1,122 research outputs found

    The impact of pretrained language models on negation and speculation detection in cross-lingual medical text: Comparative study

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    Background: Negation and speculation are critical elements in natural language processing (NLP)-related tasks, such as information extraction, as these phenomena change the truth value of a proposition. In the clinical narrative that is informal, these linguistic facts are used extensively with the objective of indicating hypotheses, impressions, or negative findings. Previous state-of-the-art approaches addressed negation and speculation detection tasks using rule-based methods, but in the last few years, models based on machine learning and deep learning exploiting morphological, syntactic, and semantic features represented as spare and dense vectors have emerged. However, although such methods of named entity recognition (NER) employ a broad set of features, they are limited to existing pretrained models for a specific domain or language. Objective: As a fundamental subsystem of any information extraction pipeline, a system for cross-lingual and domain-independent negation and speculation detection was introduced with special focus on the biomedical scientific literature and clinical narrative. In this work, detection of negation and speculation was considered as a sequence-labeling task where cues and the scopes of both phenomena are recognized as a sequence of nested labels recognized in a single step. Methods: We proposed the following two approaches for negation and speculation detection: (1) bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) and conditional random field using character, word, and sense embeddings to deal with the extraction of semantic, syntactic, and contextual patterns and (2) bidirectional encoder representations for transformers (BERT) with fine tuning for NER. Results: The approach was evaluated for English and Spanish languages on biomedical and review text, particularly with the BioScope corpus, IULA corpus, and SFU Spanish Review corpus, with F-measures of 86.6%, 85.0%, and 88.1%, respectively, for NeuroNER and 86.4%, 80.8%, and 91.7%, respectively, for BERT. Conclusions: These results show that these architectures perform considerably better than the previous rule-based and conventional machine learning-based systems. Moreover, our analysis results show that pretrained word embedding and particularly contextualized embedding for biomedical corpora help to understand complexities inherent to biomedical text.This work was supported by the Research Program of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Spain (DeepEMR Project TIN2017-87548-C2-1-R)

    Contributions to information extraction for spanish written biomedical text

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    285 p.Healthcare practice and clinical research produce vast amounts of digitised, unstructured data in multiple languages that are currently underexploited, despite their potential applications in improving healthcare experiences, supporting trainee education, or enabling biomedical research, for example. To automatically transform those contents into relevant, structured information, advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) mechanisms are required. In NLP, this task is known as Information Extraction. Our work takes place within this growing field of clinical NLP for the Spanish language, as we tackle three distinct problems. First, we compare several supervised machine learning approaches to the problem of sensitive data detection and classification. Specifically, we study the different approaches and their transferability in two corpora, one synthetic and the other authentic. Second, we present and evaluate UMLSmapper, a knowledge-intensive system for biomedical term identification based on the UMLS Metathesaurus. This system recognises and codifies terms without relying on annotated data nor external Named Entity Recognition tools. Although technically naive, it performs on par with more evolved systems, and does not exhibit a considerable deviation from other approaches that rely on oracle terms. Finally, we present and exploit a new corpus of real health records manually annotated with negation and uncertainty information: NUBes. This corpus is the basis for two sets of experiments, one on cue andscope detection, and the other on assertion classification. Throughout the thesis, we apply and compare techniques of varying levels of sophistication and novelty, which reflects the rapid advancement of the field

    A Knowledge-Based Model for Polarity Shifters

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    [EN] Polarity shifting can be considered one of the most challenging problems in the context of Sentiment Analysis. Polarity shifters, also known as contextual valence shifters (Polanyi and Zaenen 2004), are treated as linguistic contextual items that can increase, reduce or neutralise the prior polarity of a word called focus included in an opinion. The automatic detection of such items enhances the performance and accuracy of computational systems for opinion mining, but this challenge remains open, mainly for languages other than English. From a symbolic approach, we aim to advance in the automatic processing of the polarity shifters that affect the opinions expressed on tweets, both in English and Spanish. To this end, we describe a novel knowledge-based model to deal with three dimensions of contextual shifters: negation, quantification, and modality (or irrealis).This work is part of the project grant PID2020-112827GB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and the SMARTLAGOON project [101017861], funded by Horizon 2020 - European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.Blázquez-López, Y. (2022). A Knowledge-Based Model for Polarity Shifters. Journal of Computer-Assisted Linguistic Research. 6:87-107. https://doi.org/10.4995/jclr.2022.1880787107

    Experimentación basada en deep learning para el reconocimiento del alcance y disparadores de la negación

