42 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Semantic Web Technologies for Storing Computable Definitions of Electronic Health Records Phenotyping Algorithms

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    Electronic Health Records are electronic data generated during or as a byproduct of routine patient care. Structured, semi-structured and unstructured EHR offer researchers unprecedented phenotypic breadth and depth and have the potential to accelerate the development of precision medicine approaches at scale. A main EHR use-case is defining phenotyping algorithms that identify disease status, onset and severity. Phenotyping algorithms utilize diagnoses, prescriptions, laboratory tests, symptoms and other elements in order to identify patients with or without a specific trait. No common standardized, structured, computable format exists for storing phenotyping algorithms. The majority of algorithms are stored as human-readable descriptive text documents making their translation to code challenging due to their inherent complexity and hinders their sharing and re-use across the community. In this paper, we evaluate the two key Semantic Web Technologies, the Web Ontology Language and the Resource Description Framework, for enabling computable representations of EHR-driven phenotyping algorithms.Comment: Accepted American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium 201

    Methods for enhancing the reproducibility of biomedical research findings using electronic health records.

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    BACKGROUND: The ability of external investigators to reproduce published scientific findings is critical for the evaluation and validation of biomedical research by the wider community. However, a substantial proportion of health research using electronic health records (EHR), data collected and generated during clinical care, is potentially not reproducible mainly due to the fact that the implementation details of most data preprocessing, cleaning, phenotyping and analysis approaches are not systematically made available or shared. With the complexity, volume and variety of electronic health record data sources made available for research steadily increasing, it is critical to ensure that scientific findings from EHR data are reproducible and replicable by researchers. Reporting guidelines, such as RECORD and STROBE, have set a solid foundation by recommending a series of items for researchers to include in their research outputs. Researchers however often lack the technical tools and methodological approaches to actuate such recommendations in an efficient and sustainable manner. RESULTS: In this paper, we review and propose a series of methods and tools utilized in adjunct scientific disciplines that can be used to enhance the reproducibility of research using electronic health records and enable researchers to report analytical approaches in a transparent manner. Specifically, we discuss the adoption of scientific software engineering principles and best-practices such as test-driven development, source code revision control systems, literate programming and the standardization and re-use of common data management and analytical approaches. CONCLUSION: The adoption of such approaches will enable scientists to systematically document and share EHR analytical workflows and increase the reproducibility of biomedical research using such complex data sources

    Cohort Identification Using Semantic Web Technologies: Ontologies and Triplestores as Engines for Complex Computable Phenotyping

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    Electronic health record (EHR)-based computable phenotypes are algorithms used to identify individuals or populations with clinical conditions or events of interest within a clinical data repository. Due to a lack of EHR data standardization, computable phenotypes can be semantically ambiguous and difficult to share across institutions. In this research, I propose a new computable phenotyping methodological framework based on semantic web technologies, specifically ontologies, the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data format, triplestores, and Web Ontology Language (OWL) reasoning. My hypothesis is that storing and analyzing clinical data using these technologies can begin to address the critical issues of semantic ambiguity and lack of interoperability in the context of computable phenotyping. To test this hypothesis, I compared the performance of two variants of two computable phenotypes (for depression and rheumatoid arthritis, respectively). The first variant of each phenotype used a list of ICD-10-CM codes to define the condition; the second variant used ontology concepts from SNOMED and the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO). After executing each variant of each phenotype against a clinical data repository, I compared the patients matched in each case to see where the different variants overlapped and diverged. Both the ontologies and the clinical data were stored in an RDF triplestore to allow me to assess the interoperability advantages of the RDF format for clinical data. All tested methods successfully identified cohorts in the data store, with differing rates of overlap and divergence between variants. Depending on the phenotyping use case, SNOMED and HPO’s ability to more broadly define many conditions due to complex relationships between their concepts may be seen as an advantage or a disadvantage. I also found that RDF triplestores do indeed provide interoperability advantages, despite being far less commonly used in clinical data applications than relational databases. Despite the fact that these methods and technologies are not “one-size-fits-all,” the experimental results are encouraging enough for them to (1) be put into practice in combination with existing phenotyping methods or (2) be used on their own for particularly well-suited use cases.Doctor of Philosoph

