255 research outputs found

    Exploiting Macro-actions and Predicting Plan Length in Planning as Satisfiability

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    The use of automatically learned knowledge for a planning domain can significantly improve the performance of a generic planner when solving a problem in this domain. In this work, we focus on the well-known SAT-based approach to planning and investigate two types of learned knowledge that have not been studied in this planning framework before: macro-actions and planning horizon. Macro-actions are sequences of actions that typically occur in the solution plans, while a planning horizon of a problem is the length of a (possibly optimal) plan solving it. We propose a method that uses a machine learning tool for building a predictive model of the optimal planning horizon, and variants of the well-known planner SatPlan and solver MiniSat that can exploit macro actions and learned planning horizons to improve their performance. An experimental analysis illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    Portfolio-based Planning: State of the Art, Common Practice and Open Challenges

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    In recent years the field of automated planning has significantly advanced and several powerful domain-independent planners have been developed. However, none of these systems clearly outperforms all the others in every known benchmark domain. This observation motivated the idea of configuring and exploiting a portfolio of planners to perform better than any individual planner: some recent planning systems based on this idea achieved significantly good results in experimental analysis and International Planning Competitions. Such results let us suppose that future challenges of the Automated Planning community will converge on designing different approaches for combining existing planning algorithms. This paper reviews existing techniques and provides an exhaustive guide to portfolio-based planning. In addition, the paper outlines open issues of existing approaches and highlights possible future evolution of these techniques

    An Automatic Algorithm Selection Approach for Planning

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    Despite the advances made in the last decade in automated planning, no planner outperforms all the others in every known benchmark domain. This observation motivates the idea of selecting different planning algorithms for different domains. Moreover, the planners' performances are affected by the structure of the search space, which depends on the encoding of the considered domain. In many domains, the performance of a planner can be improved by exploiting additional knowledge, extracted in the form of macro-operators or entanglements. In this paper we propose ASAP, an automatic Algorithm Selection Approach for Planning that: (i) for a given domain initially learns additional knowledge, in the form of macro-operators and entanglements, which is used for creating different encodings of the given planning domain and problems, and (ii) explores the 2 dimensional space of available algorithms, defined as encodings--planners couples, and then (iii) selects the most promising algorithm for optimising either the runtimes or the quality of the solution plans

    ASAP: An Automatic Algorithm Selection Approach for Planning

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    Despite the advances made in the last decade in automated planning, no planner out- performs all the others in every known benchmark domain. This observation motivates the idea of selecting different planning algorithms for different domains. Moreover, the planners’ performances are affected by the structure of the search space, which depends on the encoding of the considered domain. In many domains, the performance of a plan- ner can be improved by exploiting additional knowledge, for instance, in the form of macro-operators or entanglements. In this paper we propose ASAP, an automatic Algorithm Selection Approach for Planning that: (i) for a given domain initially learns additional knowledge, in the form of macro-operators and entanglements, which is used for creating different encodings of the given planning domain and problems, and (ii) explores the 2 dimensional space of available algorithms, defined as encodings–planners couples, and then (iii) selects the most promising algorithm for optimising either the runtimes or the quality of the solution plans

    Manipulation of Articulated Objects using Dual-arm Robots via Answer Set Programming

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    The manipulation of articulated objects is of primary importance in Robotics, and can be considered as one of the most complex manipulation tasks. Traditionally, this problem has been tackled by developing ad-hoc approaches, which lack flexibility and portability. In this paper we present a framework based on Answer Set Programming (ASP) for the automated manipulation of articulated objects in a robot control architecture. In particular, ASP is employed for representing the configuration of the articulated object, for checking the consistency of such representation in the knowledge base, and for generating the sequence of manipulation actions. The framework is exemplified and validated on the Baxter dual-arm manipulator in a first, simple scenario. Then, we extend such scenario to improve the overall setup accuracy, and to introduce a few constraints in robot actions execution to enforce their feasibility. The extended scenario entails a high number of possible actions that can be fruitfully combined together. Therefore, we exploit macro actions from automated planning in order to provide more effective plans. We validate the overall framework in the extended scenario, thereby confirming the applicability of ASP also in more realistic Robotics settings, and showing the usefulness of macro actions for the robot-based manipulation of articulated objects. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Planning through Automatic Portfolio Configuration: The PbP Approach

