39 research outputs found

    Semi-Arid Ecosystem Plant Functional Type and LAI from Small Footprint Waveform Lidar

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    Plant functional traits such as vegetation structure, density, and composition are indicators of ecosystem response to climate and human driven disturbances. We used small footprint waveform lidar with an ensemble random forest approach to differentiate the functional traits in a western US semi-arid ecosystem. We introduced a new gap fraction based leaf area index (LAI) estimator using lidar derived parameters. Results showed 60% - 89% accuracies discriminating plant functional types and estimating shrub LAI. These results imply the potential of waveform lidar to quantify plant functional traits in low-stature vegetation which is useful to assess climate impact in semi-arid ecosystems

    Assessing the use of discrete, full-waveform LiDAR and TLS to classify Mediterranean forest species composition

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] LiDAR technology –airborne and terrestrial- is becoming more relevant in the development of forest inventories, which are crucial to better understand and manage forest ecosystems. In this study, we assessed a classification of species composition in a Mediterranean forest following the C4.5 decision tree. Different data sets from airborne laser scanner full-waveform (ALSFW), discrete (ALSD) and terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) were combined as input data for the classification. Species composition were divided into five classes: pure Quercus ilex plots (QUI); pure Pinus halepensis dense regenerated (HALr); pure P. halepensis (HAL); pure P. pinaster (PIN); and mixed P. pinaster and Q. suber (mPIN). Furthermore, the class HAL was subdivided in low and dense understory vegetation cover. As a result, combination of ALSFW and TLS reached 85.2% of overall accuracy classifying classes HAL, PIN and mPIN. Combining ALSFW and ALSD, the overall accuracy was 77.0% to discriminate among the five classes. Finally, classification of understory vegetation cover using ALSFW reached an overall accuracy of 90.9%. In general, combination of ALSFW and TLS improved the overall accuracy of classifying among HAL, PIN and mPIN by 7.4% compared to the use of the data sets separately, and by 33.3% with respect to the use of ALSD only. ALSFW metrics, in particular those specifically designed for detection of understory vegetation, increased the overall accuracy 9.1% with respect to ALSD metrics. These analyses show that classification in forest ecosystems with presence of understory vegetation and intermediate canopy strata is improved when ALSFW and/or TLS are used instead of ALSD.[ES] La tecnología LiDAR, tanto en sus versiones aerotransportada como terrestre, ha adquirido relevancia en los últimos años en la realización de inventarios forestales que permiten entender y adecuar la gestión de los ecosistemas forestales. En este estudio, se evaluó la clasificación por composición de especies en un bosque mediterráneo mediante el árbol de decisión C4.5. Para ello, se emplearon diferentes conjuntos de datos derivados de LiDAR discreto (ALSD ), LiDAR de retorno de onda completa (full-waveform, ALSFW) y láser escáner terrestre (TLS) como datos de entrada de la clasificación. La composición de especies se dividió en cinco clases: parcelas puras de Quercus ilex (QUI); puras de Pinus halepensis regenerado (HALr); puras de P. halepensis (HAL); puras de P. pinaster (PIN); y mixta de P. pinaster y Q. suber (mPIN). Además, se realizó una subdivisión de la clase HAL en cobertura de sotobosque escasa y densa. Como resultado se obtuvo una fiabilidad del 85,2% en la clasificación de las clases HAL, PIN y mPIN combinando ALSFW y TLS. En la clasificación de las cinco composiciones de especies, la fiabilidad alcanzada empleando ALSFW y ALSD fue del 77,0%. Finalmente, en la clasificación de las subclases de cobertura de sotobosque se logró un 90,9% de fiabilidad con ALSFW. En general, la combinación de ALSFW y TLS mejoró los resultados en un 7,4% en la clasificación de las clases HAL, PIN y mPIN en comparación con el uso de los datos de los sensores por separado, y en un 33,3% con respecto al uso de ALSD. Las métricas ALSFW, en particular aquellas diseñadas especialmente para la detección del sotobosque, mejoraron la precisión en un 9,1% con respecto a las métricas derivadas de ALSD. Estos análisis muestran que el uso del ALSFW y TLS mejora la clasificación de los ecosistemas forestales con presencia de sotobosque y diferentes especies arbóreas en los estratos intermedios con respecto al ALSD.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER, in the framework of the project CGL2016-80705-R.Torralba, J.; Crespo-Peremarch, P.; Ruiz, LA. (2018). Evaluación del uso de LiDAR discreto, full-waveform y TLS en la clasificación por composición de especies en bosques mediterráneos. Revista de Teledetección. (52):27-40. