229 research outputs found

    A Connection of Task-centric with Artefact-centric Models through Semantic Task Specification and its Use for Formal Verification

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    Task- and artefact-centric business process models (BPMs) are mostly used in isolation. This entails, e.g., problems with formal and automated verification of BPMs through model checking. We address this gap through semantic task specification, which is transferred from more widely known semantic service specification. In summary, we present a new and systematic approach for connecting a task-centric BPM (in BPMN) with a model of an artefact-centric object life cycle through semantic task specification. As a consequence, we achieve a seamless approach for formal and automated verification of BPMs using model checking

    Ontology-based knowledge representation and semantic search information retrieval: case study of the underutilized crops domain

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    The aim of using semantic technologies in domain knowledge modeling is to introduce the semantic meaning of concepts in knowledge bases, such that they are both human-readable as well as machine-understandable. Due to their powerful knowledge representation formalism and associated inference mechanisms, ontology-based approaches have been increasingly adopted to formally represent domain knowledge. The primary objective of this thesis work has been to use semantic technologies in advancing knowledge-sharing of Underutilized crops as a domain and investigate the integration of underlying ontologies developed in OWL (Web Ontology Language) with augmented SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) rules for added expressiveness. The work further investigated generating ontologies from existing data sources and proposed the reverse-engineering approach of generating domain specific conceptualization through competency questions posed from possible ontology users and domain experts. For utilization, a semantic search engine (the Onto-CropBase) has been developed to serve as a Web-based access point for the Underutilized crops ontology model. Relevant linked-data in Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS) were added for comprehensiveness in generating federated queries. While the OWL/SWRL combination offers a highly expressive ontology language for modeling knowledge domains, the combination is found to be lacking supplementary descriptive constructs to model complex real-life scenarios, a necessary requirement for a successful Semantic Web application. To this end, the common logic programming formalisms for extending Description Logic (DL)-based ontologies were explored and the state of the art in SWRL expressiveness extensions determined with a view to extending the SWRL formalism. Subsequently, a novel fuzzy temporal extension to the Semantic Web Rule Language (FT-SWRL), which combines SWRL with fuzzy logic theories based on the valid-time temporal model, has been proposed to allow modeling imprecise temporal expressions in domain ontologies

    The pragmatic proof: hypermedia API composition and execution

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    Machine clients are increasingly making use of the Web to perform tasks. While Web services traditionally mimic remote procedure calling interfaces, a new generation of so-called hypermedia APIs works through hyperlinks and forms, in a way similar to how people browse the Web. This means that existing composition techniques, which determine a procedural plan upfront, are not sufficient to consume hypermedia APIs, which need to be navigated at runtime. Clients instead need a more dynamic plan that allows them to follow hyperlinks and use forms with a preset goal. Therefore, in this paper, we show how compositions of hypermedia APIs can be created by generic Semantic Web reasoners. This is achieved through the generation of a proof based on semantic descriptions of the APIs' functionality. To pragmatically verify the applicability of compositions, we introduce the notion of pre-execution and post-execution proofs. The runtime interaction between a client and a server is guided by proofs but driven by hypermedia, allowing the client to react to the application's actual state indicated by the server's response. We describe how to generate compositions from descriptions, discuss a computer-assisted process to generate descriptions, and verify reasoner performance on various composition tasks using a benchmark suite. The experimental results lead to the conclusion that proof-based consumption of hypermedia APIs is a feasible strategy at Web scale.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A blockchain ontology for DApps development

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    Decentralized Applications, or DApps, provide distributed trusted applications that use blockchains. They are often composed of several services, such as transaction scalability protocols, decentralized storage and distributed computing solutions. In order to help formalize these applications, facilitate their development and improve their interoperability, we propose a novel blockchain Ontology focused on the concepts involving DApps. This ontology extends the existing EthOn ontology. It defines several key concepts related to DApps development, as well as the relations between these concepts. It features the formalization of known use cases and design patterns of blockchain technology through blockchain patterns. We use Semantic Web Rule language (SWRL) in order to define rules that express constraints on the formalized concepts. We then execute an inference engine and obtain new constraints on the properties of a defined DApp, such as its cost, based on the DApp characteristics and the services it uses. For illustration we show the inference of constraints between the Ethereum blockchain and its sidechain Polygon. We apply our research work in the field of blockchain video games. This application shows how to use the ontology to model DApps, and can be adapted to other fields.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ontology-based knowledge representation and semantic search information retrieval: case study of the underutilized crops domain

