2,964 research outputs found

    Establishing Appropriate Best Practices in Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer in the United Arab Emirates: Building Human Capital, Global Networks and Institutional Infrastructure to Drive Sustainable Knowledge-Based, Innovation-Driven Development

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    Best practices (BP) are integral to national and international IP law, practice, and management. For the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to build, foster, and sustain globally-networked knowledge-based, innovation-driven, economic development in the 21st century, a suite of internationally-standardized BP in intellectual property (IP) management, technology transfer and information analysis will be necessary. For the UAE, and the other GCC states, appropriate and applicable BP will be critical to diversify from commodity over-dependence (petroleum) towards nationally, regionally and globally interconnected innovation ecosystems. Therefore, strategically building human capital, institutions, institutional infrastructure and global networks which will be required for UAE to leapfrog from commodity dependence to innovation. A series of prescriptive recommendations are suggested as a basis for a strategic action plan

    The Potential of Follow-On Innovation Financing Instruments to Support a Sustainable Transition

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    Forthcoming in: T.Pihlajarinne,, J. Mähönen, P. N. Upreti (eds.): Intellectual Property Rights in the Post Pandemic World: an Integrated Framework of Sustainability, Innovation and Global Justice. Edward Elgar 2023, forthcoming., Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 22-07In the transition to sustainability, innovation will play a crucial role. As the latter follows intricate paths and processes, IPRs might impede further innovation and slow down the transition to sustainability by blocking innovative technologies – or making it harder to access them. Yet, when adequately used, IPRs may foster knowledge exchange and shared learning. Open innovation - particularly open licensing – can support follow-on innovation by allowing for the circulation and combination of inputs from different actors and help solving the wicked problem of sustainability. Aside from the mere practice of sharing one's IPRs to foster further innovations in an open innovation setting, the sustainable financing of follow-on innovation will be essential in the coming decades. Indeed, in a crisis-laden world and considering the - presumably - future economic downturns, the question of the financing of follow-on innovation will be critical. There is certainly a need to identify how and under which conditions intellectual property, follow-on innovation and financing models can work together towards a more sustainable world. As the R&D funding in the post-pandemic world might become scarce, uneven, and unpredictable, this article reviews whether some alternative means of funding innovation –particularly emerging blockchain-based solutions – could succeed at supporting follow-on innovation for the greater goal of sustainability