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2018.11106SWORD274052Åkerblom, M., Raumonen, P., Mäkipää, R., Kaasalainen, M. 2017. Automatic tree species recognition with quantitative structure models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 191, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2016.12.002Barbier, S., Gosselin, F., Balandier, P. 2008. Influence of tree species on understory vegetation diversity and mechanisms involved-A critical review for temperate and boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 254(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2007.09.038Bastrup-Birk, A., Reker, J., Zal, N. 2016. European forest ecosystems: State and trends. EEA Report n° 5/2016. Copenhagen. https://doi.org/10.2800/964893Bauwens, S., Bartholomeus, H., Calders, K., Lejeune, P. 2016. Forest Inventory with Terrestrial LiDAR: A Comparison of Static and Hand-Held Mobile Laser Scanning. Forests, 7(12), 127. https://doi.org/10.3390/f7060127Cabo, C., Ordóñez, C., López-Sánchez, C. A., Armesto, J. 2018. Automatic dendrometry: Tree detection, tree height and diameter estimation using terrestrial laser scanning. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 69(November 2017), 164-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2018.01.011Cao, L., Coops, N., Hermosilla, T., Innes, J., Dai, J., She, G. 2014. Using Small-Footprint Discrete and Full-Waveform Airborne LiDAR Metrics to Estimate Total Biomass and Biomass Components in Subtropical Forests. Remote Sensing, 6(8), 7110- 7135. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs6087110Cifuentes, R., Zande, D. Van Der, Farifteh, J., Salas, C., Coppin, P. 2015. Effects of voxel size and sampling setup on the estimation of forest canopy gap fraction from terrestrial laser scanning data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 201(August), 416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.08.226Cowling, R. M., Rundel, P. W., Lamont, B. B., Kalin Arroyo, M., Arianoutsou, M. 1996. Plant diversity in mediterranean-climate regions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 11(9), 362-366. https://doi.org/10.1016/0169-5347(96)10044-6Crespo-Peremarch, P., Ruiz, L. A., Balaguer-Beser, A. 2016. A comparative study of regression methods to predict forest structure and canopy fuel variables from LiDAR full-waveform data. Revista de Teledetección, 45, 27-40. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2016.4066Crespo-Peremarch, P., Ruiz, L. Á. 2017. Análisis comparativo del potencial del ALS y TLS en la caracterización estructural de la masa forestal basado en voxelización. In Nuevas plataformas y sensores de teledetcción. XVII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección (pp. 131-135). Murcia: Asociación Española de Teledetección.Crespo-Peremarch, P., Tompalski, P., Coops, N. C., Ruiz, L. Á. 2018. Characterizing understory vegetation in Mediterranean forests using fullwaveform airborne laser scanning data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 217(August), 400-413. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2018.08.033Dubayah, R. O., Drake, J. B. 2000. Lidar Remote Sensing for Forestry Applications. Journal of Forestry, 98(6), 44-46. https://doi.org/10.1093/jof/98.6.44Duncanson, L. I., Niemann, K. O., Wulder, M. A. 2010. Estimating forest canopy height and terrain relief from GLAS waveform metrics. Remote Sensing of Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2009.08.018Duong, V. H. 2010. Processing and Application of ICESat Large Footprint Full Waveform Laser Range Data. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.Estornell, J., Velázquez-Martí, A., FernándezSarría, A., López-Cortés, I., Martí-Gavilá, J., Salazar, D. 2017. Estimación de parámetros de estructura de nogales utilizando láser escáner terrestre. Revista de Teledetección, 48, 67. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2017.7429García, M., Danson, F. M., Riaño, D., Chuvieco, E., Ramirez, F. A., Bandugula, V. 2011. Terrestrial laser scanning to estimate plot-level forest canopy fuel properties. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 13(4), 636-645. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2011.03.006Geri, F., Amici, V., Rocchini, D. 2010. Human activity impact on the heterogeneity of a Mediterranean landscape. Applied Geography, 30(3), 370-379. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.APGEOG.2009.10.006Hancock, S., Anderson, K., Disney, M., Gaston, K. J. 2017. Measurement of fine-spatial-resolution 3D vegetation structure with airborne waveform lidar: Calibration and validation with voxelised terrestrial lidar. Remote Sensing of Environment, 188, 37-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.RSE.2016.10.041Heinzel, J., Koch, B. 2011. Exploring full-waveform LiDAR parameters for tree species classification. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 13(1), 152-160. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.JAG.2010.09.010Heinzel, J., Huber, M. 2016. Detecting tree stems from volumetric TLS data in forest environments with rich understory. Remote Sensing, 9(1), 9. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9010009Hollaus, M., Mücke, W., Höfle, B., Dorigo, W., Pfeifer, N., Wagner, W., … Regner, B. 2009. Tree species classification based on full-waveform airborne laser scanning data. In Silvilaser 2009 (Vol. 54). Texas, USA.Isenburg, M. 2018. LAStools - Efficient tools for LiDAR processing. (Version 180409) obtained from http://rapidlasso.com/LAStools. Alemania: Rapidlasso GmbH.Kankare, V., Liang, X., Vastaranta, M., Yu, X., Holopainen, M., Hyyppä, J. 2015. Diameter distribution estimation with laser scanning based multisource single tree inventory. