4,168 research outputs found


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    This research addressed the pervasive issue of complex and unclear communication in Department of Defense procurement processes, which hinders transparency and poses a barrier to entry in public sector markets. Utilizing a two-phase approach, this research sought to enhance public procurement communications and align them with the Plain Writing Act. Phase 1 utilized text analysis software and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to refine procurement documents, focusing on clarity and adherence to Plain Writing Principles. The analysis revealed substantial variations in complexity and readability levels, with most Original documents not easily understood by the general public. AI-Refined versions effectively improved readability and comprehension, demonstrating AI’s potential to simplify complex language and enhance document accessibility. Phase 2 assessed stakeholder perceptions of Original, AI-Refined, and AI/Human-Refined documents through surveys. A key finding was the universal preference for AI-enhanced versions over Original documents. Purely AI-driven revisions were perceived as more effective and better aligned with plain writing standards than those involving human collaboration. Overall, the research highlights AI’s potential as an innovative approach to improve the clarity and effectiveness of public procurement communications, making complex information more understandable and accessible to a broader audience.Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.Captain, United States Air ForceCaptain, United States Air Forc

    Achieving TASAR Operational Readiness

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    NASA has been developing and testing the Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests (TASAR) concept for aircraft operations featuring a NASA-developed cockpit automation tool, the Traffic Aware Planner (TAP), which computes traffic/hazard-compatible route changes to improve flight efficiency. The TAP technology is anticipated to save fuel and flight time and thereby provide immediate and pervasive benefits to the aircraft operator, as well as improving flight schedule compliance, passenger comfort, and pilot and controller workload. Previous work has indicated the potential for significant benefits for TASAR-equipped aircraft, and a flight trial of the TAP software application in the National Airspace System has demonstrated its technical viability. This paper reviews previous and ongoing activities to prepare TASAR for operational use

    A design space for social object labels in museums

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    Taking a problematic user experience with ubiquitous annotation as its point of departure, this thesis defines and explores the design space for Social Object Labels (SOLs), small interactive displays aiming to support users' in-situ engagement with digital annotations of physical objects and places by providing up-to-date information before, during and after interaction. While the concept of ubiquitous annotation has potential applications in a wide range of domains, the research focuses in particular on SOLs in a museum context, where they can support the institution's educational goals by engaging visitors in the interpretation of exhibits and providing a platform for public discourse to complement official interpretations provided on traditional object labels. The thesis defines and structures the design space for SOLs, investigates how they can support social interpretation in museums and develops empirically validated design recommendations. Reflecting the developmental character of the research, it employs Design Research as a methodological framework, which involves the iterative development and evaluation of design artefacts together with users and other stakeholders. The research identifies the particular characteristics of SOLs and structures their design space into ten high-level aspects, synthesised from taxonomies and heuristics for similar display concepts and complemented with aspects emerging from the iterative design and evaluation of prototypes. It presents findings from a survey exploring visitors' mental models, preferences and expectations of commenting in museums and translates them into requirements for SOLs. It reports on scenario-based design activities, expert interviews with museum professionals, formative user studies and co-design sessions, and two empirical evaluations of SOL prototypes in a gallery environment. Pulling together findings from these research activities it then formulates design recommendations for SOLs and supports them with related evidence and implementation examples. The main contributions are (i) to delineate and structure the design space for SOLs, which helps to ground SOLs in the literature and understand them as a distinct display concept with its own characteristics; (ii) to explore, for the first time, a visitor perspective on commenting in museums, which can inform research, development and policies on user-generated content in museums and the wider cultural heritage sector; (iii) to develop empirically validated design recommendations, which can inform future research and development into SOLs and related display concept. The thesis concludes by summarising findings in relation to its stated research questions, restating its contributions from ubiquitous computing, domain and methodology perspectives, and discussing open issues and future work

    Learning from the experts: enabling and studying DIY development of location-based visitor experiences

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    In this paper we show how -- with the aid of enabling technology -- creative Location Based Experiences can be developed for visitors by non-technical professionals from the cultural heritage sector. We look at how these "Place Experts" approach and adopt web technologies to create and publish experiences including the roles they take on, the processes they adopt, and the way they appropriate the technology. We describe our short and long-term research engagements with the cultural heritage sector over the last three years and introduce Wander Anywhere, the website developed to enable this research. We find that place experts typically follow a four stage process in their engagement with location-based experiences, moving from comprehension to translation, development and finally approval. We suggest implications for the processes and technologies that might be employed by others seeking to support a similar type of engagement

    Slow Design through Fast Technology: The Application of Socially Reflective Design Principles to Modern Mediated Technologies

