35 research outputs found

    Problem-Solving Method: The Effectiveness of The Pre-service Elementary Education Teacher Activeness in The Concept of Physics Content

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas metode problem-solving terhadap keaktifan calon guru Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimental dengan desain faktorial 2x2 dimana kelas eksperimen menggunakan metode problem-solving dan kelas kontrol menggunakan metode ceramah. Data untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan dalam 2 cara, data diperoleh dengan lembar pengamatan kegiatan belajar dan tes kemampuan kognitif siswa. Dari data tersebut, terlihat bahwa metode problem-solving dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa, terutama dalam pembelajaran fisika. Selain itu, interaksi antara masing-masing variabel dicari menggunakan uji Analisis Varians (ANOVA). Dari hasil tes menunjukan bahwa hipotesis pertama ditolak yang menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan efek antara metode pembelajaran pada kemampuan kognitif siswa. Hipotesis kedua juga ditolak yang berarti bahwa ada perbedaan efek antara kategori kegiatan belajar siswa pada kemampuan kognitif siswa. Di sisi lain, hipotesis ketiga diterima yang menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi antara penggunaan metode pembelajaran dan kegiatan belajar siswa pada kemampuan kognitif sisw

    The Effect of The Laps-Heuristic Learning Model on Students' Problem Solving Abilities

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    The purpose of this research is In 21st century learning students are required to be more active in learning than teachers, therefore this study aims to determine whether there is an influence between the LAPS-Heuristic learning model and the ability to solve problems. Methodology: Using quantitative descriptive. Where, the number of samples in this study were 436 students from SMP 11 Jambi City who used purposive sampling technique. Data were then analyzed with the help of SPSS 21 application to find descriptive statistics in the form of mean, min, max, and category as well as inferential statistics using simple regression. Finding: The results obtained in this study are dominant both in the ability of student problem solving and the effectiveness of the LAPS-Heuristic learning model in mathematics lessons. With this, it is strengthened by the existence of a relationship and influence between the LAPS-Heuristic learning model and the students' problem solving abilities seen from the sig value below 0.025, which is 0.019 and has a contribution of 70.3%


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    The purpose of this study was to describe how to implement the REACT strategy to develop students’ mathematical representation, reasoning, and disposition ability. This research was a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The subject of this study was grade 8 junior high school student in Bandung. Data collection techniques in this study with observations, interviews, and documentation. Based on data analysis results, it could be concluded that REACT strategies can be applied to develop a mathematical representation, reasoning, and disposition ability that engages students actively. Implementation of the REACT strategy runs smoothly and gets enthusiastic responses from students. The application of REACT strategies should be undertaken sustainably so that the learning objectives can be achieved by integrating various mathematical skills that were capable


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan penerapan strategi REACT (Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Coorperating, Transferring) unutk mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengkonstruksi bukti. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah Analisis Real. Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa strategi REACT dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam mengkonstruksi bukti yaitu mahasiswa mampu menggunakan teroema sebelumnya untuk digunakan dalam proses pembuktian, melakukan manipulasi bentuk logika matematika sebagai strategi awal memulai proses pembuktian, menggunakan bantuan bukti non formal untuk menentukan langkah pembuktian selanjutnya, memeriksa kevalidan proses pembuktian dan mampu melakukan pembuktian kontradiksi

    Designing a Flipped Classroom Course – a Process Model

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    Digital learning has become more than just a trend in the modern world. Blended learning concepts are well established in different areas of application. An important concept in this domain is the so-called flipped classroom. This approach repurposes class time to focus on application and discussion, while the acquisition of basic knowledge will happen at home, enabled by online lectures. In the past, research demonstrated and discussed the advantages of flipped classroom concepts within case studies. Still, standardized guidelines for the development of flipped classrooms are rare. However, it is necessary to learn from the past to improve future education. Thus, we analyzed reviews on flipped classroom research and used these to develop a generic process model for the realization of flipped classroom concepts. The model is based on phases taken from project management, which help to structure the procedure and associated tasks

    Aligning with complexity: system-theoretical principles for research on differentiated instruction

