10 research outputs found

    A low-energy rate-adaptive bit-interleaved passive optical network

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    Energy consumption of customer premises equipment (CPE) has become a serious issue in the new generations of time-division multiplexing passive optical networks, which operate at 10 Gb/s or higher. It is becoming a major factor in global network energy consumption, and it poses problems during emergencies when CPE is battery-operated. In this paper, a low-energy passive optical network (PON) that uses a novel bit-interleaving downstream protocol is proposed. The details about the network architecture, protocol, and the key enabling implementation aspects, including dynamic traffic interleaving, rate-adaptive descrambling of decimated traffic, and the design and implementation of a downsampling clock and data recovery circuit, are described. The proposed concept is shown to reduce the energy consumption for protocol processing by a factor of 30. A detailed analysis of the energy consumption in the CPE shows that the interleaving protocol reduces the total energy consumption of the CPE significantly in comparison to the standard 10 Gb/s PON CPE. Experimental results obtained from measurements on the implemented CPE prototype confirm that the CPE consumes significantly less energy than the standard 10 Gb/s PON CPE

    Power consumption modeling in integrated optical-wireless access network

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    The access segments of both optical and wireless networks are well known for their domination over the network’s total power consumption. Therefore, the study on energy consumption particularly in integrated optical-wireless access networks is crucial as energy consumption issue is increasingly vital nowadays. Existing works to date largely addressed the physical characteristics of integrated devices and algorithms for layer 2 and layer 3, where the study in power consumption modeling was often ignored. Hence, this thesis focuses on developing a power consumption model for integrated optical-wireless access networks and investigates the energy efficiency of such networks. Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) as the optical backhaul and Worldwide Interoperability Microwave Access (WiMAX) and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) with femtocell application for the wireless network are considered. First, the power consumption model of the integrated network involving Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and integration between Optical Network Unit (ONU) and Base Station (BS) known as Integrated ONU-BS (IOB) are developed. Then, the power consumption behavior of ONU under different traffic loads has been investigated to model the total power consumption of integrated access networks. An empirical approach has been proposed to characterize the power consumption of the ONU by using real GPON testbed and to develop the power consumption model of ONU based on experimental results. This is followed by the extensive analyses that have been conducted to investigate the impact of various parameters such as split ratio, Femtocell Base Station (FBS) cell range, broadcast factor, and modulation and coding scheme into the total network power consumption and energy efficiency. It has been observed that GPONLTE has the worst energy efficiency performance when compared to GPON-WiMAX, even though it offers the highest data rates. The study has been further extended by including energy saving aspects where sleep mode techniques have been applied (i.e. power shedding for the ONU and idle mode procedure for FBS) based on the user behavior from the traffic profile pattern in Cyberjaya municipal broadband access networks. The implementation of energy saving techniques have shown further significant improvement of 15% lower energy consumption for the integrated access network

    Building an Energy-efficient Uplink and Downlink Delay Aware TDM-PON System

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    With the increasing concern over the energy expenditure due to rapid ICT expansion and growth of Internet traffic volume, there is a growing trend towards developing energy-efficient ICT solutions. Passive Optical Network (PON), which is regarded as a key enabler to facilitate high speed broadband connection to individual subscribers, is considered as one of the energy-efficient access network technologies. However, an immense amount of research effort can be noticed in academia and industries to make PON more energy-efficient. In this paper, we aim at improving energy saving performance of Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)-PON, which is the most widely deployed PON technology throughout the world. A commonly used approach to make TDM-PON energy-efficient is to use sleep mode in Optical Network Units (ONUs), which are the customer premises equipment of a TDM-PON system. However, there is a strong trade-off relationship between traffic delay performance of an ONU and its energy saving (the longer the sleep interval length of an ONU, the lower its energy consumption, but the higher the traffi c delay, and vice versa). In this paper, we propose an Energy-efficient Uplink and Downlink Delay Aware (EUDDA) scheme for TDM-PON system. Prime object of EUDDA is to meet both downlink and uplink traffic delay requirement while maximizing energy saving performance of ONUs as much as possible. In EUDDA, traffic delay requirement is given more priority over energy saving. Even so, it still can improve energy saving of ONUs noticeably. We evaluate performance of EUDDA in front of two existing solutions in terms of traffic delay, jitter, and ONU energy consumption. The performance results show that EUDDA significantly outperforms the other existing solutions


