8 research outputs found

    Grammar-based generation of variable-selection heuristics for constraint satisfaction problems

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    We propose a grammar-based genetic programming framework that generates variable-selection heuristics for solving constraint satisfaction problems. This approach can be considered as a generation hyper-heuristic. A grammar to express heuristics is extracted from successful human-designed variable-selection heuristics. The search is performed on the derivation sequences of this grammar using a strongly typed genetic programming framework. The approach brings two innovations to grammar-based hyper-heuristics in this domain: the incorporation of if-then-else rules to the function set, and the implementation of overloaded functions capable of handling different input dimensionality. Moreover, the heuristic search space is explored using not only evolutionary search, but also two alternative simpler strategies, namely, iterated local search and parallel hill climbing. We tested our approach on synthetic and real-world instances. The newly generated heuristics have an improved performance when compared against human-designed heuristics. Our results suggest that the constrained search space imposed by the proposed grammar is the main factor in the generation of good heuristics. However, to generate more general heuristics, the composition of the training set and the search methodology played an important role. We found that increasing the variability of the training set improved the generality of the evolved heuristics, and the evolutionary search strategy produced slightly better results

    Automated Design of Production Scheduling Heuristics: A Review

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    Adapting a Hyper-heuristic to Respond to Scalability Issues in Combinatorial Optimisation

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    The development of a heuristic to solve an optimisation problem in a new domain, or a specific variation of an existing problem domain, is often beyond the means of many smaller businesses. This is largely due to the task normally needing to be assigned to a human expert, and such experts tend to be scarce and expensive. One of the aims of hyper-heuristic research is to automate all or part of the heuristic development process and thereby bring the generation of new heuristics within the means of more organisations. A second aim of hyper-heuristic research is to ensure that the process by which a domain specific heuristic is developed is itself independent of the problem domain. This enables a hyper-heuristic to exist and operate above the combinatorial optimisation problem “domain barrier” and generalise across different problem domains. A common issue with heuristic development is that a heuristic is often designed or evolved using small size problem instances and then assumed to perform well on larger problem instances. The goal of this thesis is to extend current hyper-heuristic research towards answering the question: How can a hyper-heuristic efficiently and effectively adapt the selection, generation and manipulation of domain specific heuristics as you move from small size and/or narrow domain problems to larger size and/or wider domain problems? In other words, how can different hyperheuristics respond to scalability issues? Each hyper-heuristic has its own strengths and weaknesses. In the context of hyper-heuristic research, this thesis contributes towards understanding scalability issues by firstly developing a compact and effective heuristic that can be applied to other problem instances of differing sizes in a compatible problem domain. We construct a hyper-heuristic for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem domain to establish whether a heuristic for a specific problem domain can be developed which is compact and easy to interpret. The results show that generation of a simple but effective heuristic is possible. Secondly we develop two different types of hyper-heuristic and compare their performance across different combinatorial optimisation problem domains. We construct and compare simplified versions of two existing hyper-heuristics (adaptive and grammar-based), and analyse how each handles the trade-off between computation speed and quality of the solution. The performance of the two hyper-heuristics are tested on seven different problem domains compatible with the HyFlex (Hyper-heuristic Flexible) framework. The results indicate that the adaptive hyper-heuristic is able to deliver solutions of a pre-defined quality in a shorter computational time than the grammar-based hyper-heuristic. Thirdly we investigate how the adaptive hyper-heuristic developed in the second stage of this thesis can respond to problem instances of the same size, but containing different features and complexity. We investigate how, with minimal knowledge about the problem domain and features of the instance being worked on, a hyper-heuristic can modify its processes to respond to problem instances containing different features and problem domains of different complexity. In this stage we allow the adaptive hyper-heuristic to select alternative vectors for the selection of problem domain operators, and acceptance criteria used to determine whether solutions should be retained or discarded. We identify a consistent difference between the best performing pairings of selection vector and acceptance criteria, and those pairings which perform poorly. This thesis shows that hyper-heuristics can respond to scalability issues, although not all do so with equal ease. The flexibility of an adaptive hyper-heuristic enables it to perform faster than the more rigid grammar-based hyper-heuristic, but at the expense of losing a reusable heuristic

    On the investigation of the large-scale grouping constrained storage location assignment problem

