23 research outputs found

    Arquitectura de un Juego en 2D para Android y IOS Usando Cocos2DX

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    This paper we present the architecture and tools used in the development a 2D game that works on both Android and IOS. To do this we use the Cocos2DX, this tool allows to development 2D game with portability and power required to run on these two mobile environments used. It is important to note that the article also shows how modeled and implemented in Cocos 2DX a game, called 2D Labyrinth, this serves to illustrate how Cocos2DX handles all processing OpenGL graphics and thus no problems when running submitted in various mobile devices. And finally, we show the game operation using the proposed architecture and tools.El presente artículo muestra la arquitectura y las herramientas usadas en el desarrollo de un juego 2D que funciona tanto en Android y IOS. Para ello se usa la herramienta Cocos2DX la cual permite el desarrollo de juegos 2D que tienen la portabilidad y potencia necesaria para ejecutarse en estos dos ambientes móviles. Es importante anotar que el artículo también muestra cómo se modeló e implementó un juego, llamado Laberinto 2D, en Cocos 2DX, esto sirve para ilustrar cómo Cocos2DX se ocupa de todo el procesamiento de gráficos OpenGL y de esta forma no se presenten inconvenientes al ejecutarse en diversos dispositivos móviles. Al final se muestra el funcionamiento del juego aplicando la arquitectura y las herramientas propuestas

    Analysis of Visualisation and Interaction Tools Authors

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    This document provides an in-depth analysis of visualization and interaction tools employed in the context of Virtual Museum. This analysis is required to identify and design the tools and the different components that will be part of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF). The CIF will be the base of the web-based services and tools to support the development of Virtual Museums with particular attention to online Virtual Museum.The main goal is to provide to the stakeholders and developers an useful platform to support and help them in the development of their projects, despite the nature of the project itself. The design of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF) is based on an analysis of the typical workflow ofthe V-MUST partners and their perceived limitations of current technologies. This document is based also on the results of the V-MUST technical questionnaire (presented in the Deliverable 4.1). Based on these two source of information, we have selected some important tools (mainly visualization tools) and services and we elaborate some first guidelines and ideas for the design and development of the CIF, that shall provide a technological foundation for the V-MUST Platform, together with the V-MUST repository/repositories and the additional services defined in the WP4. Two state of the art reports, one about user interface design and another one about visualization technologies have been also provided in this document

    Augmented reality X-ray vision on optical see-through head mounted displays

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    Abstract. In this thesis, we present the development and evaluation of an augmented reality X-ray system on optical see-through head-mounted displays. Augmented reality X-ray vision allows users to see through solid surfaces such as walls and facades, by augmenting the real view with virtual images representing the hidden objects. Our system is developed based on the optical see-through mixed reality headset Microsoft Hololens. We have developed an X-ray cutout algorithm that uses the geometric data of the environment and enables seeing through surfaces. We have developed four different visualizations as well based on the algorithm. The first visualization renders simply the X-ray cutout without displaying any information about the occluding surface. The other three visualizations display features extracted from the occluder surface to help the user to get better depth perception of the virtual objects. We have used Sobel edge detection to extract the information. The three visualizations differ in the way to render the extracted features. A subjective experiment is conducted to test and evaluate the visualizations and to compare them with each other. The experiment consists of two parts; depth estimation task and a questionnaire. Both the experiment and its results are presented in the thesis

    Modeling and Simulation in Engineering

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    This book provides an open platform to establish and share knowledge developed by scholars, scientists, and engineers from all over the world, about various applications of the modeling and simulation in the design process of products, in various engineering fields. The book consists of 12 chapters arranged in two sections (3D Modeling and Virtual Prototyping), reflecting the multidimensionality of applications related to modeling and simulation. Some of the most recent modeling and simulation techniques, as well as some of the most accurate and sophisticated software in treating complex systems, are applied. All the original contributions in this book are jointed by the basic principle of a successful modeling and simulation process: as complex as necessary, and as simple as possible. The idea is to manipulate the simplifying assumptions in a way that reduces the complexity of the model (in order to make a real-time simulation), but without altering the precision of the results

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2013

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    Proceedings of the 7th Annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Student Capstone Conference held on April 11, 2013 at VMASC in Suffolk, Virginia

    Fifth Biennial Report : June 1999 - August 2001

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    Scheduling (ir)regular applications on heterogeneous platforms

