19 research outputs found

    Augmented reality for at-home speech intervention

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that allows users to view graphics, videos, or other applications in their environment in real time using mobile devices, such as a smartphone or tablet. It provides an interactive way to combine technology and learning. Although AR has potential applications in the field of Communication Sciences and Disorders, few studies have investigated its reliability in speech intervention. This project explores whether parents are receptive to implementing AR technology into speech intervention and addresses one way to make intervention more engaging. The project looked at parental attitudes toward AR in integrating speech intervention goals at home with their children. A case study approach was used to evaluate the receptiveness of parents using AR in intervention. Caregivers were given a pre- and post-study survey and were asked to complete weekly reflective notes to track progress. The researcher met with caregivers two times over the course of the study (one at the halfway mark and the other at the end of the study) in an interview to answer any questions and address comments or concerns. Results will provide researchers and clinicians with an idea of how receptive parents are to incorporating a new technology into intervention and help determine if the use of AR in intervention at home merits further exploration

    The Application of Augmented Reality (AR) to Language Learning and its Impact on Student Motivation

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    The recent emergence of digital authoring tools related to Augmented Reality (AR), such as Zooburst, Roar or Aumentaty, has facilitated the integration of this cutting-edge technology in Education. Consequently, different publications have come out to light about the affordances and limitations of integrating technology AR in the EFL/ESL classroom. Thus, this study seeks to analyze and review the recent trends in AR implementation in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom (EFL) and to present the main projects aimed at teaching English with AR-based projects that have been published in the latest years in WOS and Scopus. Following the methodology, the improvement in the performance of the student in different areas of study has been proved while using AR in EFL teaching

    Augmented reality and language learning: From annotated vocabulary to place-based mobile games

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    M-learning and Augmented Reality: A Review of the Scientific Literature on the WoS Repository

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    La realidad aumentada surge como un útil sobre el que se precisa examinar su real implementación educativa. Esta investigación hace un análisis bibliométrico sobre documentos del repositorio Web of Science. Este servicio ofrece en Internet la producción científica de más de 7.000 instituciones de todo el mundo. Se toma como base un universo de 12.000 revistas indexadas y 148.000 actas de conferencias y se selecciona una muestra centrada en los términos «m-learning» y «augmented reality» como descriptores o componentes de títulos en trabajos científicos. El análisis sobre revistas n=741 y actas n=913 en los dos últimos años muestra una perspectiva diferenciada por áreas. La investigación se complementa con un análisis cualitativo de 67 producciones científicas sobre estos descriptores en ese periodo de tiempo. En el estudio sobresalen cinco temáticas: la conceptualización del fenómeno, el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías, la motivación generada, su deslocalización espacial y las materias objeto de implementación. Las investigaciones destacan cambios lógicos, como un mayor y diferente acceso a la información, junto a innovaciones trascendentes, como el incremento de actividades informales y lúdicas, la inserción en ambientes virtuales icónicos, la pertenencia a grupos específicos, y redes de interacción amistosa dentro de nuevas escalas de valores. Todo ello hace que estos instrumentos pasen a ser partes fundamentales en las metodologías. La educación parece subsidiaria a estos avances técnicos y a sus requisitos, imponiéndose un drástico cambio metodológico en nuevos escenarios formativosAugmented reality emerges as a tool, on which it is necessary to examine its real educational value. This paper shows the results of a bibliometric analysis performed on documents collected from the Web of Science repository, an Internet service that concentrates bibliographic information from more than 7,000 institutions. Our analysis included an overall universe of 12,000 indexed journals and 148,000 conference proceedings. From those, we selected a sample targeting the terms “mobile-learning” or “m-learning” and “augmented reality” as descriptors or components of titles of scientific works. The analysis on journals (n=741) and in conference proceedings (n=913) reveals a differentiated perspective in each area in the last two years. A qualitative analysis of 67 scientific productions addressing these subjects complements the research. This highlights five themes: conceptualization of the phenomenon, development of new methodologies, motivation, spatial delocalization, and implementation in subject-matter areas. The research highlights logical changes, such as greater and differentiated access to information; transcendent innovations, such as increasing informal and ludic activities, insertion into virtual environments, membership of specific groups, and networks of friendly interaction, along creation of new scales of values. These elements are now beginning to constitute fundamental parts of teaching methodologies. Education appears to be subsidiary to technical advances, thus imposing a drastic methodological chang


