21 research outputs found

    Know abnormal, find evil : frequent pattern mining for ransomware threat hunting and intelligence

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    Emergence of crypto-ransomware has significantly changed the cyber threat landscape. A crypto ransomware removes data custodian access by encrypting valuable data on victims’ computers and requests a ransom payment to reinstantiate custodian access by decrypting data. Timely detection of ransomware very much depends on how quickly and accurately system logs can be mined to hunt abnormalities and stop the evil. In this paper we first setup an environment to collect activity logs of 517 Locky ransomware samples, 535 Cerber ransomware samples and 572 samples of TeslaCrypt ransomware. We utilize Sequential Pattern Mining to find Maximal Frequent Patterns (MFP) of activities within different ransomware families as candidate features for classification using J48, Random Forest, Bagging and MLP algorithms. We could achieve 99% accuracy in detecting ransomware instances from goodware samples and 96.5% accuracy in detecting family of a given ransomware sample. Our results indicate usefulness and practicality of applying pattern mining techniques in detection of good features for ransomware hunting. Moreover, we showed existence of distinctive frequent patterns within different ransomware families which can be used for identification of a ransomware sample family for building intelligence about threat actors and threat profile of a given target

    The impact of extended global ransomware attacks on trust: How the attacker's competence and institutional trust influence the decision to pay

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    © 2018 Association for Information Systems. All rights reserved. The standardization, interconnectivity and pervasiveness of information systems, combined with the increasing ability to collect and utilize data, enhance the value they offer a user. These strengths however can also be turned into a weakness and vulnerability by ransomware (RW). RW can utilize the functionality of current systems both to infect them but also to increase the magnitude of the attack. This research proposes a model of the impact of the RW attack on the user's trust, which in turn has an effect on their decision to pay the ransom or follow the guidance from the relevant institutions. The model shows that the effectiveness of the attack, the trust in the competence of the attacker and ransomware demands that are reasonable and easy to fulfil, positively influence the intention to pay the ransom. The initial institutional response, institutional trust and institutional solution influence the intention to follow the institutional guidance

    Ransomclave:Ransomware Key Management using SGX

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    Modern ransomware often generate and manage cryptographic keys on the victim's machine, giving defenders an opportunity to capture exposed keys and recover encrypted data without paying the ransom. However, recent work has raised the possibility of future enclave-enhanced malware that could avoid such mitigations using emerging support for hardware-enforced secure enclaves in commodity CPUs. Nonetheless, the practicality of such enclave-enhanced malware and its potential impact on all phases of the ransomware lifecyle remain unclear. Given the demonstrated capacity of ransomware authors to innovate in order to better extort their victims (e.g. through the adoption of untraceable virtual currencies and anonymity networks), it is important to better understand the risks involved and identify potential mitigations. As a basis for comprehensive security and performance analysis of enclave-enhanced ransomware, we present RansomClave, a family of ransomware that securely manage their cryptographic keys using an enclave. We use RansomClave to explore the implications of enclave-enhanced ransomware for the key generation, encryption and key release phases of the ransomware lifecycle, and to identify potential limitations and mitigations. We propose two plausible victim models and analyse, from an attacker's perspective, how RansomClave can protect cryptographic keys from each type of victim. We find that some existing mitigations are likely to be effective during the key generation and encryption phases, but that RansomClave enables new trustless key release schemes that could potentially improve attacker's profitability and, by extension, make enclaves an attractive target for future attackers

    Malicious uses of blockchains by malware: from the analysis to Smart-Zephyrus

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    Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the multiannual agreement with UC3M (“fostering young doctor research”, DEPROFAKE-CM-UC3M) and in the context of the V PRICIT research and technological innovation regional program; by CAM by grant CYNAMON P2018/TCS-4566-CM, co-funded with ERDF; by 1208 Min. of Science and Innovation of Spain by grant ODIO PID2019-1209 111429RB-C21 (AEI/10.13039/50110 12100011033); and by Funding for APC: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Read & Publish Agreement CRUE-CSIC 2023)

