24 research outputs found

    A Scalable Approach to Network Enabled Servers

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    Use of A Network Enabled Server System for a Sparse Linear Algebra Grid Application

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    Solving systems of linear equations is one of the key operations in linear algebra. Many different algorithms are available in that purpose. These algorithms require a very accurate tuning to minimise runtime and memory consumption. The TLSE project provides, on one hand, a scenario-driven expert site to help users choose the right algorithm according to their problem and tune accurately this algorithm, and, on the other hand, a test-bed for experts in order to compare algorithms and define scenarios for the expert site. Both features require to run the available solvers a large number of times with many different values for the control parameters (and maybe with many different architectures). Currently, only the grid can provide enough computing power for this kind of application. The DIET middleware is the GRID backbone for TLSE. It manages the solver services and their scheduling in a scalable way.La rĂ©solution de systĂšmes linĂ©aires creux est une opĂ©ration clĂ© en algĂšbre linĂ©aire. Beaucoup d’algorithmes sont utilisĂ©s pour cela, qui dĂ©pendent de nombreux paramĂštres, afin d’offrir une robustesse, une performance et une consommation mĂ©moire optimales. Le projet GRID-TLSE fournit d’une part, un site d’expertise basĂ© sur l’utilisation de scĂ©narios pour aider les utilisateurs Ă  choisir l’algorithme qui convient le mieux Ă  leur problĂšme ainsi que les paramĂštres associĂ©s; et d’autre part, un environnement pour les experts du domaine leur permettant de comparer efficacement des algorithmes et de dĂ©finir dynamiquement de nouveaux scĂ©narios d’utilisation. Ces fonctionnalitĂ©s nĂ©cessitent de pouvoir exĂ©cuter les logiciels de rĂ©solution disponibles un grand nombre de fois,avec beaucoup de valeurs diffĂ©rentes des paramĂštres de contrĂŽle (et Ă©ventuellement sur plusieurs architectures de machines). Actuellement, seule la grille peut fournir la puissance de calcul pour ce type d’applications. L’intergiciel DIETest utilisĂ© pour gĂ©rer la grille, les diffĂ©rents services, et leur ordonnancement efficace

    DIET : new developments and recent results

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    Among existing grid middleware approaches, one simple, powerful, and flexibleapproach consists of using servers available in different administrative domainsthrough the classic client-server or Remote Procedure Call (RPC) paradigm.Network Enabled Servers (NES) implement this model also called GridRPC.Clients submit computation requests to a scheduler whose goal is to find aserver available on the grid. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of anNES middleware developed in the GRAAL team called DIET and to describerecent developments. DIET (Distributed Interactive Engineering Toolbox) is ahierarchical set of components used for the development of applications basedon computational servers on the grid.Parmi les intergiciels de grilles existants, une approche simple, flexible et performante consiste a utiliser des serveurs disponibles dans des domaines administratifs diffĂ©rents Ă  travers le paradigme classique de l’appel de procĂ©dure Ă distance (RPC). Les environnements de ce type, connus sous le terme de Network Enabled Servers, implĂ©mentent ce modĂšle appelĂ© GridRPC. Des clientssoumettent des requĂȘtes de calcul Ă  un ordonnanceur dont le but consiste Ă trouver un serveur disponible sur la grille.Le but de cet article est de donner un tour d’horizon d’un intergiciel dĂ©veloppĂ©dans le projet GRAAL appelĂ© DIET 1. DIET (Distributed Interactive Engineering Toolbox) est un ensemble hiĂ©rarchique de composants utilisĂ©s pour ledĂ©veloppement d’applications basĂ©es sur des serveurs de calcul sur la grille

    Proof-of-Concept Application - Annual Report Year 2

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    This document first gives an introduction to Application Layer Networks and subsequently presents the catallactic resource allocation model and its integration into the middleware architecture of the developed prototype. Furthermore use cases for employed service models in such scenarios are presented as general application scenarios as well as two very detailed cases: Query services and Data Mining services. This work concludes by describing the middleware implementation and evaluation as well as future work in this area. --Grid Computing

