120 research outputs found

    On Extracting Course-Grained Function Parallelism from C Programs

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    To efficiently utilize the emerging heterogeneous multi-core architecture, it is essential to exploit the inherent coarse-grained parallelism in applications. In addition to data parallelism, applications like telecommunication, multimedia, and gaming can also benefit from the exploitation of coarse-grained function parallelism. To exploit coarse-grained function parallelism, the common wisdom is to rely on programmers to explicitly express the coarse-grained data-flow between coarse-grained functions using data-flow or streaming languages. This research is set to explore another approach to exploiting coarse-grained function parallelism, that is to rely on compiler to extract coarse-grained data-flow from imperative programs. We believe imperative languages and the von Neumann programming model will still be the dominating programming languages programming model in the future. This dissertation discusses the design and implementation of a memory data-flow analysis system which extracts coarse-grained data-flow from C programs. The memory data-flow analysis system partitions a C program into a hierarchy of program regions. It then traverses the program region hierarchy from bottom up, summarizing the exposed memory access patterns for each program region, meanwhile deriving a conservative producer-consumer relations between program regions. An ensuing top-down traversal of the program region hierarchy will refine the producer-consumer relations by pruning spurious relations. We built an in-lining based prototype of the memory data-flow analysis system on top of the IMPACT compiler infrastructure. We applied the prototype to analyze the memory data-flow of several MediaBench programs. The experiment results showed that while the prototype performed reasonably well for the tested programs, the in-lining based implementation may not efficient for larger programs. Also, there is still room in improving the effectiveness of the memory data-flow analysis system. We did root cause analysis for the inaccuracy in the memory data-flow analysis results, which provided us insights on how to improve the memory data-flow analysis system in the future

    Computing Invariants with Transformers: Experimental Scalability and Accuracy

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    International audienceUsing abstract interpretation, invariants are usually obtained by solving iteratively a system of equations linking preconditions according to program statements. However, it is also possible to abstract first the statements as transformers, and then propagate the preconditions using the transformers. The second approach is modular because procedures and loops can be abstracted once and for all, avoiding an iterative resolution over the call graph and all the control flow graphs. However, the transformer approach based on polyhedral abstract domains encurs two penalties: some invariant accuracy may be lost when computing transformers, and the execution time may increase exponentially because the dimension of a transformer is twice the dimension of a precondition. The purposes of this article are 1) to measure the benefits of the modular approach and its drawbacks in terms of execution time and accuracy using significant examples and a newly developed benchmark for loop invariant analysis, ALICe, 2) to present a new technique designed to reduce the accuracy loss when computing transformers, 3) to evaluate experimentally the accuracy gains this new technique and other previously discussed ones provide with ALICe test cases and 4) to compare the executions times and accuracies of different tools, ASPIC, ISL, PAGAI and PIPS. Our results suggest that the transformer-based approach used in PIPS, once improved with transformer lists, is as accurate as the other tools when dealing with the ALICe benchmark. Its modularity nevertheless leads to shorter execution times when dealing with nested loops and procedure calls found in real applications

    Loop Parallelization using Dynamic Commutativity Analysis

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    A Theoretical Approach Involving Recurrence Resolution, Dependence Cycle Statement Ordering and Subroutine Transformation for the Exploitation of Parallelism in Sequential Code.

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    To exploit parallelism in Fortran code, this dissertation consists of a study of the following three issues: (1) recurrence resolution in Do-loops for vector processing, (2) dependence cycle statement ordering in Do-loops for parallel processing, and (3) sub-routine parallelization. For recurrence resolution, the major findings include: (1) the node splitting algorithm cannot be used directly to break an essential antidependence link, of which the source variable that results in antidependence is itself the sink variable of another true dependence so a correction method is proposed, (2) a sink variable renaming technique is capable of breaking an antidependence and/or output-dependence link, (3) for recurrences formed by only true dependences, a dynamic dependence concept and the derived technique are powerful, and (4) by integrating related techniques, an algorithm for resolving a general multistatement recurrence is developed. The performance of a parallel loop is determined by the level of parallelism and the time delay due to interprocessor communication and synchronization. For a dependence cycle of a single parallel loop executed in a general synchronization mode, the parallelism exposed varies with the alignment of statements. Statements are reordered on the basis of execution-time of the loop as estimated at compile-time. An improved timing formula and a derived statement ordering algorithm are proposed. Further extension of this algorithm to multiple perfectly nested Do-loops with simple global dependence cycle is also presented. The subroutine is a potential source for parallel processing. Several problems must be solved for subroutine parallelization: (1) the precedence of parallel executions of subroutines, (2) identification of the optimum execution mode for each subroutine and (3) the restructuring of a serial program. A five-step approach to parallelize called subroutines for a calling subroutine is proposed: (1) computation of control dependence, (2) approximation of the global effects of subroutines, (3) analysis of data dependence, (4) identification of execution mode, and (5) restructuring of calling and called subroutines. Application of these five steps in a recursive manner to different levels of calling subroutines in a program addresses the parallelization of subroutines

    A compiler level intermediate representation based binary analysis system and its applications