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 108, 161- 171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2015.07.007Kimes, D. S., Ranson, K. J., Sun, G., Blair, J. B. 2006. Predicting lidar measured forest vertical structure from multi-angle spectral data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 100(4), 503-511. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2005.11.004Kraus, K., Pfeifer, N. 1998. Determination of terrain models in wooded areas with airborne laser scanner data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 53(4), 193-203. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0924-2716(98)00009-4Lefsky, M. A., Cohen, W. B., Parker, G. G., Harding, D. J. 2002. Lidar Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Studies. BioScience, 52(1), 19-30. https://doi. org/10.1641/0006-3568(2002)052[0019:LRSFES]2 .0.CO;2Liang, X., Kankare, V., Hyyppä, J., Wang, Y., Kukko, A., Haggrén, H., … Vastaranta, M. 2016. Terrestrial laser scanning in forest inventories. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 115, 63- 77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2016.01.006Liang, X., Hyyppä, J., Kaartinen, H., Lehtomäki, M., Pyörälä, J., Pfeifer, N., … Wang, Y. 2018. International benchmarking of terrestrial laser scanning approaches for forest inventories. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 144(October 2018), 137-179. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2018.06.021Lin, Y., Herold, M. 2016. Tree species classification based on explicit tree structure feature parameters derived from static terrestrial laser scanning data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 216, 105-114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.10.008Maas, H. G., Bienert, A., Scheller, S., Keane, E. 2008. Automatic forest inventory parameter determination from terrestrial laser scanner data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(5), 1579-1593. https://doi.org/10.1080/01431160701736406Magrama. 2006. Mapa Forestal de España. Escala 1:50.000. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural y Política Forestal.McGaughey, R. J. 2016. FUSION/LDV: Software for LIDAR Data Analysis and Visualization. Seattle (WA): USDS Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. https://doi.org/10.1097/ BRS.0b013e3182a439ccMyers, N., Mittermeier, R. A., Mittermeier, C. G., da Fonseca, G. A. B., Kent, J. 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. 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Analysis of the influence of plot size and LiDAR density on forest structure attribute estimates. Forests, 5(5), 936-951. https://doi.org/10.3390/ f5050936Ruiz, L. Á., Recio, J. A., Crespo-Peremarch, P., Sapena, M. 2018. An object-based approach for mapping forest structural types based on low-density LiDAR and multispectral imagery. Geocarto International, 33(5), 443-457. https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2 016.1265595Scarascia-Mugnozza, G., Oswald, H., Piussi, P., Radoglou, K. 2000. Forests of the Mediterranean region: gaps in knowledge and research needs. Forest Ecology and Management, 132(1), 97-109. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-1127(00)00383-2Shugart, H. H., Saatchi, S., Hall, F. G. 2010. Importance of structure and its measurement in quantifying function of forest ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 115(G2), n/a-n/a. https://doi.org/10.1029/2009JG000993Valbuena, P., Del Peso, C., Bravo, F. 2008. 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    This study attempted to classify three coniferous and ten broadleaved tree species by combining airborne laser scanning (ALS) data and multispectral images. The study area, located in Nagano, central Japan, is within the broadleaved forests of the Afan Woodland area. A total of 235 trees were surveyed in 2016, and we recorded the species, DBH, and tree height. The geographical position of each tree was collected using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) device. Tree crowns were manually detected using GNSS position data, field photographs, true-color orthoimages with three bands (red-green-blue, RGB), 3D point clouds, and a canopy height model derived from ALS data. Then a total of 69 features, including 27 image-based and 42 point-based features, were extracted from the RGB images and the ALS data to classify tree species. Finally, the detected tree crowns were classified into two classes for the first level (coniferous and broadleaved trees), four classes for the second level (Pinus densiflora, Larix kaempferi, Cryptomeria japonica, and broadleaved trees), and 13 classes for the third level (three coniferous and ten broadleaved species), using the 27 image-based features, 42 point-based features, all 69 features, and the best combination of features identified using a neighborhood component analysis algorithm, respectively. The overall classification accuracies reached 90 % at the first and second levels but less than 60 % at the third level. The classifications using the best combinations of features had higher accuracies than those using the image-based and point-based features and the combination of all of the 69 features