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    The primary focus of this study is a novel optimisation problem, namely Storage Location Assignment Problem with Grouping Constraint (SLAP-GC). The problem stems from real-world applications and is significant in theoretical values and applicability in resource allocation tasks where groupings must be considered. The aim of this problem is to minimise the total operational cost in a warehouse through stock rearrangement. The problem consists of two interdependent subproblems, grouping same product items and assigning items to minimize picking distance. The interactions between these two subproblems make this problem significantly different from previous Storage Location Assignment Problems (SLAP), a well-studied field in logistics. Existing approaches for SLAP are not directly applicable for SLAP-GC. This dissertation lays a foundation for research on grouping constraints and other optimisation problems with similar interactions between subproblems. Firstly this study presents a formal definition of SLAP-GC. Then it others a formal proof of NP-completeness of SLAP-GC by reducing from a well-known 3-Partition problem to SLAP-GC. This suggests that the real-world instances of SLAP-GC should not be tackled with exact approaches, but with approximation and heuristic approaches. Then, we explored decomposition and modelling techniques for SLAP-GC and developed three types of promising heuristic approaches: a hyperheuristic approach, a metaheuristic approach and a matheuristic approach. Comprehensive experimental studies are conducted on both synthetic benchmark instances and real-world instances to examine their efficiency, efficacy, and scalability. Through the analysis of the experimental results, the suitability of proposed methods is verified on various SLAP-GC scenarios. In addition, we demonstrate in this study that with the proposed decomposition, large-scale SLAP-GC can be handled efficiently by the three proposed heuristic-based approaches

    Automatic Design of Dispatching Rules for Job Shop Scheduling with Genetic Programming

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    Scheduling is an important planning activity in manufacturing systems to help optimise the usage of scarce resources and improve the customer satisfaction. In the job shop manufacturing environment, scheduling problems are challenging due to the complexity of production flows and practical requirements such as dynamic changes, uncertainty, multiple objectives, and multiple scheduling decisions. Also, job shop scheduling (JSS) is very common in small manufacturing businesses and JSS is considered one of the most popular research topics in this domain due to its potential to dramatically decrease the costs and increase the throughput. Practitioners and researchers have applied different computational techniques, from different fields such as operations research and computer science, to deal with JSS problems. Although optimisation methods usually show their dominance in the literature, applying optimisation techniques in practical situations is not straightforward because of the practical constraints and conditions in the shop. Dispatching rules are a very useful approach to dealing with these environments because they are easy to implement(by computers and shop floor operators) and can cope with dynamic changes. However, designing an effective dispatching rule is not a trivial task and requires extensive knowledge about the scheduling problem. The overall goal of this thesis is to develop a genetic programming based hyper-heuristic (GPHH) approach for automatic heuristic design of reusable and competitive dispatching rules in job shop scheduling environments. This thesis focuses on incorporating special features of JSS in the representations and evolutionary search mechanisms of genetic programming(GP) to help enhance the quality of dispatching rules obtained. This thesis shows that representations and evaluation schemes are the important factors that significantly influence the performance of GP for evolving dispatching rules. The thesis demonstrates that evolved rules which are trained to adapt their decisions based on the changes in shops are better than conventional rules. Moreover, by applying a new evaluation scheme, the evolved rules can effectively learn from the mistakes made in previous completed schedules to construct better scheduling decisions. The GP method using the newproposed evaluation scheme shows better performance than the GP method using the conventional scheme. This thesis proposes a new multi-objective GPHH to evolve a Pareto front of non-dominated dispatching rules. Instead of evolving a single rule with assumed preferences over different objectives, the advantage of this GPHH method is to allow GP to evolve rules to handle multiple conflicting objectives simultaneously. The Pareto fronts obtained by the GPHH method can be used as an effective tool to help decision makers select appropriate rules based on their knowledge regarding possible trade-offs. The thesis shows that evolved rules can dominate well-known dispatching rules when a single objective and multiple objectives are considered. Also, the obtained Pareto fronts show that many evolved rules can lead to favourable trade-offs, which have not been explored in the literature. This thesis tackles one of themost challenging issues in job shop scheduling, the interactions between different scheduling decisions. New GPHH methods have been proposed to help evolve scheduling policies containing multiple scheduling rules for multiple scheduling decisions. The two decisions examined in this thesis are sequencing and due date assignment. The experimental results show that the evolved scheduling rules are significantly better than scheduling policies in the literature. A cooperative coevolution approach has also been developed to reduce the complexity of evolving sophisticated scheduling policies. A new evolutionary search mechanisms and customised genetic operations are proposed in this approach to improve the diversity of the obtained Pareto fronts