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    The aim of using semantic technologies in domain knowledge modeling is to introduce the semantic meaning of concepts in knowledge bases, such that they are both human-readable as well as machine-understandable. Due to their powerful knowledge representation formalism and associated inference mechanisms, ontology-based approaches have been increasingly adopted to formally represent domain knowledge. The primary objective of this thesis work has been to use semantic technologies in advancing knowledge-sharing of Underutilized crops as a domain and investigate the integration of underlying ontologies developed in OWL (Web Ontology Language) with augmented SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) rules for added expressiveness. The work further investigated generating ontologies from existing data sources and proposed the reverse-engineering approach of generating domain specific conceptualization through competency questions posed from possible ontology users and domain experts. For utilization, a semantic search engine (the Onto-CropBase) has been developed to serve as a Web-based access point for the Underutilized crops ontology model. Relevant linked-data in Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS) were added for comprehensiveness in generating federated queries. While the OWL/SWRL combination offers a highly expressive ontology language for modeling knowledge domains, the combination is found to be lacking supplementary descriptive constructs to model complex real-life scenarios, a necessary requirement for a successful Semantic Web application. To this end, the common logic programming formalisms for extending Description Logic (DL)-based ontologies were explored and the state of the art in SWRL expressiveness extensions determined with a view to extending the SWRL formalism. Subsequently, a novel fuzzy temporal extension to the Semantic Web Rule Language (FT-SWRL), which combines SWRL with fuzzy logic theories based on the valid-time temporal model, has been proposed to allow modeling imprecise temporal expressions in domain ontologies

    Computing Query Answering With Non-Monotonic Rules: A Case Study of Archaeology Qualitative Spatial Reasoning

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    International audienceThis paper deals with querying ontology-based knowledge bases equipped with non-monotonic rules through a case study within the framework of Cultural Heritage. It focuses on 3D underwater surveys on the Xlendi wreck which is represented by an OWL2 knowledge base with a large dataset. The paper aims at improving the interactions between the archaeologists and the knowledge base providing new queries that involve non-monotonic rules in order to perform qualitative spatial reasoning. To this end, the knowledge base initially represented in OWL2-QL is translated into an equivalent Answer Set Programming (ASP) program and is enriched with a set of non-monotonic ASP rules suitable to express default and exceptions. An ASP query answering approach is proposed and implemented. Furthermore due to the increased expressiveness of non-monotonic rules it provides spatial reasoning and spatial relations between artifacts query answering which is not possible with query answering languages such as SPARQL and SQWRL

