1,263 research outputs found

    Analysis of a benchmark suite to evaluate mixed numeric and symbolic processing

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    The suite of programs that formed the benchmark for a proposed advanced computer is described and analyzed. The features of the processor and its operating system that are tested by the benchmark are discussed. The computer codes and the supporting data for the analysis are given as appendices

    A markov-model-based framework for supporting real-time generation of synthetic memory references effectively and efficiently

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    Driven by several real-life case studies and in-lab developments, synthetic memory reference generation has a long tradition in computer science research. The goal is that of reproducing the running of an arbitrary program, whose generated traces can later be used for simulations and experiments. In this paper we investigate this research context and provide principles and algorithms of a Markov-Model-based framework for supporting real-time generation of synthetic memory references effectively and efficiently. Specifically, our approach is based on a novel Machine Learning algorithm we called Hierarchical Hidden/ non Hidden Markov Model (HHnHMM). Experimental results conclude this paper

    WCET-Directed Dynamic Scratchpad Memory Allocation of Data

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    Many embedded systems feature processors coupled with a small and fast scratchpad memory. To the difference with caches, allocation of data to scratchpad memory must be handled by software. The major gain is to enhance the pre-dictability of memory accesses latencies. A compile-time dy-namic allocation approach enables eviction and placement of data to the scratchpad memory at runtime. Previous dynamic scratchpad memory allocation ap-proaches aimed to reduce average-case program execution time or the energy consumption due to memory accesses. For real-time systems, worst-case execution time is the main metric to optimize. In this paper, we propose a WCET-directed algorithm to dynamically allocate static data and stack data of a pro-gram to scratchpad memory. The granularity of placement of memory transfers (e.g. on function, basic block bound-aries) is discussed from the perspective of its computation complexity and the quality of allocation. 1

    A Microsequenced Prolog Inference Engine

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    Prolog is a symbolic logic language presently emerging among numerous expert system designs. The architecture for a microsequenced Prolog machine (UPM) capable of providing the basic language features to a host computer is proposed. The Prolog machine functions are portioned into three processor components – Input/Output, Memory, and Central (CPU), where the design of the Central Processor is emphasized. Detailed discussion outlines the CPU facilities used to implement the forward-chaining and backtracking functions for the UPM. The UPM features are compared to the PLM-1, a microsequenced Prolog inference engine under development at University of California, Berkley. An emulation of the entire algorithm is provided, as well as a proposed microengine and associated microstore

    Programmable calculator-aided numerical methods for engineering undergraduates of Hong Kong

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    Over the past twenty years, computing aids have developed from the simple hand rotating calculator to the complicated high speed computer. Very often the most powerful machine may not be the best equipment to use in the teaching of Numerical Methods. The student's criteria in selecting a computing aid are simplicity, accessibility and reliability. On the other hand, due to financial restrictions, an institution such as Hong Kong Polytechnic will be deeply concerned with the cost of the equipment used. It is then the teacher's duty to ensure a balance between cost and suitability of the computing aids used. In this research, the history of computing facilities in Hong Kong Polytechnic is outlined. Its cost and demand are investigated by means of a survey. An attempt is made to demonstrate that the programmable calculator is a cost effective tool in teaching Numerical Methods to Polytechnic students. Provided it is used in a less automatic manner and in conjunction with a well designed storage map, its defect in using low level language can be overcome. To use the programmable calculator in a less automatic way may allow or even induce the students to participate in the decision making part of the Numerical Algorithms. On the aspect of educational principle, this should be highly encouraged. Finally, it is pointed out in the thesis that the present day microcomputer systems could become cost effective tools, should their production costs be reduced in the years to come for general use in underdeveloped countries such as Hong Kong

    Object reational data base management systems and applications in document retrieval

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    Data input for scientific visualization