    Trademark Valuation According to Laws and Regulations in Vietnam

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    Pricing and valuation may be confusingly interchangeable in various industries from manufacturing to commerce etc.. However, they are in fact different. Pricing can be simply understood as a process whereby the price is set by a seller or by an agreement between a seller and a buyer. On contrary, valuation analysis is normally conducted by experts. So, trademark valuation is a process whereby a trademark value is determined by means of diligent research, unbiased judgment, and some pretty simple arithmetic. In this study, we point out the drawbacks and obstacles in pricing in trademark transfer in our country in comparison with other countries/regions and then we will suggest some measures to improve the regime for pricing in trademark transfer in Vietnam. Authors also present Some Basic Concepts Related to Pricing And Valuation Of Trademark and valuation methods. Authors also use a construction case of LICOGI (general company in construction and infrastructure in Vietnam) as reference for pricing issues. Last but not least, in this study we could resolve some controversial issues in trademark pricing and transfer in various companies from production, manufacturing to construction, real estate and commerce sectors in developing countries such as Vietnam, at least from definitions, concepts and legal framework.Keywords: Intellectual Property Assets; Trademark Pricing Services; Law; Valuation Method; Vietnam Penilaian Merek Dagang Menurut Undang-Undang dan Peraturan di Vietnam Abstrak Penetapan harga dan penilaian mungkin membingungkan dan dapat dipertukarkan di berbagai industri mulai dari manufaktur hingga perdagangan, dll. Namun, sebenarnya keduanya berbeda. Penetapan harga secara sederhana dapat dipahami sebagai proses di mana harga ditetapkan oleh penjual atau dengan kesepakatan antara penjual dan pembeli. Sebaliknya, analisis penilaian biasanya dilakukan oleh para ahli. Jadi, penilaian merek dagang adalah proses di mana nilai merek dagang ditentukan melalui penelitian yang rajin, penilaian yang tidak bias, dan beberapa aritmatika yang cukup sederhana. Dalam studi ini, kami menunjukkan kelemahan dan hambatan dalam penetapan harga dalam transfer merek dagang di negara kami dibandingkan dengan negara/kawasan lain dan kemudian kami akan menyarankan beberapa langkah untuk meningkatkan rezim penetapan harga dalam transfer merek dagang di Vietnam. Penulis juga menyajikan Beberapa Konsep Dasar Terkait Penetapan Harga Dan Penilaian Merek Dagang dan metode penilaian. Penulis juga menggunakan kasus konstruksi LICOGI (perusahaan umum dalam konstruksi dan infrastruktur di Vietnam) sebagai referensi untuk masalah harga. Last but not least, dalam penelitian ini kita dapat menyelesaikan beberapa masalah kontroversial dalam penetapan harga dan transfer merek dagang di berbagai perusahaan mulai dari produksi, manufaktur hingga konstruksi, real estat dan sektor perdagangan di negara-negara berkembang seperti Vietnam, setidaknya dari definisi, konsep dan kerangka hukum. .Kata kunci: Aset Kekayaan Intelektual; Layanan Penetapan Harga Merek Dagang; Hukum; Metode Penilaian; VietnamОценка товарного знака в соответствии с законами и правилами Вьетнама АннотацияЦенообразование и оценка могут быть ошибочно взаимозаменяемы в различных отраслях, от производства до торговли, и т. д. Однако на самом деле это разные понятия. Ценообразование может быть просто понято как процесс, посредством которого цена устанавливается продавцом или соглашением между продавцом и покупателем. Напротив, оценочный анализ обычно проводится экспертами. Таким образом, оценка товарного знака — это процесс, в ходе которого стоимость товарного знака определяется посредством тщательного исследования, беспристрастного суждения и некоторых довольно простых арифметических действий. В этом исследовании мы указываем на недостатки и препятствия в ценообразовании при передаче товарных знаков в нашей стране по сравнению с другими странами/регионами, а затем предлагаем некоторые меры по улучшению режима ценообразования при передаче товарных знаков во Вьетнаме. Авторы также представляют некоторые основные концепции, связанные с ценообразованием и оценкой товарных знаков, и методы оценки. Авторы также используют случай строительства LICOGI (генеральная компания в области строительства и инфраструктуры во Вьетнаме) в качестве справочного материала по вопросам ценообразования. И последнее, но не менее важное: в этом исследовании мы смогли решить некоторые спорные вопросы, связанные с ценообразованием и передачей товарных знаков в различных компаниях из производственного сектора, изготовления в сектор строительства, недвижимости и торговли в развивающихся странах, таких как Вьетнам, по крайней мере, в отношении определений, концепций и правовой базы.Ключевые слова: Активы интеллектуальной собственности; Услуги по ценообразованию товарных знаков; Закон; Метод оценки; Вьетна

    Two decades of the Journal of Intellectual Capital: a bibliometric overview and an agenda for future research

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    Purpose: The Journal of Intellectual Capital (JIC) is one of the leading academic journals in the field of business and management, with an impact factor of 3.744, according to Journal Citation Reports from Clarivate Analytics, 2019. This study reports the results of a content analysis of the JIC articles that have been published since the journal was founded in 2000, in order to highlight its significant contribution and identify potential future research avenues within the business and management field. Design/methodology/approach: Scopus database, complemented by the Web of Science (WOS) Core Collection, was used. Furthermore, this study graphically maps over 20 years' worth of bibliographic material, using the visualization of similarities (VOS) to present an overview of the journal and identify future research avenues. Findings: The paper provides an overview of a total of 700 articles and editorial notes, authored by leading authors from various universities, as well as collating the research themes explored during the 20 year period between 2000 and 2019. The prestigious positioning of this journal is evidenced both through the increasing number of citations received from other highly regarded journals and through its impact upon the establishment of new streams of research. Practical implications: By applying a bibliometric analysis, this paper offers an overview of past and current themes on intellectual capital (IC). Originality/value: This article delivers an in-depth and rigorous analysis of the fields and research streams interrogated by the JIC over the last 20 years and offers potential topics for future research, which could stimulate authors and inspire advancements in research for years to come.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Ethics and taxation : a cross-national comparison of UK and Turkish firms

