26 research outputs found

    Towards parameter-less 3D mesh segmentation

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    This thesis focuses on the 3D mesh segmentation process. The research demonstrated how the process can be done in a parameterless approach which allows full automation with accurate results. Applications of this research include, but not limited to, 3D search engines, 3D character animation, robotics environment recognition, and augmented reality

    A Survey of Applications and Human Motion Recognition with Microsoft Kinect

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    Microsoft Kinect, a low-cost motion sensing device, enables users to interact with computers or game consoles naturally through gestures and spoken commands without any other peripheral equipment. As such, it has commanded intense interests in research and development on the Kinect technology. In this paper, we present, a comprehensive survey on Kinect applications, and the latest research and development on motion recognition using data captured by the Kinect sensor. On the applications front, we review the applications of the Kinect technology in a variety of areas, including healthcare, education and performing arts, robotics, sign language recognition, retail services, workplace safety training, as well as 3D reconstructions. On the technology front, we provide an overview of the main features of both versions of the Kinect sensor together with the depth sensing technologies used, and review literatures on human motion recognition techniques used in Kinect applications. We provide a classification of motion recognition techniques to highlight the different approaches used in human motion recognition. Furthermore, we compile a list of publicly available Kinect datasets. These datasets are valuable resources for researchers to investigate better methods for human motion recognition and lower-level computer vision tasks such as segmentation, object detection and human pose estimation

    Visuo-Haptic Grasping of Unknown Objects through Exploration and Learning on Humanoid Robots

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Greifen unbekannter Objekte durch humanoide Roboter. Dazu werden visuelle Informationen mit haptischer Exploration kombiniert, um Greifhypothesen zu erzeugen. Basierend auf simulierten Trainingsdaten wird außerdem eine Greifmetrik gelernt, welche die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit der Greifhypothesen bewertet und die mit der größten geschätzten Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit auswählt. Diese wird verwendet, um Objekte mit Hilfe einer reaktiven Kontrollstrategie zu greifen. Die zwei Kernbeiträge der Arbeit sind zum einen die haptische Exploration von unbekannten Objekten und zum anderen das Greifen von unbekannten Objekten mit Hilfe einer neuartigen datengetriebenen Greifmetrik

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith modern computational resources rapidly advancing towards exascale, large-scale simulations useful for understanding natural and man-made phenomena are becoming in- creasingly accessible. As a result, the size and complexity of data representing such phenom- ena are also increasing, making the role of data analysis to propel science even more integral. This dissertation presents research on addressing some of the contemporary challenges in the analysis of vector fields--an important type of scientific data useful for representing a multitude of physical phenomena, such as wind flow and ocean currents. In particular, new theories and computational frameworks to enable consistent feature extraction from vector fields are presented. One of the most fundamental challenges in the analysis of vector fields is that their features are defined with respect to reference frames. Unfortunately, there is no single ""correct"" reference frame for analysis, and an unsuitable frame may cause features of interest to remain undetected, thus creating serious physical consequences. This work develops new reference frames that enable extraction of localized features that other techniques and frames fail to detect. As a result, these reference frames objectify the notion of ""correctness"" of features for certain goals by revealing the phenomena of importance from the underlying data. An important consequence of using these local frames is that the analysis of unsteady (time-varying) vector fields can be reduced to the analysis of sequences of steady (time- independent) vector fields, which can be performed using simpler and scalable techniques that allow better data management by accessing the data on a per-time-step basis. Nevertheless, the state-of-the-art analysis of steady vector fields is not robust, as most techniques are numerical in nature. The residing numerical errors can violate consistency with the underlying theory by breaching important fundamental laws, which may lead to serious physical consequences. This dissertation considers consistency as the most fundamental characteristic of computational analysis that must always be preserved, and presents a new discrete theory that uses combinatorial representations and algorithms to provide consistency guarantees during vector field analysis along with the uncertainty visualization of unavoidable discretization errors. Together, the two main contributions of this dissertation address two important concerns regarding feature extraction from scientific data: correctness and precision. The work presented here also opens new avenues for further research by exploring more-general reference frames and more-sophisticated domain discretizations