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    abstract: This thesis describes research into the application of socially reflective, or "Slow", design principles to modern mediated systems, or "Fast" technology. The "information overload" caused by drastic changes in the nature of human communications in the last decade has become a serious problem, with many human-technology interactions creating mental confusion, personal discomfort and a sense of disconnection. Slow design principles aim to help create interactions that avoid these problems by increasing interaction richness, encouraging engagement with local communities, and promoting personal and communal reflection. Three major functional mediated systems were constructed to examine the application of Slow principles on multiple scales: KiteViz, Taskville and Your ____ Here. Each system was designed based on a survey of current research within the field and previous research results. KiteViz is a visually metaphorical display of Twitter activity within a small group, Taskville is a workplace game designed to support collaboration and group awareness in an enterprise, and Your ____ Here is a physical-digital projection system that augments built architecture with user-submitted content to promote discussion and reflection. Each system was tested with multiple users and user groups, the systems were evaluated for their effectiveness in supporting each of the tenets of Slow design, and the results were collected into a set of key findings. Each system was considered generally effective, with specific strengths varying. The thesis concludes with a framework of five major principles to be used in the design of modern, highly-mediated systems that still apply Slow design principles: design for fundamental understanding, handle complexity gracefully, Slow is a process of evolution and revelation, leverage groups and personal connections to encode value, and allow for participation across a widely distributed range of scales.Dissertation/ThesisM.S.D. Design 201

    Toolkits for the Development of Hybrid Games: from Tangible Tabletops to Interactive Spaces

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    Durante los últimos años, los dispositivos tabletop han sido considerados el entorno ideal para los juegos híbridos, los cuales combinan técnicas de juego tradicional, como el uso de objetos físicos para interactuar con el juego de una forma natural, con las nuevas posibilidades que los tabletops ofrecen de aumentar el espacio de juego con imágenes digitales y audio.Sin embargo, los juegos híbridos no se restringen simplemente a tabletops, pudiéndose jugar también en entornos más amplios en los que convergen otros paradigmas de interacción. Por esta razón, el uso de juegos híbridos en Espacios Interactivos está ganando fuerza, pero el número y heterogeneidad de dispositivos y estilos de interacción que se encuentran en estos entornos hace que el diseño y prototipado de juegos sea una tarea difícil. Por lo tanto, el gran reto se encuentra en ofrecer a diseñadores y desarrolladores herramientas apropiadas para la creación de estas aplicaciones.En esta línea de trabajo, el grupo Affective Lab lanzó el proyecto JUGUEMOS (TIN2015-67149-C3-1R), un proyecto nacional centrado en el desarrollo de juegos híbridos en entornos interactivos. Esta Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en este proyecto.El primer paso de la realización de esta tesis fue establecer los dos objetivos principales (Capítulo 1):1) El primer objetivo que se estableció fue profundizar en el uso de tabletops tangibles en terapia con niños con necesidades especiales. Durante los últimos años el grupo Affective Lab había visto la potencialidad de los tabletops tangibles para el trabajo con niños pequeños, pero todavía era necesario llevar a cabo más experiencias y evaluaciones en el ámbito terapéutico, así como explorar si otros grupos de usuarios (adultos con problemas cognitivos) podían beneficiarse de las características de los tabletops.2) El segundo objetivo consistió en diseñar e implementar un toolkit para el desarrollo de juegos híbridos para espacios interactivos. Se decidió que el toolkit estuviera dirigido a desarrolladores para facilitar su trabajo a la hora de crear este tipo de aplicaciones.Una vez establecidos los objetivos, se realizó un estado del arte a su vez dividido en dos partes (Capítulo 2):1) Se realizó una categorización de juegos híbridos para entender y extraer sus principales características, así como los principales retos que surgen al desarrollar este tipo de juegos. También se estudiaron toolkits cuyo objetivo era el desarrollo de juegos híbridos.2) Se estudiaron juegos híbridos desarrollados para niños con necesidades especiales y adultos con problemas cognitivos que hacían uso de la Interacción Tangible y tabletops, así como toolkits dirigidos a terapeutas o educadores para ayudarles en la creación de actividades para sus pacientes.Para llevar a cabo las experiencias y evaluaciones relacionadas con el primer objetivo, se hizo uso del tabletop tangible NIKVision, desarrollado previamente por el grupo Affective Lab, y el toolkit KitVision, una herramienta dirigida a profesionales sin conocimientos de programación para la creación de actividades tangibles y que fue desarrollado durante el Proyecto Final de Carrera de la autora. En el Capítulo 3 de esta Tesis se comenta brevemente el tabletop NIKVision y la arquitectura de KitVision, se describen las evaluaciones que se llevaron a cabo con terapeutas con el objetivo de mejorar y probar la utilidad del toolkit, y se explica una experiencia de un año durante la cual una terapeuta ocupacional de ASAPME, una asociaciónque trabaja con adultos con problemas cognitivos, estuvo usando el tabletop y el toolkit sin supervisión.En el Capítulo 4 se describen diferentes experiencias con KitVision que se llevaron a cabo:- Gracias a una colaboración con la Residencia Romareda, NIKVision y KitVision fueron instalados provisionalmente en la residencia y, tras una evaluación inicial, se desarrollaron tres nuevas actividades para los usuarios de la residencia.- Gracias a la colaboración con ENMOvimienTO y con uno de los centros de Atención Temprana del Instituto Aragonés de Servicios Sociales (IASS), ambos enfocados a trabajar con niños con problemas de aprendizaje, se pudieron realizar evaluaciones que nos permitieron mejorar KitVision y crear nuevas actividades específicamente diseñadas para ellos.- Finalmente, gracias a una colaboración con Atenciona, pudimos evaluar actividades con niños con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) y extraer una serie de directrices para diseñar actividades para este tipo de niños. También pudimos llevar a cabo una experiencia de Diseño Participativo con estos niños.El completo desarrollo del toolkit JUGUEMOS, para la creación de juegos híbridos en espacios interactivos, se explica en el Capítulo 5. En este apartado primero se describe el Espacio Interactivo JUGUEMOS que sirvió de base para desarrollar el toolkit. Después se explican con detalle las decisiones de diseño que se tomaron, el modelo de abstracción que se usó para diseñar los juegos, y la arquitectura del toolkit. También se detallan las distintas fases de implementación que se llevaron a cabo, basadas en los tres retos que se extrajeron en el estado del arte: (1) integrar diferentes dispositivos, (2) gestionar salidas gráficas diversas y (3) facilitar la codificación del juego. Finalmente, se presentan dos prototipos de juegos que se desarrollaron durante las dos estancias de investigación que la autora realizó.Finalmente, en el Capítulo 6 se describen los tres casos de uso que se realizaron para tener una primera valoración de la usabilidad del toolkit JUGUEMOS: (1) una evaluación con estudiantes de Máster en la que se implementó un juego completamente funcional para el Espacio Interactivo JUGUEMOS, (2) un juego que fue completamente desarrollado usando el toolkit JUGUEMOS una vez que éste se acabó de implementar, (3) una experiencia que involucró a dos grupos multidisciplinares compuestos por diseñadores y desarrolladores, en la que tuvieron que colaborar para diseñar e implementar dos prototipos de juegos híbridos para el espacio interactivo.<br /