    Cybersecurity applications of Blockchain technologies

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    With the increase in connectivity, the popularization of cloud services, and the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), decentralized approaches for trust management are gaining momentum. Since blockchain technologies provide a distributed ledger, they are receiving massive attention from the research community in different application fields. However, this technology does not provide cybersecurity by itself. Thus, this thesis first aims to provide a comprehensive review of techniques and elements that have been proposed to achieve cybersecurity in blockchain-based systems. The analysis is intended to target area researchers, cybersecurity specialists and blockchain developers. We present a series of lessons learned as well. One of them is the rise of Ethereum as one of the most used technologies. Furthermore, some intrinsic characteristics of the blockchain, like permanent availability and immutability made it interesting for other ends, namely as covert channels and malicious purposes. On the one hand, the use of blockchains by malwares has not been characterized yet. Therefore, this thesis also analyzes the current state of the art in this area. One of the lessons learned is that covert communications have received little attention. On the other hand, although previous works have analyzed the feasibility of covert channels in a particular blockchain technology called Bitcoin, no previous work has explored the use of Ethereum to establish a covert channel considering all transaction fields and smart contracts. To foster further defence-oriented research, two novel mechanisms are presented on this thesis. First, Zephyrus takes advantage of all Ethereum fields and smartcontract bytecode. Second, Smart-Zephyrus is built to complement Zephyrus by leveraging smart contracts written in Solidity. We also assess the mechanisms feasibility and cost. Our experiments show that Zephyrus, in the best case, can embed 40 Kbits in 0.57 s. for US1.64,andretrievethemin2.8s.SmartZephyrus,however,isabletohidea4Kbsecretin41s.Whilebeingexpensive(aroundUS 1.64, and retrieve them in 2.8 s. Smart-Zephyrus, however, is able to hide a 4 Kb secret in 41 s. While being expensive (around US 1.82 per bit), the provided stealthiness might be worth the price for attackers. Furthermore, these two mechanisms can be combined to increase capacity and reduce costs.Debido al aumento de la conectividad, la popularización de los servicios en la nube y el auge del Internet de las cosas (IoT), los enfoques descentralizados para la gestión de la confianza están cobrando impulso. Dado que las tecnologías de cadena de bloques (blockchain) proporcionan un archivo distribuido, están recibiendo una atención masiva por parte de la comunidad investigadora en diferentes campos de aplicación. Sin embargo, esta tecnología no proporciona ciberseguridad por sí misma. Por lo tanto, esta tesis tiene como primer objetivo proporcionar una revisión exhaustiva de las técnicas y elementos que se han propuesto para lograr la ciberseguridad en los sistemas basados en blockchain. Este análisis está dirigido a investigadores del área, especialistas en ciberseguridad y desarrolladores de blockchain. A su vez, se presentan una serie de lecciones aprendidas, siendo una de ellas el auge de Ethereum como una de las tecnologías más utilizadas. Asimismo, algunas características intrínsecas de la blockchain, como la disponibilidad permanente y la inmutabilidad, la hacen interesante para otros fines, concretamente como canal encubierto y con fines maliciosos. Por una parte, aún no se ha caracterizado el uso de la blockchain por parte de malwares. Por ello, esta tesis también analiza el actual estado del arte en este ámbito. Una de las lecciones aprendidas al analizar los datos es que las comunicaciones encubiertas han recibido poca atención. Por otro lado, aunque trabajos anteriores han analizado la viabilidad de los canales encubiertos en una tecnología blockchain concreta llamada Bitcoin, ningún trabajo anterior ha explorado el uso de Ethereum para establecer un canal encubierto considerando todos los campos de transacción y contratos inteligentes. Con el objetivo de fomentar una mayor investigación orientada a la defensa, en esta tesis se presentan dos mecanismos novedosos. En primer lugar, Zephyrus aprovecha todos los campos de Ethereum y el bytecode de los contratos inteligentes. En segundo lugar, Smart-Zephyrus complementa Zephyrus aprovechando los contratos inteligentes escritos en Solidity. Se evalúa, también, la viabilidad y el coste de ambos mecanismos. Los resultados muestran que Zephyrus, en el mejor de los casos, puede ocultar 40 Kbits en 0,57 s. por 1,64 US$, y recuperarlos en 2,8 s. Smart-Zephyrus, por su parte, es capaz de ocultar un secreto de 4 Kb en 41 s. Si bien es cierto que es caro (alrededor de 1,82 dólares por bit), el sigilo proporcionado podría valer la pena para los atacantes. Además, estos dos mecanismos pueden combinarse para aumentar la capacidad y reducir los costesPrograma de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José Manuel Estévez Tapiador.- Secretario: Jorge Blasco Alís.- Vocal: Luis Hernández Encina