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    Los conceptos fundamentales de los dispositivos electrónicos generalmente son enseñados en los cursos iniciales de ingeniería eléctrica-electrónica. Es de suma importancia manejar los conceptos básicos que hacen posible las computadoras y los sistemas digitales en general. De entre los conceptos, destaca la álgebra booleana y la lógica de compuertas. La parte práctica es angular en la adquisición correcta de los conceptos. En el presente trabajo se aborda de una forma práctica la identificación de los circuitos integrados (CI) que hacen posible operaciones lógicas: and, or, not, nor, nand. La identificación se lleva a cabo vía realidad aumentada (RA) y por medio de un dispositivo móvil corriendo en sistema operativo android. Se identifican CI’s de forma automática, desplegando en  pantalla el tipo de CI que se trate, adicionalmente se proporciona información de sus terminales y la operación lógica respectiva. El porcentaje de reconocimiento es de 100 % sobre 5 tipos de compuertas lógicas.The fundamental concepts of electronic devices are generally taught in initial electrical-electronic engineering courses. It is of the utmost importance to handle the basic concepts that make computers and digital systems possible. Among the concepts, the Boolean algebra and the logic gates stand out. The practical part is angular in the correct acquisition of the concepts. This paper deals in a practical way with how to identify the integrated circuits (ICs) that make logical operations possible: and, or, not, nor, nand, through out augmented reality (AR). Across a mobile-based device running on an android operating system, you can automatically identify ICs by displaying the location and type of IC on the screen of the mobile device. The system has a recognition rate of 100

    Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Education: A Review of Empirical Studies (增强现实技术在外语教学中的应用:文献综述性研究)

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    This literature review examines how Augmented Reality (AR) has been used in foreign language learning. AR is a live view of reality that is augmented by computer-generated sound, image, or videos. It allows the user to interact with the real physical environment in an enhanced way. This study provides an overview of what AR is, its history, different definitions, and how it has been used in education in general. It summarizes how AR has been used in all aspects of foreign language education, including skill development (listening, speaking, reading and writing), vocabulary, grammar, culture, the aspect of affect in language learning, what AR tools were used, and a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of AR in language learning. At the end of the article, the author suggests further research needed to support the widespread adoption of AR in foreign language education in general and in Chinese-as-a-Foreign-Language, specifically

    Breaking down the Classroom Walls: Augmented Reality Effect on EFL Reading Comprehension, Self-Efficacy, Autonomy and Attitudes

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    This study aimed at investigating the effect of Augmented Reality (AR) on college-level EFL students’ reading comprehension, self-efficacy, autonomy and attitudes. It also examined the relationships between self-efficacy, autonomy and attitudes. The sample consisted of (59) male students: an experimental group (n=30) and a control group (n=29), studying English for Academic Purposes at Taif University, Saudi Arabia. The study employed the quasi-experimental approach using a pre-post, nonequivalent control group design. A reading comprehension test, a self-efficacy scale, an autonomy scale and a questionnaire for attitudes were designed to gather the data. The findings indicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups in the reading comprehension post-test in favor of the experimental group. Also, there was a statistically significant difference between the mean score of the pre and post administration of the self-efficacy scale in favor of the post administration. Besides, there was a statistically significant difference between the mean score of the pre and post administration of the autonomy scale in favor of the post administration. The results of one-sample T Test showed that all attitudes items were statistically significant and the grand mean score was statistically significant which indicated that students had positive attitudes towards using Augmented Reality in language learning. Finally, positive significant relationships between students’ self-efficacy, autonomy and attitudes were found

