27 research outputs found

    Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for a kind of Liénard equation with a deviating argument

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    AbstractIn this work, we use the coincidence degree theory to establish new results on the existence and uniqueness of T-periodic solutions for a kind of Liénard equation with a deviating argument of the form x″(t)+f(x(t))x′(t)+g(t,x(t−τ(t)))=p(t)

    Some Results for Periodic Solutions of a Kind of Liénard Equation

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    Periodic solutions for a generalized p-Laplacian equation

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    AbstractThe existence and uniqueness of T-periodic solutions for the following boundary value problems with p-Laplacian: (ϕp(x′))′+f(t,x′)+g(t,x)=e(t),x(0)=x(T),x′(0)=x′(T) are investigated, where ϕp(u)=∣u∣p−2u with p>1 and f,g,e are continuous and are T-periodic in t with f(t,0)=0. Using coincidence degree theory, some existence and uniqueness results are presented

    Periodic solutions for nonlinear nth order differential equations with delays

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    AbstractBy applying the continuation theorem of coincidence degree theory, we establish the existence of 2Ï€-periodic solutions for a class of nonlinear nth order differential equations with delays

    Boundedness criteria for a class of second order nonlinear differential equations with delay

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    summary:We consider certain class of second order nonlinear nonautonomous delay differential equations of the form a(t)x′′+b(t)g(x,x′)+c(t)h(x(t−r))m(x′)=p(t,x,x′) a(t)x^{\prime \prime } + b(t)g(x,x^\prime ) + c(t)h(x(t-r))m(x^\prime ) = p(t,x,x^\prime ) and (a(t)x′)′+b(t)g(x,x′)+c(t)h(x(t−r))m(x′)=p(t,x,x′), (a(t)x^\prime )^\prime + b(t)g(x,x^\prime ) + c(t)h(x(t-r))m(x^\prime ) = p(t,x,x^\prime ), where aa, bb, cc, gg, hh, mm and pp are real valued functions which depend at most on the arguments displayed explicitly and rr is a positive constant. Different forms of the integral inequality method were used to investigate the boundedness of all solutions and their derivatives. Here, we do not require construction of the Lyapunov-Krasovski\v ı functional to establish our results. This work extends and improve on some results in the literature