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    In the field of domain-independent planning, several powerful planners implementing different techniques have been developed. However, no one of these systems outperforms all others in every known benchmark domain. In this work, we propose a multi-planner approach that automatically configures a portfolio of planning techniques for each given domain. The configuration process for a given domain uses a set of training instances to: (i) compute and analyze some alternative sets of macro-actions for each planner in the portfolio identifying a (possibly empty) useful set, (ii) select a cluster of planners, each one with the identified useful set of macro-actions, that is expected to perform best, and (iii) derive some additional information for configuring the execution scheduling of the selected planners at planning time. The resulting planning system, called PbP (Portfolio- based Planner), has two variants focusing on speed and plan quality. Different versions of PbP entered and won the learning track of the sixth and seventh International Planning Competitions. In this paper, we experimentally analyze PbP considering planning speed and plan quality in depth. We provide a collection of results that help to understand PbPïżœs behavior, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to configuring a portfolio of planners with macro-actions

    Proceedings of the Workshop on Change of Representation and Problem Reformulation

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    The proceedings of the third Workshop on Change of representation and Problem Reformulation is presented. In contrast to the first two workshops, this workshop was focused on analytic or knowledge-based approaches, as opposed to statistical or empirical approaches called 'constructive induction'. The organizing committee believes that there is a potential for combining analytic and inductive approaches at a future date. However, it became apparent at the previous two workshops that the communities pursuing these different approaches are currently interested in largely non-overlapping issues. The constructive induction community has been holding its own workshops, principally in conjunction with the machine learning conference. While this workshop is more focused on analytic approaches, the organizing committee has made an effort to include more application domains. We have greatly expanded from the origins in the machine learning community. Participants in this workshop come from the full spectrum of AI application domains including planning, qualitative physics, software engineering, knowledge representation, and machine learning

    Recolha e conceptualização de experiĂȘncias de atividades robĂłticas baseadas em planos para melhoria de competĂȘncias no longo prazo

