5 research outputs found

    Applications, tools and techniques on the road to exascale computing

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    This volume of the book series “Advances in Parallel Computing” contains the proceedings of ParCo2011, the 14th biennial ParCo Conference, held from 31 August to 3 September 2011, in Ghent, Belgium. In an era when physical limitations have slowed down advances in the performance of single processing units, and new scientific challenges require exascale speed, parallel processing has gained momentum as a key gateway to HPC (High Performance Computing). Historically, the ParCo conferences have focused on three main themes: Algorithms, Architectures (both hardware and software) and Applications. Nowadays, the scenery has changed from traditional multiprocessor topologies to heterogeneous manycores, incorporating standard CPUs, GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) and FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). These platforms are, at a higher abstraction level, integrated in clusters, grids, and clouds. This is reflected in the papers presented at the conference and the contributions as included in these proceedings. An increasing number of new algorithms are optimized for heterogeneous platforms and performance tuning is targeting extreme scale computing. Heterogeneous platforms utilising the compute power and energy efficiency of GPGPUs (General Purpose GPUs) are clearly becoming mainstream HPC systems for a large number of applications in a wide spectrum of application areas. These systems excel in areas such as complex system simulation, real-time image processing and visualisation, etc. High performance computing accelerators may well become the cornerstone of exascale computing applications such as 3-D turbulent combustion flows, nuclear energy simulations, brain research, financial and geophysical modelling. The exploration of new architectures, programming tools and techniques was evidenced by the mini-symposia “Parallel Computing with FPGAs” and “Exascale Programming Models”. The need for exascale hardware and software was also stressed in the industrial session, with contributions from Cray and the European exascale software initiative. Our sincere appreciation goes to the keynote speakers who gave their perspectives on the impact of parallel computing today and the road to exascale computing tomorrow. Our heartfelt thanks go to the authors for their valuable scientific contributions and to the programme committee who reviewed the papers and provided constructive remarks. The international audience was inspired by the quality of the presentations. The attendance and interaction was high and the conference has been an agora where many fruitful ideas were exchanged and explored. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the organizers for the smooth operation of the conference. The University conference centre Het Pand offered an excellent environment for the conference as it allowed delegates to interact informally and easily. A special word of thanks is due to the management and support staff of Het Pand for their proficient and friendly support. The organizers managed to put together an extensive social programme. This included a reception at the medieval Town Hall of Ghent as well as a memorable conference dinner. These social events stimulated interaction amongst delegates and resulted in many new contacts being made. Finally we wish to thank all the many supporters who assisted in the organization and successful running of the event. Erik D'Hollander, Ghent University, Belgium Koen De Bosschere, Ghent University, Belgium Gerhard R. Joubert, TU Clausthal, Germany David Padua, University of Illinois, USA Frans Peters, Philips Research, Netherland

    Parallel computing 2011, ParCo 2011: book of abstracts

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    This book contains the abstracts of the presentations at the conference Parallel Computing 2011, 30 August - 2 September 2011, Ghent, Belgiu

    Analysis and Design of Communication Avoiding Algorithms for Out of Memory(OOM) SVD

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    Many applications — including big data analytics, information retrieval, gene expression analysis, and numerical weather prediction – require the solution of large, dense singular value decomposition (SVD). The size of matrices used in many of these applications is becoming too large to fit into into a computer’s main memory at one time, and the traditional SVD algorithms that require all the matrix components to be loaded into memory before computation starts cannot be used directly. Moving data (communication) between levels of memory hierarchy and the disk exposes extra challenges to design SVD for such big matrices because of the exponential growth in the gap between floating-point arithmetic rate and bandwidth for many different storage devices on modern high performance computers. In this dissertation, we have analyzed communication overhead on hierarchical memory systems and disks for SVD algorithms and designed communication-avoiding (CA) Out of Memory (OOM) SVD algorithms. By Out of Memory we mean that the matrix is too big to fit in the main memory and therefore must reside in external or internal storage. We have studied communication overhead for classical one-stage blocked SVD and two-stage tiled SVD algorithms and proposed our OOM SVD algorithm, which reduces the communication cost. We have presented theoretical analysis and strategies to design CA OOM SVD algorithms, developed optimized implementation of CA OOM SVD for multicore architecture, and presented its performance results. When matrices are tall, performance of OOM SVD can be improved significantly by carrying out QR decomposition on the original matrix in the first place. The upper triangular matrix generated by QR decomposition may fit in the main memory, and in-core SVD can be used efficiently. Even if the upper triangular matrix does not fit in the main memory, OOM SVD will work on a smaller matrix. That is why we have analyzed communication reduction for OOM QR algorithm, implemented optimized OOM tiled QR for multicore systems and showed performance improvement of OOM SVD algorithms for tall matrices

    Asynchronous Task-Based Polar Decomposition on Manycore Architectures

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    This paper introduces the first asynchronous, task-based implementation of the polar decomposition on manycore architectures. Based on a new formulation of the iterative QR dynamically-weighted Halley algorithm (QDWH) for the calculation of the polar decomposition, the proposed implementation replaces the original and hostile LU factorization for the condition number estimator by the more adequate QR factorization to enable software portability across various architectures. Relying on fine-grained computations, the novel task-based implementation is also capable of taking advantage of the identity structure of the matrix involved during the QDWH iterations, which decreases the overall algorithmic complexity. Furthermore, the artifactual synchronization points have been severely weakened compared to previous implementations, unveiling look-ahead opportunities for better hardware occupancy. The overall QDWH-based polar decomposition can then be represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where nodes represent computational tasks and edges define the inter-task data dependencies. The StarPU dynamic runtime system is employed to traverse the DAG, to track the various data dependencies and to asynchronously schedule the computational tasks on the underlying hardware resources, resulting in an out-of-order task scheduling. Benchmarking experiments show significant improvements against existing state-of-the-art high performance implementations (i.e., Intel MKL and Elemental) for the polar decomposition on latest shared-memory vendors' systems (i.e., Intel Haswell/Broadwell/Knights Landing, NVIDIA K80/P100 GPUs and IBM Power8), while maintaining high numerical accuracy

    Dynamically Balanced Synchronization-Avoiding LU Factorization with Multicore and GPUs

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