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    Much scholarly research was dedicated over the last years to address the difficult task of responding adequately to student differences. Differentiated instruction is a teaching philosophy and practice that deals with this ambitious target. The aim of this paper is to reflect on how system theory  methodologically challenges research on differentiated instruction. Based on these insights which are only recently applied in educational sciences it is documented how current research on differentiated instruction does not yet mirror the full complexity of the concept of differentiated instruction. Three challenges for research on differentiated instruction are presented: to focus on the interplay between micro- an meso-level interaction; to acknowledge for external influences in research design; and, to use patterns of non-linear causality. Three design principles for research on differentiated instruction are presented to cope with these challenges: organic design, interactionality and reflectivity. By using these principles we believe research on differentiated instruction would be more aligned with the theoretical foundations of the concept

    “Como está o clima?”: avaliação das relações no ensino superior

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    A percepção do estudante em relação ao ambiente escolar influencia no nível de envolvimento e na satisfação com o aprendizado. Sendo importante compreender quais fatores são mais importantes para que o estudante se sinta confortável em seu ambiente de estudo. Esse artigo propõe um instrumento que avalia o clima educacional e investiga a relação com satisfação com o curso, satisfação com a instituição e autoavaliação de  desempenho. Participaram 663 universitários (M = 22,48 anos; DP = 5,45).  Uma análise fatorial exploratória com interceptos randômicos indicou uma estrutura de dois fatores, a saber, Relações com Professores (RP) e Ambiente institucional positivo (AIP). A associação com variáveis externas foi avaliada via pathanalyses, em que RP foi o melhor preditor de satisfação  com o curso e AIP melhor preditor de autoavaliação do desempenho. Espera-se, com este estudo, contribuir para a compreensão dos aspectos facilitadores do processo de aprendizagem

    Investigating Factors of Transitioned-Online Courses on Satisfaction and Learning Effectiveness in Higher Education during the Era of the COVID-19

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    Purpose – This study explored factors of online education that affect student dissatisfaction and learning effectiveness in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research design, data, and methodology – This study combined qualitative and quantitative designs. The qualitative part of this study involved in-depth interviews using a criteria-based purposive sampling technique. The quantitative part of this study consisted of an online survey. Results – The qualitative results revealed that students faced significant problems related to online learning, including a lack of learning environment, interaction, and support from the school. The quantitative results indicated that the effects of transitioned-online courses on student dissatisfaction were higher with student support, the interaction between students and instructors, online learning environment, and course organization and evaluation based on the order, while the effects on learning effectiveness were higher with the online learning environment, interaction between students and instructors, course organization and evaluation, and student support based on the order. Conclusion – The results implied that online learning in the era of the COVID 19 pandemic negatively affects student satisfaction and learning effectiveness. Policymakers and school leaders should improve students’ satisfaction and learning effectiveness when confronted with the pandemic. Better policies should be adopted to improve better way of teaching in the era of COVID19.2


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    This pre-test post-test quasi-experimental study was grounded in a mixed method embedded design to delve into the quality and efficiency of flipped classroom model in enhancing university prep students’ overall academic performance in EFL and that in its sub-skills in addition to the durability of that performance. The study has also pioneered to reveal the impact of gender on flipped classroom EFL learners’ post-test scores. Quantitative data was gathered through the administration of EFL Achievement Test to 41 EFL students enrolled at Foreign Language School, Gebze Technical University in two different classrooms randomly assigned as experimental (N= 21) and control group (N=20). The intervention lasted during the whole 2016-2017 fall term. On the other hand, qualitative data was collected through follow-up semi-controlled interviews with 9 experiment group students from different achievement groups. All the quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) 21 for Windows and ITEMAN4 while qualitative data was analyzed manually by employing content analysis procedures. The results of the study revealed flipped classroom model as a significant facilitator of EFL performance and long-term retention of this performance at universities in Turkey. More specifically, students in flipped classroom significantly outperformed those in the traditional lecture based classroom in all skill areas except for listening. Furthermore, qualitative results supported this impact of flipped classroom model on EFL performance. As a unique aspect of the study, EFL students’ performance in the flipped classroom was explored to be independent of their gender. To conclude, he present study has promised a bulk of valuable results that set flipping EFL classrooms as an efficient way of dealing with failure in EFL in Turkey