    The vulnerability to Online Scamming in contemporary Tongan Society

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    This research explores the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of Tongan people to the rapid growth of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT). A research conducted by Laulaupea‘alu and Keegan in 2016 revealed that Tongan people were vulnerable to the influence of rapid ICT development (Laulaupea‘alu and Keegan, 2016). The cybersecurity vulnerabilities that were identified among the Tongan people in 2016 assisted in informing this research, which is to investigate the current susceptibilities in contemporary Tongan society. The aim of this research is to investigate the reasons why Tongans are vulnerable to ICT development specifically Online Scamming (OS) and find possible solutions to mitigate these susceptibilities. This research is the first to explore and narrow the scope to focus specifically on OS in Tonga. This research also focuses on the technical features of cybersecurity and then extends it to cover the cultural practices that would make Tongan people more susceptible to online scamming. Laulaupea‘alu and Keegan (2019) directly conveyed these cybersecurity susceptibilities to the Government of Tonga (GoT) in 2018. This report confirmed that the actual position of cybersecurity in Tonga was that at least 73 percent of the organisations were vulnerable to cybercrime and cyberattacks. These organisations were victims of malicious software, spam, unauthorized access, social engineering, ransomware, data theft/data loss, stolen account, and other types of cybercrimes. This report also provided eleven (11) recommendations and suggested to the GoT to deploy these cybersecurity prevention and awareness features to assist in slowing down the issues of cyberattacks in Tonga. One of the modern ICT accomplishments in Tonga was the installation of fibre-optic cable in 2013. Again, Laulaupea'alu and Keegan (2018) warned Tongans about the issue of succeeding in the fast internet speed of fibre-optic cable. The “high speed internet brings opportunities such as jobs and business but it also brings malicious cyber actors who can target victims in the nation” (p. 255). Drawn by the awareness of ICT issues that may arise and could lead to a stage where is unable to control, this research is undertaken to identify the root cause of these vulnerabilities, further looking for cybersecurity issues that are currently incurred and discovering appropriate defensive tools to counter these vulnerabilities. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted and became a major obstacle to this research. Due to border restrictions, there was no opportunity to travel to Tonga for data collection. To solve these issues, e-fanongonongo tokoto (e-ft) methodology was adopted to challenge the worldwide issues of COVID-19. The implementation of e-ft enabled effective communication from Hamilton to the survey participants in Tonga. E-mail, Facebook, Messenger, and Zoom are the communication methods deployed by e-ft to communicate and collect data from one hundred and thirty-nine (139) participants ranging from 16 to 70 years of age. Participants were selected from government ministries, organisations, boards, businesses and ICT grassroots computer users from all five main regions of Tonga (Tongatapu, Vava‘u, Ha‘apai, ‘Eua and Ongo Niua). Although the e-ft process encountered many obstacles in collecting data from the survey participants, it was able to generate responses and data that have been analysed in this research. The findings of this research reveal that Tonga is vulnerable to ICT development, and Tongan people are victims of cyberattacks due to the impact of rapid ICT development. These vulnerabilities relate to cybersecurity technical weaknesses, human behaviours, culture, and the personal beliefs of Tongans. This research also indicated that the people’s vulnerabilities were caused by five main elements: greed, romance/love/empathy, lack of cybersecurity training, lack of ICT knowledge, and unwillingness to report to authorities. These vulnerabilities have resulted in the loss of credential information and the loss of money to cybercriminals from the people of Tonga

    Modeling of Advanced Threat Actors: Characterization, Categorization and Detection