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    The automatic detection of negation elements is an active area of study due to its high impact on several natural language processing tasks. This article presents a system based on deep learning and a non-language dependent architecture for the automatic detection of both, triggers and scopes of negation for English and Spanish. The presented system obtains for English comparable results with those obtained in recent works by more complex systems. For Spanish, the results obtained in the detection of negation triggers are remarkable. The results for the scope recognition are similar to those obtained for English.La detección automática de los distintos elementos de la negación es un frecuente tema de estudio debido a su alto impacto en diversas tareas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural. Este artículo presenta un sistema basado en deep learning y de arquitectura no dependiente del idioma para la detección automática tanto de disparadores como del alcance de la negación para inglés y español. El sistema presentado obtiene para ingles resultados comparables a los obtenidos en recientes trabajos por sistemas más complejos. Para español destacan los resultados obtenidos en la detección de claves de negación. Por último, los resultados para el reconocimiento del alcance de la negación, son similares a los obtenidos en inglés.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation within the projects PROSAMED (TIN2016-77820-C3-2-R) and EXTRAE (IMIENS 2017)

    Semi-automatic approaches for exploiting shifter patterns in domain-specific sentiment analysis

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    This paper describes two different approaches to sentiment analysis. The first is a form of symbolic approach that exploits a sentiment lexicon together with a set of shifter patterns and rules. The sentiment lexicon includes single words (unigrams) and is developed automatically by exploiting labeled examples. The shifter patterns include intensification, attenuation/downtoning and inversion/reversal and are developed manually. The second approach exploits a deep neural network, which uses a pre-trained language model. Both approaches were applied to texts on economics and finance domains from newspapers in European Portuguese. We show that the symbolic approach achieves virtually the same performance as the deep neural network. In addition, the symbolic approach provides understandable explanations, and the acquired knowledge can be communicated to others. We release the shifter patterns to motivate future research in this direction

    Negation Processing in Spanish and its Application to Sentiment Analysis

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    El Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural es el área de la Inteligencia Artificial que tiene como objetivo desarrollar mecanismos computacionalmente eficientes para facilitar la comunicación entre personas y máquinas por medio del lenguaje natural. Para que las máquinas sean capaces de procesar, comprender y generar lenguaje humano hay que tener en cuenta una amplia gama de fenómenos lingüísticos, como la negación, la ironía o el sarcasmo, que se utilizan para dar a las palabras un significado diferente. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio de la negación, un fenómeno lingüístico complejo que utilizamos en nuestra comunicación diaria. A diferencia de la mayoría de los estudios existentes hasta el momento se realiza sobre textos en español, ya que es la segunda lengua con más hablantes nativos, la tercera más utilizada en Internet, y no existen sistemas de procesamiento de negación disponibles en esta lengua.Natural Language Processing is the area of Artificial Intelligence that aims to develop computationally efficient mechanisms to facilitate communication between people and machines through natural language. To ensure that machines are capable of processing, understanding and generating human language, a wide range of linguistic phenomena must be taken into account, such as negation, irony or sarcasm, which are used to give words a different meaning. This doctoral thesis focuses on the study of negation, a complex linguistic phenomenon that we use in our daily communication. In contrast to most of the existing studies to date, it is carried out on Spanish texts, because i) it is the second language with most native speakers, ii) it is the third language most used on the Internet, and iii) there are no negation processing systems available on this language.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Informática. Leída el 13 de septiembre de 2019

    What drives the helpfulness of online reviews? A deep learning study of sentiment analysis, pictorial content and reviewer expertise for mature destinations.

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    User-generated content (UGC) is a growing driver of destination choice. Drawing on dual-process theories on how individuals process information, this study focuses on the role of central and peripheral information processing routes in the formation of consumers’ perceptions of the helpfulness of online reviews. We carried out a two-step process to address the perceived helpfulness of user-generated content, a sentiment analysis using advanced machine-learning techniques (deep learning), and a regression analysis. We used a database of 2,023 comments posted on TripAdvisor about two iconic Venetian cultural attractions, St. Mark’s Square (an open, free attraction) and the Doge’s Palace (a museum which charges an entry fee). Following the application of deep-learning techniques, we first identified which factors influenced whether a review received a “helpful” vote by means of logistic regression. Second, we selected those reviews which received at least one helpful vote to identify, through linear regression, the significant determinants of TripAdvisor users’ voting behaviour. The results showed that reviewer expertise is an influential factor in both free and paid-for attractions, although the impact of central cues (sentiment polarity, subjectivity and pictorial content) is different in both attractions. Our study suggests that managers should look beyond individual ratings and focus on the sentiment analysis of online reviews, which are shown to be based on the nature of the attraction (free vs. paid-for)