    Tree-mycorrhizal associations detected remotely from canopy spectral properties

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    A central challenge in global ecology is the identification of key functional processes in ecosystems that scale, but do not require, data for individual species across landscapes. Given that nearly all tree species form symbiotic relationships with one of two types of mycorrhizal fungi – arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi – and that AM- and ECM-dominated forests often have distinct nutrient economies, the detection and mapping of mycorrhizae over large areas could provide valuable insights about fundamental ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, species interactions, and overall forest productivity. We explored remotely sensed tree canopy spectral properties to detect underlying mycorrhizal association across a gradient of AM- and ECM-dominated forest plots. Statistical mining of reflectance and reflectance derivatives across moderate/high-resolution Landsat data revealed distinctly unique phenological signals that differentiated AM and ECM associations. This approach was trained and validated against measurements of tree species and mycorrhizal association across ~130 000 trees throughout the temperate United States. We were able to predict 77% of the variation in mycorrhizal association distribution within the forest plots (P \u3c 0.001). The implications for this work move us toward mapping mycorrhizal association globally and advancing our understanding of biogeochemical cycling and other ecosystem processes

    Airborne LiDAR for the detection of archaeological vegetation marks using biomass as a proxy

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    In arable landscapes, the airborne detection of archaeological features is often reliant on using the properties of the vegetation cover as a proxy for sub-surface features in the soil. Under the right conditions, the formation of vegetation marks allows archaeologists to identify and interpret archaeological features. Using airborne Laser Scanning, based on the principles of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to detect these marks is challenging, particularly given the difficulties of resolving subtle changes in a low and homogeneous crop with these sensors. In this paper, an experimental approach is adopted to explore how these marks could be detected as variations in canopy biomass using both range and full waveform LiDAR data. Although some detection was achieved using metrics of the full waveform data, it is the novel multi-temporal method of using discrete return data to detect and characterise archaeological vegetation marks that is offered for further consideration. This method was demonstrated to be applicable over a range of capture conditions, including soils deemed as difficult (i.e., clays and other heavy soils), and should increase the certainty of detection when employed in the increasingly multi-sensor approaches to heritage prospection and management