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaCurrent computational platforms have become continuously more and more heterogeneous and parallel over the last years, as a consequence of incorporating accelerators whose architectures are parallel and different from the CPU. As a result, several frameworks were developed to aid to program these platforms mainly targeting better productivity ratios. In this context, GAMA framework is being developed by the research group involved in this work, targeting both regular and irregular algorithms to efficiently run in heterogeneous platforms. Scheduling is a key issue of GAMA-like frameworks. The state of the art solutions of scheduling on heterogeneous platforms are efficient for regular applications but lack adequate mechanisms for irregular ones. The scheduling of irregular applications is particularly complex due to the unpredictability and the differences on the execution time of their composing computational tasks. This dissertation work comprises the design and validation of a dynamic scheduler’s model and implementation, to simultaneously address regular and irregular algorithms. The devised scheduling mechanism is validated within the GAMA framework, when running relevant scientific algorithms, which include the SAXPY, the Fast Fourier Transform and two n-Body solvers. The proposed mechanism is validated regarding its efficiency in finding good scheduling decisions and the efficiency and scalability of GAMA, when using it. The results show that the model of the devised dynamic scheduler is capable of working in heterogeneous systems with high efficiency and finding good scheduling decisions in the general tested cases. It achieves not only the scheduling decision that represents the real capacity of the devices in the platform, but also enables GAMA to achieve more than 100% of efficiency as defined in [3], when running a relevant scientific irregular algorithm. Under the designed scheduling model, GAMA was also able to beat CPU and GPU efficient libraries of SAXPY, an important scientific algorithm. It was also proved GAMA’s scalability under the devised dynamic scheduler, which properly leveraged the platform computational resources, in trials with one central quad-core CPU-chip and two GPU accelerators.As plataformas computacionais actuais tornaram-se cada vez mais heterogéneas e paralelas nos últimos anos, como consequência de integrarem aceleradores cujas arquitecturas são paralelas e distintas do CPU. Como resultado, várias frameworks foram desenvolvidas para programar estas plataformas, com o objectivo de aumentar os níveis de produtividade de programação. Neste sentido, a framework GAMA está a ser desenvolvida pelo grupo de investigação envolvido nesta tese, tendo como objectivo correr eficientemente algoritmos regulares e irregulares em plataformas heterogéneas. Um aspecto chave no contexto de frameworks congéneres ao GAMA é o escalonamento. As soluções que compõem o estado da arte de escalonamento em plataformas heterogéneas são eficientes para aplicaçóes regulares, mas ineficientes para aplicações irregulares. O escalonamento destas é particularmente complexo devido à imprevisibilidade e ás diferenças no tempo de computação das tarefas computacionais que as compõem. Esta dissertação propõe o design e validação de um modelo de escalonamento e respectiva implementação, que endereça tanto aplicações regulares como irregulares. O mecanismo de escalonamento desenvolvido é validado na framework GAMA, executando algoritmos científicos relevantes, que incluem a SAXPY, a Transformada Rápida de Fourier e dois algoritmos de resolução do problema n-Corpos. O mecanismo proposto é validado quanto à sua eficiência em encontrar boas decisões de escalonamento e quanto à eficiência e escalabilidade do GAMA, quando fazendo uso do mesmo. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o modelo de escalonamento proposto é capaz de executar em plataformas heterogéneas com alto grau de eficiência, uma vez que encontra boas decisões de escalonamento na generalidade dos casos testados. Além de atingir a decisão de escalonamento que melhor representa o real poder computacional dos dispositivos na plataforma, também permite ao GAMA atingir mais de 100% de eficiência tal como definida em [3], executando um importante algoritmo científico irregular. Integrando o modelo de escalonamento desenvolvido, o GAMA superou ainda bibliotecas eficientes para CPU e GPU na execução do SAXPY, um importante algoritmo científico. Foi também provada a escalabilidade do GAMA sob o modelo desenvolvido, que aproveitou da melhor forma os recursos computacionais disponíveis, em testes para um CPU-chip de 4 núcleos e dois GPUs

    Artistic Path Space Editing of Physically Based Light Transport

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    Die Erzeugung realistischer Bilder ist ein wichtiges Ziel der Computergrafik, mit Anwendungen u.a. in der Spielfilmindustrie, Architektur und Medizin. Die physikalisch basierte Bildsynthese, welche in letzter Zeit anwendungsübergreifend weiten Anklang findet, bedient sich der numerischen Simulation des Lichttransports entlang durch die geometrische Optik vorgegebener Ausbreitungspfade; ein Modell, welches für übliche Szenen ausreicht, Photorealismus zu erzielen. Insgesamt gesehen ist heute das computergestützte Verfassen von Bildern und Animationen mit wohlgestalteter und theoretisch fundierter Schattierung stark vereinfacht. Allerdings ist bei der praktischen Umsetzung auch die Rücksichtnahme auf Details wie die Struktur des Ausgabegeräts wichtig und z.B. das Teilproblem der effizienten physikalisch basierten Bildsynthese in partizipierenden Medien ist noch weit davon entfernt, als gelöst zu gelten. Weiterhin ist die Bildsynthese als Teil eines weiteren Kontextes zu sehen: der effektiven Kommunikation von Ideen und Informationen. Seien es nun Form und Funktion eines Gebäudes, die medizinische Visualisierung einer Computertomografie oder aber die Stimmung einer Filmsequenz -- Botschaften in Form digitaler Bilder sind heutzutage omnipräsent. Leider hat die Verbreitung der -- auf Simulation ausgelegten -- Methodik der physikalisch basierten Bildsynthese generell zu einem Verlust intuitiver, feingestalteter und lokaler künstlerischer Kontrolle des finalen Bildinhalts geführt, welche in vorherigen, weniger strikten Paradigmen vorhanden war. Die Beiträge dieser Dissertation decken unterschiedliche Aspekte der Bildsynthese ab. Dies sind zunächst einmal die grundlegende Subpixel-Bildsynthese sowie effiziente Bildsyntheseverfahren für partizipierende Medien. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stehen jedoch Ansätze zum effektiven visuellen Verständnis der Lichtausbreitung, die eine lokale künstlerische Einflussnahme ermöglichen und gleichzeitig auf globaler Ebene konsistente und glaubwürdige Ergebnisse erzielen. Hierbei ist die Kernidee, Visualisierung und Bearbeitung des Lichts direkt im alle möglichen Lichtpfade einschließenden "Pfadraum" durchzuführen. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu Verfahren nach Stand der Forschung, die entweder im Bildraum arbeiten oder auf bestimmte, isolierte Beleuchtungseffekte wie perfekte Spiegelungen, Schatten oder Kaustiken zugeschnitten sind. Die Erprobung der vorgestellten Verfahren hat gezeigt, dass mit ihnen real existierende Probleme der Bilderzeugung für Filmproduktionen gelöst werden können