    Similarity, Retrieval, and Classification of Motion Capture Data

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    Three-dimensional motion capture data is a digital representation of the complex spatio-temporal structure of human motion. Mocap data is widely used for the synthesis of realistic computer-generated characters in data-driven computer animation and also plays an important role in motion analysis tasks such as activity recognition. Both for efficiency and cost reasons, methods for the reuse of large collections of motion clips are gaining in importance in the field of computer animation. Here, an active field of research is the application of morphing and blending techniques for the creation of new, realistic motions from prerecorded motion clips. This requires the identification and extraction of logically related motions scattered within some data set. Such content-based retrieval of motion capture data, which is a central topic of this thesis, constitutes a difficult problem due to possible spatio-temporal deformations between logically related motions. Recent approaches to motion retrieval apply techniques such as dynamic time warping, which, however, are not applicable to large data sets due to their quadratic space and time complexity. In our approach, we introduce various kinds of relational features describing boolean geometric relations between specified body points and show how these features induce a temporal segmentation of motion capture data streams. By incorporating spatio-temporal invariance into the relational features and induced segments, we are able to adopt indexing methods allowing for flexible and efficient content-based retrieval in large motion capture databases. As a further application of relational motion features, a new method for fully automatic motion classification and retrieval is presented. We introduce the concept of motion templates (MTs), by which the spatio-temporal characteristics of an entire motion class can be learned from training data, yielding an explicit, compact matrix representation. The resulting class MT has a direct, semantic interpretation, and it can be manually edited, mixed, combined with other MTs, extended, and restricted. Furthermore, a class MT exhibits the characteristic as well as the variational aspects of the underlying motion class at a semantically high level. Classification is then performed by comparing a set of precomputed class MTs with unknown motion data and labeling matching portions with the respective motion class label. Here, the crucial point is that the variational (hence uncharacteristic) motion aspects encoded in the class MT are automatically masked out in the comparison, which can be thought of as locally adaptive feature selection

    Flexible Object Manipulation

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    Flexible objects are a challenge to manipulate. Their motions are hard to predict, and the high number of degrees of freedom makes sensing, control, and planning difficult. Additionally, they have more complex friction and contact issues than rigid bodies, and they may stretch and compress. In this thesis, I explore two major types of flexible materials: cloth and string. For rigid bodies, one of the most basic problems in manipulation is the development of immobilizing grasps. The same problem exists for flexible objects. I have shown that a simple polygonal piece of cloth can be fully immobilized by grasping all convex vertices and no more than one third of the concave vertices. I also explored simple manipulation methods that make use of gravity to reduce the number of fingers necessary for grasping. I have built a system for folding a T-shirt using a 4 DOF arm and a fixed-length iron bar which simulates two fingers. The main goal with string manipulation has been to tie knots without the use of any sensing. I have developed single-piece fixtures capable of tying knots in fishing line, solder, and wire, along with a more complex track-based system for autonomously tying a knot in steel wire. I have also developed a series of different fixtures that use compressed air to tie knots in string. Additionally, I have designed four-piece fixtures, which demonstrate a way to fully enclose a knot during the insertion process, while guaranteeing that extraction will always succeed

    Large bichromatic point sets admit empty monochromatic 4-gons

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    We consider a variation of a problem stated by Erd˝os and Szekeres in 1935 about the existence of a number fES(k) such that any set S of at least fES(k) points in general position in the plane has a subset of k points that are the vertices of a convex k-gon. In our setting the points of S are colored, and we say that a (not necessarily convex) spanned polygon is monochromatic if all its vertices have the same color. Moreover, a polygon is called empty if it does not contain any points of S in its interior. We show that any bichromatic set of n ≥ 5044 points in R2 in general position determines at least one empty, monochromatic quadrilateral (and thus linearly many).Postprint (published version

    Abstracts for the twentyfirst European workshop on Computational geometry, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 9-11, 2005

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    This volume contains abstracts of the papers presented at the 21st European Workshop on Computational Geometry, held at TU Eindhoven (the Netherlands) on March 9–11, 2005. There were 53 papers presented at the Workshop, covering a wide range of topics. This record number shows that the field of computational geometry is very much alive in Europe. We wish to thank all the authors who submitted papers and presented their work at the workshop. We believe that this has lead to a collection of very interesting abstracts that are both enjoyable and informative for the reader. Finally, we are grateful to TU Eindhoven for their support in organizing the workshop and to the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for sponsoring the workshop