    A Study of Learning Environment for Initiating Flutter App Development Using Docker

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    The Flutter framework with Dart programming allows developers to effortlessly build applications for both web and mobile from a single codebase. It enables efficient conversions to native codes for mobile apps and optimized JavaScript for web browsers. Since utilizing a wide range of widgets in Flutter ensures consistent experiences on various devices for users, it becomes crucial in programming education by providing a unified environment for learning app development while reducing the need for platform-specific knowledge. However, the setup of the Flutter environment is challenging for novice students due to its multiple steps, such as installing dependencies and configuring environments. To support independent learning for these students, it is essential to simplify the setup by providing user-friendly instructions and automated tools. In this paper, we present a Docker-based environment for Flutter app developments across Windows, Linux, and Mac through Visual Studio Code, ensuring a unified learning experience. This paper aims to simplify complex configurations and address the obstacles encountered by students when initiating Flutter projects. For the evaluation, we prepared three simple Flutter projects along with the setup environment in a Docker container. Then, we asked 24 Master's students at Okayama University, Japan, to install the environment and modify the source codes in the projects independently by following the given instructions. The results show that all the students successfully completed the assignments, which confirms the efficiency and validity of our proposal

    Assistive technologies for severe and profound hearing loss: beyond hearing aids and implants

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    Assistive technologies offer capabilities that were previously inaccessible to individuals with severe and profound hearing loss who have no or limited access to hearing aids and implants. This literature review aims to explore existing assistive technologies and identify what still needs to be done. It is found that there is a lack of focus on the overall objectives of assistive technologies. In addition, several other issues are identified i.e. only a very small number of assistive technologies developed within a research context have led to commercial devices, there is a predisposition to use the latest expensive technologies and a tendency to avoid designing products universally. Finally, the further development of plug-ins that translate the text content of a website to various sign languages is needed to make information on the internet more accessible

    FSEA 2014 – Proceedings of the AVI 2014 Workshop on Fostering Smart Energy Applications through Advanced Visual Interfaces

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    It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to FSEA 2014, the AVI 2014 workshop on Fostering Smart Energy Applications through Advanced Visual Interfaces. This workshop focuses on advanced interaction, interface, and visualization techniques for energy-related applications, tools, and services. It brings together researchers and practitioners from a diverse range of background, including interaction design, human-computer interaction, visualization, computer games, and other fields concerned with the development of advanced visual interfaces for smart energy applications. FSEA 2014 is the result of the efforts of many people involved in its organization, including our programme committee, and others who have assisted us in putting this workshop together