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    This paper investigates responses to tax related ethical issues facing busines

    The development of an instrument for enabling investors to assess the quality of human capital in medium sized enterprises

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    According to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, intangible assets generate up to 80% of the value of businesses listed on a stock exchange ranging from multinationals in the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) to SMEs in the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). Large enterprises are aware of the value of their intangibles, including human capital, use sophisticated approaches to evaluate them internally and describe them in annual reports. Some medium sized enterprises do use such approaches but they are time consuming and expensive to implement and maintain. The aim of this study, therefore, was to develop an instrument for assessing the quality of human capital in medium sized enterprises which could be implemented quickly at relatively low cost. It was hypothesized that information on the quality of human capital made available by this instrument to ‘relationship building’ and ‘buy and hold’ Investors would influence their view on its value and so influence their levels of investment. The literature review enabled the generation of a long-list of human capital issues used to create surveys which were completed by subject matter experts and investors. The surveys resulted in a short-list of items which were used to create a pilot instrument. The instrument was piloted using structured interviews in two commercial businesses, two not-for-profit businesses and a Business School. The pilot was then developed into an assessment instrument which was completed by 211 senior executives from medium sized enterprises. The resulting Human Capital Report (HCP) was found to demonstrate good internal consistency; test – retest and inter-rater reliability; content (face) validity; construct validity; concurrent and predictive validity. Information generated by the senior executives was found not correlate with financial data used by investors but did correlate strongly with enterprise flexibility. As such it is argued that the HCA offers investors information additional to the ‘financials’ which they currently use to inform investment decisions. Some categories of investors agree: 97% of those completing the investor survey indicated that, assuming they could trust the information, they would vary their levels of investment by up to 50%. The approach has been made available to interested parties in the form of two websites. The first is aimed at mature SMEs wishing to demonstate the quality of their workforce to funders / investors: www.HumanCapital.Report. The second is aimed at rapidly growing SMEs wishing to introduce a more sytematic approach to managing their workforce: www.ScaleupLeader.Guid

    CIFRA: Challenging the ICT Patent Framework for Responsible Innovation. D4.3: Paper to well-recognized journals

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    The European Commission. CIFRA: Challenging the ICT Patent Framework for Responsible Innovation. Grant Agreement No.731940. Research and Innovation Action. Call: H2020-ICT-35-201

    CREATe 2012-2016: Impact on society, industry and policy through research excellence and knowledge exchange

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    On the eve of the CREATe Festival May 2016, the Centre published this legacy report (edited by Kerry Patterson & Sukhpreet Singh with contributions from consortium researchers)

    The Potential of Follow-On Innovation Financing Instruments to Support a Sustainable Transition

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    In the transition to sustainability, innovation will play a crucial role. As the latter follows intricate paths and processes, IPRs might impede further innovation and slow down the transition to sustainability by blocking innovative technologies – or making it harder to access them. Yet, when adequately used, IPRs may foster knowledge exchange and shared learning. Open innovation - particularly open licensing – can support follow-on innovation by allowing for the circulation and combination of inputs from different actors and help solving the wicked problem of sustainability. Aside from the mere practice of sharing one's IPRs to foster further innovations in an open innovation setting, the sustainable financing of follow-on innovation will be essential in the coming decades. Indeed, in a crisis-laden world and considering the - presumably - future economic downturns, the question of the financing of follow-on innovation will be critical. There is certainly a need to identify how and under which conditions intellectual property, follow-on innovation and financing models can work together towards a more sustainable world. As the R&D funding in the post-pandemic world might become scarce, uneven, and unpredictable, this article reviews whether some alternative means of funding innovation –particularly emerging blockchain-based solutions – could succeed at supporting follow-on innovation for the greater goal of sustainability