11 research outputs found

    Information Systems and Health Care VIII-Using Paper-Based Scenarios to Examine Perceptions of Interactive Health Communication Systems

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    While information and communication technologies can increase the health care provided to underserved populations, research concerning these technologies often involves only those patients who possess access to technology or who are otherwise willing and able to use it. This issue is important for both researchers and practitioners because non-users\u27 beliefs may not only be different from users\u27 beliefs, they may become more important to understand as access to technology increases. To address this problem: 1. We develop a model of the antecedents to perceived usefulness of an interactive health communication (IHC) system. While our research model combines health-related beliefs with technology perceptions, the antecedents can all be measured before an individual has contact with a particular IHC system. Thus, in the current (and in future) work, they can be used to assess the beliefs of individuals who may not currently be willing or able to use technology. 2. We test this model using paper-based scenarios that depict hypothetical interactions with an IHC system. These paper-based scenarios are more flexible and easier to use than a working system, thus we are able to obtain data from many sources, resulting in a perceptually diverse sample. Results of our hypothesis testing show that patients with higher knowledge and discipline are less likely than those with less knowledge and/or discipline to find an IHC system useful. In addition we learned several lessons from our research process including how to increase participation rates and what reactions to expect from participants

    An intelligent classification system for land use and land cover mapping using spaceborne remote sensing and GIS

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    The objectives of this study were to experiment with and extend current methods of Synthetic Aperture Rader (SAR) image classification, and to design and implement a prototype intelligent remote sensing image processing and classification system for land use and land cover mapping in wet season conditions in Bangladesh, which incorporates SAR images and other geodata. To meet these objectives, the problem of classifying the spaceborne SAR images, and integrating Geographic Information System (GIS) data and ground truth data was studied first. In this phase of the study, an extension to traditional techniques was made by applying a Self-Organizing feature Map (SOM) to include GIS data with the remote sensing data during image segmentation. The experimental results were compared with those of traditional statistical classifiers, such as Maximum Likelihood, Mahalanobis Distance, and Minimum Distance classifiers. The performances of the classifiers were evaluated in terms of the classification accuracy with respect to the collected real-time ground truth data. The SOM neural network provided the highest overall accuracy when a GIS layer of land type classification (with respect to the period of inundation by regular flooding) was used in the network. Using this method, the overall accuracy was around 15% higher than the previously mentioned traditional classifiers. It also achieved higher accuracies for more classes in comparison to the other classifiers. However, it was also observed that different classifiers produced better accuracy for different classes. Therefore, the investigation was extended to consider Multiple Classifier Combination (MCC) techniques, which is a recently emerging research area in pattern recognition. The study has tested some of these techniques to improve the classification accuracy by harnessing the goodness of the constituent classifiers. A Rule-based Contention Resolution method of combination was developed, which exhibited an improvement in the overall accuracy of about 2% in comparison to its best constituent (SOM) classifier. The next phase of the study involved the design of an architecture for an intelligent image processing and classification system (named ISRIPaC) that could integrate the extended methodologies mentioned above. Finally, the architecture was implemented in a prototype and its viability was evaluated using a set of real data. The originality of the ISRIPaC architecture lies in the realisation of the concept of a complete system that can intelligently cover all the steps of image processing classification and utilise standardised metadata in addition to a knowledge base in determining the appropriate methods and course of action for the given task. The implemented prototype of the ISRIPaC architecture is a federated system that integrates the CLIPS expert system shell, the IDRISI Kilimanjaro image processing and GIS software, and the domain experts' knowledge via a control agent written in Visual C++. It starts with data assessment and pre-processing and ends up with image classification and accuracy assessment. The system is designed to run automatically, where the user merely provides the initial information regarding the intended task and the source of available data. The system itself acquires necessary information about the data from metadata files in order to make decisions and perform tasks. The test and evaluation of the prototype demonstrates the viability of the proposed architecture and the possibility of extending the system to perform other image processing tasks and to use different sources of data. The system design presented in this study thus suggests some directions for the development of the next generation of remote sensing image processing and classification systems

