105 research outputs found

    Software & system verification with KIV

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    Dynamic Logic with Trace Semantics

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    Dynamic logic is an established instrument for program verification and for reasoning about the semantics of programs and programming languages. In this paper, we define an extension of dynamic logic, called Dynamic Trace Logic (DTL), which combines the expressiveness of program logics such as dynamic logic with that of temporal logic. And we present a sound and relatively complete sequent calculus for proving validity of DTL formulae. Due to its expressiveness, DTL can serve as a basis for proving functional and information-flow properties in concurrent programs, among other applications

    Abstraction : a notion for reverse engineering.

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    Deductive Verification of Concurrent Programs

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    Verification of concurrent programs still poses one of the major challenges in computer science. Several techniques to tackle this problem have been proposed. However, they often do not scale. We present an adaptation of the rely/guarantee methodology in dynamic logic. Rely/guarantee uses functional specification to symbolically describe the behavior of concurrently running threads: while each thread guarantees adherence to a specified property at any point in time, all other threads can rely on this property being established. This allows to regard threads largely in isolation--only w.r.t. an environment constrained by these specifications. While rely/guarantee based approaches often suffer from a considerable specification overhead, we complement functional thread specifications with frame conditions. We will explain our approach using a simple, but concurrent programing language. Besides the usual constructs for sequential programs, it caters for dynamic thread creation. We define semantics of concurrent programs w.r.t. an underspecified deterministic scheduling function. To formally reason about programs of this language, we introduce a novel multi-modal logic, Concurrent Dynamic Trace Logic (CDTL). It combines the strengthes of dynamic logic with those of linear temporal logic and allows to express temporal properties about symbolic program traces. We first develop a sound and complete sequent calculus for the logic subset that uses the sequential part of the language, based on symbolic execution. In a second step, we extend this to a calculus for the complete logic by adding symbolic execution rules for concurrent interleavings and dynamic thread creation based on the rely/guarantee methodology. Again, this calculus is proven sound and complete

    Deductive Verification of Concurrent Programs and its Application to Secure Information Flow for Java

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    Formal verification of concurrent programs still poses a major challenge in computer science. Our approach is an adaptation of the modular rely/guarantee methodology in dynamic logic. Besides functional properties, we investigate language-based security. Our verification approach extends naturally to multi-threaded Java and we present an implementation in the KeY verification system. We propose natural extensions to JML regarding both confidentiality properties and multi-threaded programs

    Caching, crashing & concurrency - verification under adverse conditions

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    The formal development of large-scale software systems is a complex and time-consuming effort. Generally, its main goal is to prove the functional correctness of the resulting system. This goal becomes significantly harder to reach when the verification must be performed under adverse conditions. When aiming for a realistic system, the implementation must be compatible with the “real world”: it must work with existing system interfaces, cope with uncontrollable events such as power cuts, and offer competitive performance by using mechanisms like caching or concurrency. The Flashix project is an example of such a development, in which a fully verified file system for flash memory has been developed. The project is a long-term team effort and resulted in a sequential, functionally correct and crash-safe implementation after its first project phase. This thesis continues the work by performing modular extensions to the file system with performance-oriented mechanisms that mainly involve caching and concurrency, always considering crash-safety. As a first contribution, this thesis presents a modular verification methodology for destructive heap algorithms. The approach simplifies the verification by separating reasoning about specifics of heap implementations, like pointer aliasing, from the reasoning about conceptual correctness arguments. The second contribution of this thesis is a novel correctness criterion for crash-safe, cached, and concurrent file systems. A natural criterion for crash-safety is defined in terms of system histories, matching the behavior of fine-grained caches using complex synchronization mechanisms that reorder operations. The third contribution comprises methods for verifying functional correctness and crash-safety of caching mechanisms and concurrency in file systems. A reference implementation for crash-safe caches of high-level data structures is given, and a strategy for proving crash-safety is demonstrated and applied. A compatible concurrent implementation of the top layer of file systems is presented, using a mechanism for the efficient management of fine-grained file locking, and a concurrent version of garbage collection is realized. Both concurrency extensions are proven to be correct by applying atomicity refinement, a methodology for proving linearizability. Finally, this thesis contributes a new iteration of executable code for the Flashix file system. With the efficiency extensions introduced with this thesis, Flashix covers all performance-oriented concepts of realistic file system implementations and achieves competitiveness with state-of-the-art flash file systems

    Formal Specification and Runtime Verification of Parallel Systems using Interval Temporal Logic (ITL)

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    Runtime Verification (RV) is the discipline that allows monitoring systems at runtime in order to check the satisfaction or violation of a given correctness property. Parallel systems are more complicated than sequential systems. Therefore, systems that run in parallel need a parallel runtime verification framework to monitor their behaviour and guarantee correctness properties. Parallel systems have correctness properties different from correctness properties of sequential systems. For instance, as a correctness property of parallel systems, absence of deadlock has to be guaranteed and mutual exclusion mechanism has to be applied in case a resource is shared between more than one system and the parallelism form is true concurrency. Therefore, sequential runtime verification framework can not handle systems that run in parallel due to the singularity issue of this kind of framework as they are built to handle a single system at a time, whereas for parallel systems a framework has to handle many systems at a time. AnaTempura is a runtime verification tool which can handle single systems at a time. To solve this problem, I evolved AnaTempura to be able to handle parallel systems. In this thesis, I propose a Parallel Runtime Verification Framework (PRVF) that can handle systems which use architectures of parallelism in their design such as multi-core processor architecture. The proposed model can check system behaviour at runtime in order to either guarantee satisfaction or detect violations of correctness properties. My technique is based on Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) and its executable subset Tempura to verify properties at runtime using the AnaTempura tool. I use, as a demonstration, the case study of private L2 cache memory of multi-core processor architecture. My objectives are to i) design MSI protocol compliant with cache memory coherence and ii) fulfil main memory consistency model at runtime. I achieve this via a formal Tempura specification of the cache controller which is then verified at runtime against my objectives for memory consistency and cache coherence using AnaTempura. The presented specifications allow to extend it allow to extend it to not only capture correctness but also monitor the performance of a cache memory controller. The case study is then evaluated via integrating AnaTempura with MATLAB in order to check correctness properties such as memory consistency and cache coherence

    Algebraic approach to hardware description and verification

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