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    Since the development of the modular visualization environment, the users of such gen­eral software have had to face the problems of file input Simply put, the range and complexity of different file formats has prevented the developers of visualization systems from creating an individual solution for every format. This has left a gap, where users are left to fend for themselves by either extending the system to their needs, or using a format capable of being described by one of the input tools offered by such systems. Neither of these options is particularly easy, and the use of field dependent terminology can hamper such efforts.This thesis proposes a model, architecture and methodology, for importing uncommon file formats and data into scientific visualization systems by way of interpretation. Using interpretation we are able to describe many file formats in a general manner, enabling further development of simple methods to aid users in solving their data input problems. The utility of these concepts is illustrated through the Interactive File Input Toolkit (IFIT), which allows users to solve their file input problems in a flexible manner. This tool is illustrated by a range of examples and test cases, and unlike other solutions it has the ability to discover as well as describe the content of a file. Finally, this thesis presents work towards an automatic method for determining a file’s input parameters

    PC based storage and processing of electrocardiogram tracings recorded with a HP4745A pagewriter II cardiograph

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    ThesisCurrently the Department of Cardiology, Universitas Hospital, keeps paper copies of ECGs filed in large filing cabinets. Access to these files is tedious during office hours, and impossible after hours, when the filing room is locked and no filing personnel are available. Commercially available systems for computerised storage of ECG data are available from a number of vendors. Some drawbacks of these systems include: • Extremely expensive. • Only a portion of the functions offered by these systems are really needed at the Department of Cardiology, Universitas Hospital. These systems are thus not economically justifiable by the Department of Cardiology, Universitas Hospital. • Some require new/different ECG machines to be used. • Some require an expensive computer system to be installed. • Additional space is needed for additional equipment. • Staff needs to be extensively trained to use the new equipment. This dissertation describes the development of a dynamic link library (DLL) which is used to acquire and decode data from a Hewlet Packard HP4745A Cardiograph II Page Writer electrocardiograph. Furthermore, the database application using the HP4745A DLL can also be expanded to accept data from other ECG machines. The acquisition and decoding DLL must be developed to produce a decoded data file conforming to the format described in this dissertation. By storing these decoded data in a database such as Hearts 32, the data can be reprocessed (drawing of ECG traces on screen or on printer). Selected leads from different ECGs can also be plotted on the same screen. Fast access to previous ECGs will help the cardiologists at the Universitas Hospital in Bloemfontein to improve patient care. The cardiac patients of the Free State community as well as the staff at the Department of Cardiology, Universitas Hospital, Bloemfontein can benefit from the results of this research

    The application of expert systems in parenteral nutrition

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    Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is a medical technique used to provide a patient\u27s nutritional requirements via intravenous feeding. Critically ill patients must have adequate nutrition but must also have a stable physiology compensated for or treated by drugs. Several factors such as the complex nature of the TPN solution, the cost of the ingredients and the possible interaction of nutrient and drugs has led to the development of small expert system to assist the hospital medical staff in formulating the TPN constituents and assist the pharmacy staff in producing the final solution. This text will describe a small knowledge-based diagnostic system which when combined with conventional programming techniques has led to tangible benefits within a hospital Intensive Care Unit and Pharmacy

    Smart Card DBMS: where are we now?

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    Smart card is today the most widespread secured portable computing device. Four years ago, we addressed the problem of scaling down database techniques for the smart card and we proposed the design of what we called a PicoDBMS, a full-fledged database system embedded in a smart card. Since then, thanks to the hardware progress and to the joint implementation efforts of our team and our industrial partner, this utopian design gave birth to a complete prototype running on an experimental smart card platform. This paper revisits the problem statement in the light of the hardware and applications evolution. Then, it introduces a benchmark dedicated to Pico–style databases and provides an extensive performance analysis of our prototype, discussing lessons learned at experimentation time and helping selecting the appropriate storage and indexation model for a given class of embedded applications. Finally, it draws new research perspectives for data management on secured chips (smart cards, USB dongles, multimedia rendering devices, smart objects in an ambient intelligence surrounding)
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