375 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Sparse Bayesian Learning with Applications to Compressed Sensing of Multichannel Physiological Signals

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    Energy consumption is an important issue in continuous wireless telemonitoring of physiological signals. Compressed sensing (CS) is a promising framework to address it, due to its energy-efficient data compression procedure. However, most CS algorithms have difficulty in data recovery due to non-sparsity characteristic of many physiological signals. Block sparse Bayesian learning (BSBL) is an effective approach to recover such signals with satisfactory recovery quality. However, it is time-consuming in recovering multichannel signals, since its computational load almost linearly increases with the number of channels. This work proposes a spatiotemporal sparse Bayesian learning algorithm to recover multichannel signals simultaneously. It not only exploits temporal correlation within each channel signal, but also exploits inter-channel correlation among different channel signals. Furthermore, its computational load is not significantly affected by the number of channels. The proposed algorithm was applied to brain computer interface (BCI) and EEG-based driver's drowsiness estimation. Results showed that the algorithm had both better recovery performance and much higher speed than BSBL. Particularly, the proposed algorithm ensured that the BCI classification and the drowsiness estimation had little degradation even when data were compressed by 80%, making it very suitable for continuous wireless telemonitoring of multichannel signals.Comment: Codes are available at: https://sites.google.com/site/researchbyzhang/stsb

    System-on-Chip Solution for Patients Biometric: A Compressive Sensing-Based Approach

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    IEEE The ever-increasing demand for biometric solutions for the internet of thing (IoT)-based connected health applications is mainly driven by the need to tackle fraud issues, along with the imperative to improve patient privacy, safety and personalized medical assistance. However, the advantages offered by the IoT platforms come with the burden of big data and its associated challenges in terms of computing complexity, bandwidth availability and power consumption. This paper proposes a solution to tackle both privacy issues and big data transmission by incorporating the theory of compressive sensing (CS) and a simple, yet, efficient identification mechanism using the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal as a biometric trait. Moreover, the paper presents the hardware implementation of the proposed solution on a system on chip (SoC) platform with an optimized architecture to further reduce hardware resource usage. First, we investigate the feasibility of compressing the ECG data while maintaining a high identification quality. The obtained results show a 98.88% identification rate using only a compression ratio of 30%. Furthermore, the proposed system has been implemented on a Zynq SoC using heterogeneous software/hardware solution, which is able to accelerate the software implementation by a factor of 7.73 with a power consumption of 2.318 W

    Compressive Sensing with Low-Power Transfer and Accurate Reconstruction of EEG Signals

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    Tele-monitoring of EEG in WBAN is essential as EEG is the most powerful physiological parameters to diagnose any neurological disorder. Generally, EEG signal needs to record for longer periods which results in a large volume of data leading to huge storage and communication bandwidth requirements in WBAN. Moreover, WBAN sensor nodes are battery operated which consumes lots of energy. The aim of this research is, therefore, low power transmission of EEG signal over WBAN and its accurate reconstruction at the receiver to enable continuous online-monitoring of EEG and real time feedback to the patients from the medical experts. To reduce data rate and consequently reduce power consumption, compressive sensing (CS) may be employed prior to transmission. Nonetheless, for EEG signals, the accuracy of reconstruction of the signal with CS depends on a suitable dictionary in which the signal is sparse. As the EEG signal is not sparse in either time or frequency domain, identifying an appropriate dictionary is paramount. There are a plethora of choices for the dictionary to be used. Wavelet bases are of interest due to the availability of associated systems and methods. However, the attributes of wavelet bases that can lead to good quality of reconstruction are not well understood. For the first time in this study, it is demonstrated that in selecting wavelet dictionaries, the incoherence with the sensing matrix and the number of vanishing moments of the dictionary should be considered at the same time. In this research, a framework is proposed for the selection of an appropriate wavelet dictionary for EEG signal which is used in tandem with sparse binary matrix (SBM) as the sensing matrix and ST-SBL method as the reconstruction algorithm. Beylkin (highly incoherent with SBM and relatively high number of vanishing moments) is identified as the best dictionary to be used amongst the dictionaries are evaluated in this thesis. The power requirements for the proposed framework are also quantified using a power model. The outcomes will assist to realize the computational complexity and online implementation requirements of CS for transmitting EEG in WBAN. The proposed approach facilitates the energy savings budget well into the microwatts range, ensuring a significant savings of battery life and overall system’s power. The study is intended to create a strong base for the use of EEG in the high-accuracy and low-power based biomedical applications in WBAN