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La información y los sistemas que la tratan son un activo a proteger para personas, organizaciones e incluso países enteros. Nuestra dependencia en las tecnologías de la información es cada día mayor, por lo que su seguridad es clave para nuestro bienestar. Los beneficios que estas tecnologías nos proporcionan son incuestionables, pero su uso también introduce riesgos que ligados a nuestra creciente dependencia de las mismas es necesario mitigar. Los actores hostiles avanzados se categorizan principalmente en grupos criminales que buscan un beneficio económico y en países cuyo objetivo es obtener superioridad en ámbitos estratégicos como el comercial o el militar. Estos actores explotan las tecnologías, y en particular el ciberespacio, para lograr sus objetivos. La presente tesis doctoral realiza aportaciones significativas a la caracterización de los actores hostiles avanzados y a la detección de sus actividades. El análisis de sus características es básico no sólo para conocer a estos actores y sus operaciones, sino para facilitar el despliegue de contramedidas que incrementen nuestra seguridad. La detección de dichas operaciones es el primer paso necesario para neutralizarlas, y por tanto para minimizar su impacto. En el ámbito de la caracterización, este trabajo profundiza en el análisis de las tácticas y técnicas de los actores. Dicho análisis siempre es necesario para una correcta detección de las actividades hostiles en el ciberespacio, pero en el caso de los actores avanzados, desde grupos criminales hasta estados, es obligatorio: sus actividades son sigilosas, ya que el éxito de las mismas se basa, en la mayor parte de casos, en no ser detectados por la víctima. En el ámbito de la detección, este trabajo identifica y justifica los requisitos clave para poder establecer una capacidad adecuada frente a los actores hostiles avanzados. Adicionalmente, proporciona las tácticas que deben ser implementadas en los Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad para optimizar sus capacidades de detección y respuesta. Debemos destacar que estas tácticas, estructuradas en forma de kill-chain, permiten no sólo dicha optimización, sino también una aproximación homogénea y estructurada común para todos los centros defensivos. En mi opinión, una de las bases de mi trabajo debe ser la aplicabilidad de los resultados. Por este motivo, el análisis de tácticas y técnicas de los actores de la amenaza está alineado con el principal marco de trabajo público para dicho análisis, MITRE ATT&CK. Los resultados y propuestas de esta investigación pueden ser directamente incluidos en dicho marco, mejorando así la caracterización de los actores hostiles y de sus actividades en el ciberespacio. Adicionalmente, las propuestas para mejorar la detección de dichas actividades son de aplicación directa tanto en los Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad actuales como en las tecnologías de detección más comunes en la industria. De esta forma, este trabajo mejora de forma significativa las capacidades de análisis y detección actuales, y por tanto mejora a su vez la neutralización de operaciones hostiles. Estas capacidades incrementan la seguridad global de todo tipo de organizaciones y, en definitiva, de nuestra sociedad.[CA] La informació i els sistemas que la tracten són un actiu a protegir per a persones, organitzacions i fins i tot països sencers. La nostra dependència en les tecnologies de la informació es cada dia major, i per aixó la nostra seguretat és clau per al nostre benestar. Els beneficis que aquestes tecnologies ens proporcionen són inqüestionables, però el seu ús també introdueix riscos que, lligats a la nostra creixent dependència de les mateixes és necessari mitigar. Els actors hostils avançats es categoritzen principalment en grups criminals que busquen un benefici econòmic i en països el objectiu dels quals és obtindre superioritat en àmbits estratègics, com ara el comercial o el militar. Aquests actors exploten les tecnologies, i en particular el ciberespai, per a aconseguir els seus objectius. La present tesi doctoral realitza aportacions significatives a la caracterització dels actors hostils avançats i a la detecció de les seves activitats. L'anàlisi de les seves característiques és bàsic no solament per a conéixer a aquests actors i les seves operacions, sinó per a facilitar el desplegament de contramesures que incrementen la nostra seguretat. La detección de aquestes operacions és el primer pas necessari per a netralitzar-les, i per tant, per a minimitzar el seu impacte. En l'àmbit de la caracterització, aquest treball aprofundeix en l'anàlisi de lestàctiques i tècniques dels actors. Aquesta anàlisi sempre és necessària per a una correcta detecció de les activitats hostils en el ciberespai, però en el cas dels actors avançats, des de grups criminals fins a estats, és obligatòria: les seves activitats són sigiloses, ja que l'éxit de les mateixes es basa, en la major part de casos, en no ser detectats per la víctima. En l'àmbit de la detecció, aquest treball identifica i justifica els requisits clau per a poder establir una capacitat adequada front als actors hostils avançats. Adicionalment, proporciona les tàctiques que han de ser implementades en els Centres d'Operacions de Seguretat per a optimitzar les seves capacitats de detecció i resposta. Hem de destacar que aquestes tàctiques, estructurades en forma de kill-chain, permiteixen no només aquesta optimització, sinò tambié una aproximació homogènia i estructurada comú per a tots els centres defensius. En la meva opinio, una de les bases del meu treball ha de ser l'aplicabilitat dels resultats. Per això, l'anàlisi de táctiques i tècniques dels actors de l'amenaça està alineada amb el principal marc públic de treball per a aquesta anàlisi, MITRE ATT&CK. Els resultats i propostes d'aquesta investigació poden ser directament inclosos en aquest marc, millorant així la caracterització dels actors hostils i les seves activitats en el ciberespai. Addicionalment, les propostes per a millorar la detecció d'aquestes activitats són d'aplicació directa tant als Centres d'Operacions de Seguretat actuals com en les tecnologies de detecció més comuns de la industria. D'aquesta forma, aquest treball millora de forma significativa les capacitats d'anàlisi i detecció actuals, i per tant millora alhora la neutralització d'operacions hostils. Aquestes capacitats incrementen la seguretat global de tot tipus d'organitzacions i, en definitiva, de la nostra societat.[EN] Information and its related technologies are a critical asset to protect for people, organizations and even whole countries. Our dependency on information technologies increases every day, so their security is a key issue for our wellness. The benefits that information technologies provide are questionless, but their usage also presents risks that, linked to our growing dependency on technologies, we must mitigate. Advanced threat actors are mainly categorized in criminal gangs, with an economic goal, and countries, whose goal is to gain superiority in strategic affairs such as commercial or military ones. These actors exploit technologies, particularly cyberspace, to achieve their goals. This PhD Thesis significantly contributes to advanced threat actors' categorization and to the detection of their hostile activities. The analysis of their features is a must not only to know better these actors and their operations, but also to ease the deployment of countermeasures that increase our security. The detection of these operations is a mandatory first step to neutralize them, so to minimize their impact. Regarding characterization, this work delves into the analysis of advanced threat actors' tactics and techniques. This analysis is always required for an accurate detection of hostile activities in cyberspace, but in the particular case of advances threat actors, from criminal gangs to nation-states, it is mandatory: their activities are stealthy, as their success in most cases relies on not being detected by the target. Regarding detection, this work identifies and justifies the key requirements to establish an accurate response capability to face advanced threat actors. In addition, this work defines the tactics to be deployed in Security Operations Centers to optimize their detection and response capabilities. It is important to highlight that these tactics, with a kill-chain arrangement, allow not only this optimization, but particularly a homogeneous and structured approach, common to all defensive centers. In my opinion, one of the main bases of my work must be the applicability of its results. For this reason, the analysis of threat actors' tactics and techniques is aligned with the main public framework for this analysis, MITRE ATT&CK. The results and proposals from this research can be directly included in this framework, improving the threat actors' characterization, as well as their cyberspace activities' one. In addition, the proposals to improve these activities' detection are directly applicable both in current Security Operations Centers and in common industry technologies. In this way, I consider that this work significantly improves current analysis and detection capabilities, and at the same time it improves hostile operations' neutralization. These capabilities increase global security for all kind of organizations and, definitely, for our whole society.Villalón Huerta, A. (2023). Modeling of Advanced Threat Actors: Characterization, Categorization and Detection [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193855Compendi

