165 research outputs found

    Low Power Memory/Memristor Devices and Systems

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    This reprint focusses on achieving low-power computation using memristive devices. The topic was designed as a convenient reference point: it contains a mix of techniques starting from the fundamental manufacturing of memristive devices all the way to applications such as physically unclonable functions, and also covers perspectives on, e.g., in-memory computing, which is inextricably linked with emerging memory devices such as memristors. Finally, the reprint contains a few articles representing how other communities (from typical CMOS design to photonics) are fighting on their own fronts in the quest towards low-power computation, as a comparison with the memristor literature. We hope that readers will enjoy discovering the articles within


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    This Edited Volume Memristors - Circuits and Applications of Memristor Devices is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of Engineering. The book comprises single chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the physical sciences, engineering, and technology research areas. All chapters are complete in itself but united under a common research study topic. This publication aims at providing a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors on physical sciences, engineering, and technology,and open new possible research paths for further novel developments

    Simulation and implementation of novel deep learning hardware architectures for resource constrained devices

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    Corey Lammie designed mixed signal memristive-complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) hardware architectures, which were used to reduce the power and resource requirements of Deep Learning (DL) systems; both during inference and training. Disruptive design methodologies, such as those explored in this thesis, can be used to facilitate the design of next-generation DL systems

    Device Modeling and Circuit Design of Neuromorphic Memory Structures

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    The downscaling of CMOS technology and the benefits gleaned thereof have made it the cornerstone of the semiconductor industry for many years. As the technology reaches its fundamental physical limits, however, CMOS is expected to run out of steam instigating the exploration of new nanoelectronic devices. Memristors have emerged as promising candidates for future computing paradigms, specifically, memory arrays and neuromorphic circuits. Towards this end, this dissertation will explore the use of two memristive devices, namely, Transition Metal Oxide (TMO) devices and Insulator Metal Transition (IMT) devices in constructing neuromorphic circuits. A compact model for TMO devices is first proposed and verified against experimental data. The proposed model, unlike most of the other models present in the literature, leverages the instantaneous resistance of the device as the state variable which facilitates parameter extraction. In addition, a model for the forming voltage of TMO devices is developed and verified against experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations. Impact of the device geometry and material characteristics of the TMO device on the forming voltage is investigated and techniques for reducing the forming voltage are proposed. The use of TMOs in syanptic arrays is then explored and a multi-driver write scheme is proposed that improves their performance. The proposed technique enhances voltage delivery across the selected cells via suppressing the effective line resistance and leakage current paths, thus, improving the performance of the crossbar array. An IMT compact model is also developed and verified against experiemntal data and electro-thermal device simulations. The proposed model describes the device as a memristive system with the temperature being the state variable, thus, capturing the temperature dependent resistive switching of the IMT device in a compact form suitable for SPICE implementation. An IMT based Integrate-And-Fire neuron is then proposed. The IMT neuron leverages the temperature dynamics of the device to deliver the functionality of the neuron. The proposed IMT neuron is more compact than its CMOS counterparts as it alleviates the need for complex CMOS circuitry. Impact of the IMT device parameters on the neuron\u27s performance is then studied and design considerations are provided

    Design of a CMOS-Memristive Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic System with Energy and Area Efficiency in System Level Applications

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    The von Neumann architecture has been the backbone of modern computers for several years. This computational framework is popular because it defines an easy, simple and cheap design for the processing unit and memory. Unfortunately, this architecture faces a huge bottleneck going forward since complexity in computations now demands increased parallelism and this architecture is not efficient at parallel processing. Moreover, the post-Moore\u27s law era brings a constant demand for energy-efficient computing with fewer resources and less area. Hence, researchers are interested in establishing alternatives to the von Neumann architecture and neuromorphic computing is one of the few aspiring computing architectures that contributes to this research effectively. Initially, neuromorphic computing attracted attention because of the parallelism found in the bio-inspired networks and they were interested in leveraging this advantage on a single chip. Moreover, the need for speed in real time performance also escalated the popularity of neuromorphic computing and different research groups started working on hardware implementations of neural networks. Also, neuroscience is consistently building a better understanding of biological networks that provides opportunities for bridging the gap between biological neuronal activities and artificial neural networks. As a consequence, the idea behind neuromorphic computing has continued to gain in popularity. In this research, a memristive neuromorphic system for improved power and area efficiency has been presented. This particular implementation introduces a mixed-signal platform to implement neural networks in a synchronous way. In addition to mixed-signal design, a nano-scale memristive device has been introduced that provides power and area efficiency for the overall system. The system design also includes synchronous digital long term plasticity (DLTP), an online learning methodology that helps train the neural networks during the operation phase, improving the efficiency in learning when considering power consumption and area overhead. This research also proposes a stochastic neuron design with a sigmoidal firing rate. The design introduces variability in the membrane capacitance to reach different membrane potential leading to a variable stochastic firing rate

    Bio-inspired learning and hardware acceleration with emerging memories

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    Machine Learning has permeated many aspects of engineering, ranging from the Internet of Things (IoT) applications to big data analytics. While computing resources available to implement these algorithms have become more powerful, both in terms of the complexity of problems that can be solved and the overall computing speed, the huge energy costs involved remains a significant challenge. The human brain, which has evolved over millions of years, is widely accepted as the most efficient control and cognitive processing platform. Neuro-biological studies have established that information processing in the human brain relies on impulse like signals emitted by neurons called action potentials. Motivated by these facts, the Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), which are a bio-plausible version of neural networks have been proposed as an alternative computing paradigm where the timing of spikes generated by artificial neurons is central to its learning and inference capabilities. This dissertation demonstrates the computational power of the SNNs using conventional CMOS and emerging nanoscale hardware platforms. The first half of this dissertation presents an SNN architecture which is trained using a supervised spike-based learning algorithm for the handwritten digit classification problem. This network achieves an accuracy of 98.17% on the MNIST test data-set, with about 4X fewer parameters compared to the state-of-the-art neural networks achieving over 99% accuracy. In addition, a scheme for parallelizing and speeding up the SNN simulation on a GPU platform is presented. The second half of this dissertation presents an optimal hardware design for accelerating SNN inference and training with SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) and nanoscale non-volatile memory (NVM) crossbar arrays. Three prominent NVM devices are studied for realizing hardware accelerators for SNNs: Phase Change Memory (PCM), Spin Transfer Torque RAM (STT-RAM) and Resistive RAM (RRAM). The analysis shows that a spike-based inference engine with crossbar arrays of STT-RAM bit-cells is 2X and 5X more efficient compared to PCM and RRAM memories, respectively. Furthermore, the STT-RAM design has nearly 6X higher throughput per unit Watt per unit area than that of an equivalent SRAM-based (Static Random Access Memory) design. A hardware accelerator with on-chip learning on an STT-RAM memory array is also designed, requiring 1616 bits of floating-point synaptic weight precision to reach the baseline SNN algorithmic performance on the MNIST dataset. The complete design with STT-RAM crossbar array achieves nearly 20X higher throughput per unit Watt per unit mm^2 than an equivalent design with SRAM memory. In summary, this work demonstrates the potential of spike-based neuromorphic computing algorithms and its efficient realization in hardware based on conventional CMOS as well as emerging technologies. The schemes presented here can be further extended to design spike-based systems that can be ubiquitously deployed for energy and memory constrained edge computing applications
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