    Requisitos para a qualidade de um executive information system

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    Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão.OS EIS pretendem ser a solução para o acesso dos gestores às bases de dados, por intermédio de um interface especializado. Este estudo pretende testar a veracidade dessa relação. Assim, foram seleccionados 107 gestores, com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 63 anos, repartidos em 3 grupos: 2 grupos de 37 elementos com experiência prévia nestes sistemas (grupo I e II) e outro com 33 elementos, sem contacto com EIS. A experiência foi conduzida em 2 fases, uma com relatórios em conformidade com as orientações da literatura (Modo OK) e outra com relatórios contrários às mesmas (Modo NOK). Assim, ao grupo I foi proposta a sequência Problema-OK-NOK, ao grupo II e III a sequência Problema-NOK-OK. Ao grupo III foi ainda dada formação específica para a utilização do sistema, que consistiu em aceder via web ao modo NOK e ao modo OK através de uma aplicação, também via web, que reunia as condições para a experiência. Em sintonia com a literatura, foram consideradas como variáveis dependentes a satisfação, quer com a compreensão do problema, quer com a solução obtida. Como variáveis independentes, as características próprias de um EIS e a atitude face aos sistemas informáticos. Foram feitos testes de diferença de médias de satisfação entre os dois modos (teste t para amostras emparelhadas), bem como regressões lineares múltiplas, No final, foi possível sustentar que o modo OK produziu maior satisfação, mas não se encontraram provas convincentes da sua relação com as características EIS. A análise dos dados, bem como das correlações entre as respostas, sugere aliás que é a concepção gráfica, mais até do que a possibilidade da manipulação OLAP, a responsável pela diferença de satisfação encontrada.The EIS intend to be the solution for managers to access large databases, by means of a specific type of interface. This study wishes to find if we can in fact relate one to the other. Therefore, 107 managers were selected, aging from 20 to 63 years old, divided in 3 groups: 2 of this groups with 37 elements with previous experience with EIS (group I and II), and another with 33 with no experience in this field (group III). The test was conducted in 2 phases, one with reports taylored to the EIS features (mode OK), and another with reports made to be exactly the opposite (mode NOK). The group I was confronted with the sequence Problem-OK-NOK, the groups II and III with the sequence Problem-NOK-OK. Group III also took specific trainning for this purpose. This was mainly the access through the web to a set of reports in mode NOK and to mode OK through an web-based application specially selected to support the test. In accordance with the literature, satisfaction was considered the dependent variable, in what concerns the understanding of the problem and the solution adopted. As independent variables, the features of an EIS and the altitude towards computerized systems. A t-test for paired samples was applied to the satisfaction of both modes, as well as multiple linear regressions. In the end, proof was given that satisfaction improves with the mode OK (ElS-like), but the relationship between the EIS features and this improved satisfaction fell short. The analyses of the data suggests, however, that it is the graphic design, more so than the OLAP capabilities, that it is responsible for the increased satisfaction.N/

    Élaborer une approche d'assistance à la navigation à inspiration cognitive pour les personnes souffrant d'une incapacité visuelle majeuret : cas du piéton non voyant