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    Analyzing and optimizing programs from their executables has received a lot of attention recently in the research community. There has been a tremendous amount of activity in executable-level research targeting varied applications such as security vulnerability analysis, untrusted code analysis, malware analysis, program testing, and binary optimizations. The vision of this dissertation is to advance the field of static analysis of executables and bridge the gap between source-level analysis and executable analysis. The main thesis of this work is scalable static binary rewriting and analysis using compiler-level intermediate representation without relying on the presence of metadata information such as debug or symbolic information. In spite of a significant overlap in the overall goals of several source-code methods and executables-level techniques, several sophisticated transformations that are well-understood and implemented in source-level infrastructures have yet to become available in executable frameworks. It is a well known fact that a standalone executable without any meta data is less amenable to analysis than the source code. Nonetheless, we believe that one of the prime reasons behind the limitations of existing executable frameworks is that current executable frameworks define their own intermediate representations (IR) which are significantly more constrained than an IR used in a compiler. Intermediate representations used in existing binary frameworks lack high level features like abstract stack, variables, and symbols and are even machine dependent in some cases. This severely limits the application of well-understood compiler transformations to executables and necessitates new research to make them applicable. In the first part of this dissertation, we present techniques to convert the binaries to the same high-level intermediate representation that compilers use. We propose methods to segment the flat address space in an executable containing undifferentiated blocks of memory. We demonstrate the inadequacy of existing variable identification methods for their promotion to symbols and present our methods for symbol promotion. We also present methods to convert the physically addressed stack in an executable to an abstract stack. The proposed methods are practical since they do not employ symbolic, relocation, or debug information which are usually absent in deployed executables. We have integrated our techniques with a prototype x86 binary framework called \emph{SecondWrite} that uses LLVM as the IR. The robustness of the framework is demonstrated by handling executables totaling more than a million lines of source-code, including several real world programs. In the next part of this work, we demonstrate that several well-known source-level analysis frameworks such as symbolic analysis have limited effectiveness in the executable domain since executables typically lack higher-level semantics such as program variables. The IR should have a precise memory abstraction for an analysis to effectively reason about memory operations. Our first work of recovering a compiler-level representation addresses this limitation by recovering several higher-level semantics information from executables. In the next part of this work, we propose methods to handle the scenarios when such semantics cannot be recovered. First, we propose a hybrid static-dynamic mechanism for recovering a precise and correct memory model in executables in presence of executable-specific artifacts such as indirect control transfers. Next, the enhanced memory model is employed to define a novel symbolic analysis framework for executables that can perform the same types of program analysis as source-level tools. Frameworks hitherto fail to simultaneously maintain the properties of correct representation and precise memory model and ignore memory-allocated variables while defining symbolic analysis mechanisms. We exemplify that our framework is robust, efficient and it significantly improves the performance of various traditional analyses like global value numbering, alias analysis and dependence analysis for executables. Finally, the underlying representation and analysis framework is employed for two separate applications. First, the framework is extended to define a novel static analysis framework, \emph{DemandFlow}, for identifying information flow security violations in program executables. Unlike existing static vulnerability detection methods for executables, DemandFlow analyzes memory locations in addition to symbols, thus improving the precision of the analysis. DemandFlow proposes a novel demand-driven mechanism to identify and precisely analyze only those program locations and memory accesses which are relevant to a vulnerability, thus enhancing scalability. DemandFlow uncovers six previously undiscovered format string and directory traversal vulnerabilities in popular ftp and internet relay chat clients. Next, the framework is extended to implement a platform-specific optimization for embedded processors. Several embedded systems provide the facility of locking one or more lines in the cache. We devise the first method in literature that employs instruction cache locking as a mechanism for improving the average-case run-time of general embedded applications. We demonstrate that the optimal solution for instruction cache locking can be obtained in polynomial time. Since our scheme is implemented inside a binary framework, it successfully addresses the portability concern by enabling the implementation of cache locking at the time of deployment when all the details of the memory hierarchy are available

    AndroShield:automated Android applications vulnerability detection, a hybrid static and dynamic analysis approach

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    The security of mobile applications has become a major research field which is associated with a lot of challenges. The high rate of developing mobile applications has resulted in less secure applications. This is due to what is called the “rush to release” as defined by Ponemon Institute. Security testing—which is considered one of the main phases of the development life cycle—is either not performed or given minimal time; hence, there is a need for security testing automation. One of the techniques used is Automated Vulnerability Detection. Vulnerability detection is one of the security tests that aims at pinpointing potential security leaks. Fixing those leaks results in protecting smart-phones and tablet mobile device users against attacks. This paper focuses on building a hybrid approach of static and dynamic analysis for detecting the vulnerabilities of Android applications. This approach is capsuled in a usable platform (web application) to make it easy to use for both public users and professional developers. Static analysis, on one hand, performs code analysis. It does not require running the application to detect vulnerabilities. Dynamic analysis, on the other hand, detects the vulnerabilities that are dependent on the run-time behaviour of the application and cannot be detected using static analysis. The model is evaluated against different applications with different security vulnerabilities. Compared with other detection platforms, our model detects information leaks as well as insecure network requests alongside other commonly detected flaws that harm users’ privacy. The code is available through a GitHub repository for public contribution

    The PARSE Programming Paradigm. Part I: Software Development Methodology. Part II: Software Development Support Tools

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    The programming methodology of PARSE (parallel software environment), a software environment being developed for reconfigurable non-shared memory parallel computers, is described. This environment will consist of an integrated collection of language interfaces, automatic and semi-automatic debugging and analysis tools, and operating system —all of which are made more flexible by the use of a knowledge-based implementation for the tools that make up PARSE. The programming paradigm supports the user freely choosing among three basic approaches /abstractions for programming a parallel machine: logic-based descriptive, sequential-control procedural, and parallel-control procedural programming. All of these result in efficient parallel execution. The current work discusses the methodology underlying PARSE, whereas the companion paper, “The PARSE Programming Paradigm — II: Software Development Support Tools,” details each of the component tools