    Detecció automàtica d'oracions amb negació

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Lingüística. Facultat de Filologia. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018-2019, Tutores: Mariona Taulé i M. Antònia Martí[cat] Aquest treball, emmarcat en els camps de la lingüística computacional i el Processament del Llenguatge Natural (PLN), explica el procés de desenvolupament d’un classificador que detecta si una oració conté, com a mínim, una estructura negativa. El classificador és un programa escrit en Python que s’ha desenvolupat a partir de tècniques d’aprenentatge automàtic supervisat i de les dades del corpus SFU ReviewSP-NEG, un corpus de ressenyes de productes i serveis.[eng] This final project, written within the framework of computational linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP), describes the process of developing a classifier that detects whether a sentence contains at least one negative structure. The classifier is a program written in Python that has been built using Machine Learning techniques and uses the data found in the SFU ReviewSP-NEG corpus, a corpus of product and service reviews

    Adverse drug reaction extraction on electronic health records written in Spanish

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    148 p.This work focuses on the automatic extraction of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) in Electronic HealthRecords (EHRs). That is, extracting a response to a medicine which is noxious and unintended and whichoccurs at doses normally used. From Natural Language Processing (NLP) perspective, this wasapproached as a relation extraction task in which the drug is the causative agent of a disease, sign orsymptom, that is, the adverse reaction.ADR extraction from EHRs involves major challenges. First, ADRs are rare events. That is, relationsbetween drugs and diseases found in an EHR are seldom ADRs (are often unrelated or, instead, related astreatment). This implies the inference from samples with skewed class distribution. Second, EHRs arewritten by experts often under time pressure, employing both rich medical jargon together with colloquialexpressions (not always grammatical) and it is not infrequent to find misspells and both standard andnon-standard abbreviations. All this leads to a high lexical variability.We explored several ADR detection algorithms and representations to characterize the ADR candidates.In addition, we have assessed the tolerance of the ADR detection model to external noise such as theincorrect detection of implied medical entities implied in the ADR extraction, i.e. drugs and diseases. Westtled the first steps on ADR extraction in Spanish using a corpus of real EHRs

