7 research outputs found

    Natural Language is a Programming Language: Applying Natural Language Processing to Software Development

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    A powerful, but limited, way to view software is as source code alone. Treating a program as a sequence of instructions enables it to be formalized and makes it amenable to mathematical techniques such as abstract interpretation and model checking. A program consists of much more than a sequence of instructions. Developers make use of test cases, documentation, variable names, program structure, the version control repository, and more. I argue that it is time to take the blinders off of software analysis tools: tools should use all these artifacts to deduce more powerful and useful information about the program. Researchers are beginning to make progress towards this vision. This paper gives, as examples, four results that find bugs and generate code by applying natural language processing techniques to software artifacts. The four techniques use as input error messages, variable names, procedure documentation, and user questions. They use four different NLP techniques: document similarity, word semantics, parse trees, and neural networks. The initial results suggest that this is a promising avenue for future work

    Metamorphic relations for enhancing system understanding and use

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    Modern information technology paradigms, such as online services and off-the-shelf products, often involve a wide variety of users with different or even conflicting objectives. Every software output may satisfy some users, but may also fail to satisfy others. Furthermore, users often do not know the internal working mechanisms of the systems. This situation is quite different from bespoke software, where developers and users usually know each other. This paper proposes an approach to help users to better understand the software that they use, and thereby more easily achieve their objectives—even when they do not fully understand how the system is implemented. Our approach borrows the concept of metamorphic relations from the field of metamorphic testing (MT), using it in an innovative way that extends beyond MT. We also propose a "symmetry" metamorphic relation pattern and a "change direction" metamorphic relation input pattern that can be used to derive multiple concrete metamorphic relations. Empirical studies reveal previously unknown failures in some of the most popular applications in the world, and show how our approach can help users to better understand and better use the systems. The empirical results provide strong evidence of the simplicity, applicability, and effectiveness of our methodology

    Automating test oracles generation

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    Software systems play a more and more important role in our everyday life. Many relevant human activities nowadays involve the execution of a piece of software. Software has to be reliable to deliver the expected behavior, and assessing the quality of software is of primary importance to reduce the risk of runtime errors. Software testing is the most common quality assessing technique for software. Testing consists in running the system under test on a finite set of inputs, and checking the correctness of the results. Thoroughly testing a software system is expensive and requires a lot of manual work to define test inputs (stimuli used to trigger different software behaviors) and test oracles (the decision procedures checking the correctness of the results). Researchers have addressed the cost of testing by proposing techniques to automatically generate test inputs. While the generation of test inputs is well supported, there is no way to generate cost-effective test oracles: Existing techniques to produce test oracles are either too expensive to be applied in practice, or produce oracles with limited effectiveness that can only identify blatant failures like system crashes. Our intuition is that cost-effective test oracles can be generated using information produced as a byproduct of the normal development activities. The goal of this thesis is to create test oracles that can detect faults leading to semantic and non-trivial errors, and that are characterized by a reasonable generation cost. We propose two ways to generate test oracles, one derives oracles from the software redundancy and the other from the natural language comments that document the source code of software systems. We present a technique that exploits redundant sequences of method calls encoding the software redundancy to automatically generate test oracles named CCOracles. We describe how CCOracles are automatically generated, deployed, and executed. We prove the effectiveness of CCOracles by measuring their fault-finding effectiveness when combined with both automatically generated and hand-written test inputs. We also present Toradocu, a technique that derives executable specifications from Javadoc comments of Java constructors and methods. From such specifications, Toradocu generates test oracles that are then deployed into existing test suites to assess the outputs of given test inputs. We empirically evaluate Toradocu, showing that Toradocu accurately translates Javadoc comments into procedure specifications. We also show that Toradocu oracles effectively identify semantic faults in the SUT. CCOracles and Toradocu oracles stem from independent information sources and are complementary in the sense that they check different aspects of the system undertest

    Software redundancy: what, where, how

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    Software systems have become pervasive in everyday life and are the core component of many crucial activities. An inadequate level of reliability may determine the commercial failure of a software product. Still, despite the commitment and the rigorous verification processes employed by developers, software is deployed with faults. To increase the reliability of software systems, researchers have investigated the use of various form of redundancy. Informally, a software system is redundant when it performs the same functionality through the execution of different elements. Redundancy has been extensively exploited in many software engineering techniques, for example for fault-tolerance and reliability engineering, and in self-adaptive and self- healing programs. Despite the many uses, though, there is no formalization or study of software redundancy to support a proper and effective design of software. Our intuition is that a systematic and formal investigation of software redundancy will lead to more, and more effective uses of redundancy. This thesis develops this intuition and proposes a set of ways to characterize qualitatively as well as quantitatively redundancy. We first formalize the intuitive notion of redundancy whereby two code fragments are considered redundant when they perform the same functionality through different executions. On the basis of this abstract and general notion, we then develop a practical method to obtain a measure of software redundancy. We prove the effectiveness of our measure by showing that it distinguishes between shallow differences, where apparently different code fragments reduce to the same underlying code, and deep code differences, where the algorithmic nature of the computations differs. We also demonstrate that our measure is useful for developers, since it is a good predictor of the effectiveness of techniques that exploit redundancy. Besides formalizing the notion of redundancy, we investigate the pervasiveness of redundancy intrinsically found in modern software systems. Intrinsic redundancy is a form of redundancy that occurs as a by-product of modern design and development practices. We have observed that intrinsic redundancy is indeed present in software systems, and that it can be successfully exploited for good purposes. This thesis proposes a technique to automatically identify equivalent method sequences in software systems to help developers assess the presence of intrinsic redundancy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique by showing that it identifies the majority of equivalent method sequences in a system with good precision and performance

    Exploiting Symmetries to Test Programs

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    Symmetries often appear as properties of many artifical settings. In Program Testing, they can be viewed as properties of programs and can be given by the tester to check the correctness of the computed outcome. In this paper, we consider symmetries to be permutation relations between program executions and use them to automate the testing process. We introduce a software testing paradigm called Symmetric Testing, where automatic test data generation is coupled with symmetries checking to uncover faults inside the programs. A practical procedure for checking that a program satisfies a given symmetry relation is described. The paradigm makes use of Group theoretic results as a formal basis to minimize the number of outcome comparisons required by the method. This approach appears to be of particular interest for programs for which neither an oracle, nor any formal specification is available. We implemented Symmetric Testing by using the primitive operations of the Java unit testing tool Roast [9]. The experimental results we got on faulty versions of classical programs of the Software Testing community tend to show the effectiveness of the approach. 1