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    Robot learning is a prominent research direction in intelligent robotics. Robotics involves dealing with the issue of integration of multiple technologies, such as sensing, planning, acting, and learning. In robot learning, the long term goal is to develop robots that learn to perform tasks and continuously improve their knowledge and skills through observation and exploration of the environment and interaction with users. While significant research has been performed in the area of learning motor behavior primitives, the topic of learning high-level representations of activities and classes of activities that, decompose into sequences of actions, has not been sufficiently addressed. Learning at the task level is key to increase the robots’ autonomy and flexibility. High-level task knowledge is essential for intelligent robotics since it makes robot programs less dependent on the platform and eases knowledge exchange between robots with different kinematics. The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the development of cognitive robotic capabilities, including supervised experience acquisition through human-robot interaction, high-level task learning from the acquired experiences, and task planning using the acquired task knowledge. A framework containing the required cognitive functions for learning and reproduction of high-level aspects of experiences is proposed. In particular, we propose and formalize the notion of Experience-Based Planning Domains (EBPDs) for long-term learning and planning. A human-robot interaction interface is used to provide a robot with step-by-step instructions on how to perform tasks. Approaches to recording plan-based robot activity experiences including relevant perceptions of the environment and actions taken by the robot are presented. A conceptualization methodology is presented for acquiring task knowledge in the form of activity schemata from experiences. The conceptualization approach is a combination of different techniques including deductive generalization, different forms of abstraction and feature extraction. Conceptualization includes loop detection, scope inference and goal inference. Problem solving in EBPDs is achieved using a two-layer problem solver comprising an abstract planner, to derive an abstract solution for a given task problem by applying a learned activity schema, and a concrete planner, to refine the abstract solution towards a concrete solution. The architecture and the learning and planning methods are applied and evaluated in several real and simulated world scenarios. Finally, the developed learning methods are compared, and conditions where each of them has better applicability are discussed.Aprendizagem de robĂŽs Ă© uma direção de pesquisa proeminente em robĂłtica inteligente. Em robĂłtica, Ă© necessĂĄrio lidar com a questĂŁo da integração de vĂĄrias tecnologias, como percepção, planeamento, atuação e aprendizagem. Na aprendizagem de robĂŽs, o objetivo a longo prazo Ă© desenvolver robĂŽs que aprendem a executar tarefas e melhoram continuamente os seus conhecimentos e habilidades atravĂ©s da observação e exploração do ambiente e interação com os utilizadores. A investigação tem-se centrado na aprendizagem de comportamentos bĂĄsicos, ao passo que a aprendizagem de representaçÔes de atividades de alto nĂ­vel, que se decompĂ”em em sequĂȘncias de açÔes, e de classes de actividades, nĂŁo tem sido suficientemente abordada. A aprendizagem ao nĂ­vel da tarefa Ă© fundamental para aumentar a autonomia e a flexibilidade dos robĂŽs. O conhecimento de alto nĂ­vel permite tornar o software dos robĂŽs menos dependente da plataforma e facilita a troca de conhecimento entre robĂŽs diferentes. O objetivo desta tese Ă© contribuir para o desenvolvimento de capacidades cognitivas para robĂŽs, incluindo aquisição supervisionada de experiĂȘncia atravĂ©s da interação humano-robĂŽ, aprendizagem de tarefas de alto nĂ­vel com base nas experiĂȘncias acumuladas e planeamento de tarefas usando o conhecimento adquirido. PropĂ”e-se uma abordagem que integra diversas funcionalidades cognitivas para aprendizagem e reprodução de aspetos de alto nĂ­vel detetados nas experiĂȘncias acumuladas. Em particular, nĂłs propomos e formalizamos a noção de DomĂ­nio de Planeamento Baseado na ExperiĂȘncia (Experience-Based Planning Domain, or EBPD) para aprendizagem e planeamento num Ăąmbito temporal alargado. Uma interface para interação humano-robĂŽ Ă© usada para fornecer ao robĂŽ instruçÔes passo-a-passo sobre como realizar tarefas. PropĂ”e-se uma abordagem para extrair experiĂȘncias de atividades baseadas em planos, incluindo as percepçÔes relevantes e as açÔes executadas pelo robĂŽ. Uma metodologia de conceitualização Ă© apresentada para a aquisição de conhecimento de tarefa na forma de schemata a partir de experiĂȘncias. SĂŁo utilizadas diferentes tĂ©cnicas, incluindo generalização dedutiva, diferentes formas de abstracção e extração de caracterĂ­sticas. A metodologia inclui detecção de ciclos, inferĂȘncia de Ăąmbito de aplicação e inferĂȘncia de objetivos. A resolução de problemas em EBPDs Ă© alcançada usando um sistema de planeamento com duas camadas, uma para planeamento abstrato, aplicando um schema aprendido, e outra para planeamento detalhado. A arquitetura e os mĂ©todos de aprendizagem e planeamento sĂŁo aplicados e avaliados em vĂĄrios cenĂĄrios reais e simulados. Finalmente, os mĂ©todos de aprendizagem desenvolvidos sĂŁo comparados e as condiçÔes onde cada um deles tem melhor aplicabilidade sĂŁo discutidos.Programa Doutoral em InformĂĄtic

    On the predictability of domain-independent temporal planners

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    Temporal planning is a research discipline that addresses the problem of generating a totally or a partially ordered sequence of actions that transform the environment from some initial state to a desired goal state, while taking into account time constraints and actions' duration. For its ability to describe and address temporal constraints, temporal planning is of critical importance for a wide range of real-world applications. Predicting the performance of temporal planners can lead to significant improvements in the area, as planners can then be combined in order to boost the performance on a given set of problem instances. This paper investigates the predictability of the state-of-the-art temporal planners by introducing a new set of temporal-specific features and exploiting them for generating classification and regression empirical performance models (EPMs) of considered planners. EPMs are also tested with regard to their ability to select the most promising planner for efficiently solving a given temporal planning problem. Our extensive empirical analysis indicates that the introduced set of features allows to generate EPMs that can effectively perform algorithm selection, and the use of EPMs is therefore a promising direction for improving the state of the art of temporal planning, hence fostering the use of planning in real-world applications.</p