    Regional Scale Dryland Vegetation Classification with an Integrated Lidar-Hyperspectral Approach

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    The sparse canopy cover and large contribution of bright background soil, along with the heterogeneous vegetation types in close proximity, are common challenges for mapping dryland vegetation with remote sensing. Consequently, the results of a single classification algorithm or one type of sensor to characterize dryland vegetation typically show low accuracy and lack robustness. In our study, we improved classification accuracy in a semi-arid ecosystem based on the use of vegetation optical (hyperspectral) and structural (lidar) information combined with the environmental characteristics of the landscape. To accomplish this goal, we used both spectral angle mapper (SAM) and multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) for optical vegetation classification. Lidar-derived maximum vegetation height and delineated riparian zones were then used to modify the optical classification. Incorporating the lidar information into the classification scheme increased the overall accuracy from 60% to 89%. Canopy structure can have a strong influence on spectral variability and the lidar provided complementary information for SAM’s sensitivity to shape but not magnitude of the spectra. Similar approaches to map large regions of drylands with low uncertainty may be readily implemented with unmixing algorithms applied to upcoming space-based imaging spectroscopy and lidar. This study advances our understanding of the nuances associated with mapping xeric and mesic regions, and highlights the importance of incorporating complementary algorithms and sensors to accurately characterize the heterogeneity of dryland ecosystems

    A full-waveform airborne laser scanning metric extraction tool for forest structure modelling. Do scan angle and radiometric correction matter?

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    [EN] In the last decade, full-waveform airborne laser scanning (ALSFW) has proven to be a promising tool for forestry applications. Compared to traditional discrete airborne laser scanning (ALSD), it is capable of registering the complete signal going through the different vertical layers of the vegetation, allowing for a better characterization of the forest structure. However, there is a lack of ALSFW software tools for taking greater advantage of these data. Additionally, most of the existing software tools do not include radiometric correction, which is essential for the use of ALSFW data, since extracted metrics depend on radiometric values. This paper describes and presents a software tool named WoLFeX for clipping, radiometrically correcting, voxelizing the waves, and extracting object-oriented metrics from ALSFW data. Moreover, extracted metrics can be used as input for generating either classification or regression models for forestry, ecology, and fire sciences applications. An example application of WoLFeX was carried out to test the influence of the relative radiometric correction and the acquisition scan angle (1) on the ALSFW metric return waveform energy (RWE) values, and (2) on the estimation of three forest fuel variables (CFL: canopy fuel load, CH: canopy height, and CBH: canopy base height). Results show that radiometric differences in RWE values computed from different scan angle intervals (0°¿5° and 15°¿20°) were reduced, but not removed, when the relative radiometric correction was applied. Additionally, the estimation of height variables (i.e., CH and CBH) was not strongly influenced by the relative radiometric correction, while the model obtained for CFL improved from R2 = 0.62 up to R2 = 0.79 after applying the correction. These results show the significance of the relative radiometric correction for reducing radiometric differences measured from different scan angles and for modelling some stand-level forest fuel variables.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER, in the framework of the projects ForeStructure (CGL2013-46387-C2-1-R) and FIRMACARTO (CGL2016-80705-R).Crespo-Peremarch, P.; Ruiz Fernández, LÁ. (2020). A full-waveform airborne laser scanning metric extraction tool for forest structure modelling. Do scan angle and radiometric correction matter?. Remote Sensing. 12(2):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12020292S11712

    Single-Sensor Solution to Tree Species Classification Using Multispectral Airborne Laser Scanning