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    Les personnes non voyantes font face à des défis quotidiens au cours de leurs activités de navigation. Afin d’offrir des solutions technologiques pour les aider à surmonter ces défis, il est nécessaire d’élaborer une méthodologie de recherche appropriée qui prend en considération leurs besoins spécifiques. Cette méthodologie nécessite des connaissances multidisciplinaires et une capacité de travailler avec des équipes provenant de différents domaines. Nous entamons cette thèse par un aperçu sur les différentes approches de conception adoptées en ingénierie et en réadaptation. Nous exposerons les principes de l’approche classique d’ingénierie, puis du design participatif, ensuite du design universel et enfin notre nouvelle approche de conception que nous nommons ‘le design cognitif’. Nous mettons en évidence le potentiel de cette nouvelle approche pour fournir des solutions qui répondent aux attentes et aux besoins des personnes non voyantes. Cette approche sert à améliorer la conscience situationnelle chez ces individus pendant leurs activités de navigation dans des zones urbaines. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la nature de la représentation mentale de l’espace chez les personnes non voyantes. Après cela, nous avons modélisé la configuration de cette représentation mentale en nous basant sur les schémas d’image. Ces schémas permettent de capturer de manière claire et significative les différentes relations qui existent entre les éléments de la représentation mentale. Ensuite, nous avons élaboré un modèle conceptuel sémantique de données spatiales utiles pour aider les individus non voyants dans leurs différentes tâches de navigation et de wayfinding. Ces données doivent être structurées de façon hiérarchique afin de garantir une meilleure communication entre l’outil d’assistance et l’utilisateur non voyant. Enfin, nous avons intégré ce modèle sémantique avec la norme ISO 19133:2005 développée pour soutenir les services de suivi et de navigation des clients mobiles. Nous avons aussi utilisé un scénario type de navigation qui illustre l’apport et la contribution du design cognitif pour concevoir des outils d’assistance pour les personnes non voyantes.Blind people encounter many challenges during their daily activities of navigation. In order to develop technological solutions to assist them, it is necessary to elaborate an appropriate research methodology that take into account the specific needs of people suffering from such a disability. This methodology requires multidisciplinary knowledge and the ability to work with teams with widely different backgrounds. First of all, we propose an overview of different approaches of design adopted in rehabilitation and engineering, beginning with the classical engineering approach, then progressing to participatory design, universal design and a novel approach of design that we call ‘cognitive design’. Then, we highlight the potential of this latter approach in providing solutions that meet the expectations and the needs of disabled people. This approach helps to provide blind people with heightened situation awareness during their navigational activities within urban areas. At the beginning, we investigated the nature of the mental representation of space used by blind persons. We then represented this information using image schemata as these capture in a meaningful way the different features that make up the spatial configuration. Next, we elaborated a semantic model of useful geospatial data which will serve to assist the visually impaired in various tasks of navigation and wayfinding. These data must be hierarchically structured in order to guarantee a better communication between the device and blind users. After that, we integrated this semantic model with basic geographic information useful for tracking and navigation activities, using the ISO 19133:2005 data standard developed for Location-based Services. A typical scenario is used to show the contribution and value of adopting the cognitive design approach to develop an assistive tool for blind pedestrians

    Integrating legacy applications into service oriented architecture middleware

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a dynamic approach that is widely recognized as an innovative and powerful tool for socio-economic development, it is a key catalyst for the emergence of knowledge economy. ICT have been used to develop applications, promote transparency and efficiency in multiple services such e-Learning, e-Government, e-Health and e-Judiciary especially for Marginalized Rural Areas (MRAs). The ICT approach is designed to bridge the digital divide. This approach has been widely deployed in many programs and it has led to the development of a new field which is Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D). Within the context of ICT4D there are arrays of e-services that have been deployed to improve the impoverished communities. Some of these applications have failed to bring the changes that were designed to bring in the community due to the use of old architectures. There is therefore a need to develop a system that will integrate legacy applications into contemporary architectures. To solve the problem of the legacy applications we have developed TeleWeaver Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) middleware into which we integrate an e-Commerce and e-Learning applications into SOA middleware. For this integration system there are specific technologies that were used to integrate legacy applications into SOA middleware: RESTful web services using the slim API, SOAP via Nu-SOAP technologies were used to integrate these legacy applications. Specific methodologies were used to achieve the objectives of this research. The literature review, brainstorming, interviews and development of the system are some of the methods that were used to achieve the objectives of this study. The research methodology is mainly through experiments and to study TeleWeaver SOA middleware architecture. Interviews were conducted to analyze and understand the community needs, since the application discussed in this thesis is tested and implemented for a rural community. The community is called Dwesa, and falls under the ICT project within the Siyakhula Living Lab (SLL). A basic prototyping and Unified Modeling Language (UML) was created to design the system. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a system that integrates legacy applications into an SOA middleware that brings flexibility and effectiveness to these ICT e-services. The research focuses on integrating legacy applications into Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) middleware. It seeks to bring flexibility to e-services that are developed for MRAs. The use of SOA architecture that supports re-usability and interoperability of application provides effectiveness to the e-services. The novelty of the system is in its flexibility, usability and sustainability. SOA is an approach that provides a separation between the interface of the service and its underlying implementation. One of the achievements of the integration project is its ability to connect to SOA middleware. This increases the effectiveness of these e-services. The usability and performance evaluations are conducted to test and evaluate the system within the SLL on the TeleWeaver platform.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 201

