for instance \u27Google glass\u27, which is able to detect eyeblink using embedded sensors such as infrared sensors. The objective of this thesis is to develop a glass which can be used to measure human eyeblink through embedding a Doppler sensor inside it, considering to the fact that Doppler sensors have a number of advantages, for instance, long distance detection that is a problem in other methods. This glass can be used during driving and flying in order to detect drowsiness and therefore prevent accidents caused by human errors. Furthermore, it can be deployed for measuring several psychological factors during performing tasks in clinical setups. We designed an experimental setup in which measurement of the eyeblink was conducted using a Doppler sensor accompanied by an accelerometer for body movement measurements and also an EOG (Electrooculography) recording for verifying detected eyeblink signal by Doppler sensor. From our experimental results, we found that the Doppler frequency related to eyeblink contains a dominant frequency near 2 Hz. Finally, we found that when blinking is accompanied with head and body movements, eyeblink signal is separable by deploying the Principal Component Analysis. 自然界にはさまざまなゆらぎ現象が確認されるが、それらが統計的に完全に独立で不規則な過程を示すことは稀である。瞬目はヒトにとって極めて自然な運動の一つであり、認知科学,ヒューマンコンピュータインタフェース等に応用が期待されている。例えば認知科学の分野では,ヒトの数々の精神的かつ身体的な運動が1/fゆらぎの特性を示し得ることが確認され、多くの研究者がゆらぎ特性の意味することを見つけようと試みている。瞬目は車両および航空機運転者の眠気の探知に有効である為,瞬目の計測の重要性は高い。従来,瞬目の計測にはEOG、赤外線センサ、カメラおよびドップラーセンサなどが 用いられてきた。近年では、グーグルグラスのよう、赤外線センサなどの搭載されたセンサにより瞬目を計測可能な眼鏡型デバイスがいくつか提案されている。ドップラーセンサは、他の手法では問題となる長距離での検出などいくつかの長所がある。故に、本研究ではドップラーセンサを搭載することによりヒトの瞬目を計測可能な眼鏡型デバイスの開発を目的とする。 眼鏡型デバイスは運転中に装着可能である事から、運転者の眠気検出が可能であり、ヒューマンエラーの抑制に寄与できるものと考えられる。実験はドップラーセンサーにより瞬目を計測すると共に、身体の動きを計測するための加速度センサ、および瞬目信号が正当であることを確認するためのEOGを用いて行う。実験結果より、瞬目に関するドップラー周波数は2Hz近辺に高い周波数を含むことが確認された。さらに、観測されるデータに頭や体の動きが含まれてしまう場合、PCAを用いてそれらから瞬目信号を分離可能であることを確認できた。電気通信大学201

    Eye blink detection based on eye contour extraction

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