    UK phenomics platform for developing and validating electronic health record phenotypes: CALIBER

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    Objective: Electronic health records (EHRs) are a rich source of information on human diseases, but the information is variably structured, fragmented, curated using different coding systems, and collected for purposes other than medical research. We describe an approach for developing, validating, and sharing reproducible phenotypes from national structured EHR in the United Kingdom with applications for translational research. Materials and Methods: We implemented a rule-based phenotyping framework, with up to 6 approaches of validation. We applied our framework to a sample of 15 million individuals in a national EHR data source (population-based primary care, all ages) linked to hospitalization and death records in England. Data comprised continuous measurements (for example, blood pressure; medication information; coded diagnoses, symptoms, procedures, and referrals), recorded using 5 controlled clinical terminologies: (1) read (primary care, subset of SNOMED-CT [Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms]), (2) International Classification of Diseases–Ninth Revision and Tenth Revision (secondary care diagnoses and cause of mortality), (3) Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Classification of Surgical Operations and Procedures, Fourth Revision (hospital surgical procedures), and (4) DMĂŸD prescription codes. Results: Using the CALIBER phenotyping framework, we created algorithms for 51 diseases, syndromes, biomarkers, and lifestyle risk factors and provide up to 6 validation approaches. The EHR phenotypes are curated in the open-access CALIBER Portal (https://www.caliberresearch.org/portal) and have been used by 40 national and international research groups in 60 peer-reviewed publications. Conclusions: We describe a UK EHR phenomics approach within the CALIBER EHR data platform with initial evidence of validity and use, as an important step toward international use of UK EHR data for health research

    Towards an Ontology-Based Phenotypic Query Model

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    Clinical research based on data from patient or study data management systems plays an important role in transferring basic findings into the daily practices of physicians. To support study recruitment, diagnostic processes, and risk factor evaluation, search queries for such management systems can be used. Typically, the query syntax as well as the underlying data structure vary greatly between different data management systems. This makes it difficult for domain experts (e.g., clinicians) to build and execute search queries. In this work, the Core Ontology of Phenotypes is used as a general model for phenotypic knowledge. This knowledge is required to create search queries that determine and classify individuals (e.g., patients or study participants) whose morphology, function, behaviour, or biochemical and physiological properties meet specific phenotype classes. A specific model describing a set of particular phenotype classes is called a Phenotype Specification Ontology. Such an ontology can be automatically converted to search queries on data management systems. The methods described have already been used successfully in several projects. Using ontologies to model phenotypic knowledge on patient or study data management systems is a viable approach. It allows clinicians to model from a domain perspective without knowing the actual data structure or query language

    Improving prenatal diagnosis through standards and aggregation.

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    Advances in sequencing and imaging technologies enable enhanced assessment in the prenatal space, with a goal to diagnose and predict the natural history of disease, to direct targeted therapies, and to implement clinical management, including transfer of care, election of supportive care, and selection of surgical interventions. The current lack of standardization and aggregation stymies variant interpretation and gene discovery, which hinders the provision of prenatal precision medicine, leaving clinicians and patients without an accurate diagnosis. With large amounts of data generated, it is imperative to establish standards for data collection, processing, and aggregation. Aggregated and homogeneously processed genetic and phenotypic data permits dissection of the genomic architecture of prenatal presentations of disease and provides a dataset on which data analysis algorithms can be tuned to the prenatal space. Here we discuss the importance of generating aggregate data sets and how the prenatal space is driving the development of interoperable standards and phenotype-driven tools

    Computing Healthcare Quality Indicators Automatically: Secondary Use of Patient Data and Semantic Interoperability

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    Harmelen, F.A.H. van [Promotor]Keizer, N.F. de [Copromotor]Cornet, R. [Copromotor]Teije, A.C.M. [Copromotor