    Augmenting Reality with Intelligent Interfaces

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    It is clear that our daily reality will increasingly interface with virtual inputs. We already integrate the virtual into real life through constantly evolving sensor technologies embedded into our smartphones, digital assistants, and connected devices. Simultaneously, we seek more virtual input into our reality through intelligent interfaces for the applications that these devices can run in a context rich, socially connected, and personalized way. As we progress toward a future of ubiquitous Augmented Reality (AR) interfaces, it will be important to consider how this technology can best serve the various populations that can benefit most from the addition of these intelligent interfaces. This paper proposes a new terminological framework to discuss the way AR interacts with users. An intelligent interface that combines digital objects in a real-world context can be referred to as a Pose-Interfaced Presentation (PIP): Pose refers to user location and orientation in space; Interfaced means that the program responds to a user’s intention and actions in an intelligent way; and Presentation refers to the virtual object or data being layered onto the perceptive field of the user. Finally, various benefits of AR are described and examples are provided in the areas of education, worker training, and ESL learning

    In Between Reality and Virtuality: Augmented Reality in Teaching English to Young Learners

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    Technology has exerted its effects in almost all areas of human life including education. The constant developments in technology have offered new designs to the field of education. The incorporation of Web 2.0 technology and electronic devices has paved the way for the development of such specific technology-based designs as computer-assisted learning and mobileassisted learning. As a concept gaining momentum especially in the last two decades, Augmented Reality AR is also involved in the continuum of technological developments which can be adopted in the educational arena in general and language education in particular. This technology presents the incorporation of reality and virtuality and; therefore, combines the advantageous sides of both spheres. Considering in language education, AR technology can be utilized in all educational levels involving the primary level where the issue of teaching language/s to young learners holds significance. Set on AR and TEYL literature, this study is intended to handle the AR technology in teaching English to young learners. The study presents related AR literature offering existing definitions of the concept. The possible advantages and disadvantages of AR integrated in TEYL are also presented. These possible advantages involve the reference of multiple intelligences; the possibility of learning the language by observing and exploring; enhancement in language performance and achievement; interaction with language, teachers and peers; self-learning and motivation. The disadvantages are about its usability and practicality; technical problems; lack of training and the risk of isolation. The study concludes with some pedagogical suggestions for the effective implementation of AR technology in young learner language classes referring to the characteristics of the particular profil

    Strategic use of augmented reality in marketing and education

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    La realidad aumentada es un término relativamente reciente y que está en constante evolución, es una tecnología con visión directa o indirecta, que permite agregar un objeto irreal a un contexto real, creando de esta forma una nueva realidad. Se identifica dos tipos diferentes de realidad aumentada, la realidad aumentada basada en marcadores y la realidad aumentada basada en geolocalización. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo, revisar la teoría sobre realidad aumentada, sus características, su potencial uso estratégico en el área comercial y su prometedora aplicación como metodología y herramienta en la educación superior. Se identifica un potencial, para el desarrollo de contenido de realidad aumentada en las áreas profesionales de diseño y desarrollo de productos, gestión de políticas de precios, estrategias de merchandising y logística, y estrategias de comunicación de valor, además, de un interés metodológico, para fortalecer los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en diferentes disciplinas profesionales.Augmented reality is a relatively recent term and a technology that is still evolving and developing. It refers to a direct or indirect vision that combines real-world environments with unreal objects to create a new reality. Augmented reality may be marker-based or geolocation-based. This article presents a theoretical review of the literature on augmented reality, examines the characteristics of the system, and explores the potential strategic applications of augmented reality for business (product design and development, price policy management, merchandising and logistics, value communication) and its use as a methodology and a tool in higher education to enhance the teaching-learning process in different professional disciplines