    Effective high compression of ECG signals at low level distortion

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    An effective method for compression of ECG signals, which falls within the transform lossy compression category, is proposed. The transformation is realized by a fast wavelet transform. The effectiveness of the approach, in relation to the simplicity and speed of its implementation, is a consequence of the efficient storage of the outputs of the algorithm which is realized in compressed Hierarchical Data Format. The compression performance is tested on the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database producing compression results which largely improve upon recently reported benchmarks on the same database. For a distortion corresponding to a percentage root-mean-square difference (PRD) of 0.53, in mean value, the achieved average compression ratio is 23.17 with quality score of 43.93. For a mean value of PRD up to 1.71 the compression ratio increases up to 62.5. The compression of a 30 min record is realized in an average time of 0.14 s. The insignificant delay for the compression process, together with the high compression ratio achieved at low level distortion and the negligible time for the signal recovery, uphold the suitability of the technique for supporting distant clinical health care

    Model Based Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Algorithms for ECG Telemonitoring in WBANs

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    Wireless Body area networks (WBANs) consist of sensors that continuously monitor and transmit real time vital signals to a nearby coordinator and then to a remote terminal via the Internet. One of the most important signals for monitoring in WBANs is the electrocardiography (ECG) signal. The design of an accurate and energy efficient ECG telemonitoring system can be achieved by: i) reducing the amount of data that should be transmitted ii) minimizing the computational operations executed at any transmitter/receiver in a WBAN. To this end, compressed sensing (CS) approaches can offer a viable solution. In this paper, we propose two novel CS based ECG reconstruction algorithms that minimize the samples that are required to be transmitted for an accurate reconstruction, by exploiting the block structure of the ECG in the time domain (TD) and in an uncorrelated domain (UD). The proposed schemes require the solutions of second-order cone programming (SOCP) problems that are usually tackled by computational demanding interior point (IP) methods. To solve these problems efficiently, we develop a path-wise coordinate descent based scheme. The reconstruction accuracy is evaluated by the percentage root-mean-square difference (PRD) metric. A reconstructed signal is acceptable if and only if PRD<9%PRD<9%. Simulation studies carried out with real electrocardiographic (ECG) data, show that the proposed schemes, operating in both the TD and in the UD as compared to the conventional CS techniques, reduce the Compression Ratio (CR) by 20%20% and 44%44% respectively, offering at the same time significantly low computational complexity

    Design and Implementation of a Motif-based Compression Algorithm for Biometric Signals

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    Wearable devices are becoming a natural and economic means to gather biometric data from users: this thesis is centered around lossy data compression techniques, whose aim is to minimize the amount of information that is to be stored on their onboard memory and subsequently transmitted over wireless interfaces. A new class of codebook based (CB) compression algorithms is proposed, designed to be energy efficient, online and amenable to any type of signal exhibiting recurrent patternsope

    Boosting the Battery Life of Wearables for Health Monitoring Through the Compression of Biosignals

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    Modern wearable Internet of Things (IoT) devices enable the monitoring of vital parameters such as heart or respiratory (RESP) rates, electrocardiography (ECG), photo-plethysmographic (PPG) signals within e-health applications. A common issue of wearable technology is that signal transmission is power-demanding and, as such, devices require frequent battery charges and this poses serious limitations to the continuous monitoring of vitals. To ameliorate this, we advocate the use of lossy signal compression as a means to decrease the data size of the gathered biosignals and, in turn, boost the battery life of wearables and allow for fine-grained and long-term monitoring. Considering 1-D biosignals such as ECG, RESP, and PPG, which are often available from commercial wearable IoT devices, we provide a thorough review of existing biosignal compression algorithms. Besides, we present novel approaches based on online dictionaries, elucidating their operating principles and providing a quantitative assessment of compression, reconstruction and energy consumption performance of all schemes. As we quantify, the most efficient schemes allow reductions in the signal size of up to 100 times, which entail similar reductions in the energy demand, by still keeping the reconstruction error within 4% of the peak-to-peak signal amplitude. Finally, avenues for future research are discussed. © 2014 IEEE
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