    Modelization for the Deployment of a Hierarchical Middleware on a Heterogeneous Platform

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    Accessing the power of distributed resources can nowadays easily be done using a middleware based on a client/server approach. Several architectures exist for those middlewares. The most scalable ones rely on a hierarchical design. Determining the best shape for the hierarchy, the one giving the best throughput of services, is not an easy task. We first propose a computation and communication model for such hierarchical middleware. Our model takes into account the deployment of several services in the hierarchy. Then, based on this model, we propose algorithms for automatically constructing a hierarchy on two kind of heterogeneous platforms: communication homogeneous/computation heterogeneous platforms, and fully heterogeneous platforms. The proposed algorithm aim at offering the users the best obtained to requested throughput ratio, while providing fairness on this ratio for the different kind of services, and using as few resources as possible. For each kind of platforms, we compare our model with experimental results on a real middleware called Diet.De nos jours, l'accĂšs Ă  des ressources distribuĂ©es peut ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© aisĂ©ment en utilisant un intergiciel se basant sur une approche client/serveur. DiffĂ©rentes architectures existent pour de tels intergiciels. Ceux passant le mieux Ă  l'Ă©chelle utilisent une hiĂ©rarchie d'agents. DĂ©terminer quelle est la meilleure hiĂ©rarchie, c'est Ă  dire celle qui fournira le meilleur dĂ©bit au niveau des services, n'est pas une tĂąche aisĂ©e. Nous proposons tout d'abord un modĂšle de calcul et de communication pour de tels intergiciels hiĂ©rarchiques. Notre modĂšle prend en compte le dĂ©ploiement de plusieurs services au sein de la hiĂ©rarchie. Puis, en nous basant sur le modĂšle, nous proposons des algorithmes pour construire automatiquement la hiĂ©rarchie sur diffĂ©rents types de plates-formes: des plates-formes avec des communications homogĂšnes et des puissances de calcul hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, ou des plates-formes complĂštement hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Les algorithmes visent Ă  offrir aux utilisateurs le meilleur ratio entre le dĂ©bit demandĂ©, et le dĂ©bit fourni, tout en utilisant le moins de ressources possible. Pour chaque type de plate-forme, nous comparons notre modĂšle Ă  des rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux obtenus avec l'intergiciel de grille DIET

    Modelization for the Deployment of a Hierarchical Middleware on a Homogeneous Platform

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    Accessing the power of distributed resources can nowadays easily be done using a middleware based on a client/server approach. Several architectures exist for those middlewares. The most scalable ones rely on a hierarchical design. Determining the best shape for the hierarchy, the one giving the best throughput of services, is not an easy task. We first propose a computation and communication model for such hierarchical middleware. Our model takes into account the deployment of several services in the hierarchy. Then, based on this model, we propose an algorithm for automatically constructing a hierarchy. This algorithm aims at offering the users the best obtained to requested throughput ratio, while providing fairness on this ratio for the different kind of services, and using as few resources as possible. Finally, we compare our model with experimental results on a real middleware called DIET

    Experimentations With CoRDAGe, A Generic Service For Co-Deploying and Re-Deploying Applications On Grids

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    Computer grids are made of thousands of heterogeneous physical resources that belong to different administration domains. This makes the use of the grid very complex. In this paper, we focus on deploying distributed applications at a large scale. As the application requirements may often not be anticipated, dynamic re-deployment is needed; if various applications have to co-operate within a workïŹ‚ow, they should also be co-deployed in a consistent way. In a previous paper, we have described the CORDAGE deployment model and its architecture. It meets the three properties of transparency, versatility, and neutrality. We report in this paper on its application to a real co-deployment over the GRID'5000 experimental platform, using different conïŹgurations, including multiple clients, multiple applications and multiple grid sites