183 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Multi-Agent System with Crowding Factor and Mass Center mechanisms for Multiobjective Optimisation

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    This work presents some additional mechanisms for Evolutionary Multi-Agent Systems for Multiobjective Optimisation trying to solve problems with population stagnation and loss of diversity. Those mechanisms reward solutions located in a less crowded neighborhood and on edges of the frontier. Both techniques have been described and also some preliminary results have been shown

    Multi-objective tools for the vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    Most real-life problems involve the simultaneous optimisation of two or more, usually conflicting, objectives. Researchers have put a continuous effort into solving these problems in many different areas, such as engineering, finance and computer science. Over time, thanks to the increase in processing power, researchers have created methods which have become increasingly sophisticated. Most of these methods have been based on the notion of Pareto dominance, which assumes, sometimes erroneously, that the objectives have no known ranking of importance. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is a logistics problem which in real-life applications appears to be multi-objective. This problem consists of designing the optimal set of routes to serve a number of customers within certain time slots. Despite this problem’s high applicability to real-life domains (e.g. waste collection, fast-food delivery), most research in this area has been conducted with hand-made datasets. These datasets sometimes have a number of unrealistic features (e.g. the assumption that one unit of travel time corresponds to one unit of travel distance) and are therefore not adequate for the assessment of optimisers. Furthermore, very few studies have focused on the multi-objective nature of the VRPTW. That is, very few have studied how the optimisation of one objective affects the others. This thesis proposes a number of novel tools (methods + dataset) to address the above- mentioned challenges: 1) an agent-based framework for cooperative search, 2) a novel multi-objective ranking approach, 3) a new dataset for the VRPTW, 4) a study of the pair-wise relationships between five common objectives in VRPTW, and 5) a simplified Multi-objective Discrete Particle Swarm Optimisation for the VRPTW

    Identifying and Detecting Attacks in Industrial Control Systems

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    The integrity of industrial control systems (ICS) found in utilities, oil and natural gas pipelines, manufacturing plants and transportation is critical to national wellbeing and security. Such systems depend on hundreds of field devices to manage and monitor a physical process. Previously, these devices were specific to ICS but they are now being replaced by general purpose computing technologies and, increasingly, these are being augmented with Internet of Things (IoT) nodes. Whilst there are benefits to this approach in terms of cost and flexibility, it has attracted a wider community of adversaries. These include those with significant domain knowledge, such as those responsible for attacks on Iran’s Nuclear Facilities, a Steel Mill in Germany, and Ukraine’s power grid; however, non specialist attackers are becoming increasingly interested in the physical damage it is possible to cause. At the same time, the approach increases the number and range of vulnerabilities to which ICS are subject; regrettably, conventional techniques for analysing such a large attack space are inadequate, a cause of major national concern. In this thesis we introduce a generalisable approach based on evolutionary multiobjective algorithms to assist in identifying vulnerabilities in complex heterogeneous ICS systems. This is both challenging and an area that is currently lacking research. Our approach has been to review the security of currently deployed ICS systems, and then to make use of an internationally recognised ICS simulation testbed for experiments, assuming that the attacking community largely lack specific ICS knowledge. Using the simulator, we identified vulnerabilities in individual components and then made use of these to generate attacks. A defence against these attacks in the form of novel intrusion detection systems were developed, based on a range of machine learning models. Finally, this was further subject to attacks created using the evolutionary multiobjective algorithms, demonstrating, for the first time, the feasibility of creating sophisticated attacks against a well-protected adversary using automated mechanisms

    Multi-objective tools for the vehicle routing problem with time windows

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    Most real-life problems involve the simultaneous optimisation of two or more, usually conflicting, objectives. Researchers have put a continuous effort into solving these problems in many different areas, such as engineering, finance and computer science. Over time, thanks to the increase in processing power, researchers have created methods which have become increasingly sophisticated. Most of these methods have been based on the notion of Pareto dominance, which assumes, sometimes erroneously, that the objectives have no known ranking of importance. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) is a logistics problem which in real-life applications appears to be multi-objective. This problem consists of designing the optimal set of routes to serve a number of customers within certain time slots. Despite this problem’s high applicability to real-life domains (e.g. waste collection, fast-food delivery), most research in this area has been conducted with hand-made datasets. These datasets sometimes have a number of unrealistic features (e.g. the assumption that one unit of travel time corresponds to one unit of travel distance) and are therefore not adequate for the assessment of optimisers. Furthermore, very few studies have focused on the multi-objective nature of the VRPTW. That is, very few have studied how the optimisation of one objective affects the others. This thesis proposes a number of novel tools (methods + dataset) to address the above- mentioned challenges: 1) an agent-based framework for cooperative search, 2) a novel multi-objective ranking approach, 3) a new dataset for the VRPTW, 4) a study of the pair-wise relationships between five common objectives in VRPTW, and 5) a simplified Multi-objective Discrete Particle Swarm Optimisation for the VRPTW

    Cooperation in self-organized heterogeneous swarms

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    Cooperation in self-organized heterogeneous swarms is a phenomenon from nature with many applications in autonomous robots. I specifically analyzed the problem of auto-regulated team formation in multi-agent systems and several strategies to learn socially how to make multi-objective decisions. To this end I proposed new multi-objective ranking relations and analyzed their properties theoretically and within multi-objective metaheuristics. The results showed that simple decision mechanism suffice to build effective teams of heterogeneous agents and that diversity in groups is not a problem but can increase the efficiency of multi-agent systems

    Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms

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    With the recent trends towards massive data sets and significant computational power, combined with evolutionary algorithmic advances evolutionary computation is becoming much more relevant to practice. Aim of the book is to present recent improvements, innovative ideas and concepts in a part of a huge EA field

    Evolutionary Computation

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    This book presents several recent advances on Evolutionary Computation, specially evolution-based optimization methods and hybrid algorithms for several applications, from optimization and learning to pattern recognition and bioinformatics. This book also presents new algorithms based on several analogies and metafores, where one of them is based on philosophy, specifically on the philosophy of praxis and dialectics. In this book it is also presented interesting applications on bioinformatics, specially the use of particle swarms to discover gene expression patterns in DNA microarrays. Therefore, this book features representative work on the field of evolutionary computation and applied sciences. The intended audience is graduate, undergraduate, researchers, and anyone who wishes to become familiar with the latest research work on this field

    On the Application of Multiobjective Optimization to Software Development Process and Antenna Designing

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    Esta tesis doctoral, presentada como compendio de artículos, explora los beneficios prácticos del uso combinado de la optimización multi-objetivo con aplicaciones de simulación. En esta tesis, con un caracter de aplicación, se aportan ideas prácticas sobre cómo combinar meta-heurísticas aplicadas a la optimización de problemas con herramientas y técnicas de simulación. La simulación permite estudiar problemas complejos antes de implementarlos en el mundo real. Los problemas de optimización son de los más complicados de resolver. Involucran 3 o más variables y en muchos casos no pueden ser resueltos matemáticamente. La simulación permite modelar el problema, pero son una ayuda insuficiente a la hora de encontrar las mejores soluciones a dicho problema. En estos casos, el trabajo conjunto de la herramienta de simulación con metaheurísticas de optimización permiten abordar estos problemas con costes computacionales razonables, obteniendo resultados muy cercanos al óptimo. Debe tenerse en cuenta que las soluciones de los problemas multiobjetivo contienen un conjunto de variables donde habitualmente mejorar (optimizar) una variable, suponga empeorar (hacer menos óptima) otra(s). Por tanto, lo deseable es encontrar un conjunto de soluciones donde cada variable se optimiza teniendo en cuenta el posible impacto negativo en el resto de variables. A ese conjunto de soluciones, se le suele conocer como el Frente de Pareto Óptimo. Esta tesis presenta dos problemas reales, complejos y pertenecientes a campos totalmente distintos, que han sido resueltos de forma existosa, aplicando la misma técnica: Simulación combinada con optimización multiobjetivo. Esta tesis comienza presentando un caso de técnicas de optimización multiobjetivo a través de la simulación para ayudar a los directores de proyectos de software a encontrar las mejores configuraciones para los proyectos basados ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), de manera que se optimicen las estimaciones de calendario para un proyecto determinado, el tiempo y la productividad. Los datos de gestión de proyectos pueden obtenerse mediante simulación, por ejemplo, para optimizar el número de recursos utilizados en cada fase de la vida del proyecto. También se presenta otro caso de estudio sobre la forma en que la optimización de la simulación puede ayudar en el diseño de cualquier tipo de antena. En este caso de estudio, el objetivo es lograr una antena helicoidal, de doble banda, lo más compacta posible, para la telemetría, el seguimiento y el control (TTC) de los satélites. En los satélites es esencial reducir el volumen y el peso de los dispositivos instalados, manteniendo al mismo tiempo los requisitos de funcionamiento. Adicionalmente, esta tesis realiza un aporte teórico proponiendo un nuevo algoritmo llamado MNDS (Merge Non-Dominated Sorting) que mejora el rendimiento de los algoritmos de optimización multi-objectivo basados en el cálculo del Pareto Front

    Combining evolutionary algorithms and agent-based simulation for the development of urbanisation policies

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    Urban-planning authorities continually face the problem of optimising the allocation of green space over time in developing urban environments. To help in these decision-making processes, this thesis provides an empirical study of using evolutionary approaches to solve sequential decision making problems under uncertainty in stochastic environments. To achieve this goal, this work is underpinned by developing a theoretical framework based on the economic model of Alonso and the associated methodology for modelling spatial and temporal urban growth, in order to better understand the complexity inherent in this kind of system and to generate and improve relevant knowledge for the urban planning community. The model was hybridised with cellular automata and agent-based model and extended to encompass green space planning based on urban cost and satisfaction. Monte Carlo sampling techniques and the use of the urban model as a surrogate tool were the two main elements investigated and applied to overcome the noise and uncertainty derived from dealing with future trends and expectations. Once the evolutionary algorithms were equipped with these mechanisms, the problem under consideration was defined and characterised as a type of adaptive submodular. Afterwards, the performance of a non-adaptive evolutionary approach with a random search and a very smart greedy algorithm was compared and in which way the complexity that is linked with the configuration of the problem modifies the performance of both algorithms was analysed. Later on, the application of very distinct frameworks incorporating evolutionary algorithm approaches for this problem was explored: (i) an ‘offline’ approach, in which a candidate solution encodes a complete set of decisions, which is then evaluated by full simulation, and (ii) an ‘online’ approach which involves a sequential series of optimizations, each making only a single decision, and starting its simulations from the endpoint of the previous run