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    This paper investigated the potential of multispectral airborne laser scanning (ALS) data for individual tree detection and tree species classification. The aim was to develop a single-sensor solution for forest mapping that is capable of providing species-specific information, required for forest management and planning purposes. Experiments were conducted using 1903 ground measured trees from 22 sample plots and multispectral ALS data, acquired with an Optech Titan scanner over a boreal forest, mainly consisting of Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea Abies), and birch (Betula sp.), in southern Finland. ALS-features used as predictors for tree species were extracted from segmented tree objects and used in random forest classification. Different combinations of features, including point cloud features, and intensity features of single and multiple channels, were tested. Among the field-measured trees, 61.3% were correctly detected. The best overall accuracy (OA) of tree species classification achieved for correctly-detected trees was 85.9% (Kappa = 0.75), using a point cloud and single-channel intensity features combination, which was not significantly different from the ones that were obtained either using all features (OA = 85.6%, Kappa = 0.75), or single-channel intensity features alone (OA = 85.4%, Kappa = 0.75). Point cloud features alone achieved the lowest accuracy, with an OA of 76.0%. Field-measured trees were also divided into four categories. An examination of the classification accuracy for four categories of trees showed that isolated and dominant trees can be detected with a detection rate of 91.9%, and classified with a high overall accuracy of 90.5%. The corresponding detection rate and accuracy were 81.5% and 89.8% for a group of trees, 26.4% and 79.1% for trees next to a larger tree, and 7.2% and 53.9% for trees situated under a larger tree, respectively. The results suggest that Channel 2 (1064 nm) contains more information for separating pine, spruce, and birch, followed by channel 1 (1550 nm) and channel 3 (532 nm) with an overall accuracy of 81.9%, 78.3%, and 69.1%, respectively. Our results indicate that the use of multispectral ALS data has great potential to lead to a single-sensor solution for forest mapping.Peer reviewe

    Tree species, crown cover, and age as determinants of the vertical distribution of airborne LiDAR returns

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    Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) provides information on the vertical structure of forest stands enabling detailed and extensive ecosystem study. The vertical structure is often summarized by scalar features and data-reduction techniques that limit the interpretation of results. Instead, we quantified the influence of three variables, species, crown cover, and age, on the vertical distribution of airborne LiDAR returns from forest stands. We studied 5,428 regular, even-aged stands in Quebec (Canada) with five dominant species: balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.), paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh), black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP), white spruce (Picea glauca Moench) and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.). We modeled the vertical distribution against the three variables using a functional general linear model and a novel nonparametric graphical test of significance. Results indicate that LiDAR returns from aspen stands had the most uniform vertical distribution. Balsam fir and white birch distributions were similar and centered at around 50% of the stand height, and black spruce and white spruce distributions were skewed to below 30% of stand height (p<0.001). Increased crown cover concentrated the distributions around 50% of stand height. Increasing age gradually shifted the distributions higher in the stand for stands younger than 70-years, before plateauing and slowly declining at 90-120 years. Results suggest that the vertical distributions of LiDAR returns depend on the three variables studied

    Regional scale dryland vegetation classification with an integrated lidar-hyperspectral approach

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    The sparse canopy cover and large contribution of bright background soil, along with the heterogeneous vegetation types in close proximity, are common challenges for mapping dryland vegetation with remote sensing. Consequently, the results of a single classification algorithm or one type of sensor to characterize dryland vegetation typically show low accuracy and lack robustness. In our study, we improved classification accuracy in a semi-arid ecosystem based on the use of vegetation optical (hyperspectral) and structural (lidar) information combined with the environmental characteristics of the landscape. To accomplish this goal, we used both spectral angle mapper (SAM) and multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) for optical vegetation classification. Lidar-derived maximum vegetation height and delineated riparian zones were then used to modify the optical classification. Incorporating the lidar information into the classification scheme increased the overall accuracy from 60% to 89%. Canopy structure can have a strong influence on spectral variability and the lidar provided complementary information for SAM’s sensitivity to shape but not magnitude of the spectra. Similar approaches to map large regions of drylands with low uncertainty may be readily implemented with unmixing algorithms applied to upcoming space-based imaging spectroscopy and lidar. This study advances our understanding of the nuances associated with mapping xeric and mesic regions, and highlights the importance of incorporating complementary algorithms and sensors to accurately characterize the heterogeneity of dryland ecosystems