202,947 research outputs found

    Event-Driven Network Programming

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) programs must simultaneously describe static forwarding behavior and dynamic updates in response to events. Event-driven updates are critical to get right, but difficult to implement correctly due to the high degree of concurrency in networks. Existing SDN platforms offer weak guarantees that can break application invariants, leading to problems such as dropped packets, degraded performance, security violations, etc. This paper introduces EVENT-DRIVEN CONSISTENT UPDATES that are guaranteed to preserve well-defined behaviors when transitioning between configurations in response to events. We propose NETWORK EVENT STRUCTURES (NESs) to model constraints on updates, such as which events can be enabled simultaneously and causal dependencies between events. We define an extension of the NetKAT language with mutable state, give semantics to stateful programs using NESs, and discuss provably-correct strategies for implementing NESs in SDNs. Finally, we evaluate our approach empirically, demonstrating that it gives well-defined consistency guarantees while avoiding expensive synchronization and packet buffering

    Reactive Context-Aware Programming

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    Using state of the art tools, context-aware applications are notified of relevant changes in their environment through event handlers which are triggered by dedicated middleware. The events signalled by the middleware should percolate through the entire application, requiring a carefully crafted network of observers combined with complex synchronization code to address the inherent concurrency issues. This paper proposes the adoption of reactive programming techniques to bridge the gap between the event-driven middleware and the application

    Event-Driven Network Model for Space Mission Optimization with High-Thrust and Low-Thrust Spacecraft

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    Numerous high-thrust and low-thrust space propulsion technologies have been developed in the recent years with the goal of expanding space exploration capabilities; however, designing and optimizing a multi-mission campaign with both high-thrust and low-thrust propulsion options are challenging due to the coupling between logistics mission design and trajectory evaluation. Specifically, this computational burden arises because the deliverable mass fraction (i.e., final-to-initial mass ratio) and time of flight for low-thrust trajectories can can vary with the payload mass; thus, these trajectory metrics cannot be evaluated separately from the campaign-level mission design. To tackle this challenge, this paper develops a novel event-driven space logistics network optimization approach using mixed-integer linear programming for space campaign design. An example case of optimally designing a cislunar propellant supply chain to support multiple lunar surface access missions is used to demonstrate this new space logistics framework. The results are compared with an existing stochastic combinatorial formulation developed for incorporating low-thrust propulsion into space logistics design; our new approach provides superior results in terms of cost as well as utilization of the vehicle fleet. The event-driven space logistics network optimization method developed in this paper can trade off cost, time, and technology in an automated manner to optimally design space mission campaigns.Comment: 38 pages; 11 figures; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (Accepted); previous version presented at the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 201

    Event-driven Principles and Complex Event Processing for Self-adaptive Network Analysis and Surveillance Systems

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    Event-driven approaches and Complex Event Processing (CEP) have the potential to aid in tackling the complex requirements and challenges of monitoring contemporary computer networks. The applicability of such methods, however, depends on, e.g., architectural considerations, data processing performance, or usability. In this thesis, we study the applicability of event-driven principles and CEP for analyzing and surveying computer networks and present ways for improving the applicability of these paradigms. The main contributions that are presented and discussed in this thesis are: an analysis of important properties of network analysis and surveillance, the introduction of a corresponding Event-driven Architecture (EDA) for addressing these requirements, the empirical evaluation of the proposed EDA using a prototype implementation, the development of cooperative and self-adaptive methods for addressing performance and usability issues, and the development of techniques for improving the integration of components implemented in different languages in event-driven systems. Assuring and maintaining the proper operation of computer networks is as crucial as assuring the proper operation of the Information Technology (IT) systems they connect. However, collecting and analyzing information about computer networks, which is required for assuring their proper operation, is increasingly challenging because of, e.g., the growing logical and spatial extent of computer networks, accelerated changes in computer network structures and network traffic, or near real-time requirements. Furthermore, a wide variety of methods for network analysis and surveillance exists and for acquiring comprehensive information at optimal resource requirements these various methods have to be combined with a converging approach. Based on the results of an analysis of important properties and requirements for network analysis and surveillance, we propose an approach which leverages event-driven paradigms such as EDA and CEP for addressing the complex mix of requirements in this field and for enabling convergence of the various existing methods. We evaluate our proposed approach with a case study and performance benchmarks using a prototype. Our results show that our approach is a good fit for addressing the complex mix of requirements and that it is feasible from a performance perspective. In contrast to other related recent research, which is limited to specific use cases, we propose a generic and versatile event-driven approach for universal network analysis and surveillance. Moreover, we present techniques for further improving network analysis and surveillance. While our general approach already constitutes an important improvement, we also propose and investigate further innovations. Based on the evaluation of our approach, we consider distributed operation, usability, performance in distributed deployments and of sensors, integration of data sources, and the interoperation of implementations in different programming languages in event-driven systems as most important aspects for further improvement. For improving the operation, usability, and performance in distributed contexts, we develop an approach for cooperative and self-adaptive data acquisition using the example of packet capturing. In order to research ways for advancing the operation of sensors and integration of data sources, we use the example of packet capturing with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), for which we develop and analyze various improvements at various abstraction levels such as data extraction via a Domain Specific Language (DSL) or self-adaptive adjustments based on performance constraints. Even though packet capturing with the JVM was already employed in other research, these studies only consider the overall systems such that neither the specific implications of JVM-based packet capturing nor methods for improving the performance in this scenario were discussed in detail yet. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of programming language barriers in event-driven systems and present a batch-based approach for increasing the data exchange throughput. In conclusion, we improve the state-of-the-art of network analysis and surveillance. Our work aims on taking the next step towards holistic network analysis and surveillance by addressing distribution, convergence, usability, and performance aspects. We demonstrate the benefits and evaluate the applicability of event-driven data processing paradigms and show how self-adaptivity and cooperation can further improve the capabilities