    Combining ontologies and rules with clinical archetypes

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    Al igual que otros campos que dependen en gran medida de las funcionalidades ofrecidas por las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (IT), la biomedicina y la salud necesitan cada vez más la implantación de normas y mecanismos ampliamente aceptados para el intercambio de datos, información y conocimiento. Dicha necesidad de compatibilidad e interoperabilidad va más allá de las cuestiones sintácticas y estructurales, pues la interoperabilidad semántica es también requerida. La interoperabilidad a nivel semántico es esencial para el soporte computarizado de alertas, flujos de trabajo y de la medicina basada en evidencia cuando contamos con la presencia de sistemas heterogéneos de Historia Clínica Electrónica (EHR). El modelo de arquetipos clínicos respaldado por el estándar CEN/ISO EN13606 y la fundación openEHR ofrece un mecanismo para expresar las estructuras de datos clínicos de manera compartida e interoperable. El modelo ha ido ganando aceptación en los últimos años por su capacidad para definir conceptos clínicos basados en un Modelo de Referencia común. Dicha separación a dos capas permite conservar la heterogeneidad de las implementaciones de almacenamiento a bajo nivel, presentes en los diferentes sistemas de EHR. Sin embargo, los lenguajes de arquetipos no soportan la representación de reglas clínicas ni el mapeo a ontologías formales, ambos elementos fundamentales para alcanzar la interoperabilidad semántica completa pues permiten llevar a cabo el razonamiento y la inferencia a partir del conocimiento clínico existente. Paralelamente, es reconocido el hecho de que la World Wide Web presenta requisitos análogos a los descritos anteriormente, lo cual ha fomentado el desarrollo de la Web Semántica. El progreso alcanzado en este terreno, con respecto a la representación del conocimiento y al razonamiento sobre el mismo, es combinado en esta tesis con los modelos de EHR con el objetivo de mejorar el enfoque de los arquetipos clínicos y ofrecer funcionalidades que se corresponden con nivel más alto de interoperabilidad semántica. Concretamente, la investigación que se describe a continuación presenta y evalúa un enfoque para traducir automáticamente las definiciones expresadas en el lenguaje de definición de arquetipos de openEHR (ADL) a una representación formal basada en lenguajes de ontologías. El método se implementa en la plataforma ArchOnt, que también es descrita. A continuación se estudia la integración de dichas representaciones formales con reglas clínicas, ofreciéndose un enfoque para reutilizar el razonamiento con instancias concretas de datos clínicos. Es importante ver como el acto de compartir el conocimiento clínico expresado a través de reglas es coherente con la filosofía de intercambio abierto fomentada por los arquetipos, a la vez que se extiende la reutilización a proposiciones de conocimiento declarativo como las utilizadas en las guías de práctica clínica. De esta manera, la tesis describe una técnica de mapeo de arquetipos a ontologías, para luego asociar reglas clínicas a la representación resultante. La traducción automática también permite la conexión formal de los elementos especificados en los arquetipos con conceptos clínicos equivalentes provenientes de otras fuentes como son las terminologías clínicas. Dichos enlaces fomentan la reutilización del conocimiento clínico ya representado, así como el razonamiento y la navegación a través de distintas ontologías clínicas. Otra contribución significativa de la tesis es la aplicación del enfoque mencionado en dos proyectos de investigación y desarrollo clínico, llevados a cabo en combinación con hospitales universitarios de Madrid. En la explicación se incluyen ejemplos de las aplicaciones más representativas del enfoque como es el caso del desarrollo de sistemas de alertas orientados a mejorar la seguridad del paciente. No obstante, la traducción automática de arquetipos clínicos a lenguajes de ontologías constituye una base común para la implementación de una amplia gama de actividades semánticas, razonamiento y validación, evitándose así la necesidad de aplicar distintos enfoques ad-hoc directamente sobre los arquetipos para poder satisfacer las condiciones de cada contexto

    Constraint capture and maintenance in engineering design

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    The Designers' Workbench is a system, developed by the Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) consortium to support designers in large organizations, such as Rolls-Royce, to ensure that the design is consistent with the specification for the particular design as well as with the company's design rule book(s). In the principal application discussed here, the evolving design is described against a jet engine ontology. Design rules are expressed as constraints over the domain ontology. Currently, to capture the constraint information, a domain expert (design engineer) has to work with a knowledge engineer to identify the constraints, and it is then the task of the knowledge engineer to encode these into the Workbench's knowledge base (KB). This is an error prone and time consuming task. It is highly desirable to relieve the knowledge engineer of this task, and so we have developed a system, ConEditor+ that enables domain experts themselves to capture and maintain these constraints. Further we hypothesize that in order to appropriately apply, maintain and reuse constraints, it is necessary to understand the underlying assumptions and context in which each constraint is applicable. We refer to them as “application conditions” and these form a part of the rationale associated with the constraint. We propose a methodology to capture the application conditions associated with a constraint and demonstrate that an explicit representation (machine interpretable format) of application conditions (rationales) together with the corresponding constraints and the domain ontology can be used by a machine to support maintenance of constraints. Support for the maintenance of constraints includes detecting inconsistencies, subsumption, redundancy, fusion between constraints and suggesting appropriate refinements. The proposed methodology provides immediate benefits to the designers and hence should encourage them to input the application conditions (rationales)