    Design Fiction and Participation:from Social Dreaming to Speculative Heterotopia

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    Over the last decade design fiction, the speculative design method, has been cultivated within the design community. It has been increasingly adopted, or at least experimented with, in various areas of government, industry and academia, as new methods to engage with potential futures are sought out. Orienting design practice as an overtly fictive act, design fictions are a form of worldbuilding used variously in the service of rhetoric, innovation and research. The method has been the preserve of designers, researchers and artists working in industry and academia, with a particular nexus between design and HCI. The design fiction works that they create often focus on the normative. Though non-normative perspectives are generally elided in the development of the method, Participatory Design --an approach to design that involves stakeholders as co-creators in design processes-- has, until recently, demonstrated minimal interest in adopting speculative practices. Working from an egalitarian impulse, the thesis explores design fiction as a participatory practice. Taking Research through Design as a methodology, the study offers reflections in, and on, the facilitation and prototyping processes undertaken by the author and others as part of two design projects which worked with older people on government policy in the UK; ProtoPolicy and What If?. Two methods bricolage and black an adapted annotated portfolio were used. The use of bricolage as a method allowed me to develop artefacts as part of an iterative conversation between practice and theory. This process explored and diagrammatically visualised the concept of heterotopia and other relevant theories as a potential theoretical framework supportive of a participatory approach to design fiction. The portfolio gathered together products of the external participatory design fiction projects in a thematic exploration of participation, design fiction and heterotopia. The thesis offers two contributions to knowledge. The first is speculative heterotopia, a theoretical framework to underpin a participatory approach to the design fiction method. The second is a scaffold to guide design facilitators in supporting participants through the possibilities within a design fiction project. The thesis concludes by highlighting issues for facilitators and participant groups created by adopting a participatory approach to design fiction making use of speculative heterotopia

    Modellbasierte Generierung von Benutzungsoberflächen

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    Die Arbeit stellt einen integrierten Gesamtprozess zur modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklung von Benutzungsschnittstellen und Geschäftslogik vor. Dazu notwendige und unterstützende Deklarationsmodelle, sowie Modelltransformationen für dieses Verfahren, werden entwickelt und präsentiert. Weiterhin werden Meta-Modelle für Aufbau und Wartung eines HCI-Patternkatalogs vorgestellt und zur Erstellung eines solchen Kataloges benutzt. Die darin enthaltenen Einträge werden in Bezug auf Ihre softwaretechnische Komponentisierbarkeit untersucht und klassifiziert.The thesis presents an integrated model-driven approach for developing software. This approach supports the generation of user interfaces, as well as artifacts of business logic. Suitable meta models and model transformations are developed and explained. Secondly, this thesis dwells on the topic of HCI patterns. It is researched how such patterns may be classified, componentized and made use of in a model-driven process. This work eventually yields a pattern language, whose entries are declared using state-of-the-art model-driven technologies