    Towards verifying correctness of wireless sensor network applications using Insense and Spin

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    The design and implementation of wireless sensor network applications often require domain experts, who may lack expertise in software engineering, to produce resource-constrained, concurrent, real-time software without the support of high-level software engineering facilities. The Insense language aims to address this mismatch by allowing the complexities of synchronisation, memory management and event-driven programming to be borne by the language implementation rather than by the programmer. The main contribution of this paper is all initial step towards verifying the correctness of WSN applications with a focus on concurrency. We model part of the synchronisation mechanism of the Insense language implementation using Promela constructs and verify its correctness using SPIN. We demonstrate how a previously published version of the mechanism is shown to be incorrect by SPIN, and give complete verification results for the revised mechanism.Preprin

    Distributed Programming of Smart Systems with Event-Condition-Action Rules (Short Paper)

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    In recent years, event-driven programming languages, e.g. those based on Event Condition Action (ECA) rules, have emerged as a promising paradigm for implementing smart systems, such as IoT devices. Still, actual implementations are bound to a centralized infrastructure, limiting scalability and security. In this work, we present attribute-based memory updates (AbU), a new interaction mechanism aiming to extend the ECA programming paradigm to distributed systems. It relies on attribute-based communication, that is similar to broadcast, but receivers are selected "on the fly" by means of predicates over their attributes. With AbU, smart devices can be easily programmed via ECA rules and, at the same time, they can be deployed to a distributed network. Hence, a centralized infrastructure is not needed anymore: the computation is moved on the edge, improving reliability, scalability, privacy and security

    Distributed Programming of Smart Systems with Event-Condition-Action Rules

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    In recent years, event-driven programming languages, e.g. those based on Event Condition Action (ECA) rules, have emerged as a promising paradigm for implementing smart systems, such as IoT devices. Still, actual implementations are bound to a centralized infrastructure, limiting scalability and security. In this work, we present attribute-based memory updates (AbU), a new interaction mechanism aiming to extend the ECA programming paradigm to distributed systems. It relies on attribute-based communication, that is similar to broadcast, but receivers are selected “on the fly” by means of predicates over their attributes. With AbU, smart devices can be easily programmed via ECA rules and, at the same time, they can be deployed to a distributed network. Hence, a centralized infrastructure is not needed anymore: the computation is moved on the edge, improving reliability, scalability, privacy and security

    A software toolbox for robotics

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    A method for programming cooperating manipulators, which is guided by a geometric description of the task to be performed, is given. For this a suitable language must be used and a method for describing the workplace and the objects in it in geometric terms. A task level command language and its implementation for concurrently driven multiple robot arm is described. The language is suitable for driving a cell in which manipulators, end effectors, and sensors are controlled by their own dedicated processors. These processors can communicate with each other through a communication network. A mechanism for keeping track of the history of the commands already executed allows the command language for the manipulators to be event driven. A frame based world modeling system is utilized to describe the objects in the work environment and any relationships that hold between these objects. This system provides a versatile tool for managing information about the world model. Default actions normally needed are invoked when the data base is updated or accessed. Most of the first level error recovery is also invoked by the database by utilizing the concepts of demons. The package can be utilized to generate task level commands in a problem solver or a planner