4,911 research outputs found

    In-channel experiments on vertical swimming with bacteria-like robots

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    Bio-inspired micro-robots are of great importance as to implement versatile microsystems for a variety of in vivo and in vitro applications in medicine and biology. Accurate models are necessary to understand the swimming and rigidbody dynamics of such systems. In this study, a series of experiments are conducted with a two-link cm-scale bioinspired robot moving vertically without a tether, in siliconefilled narrow cylindrical glass channels. Swimming velocities are obtained for a set of varying tail and wave geometries, and employed to validate a resistive force theory (RFT) model using modified resistance coefficients based on measured forward velocity and body rotation rates

    Performance analysis of flexible intelligent hand prosthesis

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    The study of flexible intelligent hand prosthesis has important practical significance for handicapped people. Aiming at the grasping force control of flexible hand prosthesis, this paper draws lessons from the anatomical structure design of human hand, and proposes a fingertip grasping force control method based on linear tension feedback. The control strategy can realize the stable control of fingertip grasping force. The static mechanical model of finger is established, and the mathematical relationship of fingertip contact force calculation in static state is obtained. Then a friction compensation method is proposed. The experimental results show that the fitting value of the friction moment of the lasso matches well with the test value, and the error after friction compensation is obviously reduced

    A Study on the Effect of an Attractive and a Repulsive Forces with Feedback Control on a Magnetic Levitation System

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    This research was conducted to observe the effect of an attractive force and a repulsive force on a magnetic levitation (maglev) with the addition of a feedback control system. Initially, the study was conducted by observing the displacement gap from both type of maglev without an application of a control system. Closed loop control experiments were performed by implementing a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller in order to maintain the displacement gap. Stable responses from both simulation control and experiments indicated that the PID controller can be employed to control the gap between the magnet and the levitated object. However, the results of the repulsive maglev control show faster response and smaller steady state error in comparison with the attractive maglev control

    Sensorless force feedback joystick control for teleoperation of construction equipment

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    This paper aims to develop an innovative approach named sensorless force feedback joystick control for teleoperation of construction equipment. First, a force sensorless supervisory controller is designed with two advanced modules: a neural network-based environment classifier to estimate environment characteristics without requiring a force sensor and, a fuzzy-based force feedback tuner to generate properly a force reflection to the joystick. Second, two local robust adaptive controllers are simply built using neural network and Lyapunov stability condition to ensure desired task performances at both master and slave sites. A teleoperation system is setup to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach

    Experiment-based kinematic validation of numeric modeling and simulated control of an untethered biomimetic microrobot in channel

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    Modeling and control of swimming untethered microrobots are important for future therapeutic medical applications. Bio-inspired propulsion methods emerge as realistic substitutes for hydrodynamic thrust generation in micro realm. Accurate modeling, power supply, and propulsion-means directly affect microrobot motility and maneuverability. In this work, motility of bacteria-like untethered helical microrobots in channels is modeled with the resistive force theory coupled with motor dynamics. Results are validated with private experiments conducted on cm-scale prototypes fully submerged in Si-oil filled glass channel. Li-Po battery is utilized as the onboard power supply. Helical tail rotation is triggered by an IR remote control. It is observed that time-averaged velocities calculated by the model agree well with experimental results. Finally, time-dependent performance of a hypothetical model-based position control scheme is simulated with upstream flow as disturbance

    An active poroelastic model for mechanochemical patterns in protoplasmic droplets of Physarum polycephalum

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    Motivated by recent experimental studies, we derive and analyze a twodimensional model for the contraction patterns observed in protoplasmic droplets of Physarum polycephalum. The model couples a model of an active poroelastic two-phase medium with equations describing the spatiotemporal dynamics of the intracellular free calcium concentration. The poroelastic medium is assumed to consist of an active viscoelastic solid representing the cytoskeleton and a viscous fluid describing the cytosol. The model equations for the poroelastic medium are obtained from continuum force-balance equations that include the relevant mechanical fields and an incompressibility relation for the two-phase medium. The reaction-diffusion equations for the calcium dynamics in the protoplasm of Physarum are extended by advective transport due to the flow of the cytosol generated by mechanical stresses. Moreover, we assume that the active tension in the solid cytoskeleton is regulated by the calcium concentration in the fluid phase at the same location, which introduces a chemomechanical feedback. A linear stability analysis of the homogeneous state without deformation and cytosolic flows exhibits an oscillatory Turing instability for a large enough mechanochemical coupling strength. Numerical simulations of the model equations reproduce a large variety of wave patterns, including traveling and standing waves, turbulent patterns, rotating spirals and antiphase oscillations in line with experimental observations of contraction patterns in the protoplasmic droplets.Comment: Additional supplemental material is supplie

    Force control of a tri-layer conducting polymer actuator using optimized fuzzy logic control

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    Conducting polymers actuators (CPAs) are potential candidates for replacing conventional actuators in various fields, such as robotics and biomedical engineering, due to their advantageous properties, which includes their low cost, light weight, low actuation voltage and biocompatibility. As these actuators are very suitable for use in micro-nano manipulation and in injection devices in which the magnitude of the force applied to the target is of crucial importance, the force generated by CPAs needs to be accurately controlled. In this paper, a fuzzy logic (FL) controller with a Mamdani inference system is designed to control the blocking force of a trilayer CPA with polypyrrole electrodes, which operates in air. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) method is employed to optimize the controller\u27s membership function parameters and therefore enhance the performance of the FL controller. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system model, which can capture the nonlinear dynamics of the actuator, is utilized in the optimization process. The optimized Mamdani FL controller is then implemented on the CPA experimentally, and its performance is compared with a non-optimized fuzzy controller as well as with those obtained from a conventional PID controller. The results presented indicate that the blocking force at the tip of the CPA can be effectively controlled by the optimized FL controller, which shows excellent transient and steady state characteristics but increases the control voltage compared to the non-optimized fuzzy controllers
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