    On the Detection of False Information: From Rumors to Fake News

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] En tiempos recientes, el desarrollo de las redes sociales y de las agencias de noticias han traído nuevos retos y amenazas a la web. Estas amenazas han llamado la atención de la comunidad investigadora en Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN) ya que están contaminando las plataformas de redes sociales. Un ejemplo de amenaza serían las noticias falsas, en las que los usuarios difunden y comparten información falsa, inexacta o engañosa. La información falsa no se limita a la información verificable, sino que también incluye información que se utiliza con fines nocivos. Además, uno de los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los investigadores es la gran cantidad de usuarios en las plataformas de redes sociales, donde detectar a los difusores de información falsa no es tarea fácil. Los trabajos previos que se han propuesto para limitar o estudiar el tema de la detección de información falsa se han centrado en comprender el lenguaje de la información falsa desde una perspectiva lingüística. En el caso de información verificable, estos enfoques se han propuesto en un entorno monolingüe. Además, apenas se ha investigado la detección de las fuentes o los difusores de información falsa en las redes sociales. En esta tesis estudiamos la información falsa desde varias perspectivas. En primer lugar, dado que los trabajos anteriores se centraron en el estudio de la información falsa en un entorno monolingüe, en esta tesis estudiamos la información falsa en un entorno multilingüe. Proponemos diferentes enfoques multilingües y los comparamos con un conjunto de baselines monolingües. Además, proporcionamos estudios sistemáticos para los resultados de la evaluación de nuestros enfoques para una mejor comprensión. En segundo lugar, hemos notado que el papel de la información afectiva no se ha investigado en profundidad. Por lo tanto, la segunda parte de nuestro trabajo de investigación estudia el papel de la información afectiva en la información falsa y muestra cómo los autores de contenido falso la emplean para manipular al lector. Aquí, investigamos varios tipos de información falsa para comprender la correlación entre la información afectiva y cada tipo (Propaganda, Trucos / Engaños, Clickbait y Sátira). Por último, aunque no menos importante, en un intento de limitar su propagación, también abordamos el problema de los difusores de información falsa en las redes sociales. En esta dirección de la investigación, nos enfocamos en explotar varias características basadas en texto extraídas de los mensajes de perfiles en línea de tales difusores. Estudiamos diferentes conjuntos de características que pueden tener el potencial de ayudar a discriminar entre difusores de información falsa y verificadores de hechos.[CA] En temps recents, el desenvolupament de les xarxes socials i de les agències de notícies han portat nous reptes i amenaces a la web. Aquestes amenaces han cridat l'atenció de la comunitat investigadora en Processament de Llenguatge Natural (PLN) ja que estan contaminant les plataformes de xarxes socials. Un exemple d'amenaça serien les notícies falses, en què els usuaris difonen i comparteixen informació falsa, inexacta o enganyosa. La informació falsa no es limita a la informació verificable, sinó que també inclou informació que s'utilitza amb fins nocius. A més, un dels desafiaments als quals s'enfronten els investigadors és la gran quantitat d'usuaris en les plataformes de xarxes socials, on detectar els difusors d'informació falsa no és tasca fàcil. Els treballs previs que s'han proposat per limitar o estudiar el tema de la detecció d'informació falsa s'han centrat en comprendre el llenguatge de la informació falsa des d'una perspectiva lingüística. En el cas d'informació verificable, aquests enfocaments s'han proposat en un entorn monolingüe. A més, gairebé no s'ha investigat la detecció de les fonts o els difusors d'informació falsa a les xarxes socials. En aquesta tesi estudiem la informació falsa des de diverses perspectives. En primer lloc, atès que els treballs anteriors es van centrar en l'estudi de la informació falsa en un entorn monolingüe, en aquesta tesi estudiem la informació falsa en un entorn multilingüe. Proposem diferents enfocaments multilingües i els comparem amb un conjunt de baselines monolingües. A més, proporcionem estudis sistemàtics per als resultats de l'avaluació dels nostres enfocaments per a una millor comprensió. En segon lloc, hem notat que el paper de la informació afectiva no s'ha investigat en profunditat. Per tant, la segona part del nostre treball de recerca estudia el paper de la informació afectiva en la informació falsa i mostra com els autors de contingut fals l'empren per manipular el lector. Aquí, investiguem diversos tipus d'informació falsa per comprendre la correlació entre la informació afectiva i cada tipus (Propaganda, Trucs / Enganys, Clickbait i Sàtira). Finalment, però no menys important, en un intent de limitar la seva propagació, també abordem el problema dels difusors d'informació falsa a les xarxes socials. En aquesta direcció de la investigació, ens enfoquem en explotar diverses característiques basades en text extretes dels missatges de perfils en línia de tals difusors. Estudiem diferents conjunts de característiques que poden tenir el potencial d'ajudar a discriminar entre difusors d'informació falsa i verificadors de fets.[EN] In the recent years, the development of social media and online news agencies has brought several challenges and threats to the Web. These threats have taken the attention of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) research community as they are polluting the online social media platforms. One of the examples of these threats is false information, in which false, inaccurate, or deceptive information is spread and shared by online users. False information is not limited to verifiable information, but it also involves information that is used for harmful purposes. Also, one of the challenges that researchers have to face is the massive number of users in social media platforms, where detecting false information spreaders is not an easy job. Previous work that has been proposed for limiting or studying the issue of detecting false information has focused on understanding the language of false information from a linguistic perspective. In the case of verifiable information, approaches have been proposed in a monolingual setting. Moreover, detecting the sources or the spreaders of false information in social media has not been investigated much. In this thesis we study false information from several aspects. First, since previous work focused on studying false information in a monolingual setting, in this thesis we study false information in a cross-lingual one. We propose different cross-lingual approaches and we compare them to a set of monolingual baselines. Also, we provide systematic studies for the evaluation results of our approaches for better understanding. Second, we noticed that the role of affective information was not investigated in depth. Therefore, the second part of our research work studies the role of the affective information in false information and shows how the authors of false content use it to manipulate the reader. Here, we investigate several types of false information to understand the correlation between affective information and each type (Propaganda, Hoax, Clickbait, Rumor, and Satire). Last but not least, in an attempt to limit its spread, we also address the problem of detecting false information spreaders in social media. In this research direction, we focus on exploiting several text-based features extracted from the online profile messages of those spreaders. We study different feature sets that can have the potential to help to identify false information spreaders from fact checkers.Ghanem, BHH. (2020). On the Detection of False Information: From Rumors to Fake News [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/158570TESISCompendi