    Cyber defensive capacity and capability::A perspective from the financial sector of a small state

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    This thesis explores ways in which the financial sectors of small states are able todefend themselves against ever-growing cyber threats, as well as ways these states can improve their cyber defense capability in order to withstand current andfuture attacks. To date, the context of small states in general is understudied. This study presents the challenges faced by financial sectors in small states with regard to withstanding cyberattacks. This study applies a mixed method approach through the use of various surveys, brainstorming sessions with financial sector focus groups, interviews with critical infrastructure stakeholders, a literature review, a comparative analysis of secondary data and a theoretical narrative review. The findings suggest that, for the Aruban financial sector, compliance is important, as with minimal drivers, precautionary behavior is significant. Countermeasures of formal, informal, and technical controls need to be in place. This study indicates the view that defending a small state such as Aruba is challenging, yet enough economic indicators indicate it not being outside the realm of possibility. On a theoretical level, this thesis proposes a conceptual “whole-of-cyber” model inspired by military science and the VSM (Viable Systems Model). The concept of fighting power components and governance S4 function form cyber defensive capacity’s shield and capability. The “whole-of-cyber” approach may be a good way to compensate for the lack of resources of small states. Collaboration may be an only out, as the fastest-growing need will be for advanced IT skillsets

    Machine learning techniques for android malware detection and classification

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de Lectura: 15-03-2019la realización de esta tesis no habría sido posible sin la financiación aportada por el proyecto CIBERDINE: Cybersecurity, Data and Risks (S2013/ICE3095) concedido por la Comunidad de Madrid