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    Abstract Even though Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are currently consuming between 2% and 4% of the electricity consumed worldwide, the number of efforts devoted to reduce the communications network energy consumption is increasing. This is mainly due to the foreseen growth of ICT even in substitution of personal travel. Access networks are the network segment that currently consumes the highest percentage of energy. Even though the utilization of optical technologies can potentially reduce the energy consumed by current ADSL modems, the further reduction of the energy consumed by passive optical access networks (PON) is attracting a lot of interests. Previous studies showed that, in PONs, the majority of the energy in consumed by the customer premises equipments, i.e. the Optical Network Units (ONUs), because of the many idle periods used only for synchronization. For this reason the target of our work is to save energy by exploiting cyclic sleep periods in the ONU. In particular the Sleep and Periodic Wake-up (SPW) technique is considered. The SPW mechanism is managed by the OLT and the choice of the sleep period for the ONUs can be based on different parameters. In this work two approaches are considered for deciding the sleep period: interarrival-based and service based. The interarrival-based approach has been previously presented. In this thesis a simulator based on Opnet Modeler is built to verify the validity of the previously presented results. Then a novel service-based sleep time scheme is designed and evaluated. The novelty of our work resides in presenting a service-based saving energy technique with variable sleep period to maximize the energy efficiency guaranteeing the maximum tolerable delay of the applications subscribed by the ONU. The main difference between the two approaches is how the sleep period is set. Following SPW technique, the OLT sets the sleep period according to traffic conditions such as average frame interval and queue length in the interarrival based algorithm, and class of service (CoS) in the service-based algorithm. In the interarrival-based the sleep period is fixed, instead in the servicebased the sleep period changes in function of the delay constraints of subscribed services to guarantee the service performance. The simulation results in the interarrival-based approach are very similar to the published ones. In case of low and high bandwidths, the values of average power are matched, instead the values of average queuing delay differ because of reasonable different assumptions. The increasing trend are the same in both results. The service-based approach resulted in the average frame delay, which exploits the maximum tolerable delay maximizing the energy efficiency. The SPW technique with service-based approach was presented in the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) 2012 in Los Angeles. Riassunto analitico Sebbene le Tecnologie di Informazione e Comunicazione (ICT) consumino ad oggi tra il 2% e il 4% del consumo di elettricità mondiale, il numero di sforzi mirati alla riduzione del consumo energetico delle reti di comunicazione è in aumento. Questo è maggiormente dovuto alla prevista crescita di ICT anche in sostituzione agli spostamenti fisici. Le reti di accesso sono la porzione di rete che attualmente consuma la più alta percentuale di energia. Anche se l'uso di tecnologie ottiche possono potenzialmente ridurre l'energia consumata dai correnti modem ADSL, la conseguente energia consumata dalle reti di accesso passive (PON) attrae molto interesse. Studi passati mostrano che, nelle PON, la maggior energia è consumata dalle apparecchiature di utenza, per esempio, le unità di rete ottica (ONU), a causa dei molti periodi di inattività usati solo per la sincronizzazione. Per questo motivo, l'obiettivo del nostro lavoro è il risparmio energetico sfruttando periodi ciclici di sleep nelle ONU. In particolare la tecnica Sleep and Periodic Wake-up è presa in considerazione. Il meccanismo SPW è gestito dall'OLT e la scelta del periodo di sleep per le ONU si può basare su diversi parametri. In questo lavoro due approcci sono considerati per decidere il periodo di sleep: interarrival-based e service-based. L'approccio interarrival-based è stato presentato in precedenza. In questa tesi un simulatore basato su Opnet Modeler è implementato per verificare la validità dei risultati precedentemente presentati. Successivamente un nuovo schema service-based con periodi di sleep è stato progettato e valutato. L'originalità del nostro lavoro consiste nella presentazione di una tecnica per risparmio energetico service-based con periodi di sleep variabile per massimizzare l'efficienza energetica garantendo il massimo ritardo tollerabile delle applicazioni a cui l'ONU è abbonato. La principale differenza tra i due approcci riguarda come il periodo di sleep è impostato. Seguendo la tecnica SPW, l'OLT imposta il periodo di sleep in base alle condizioni di traffico come il tempo d'interarrivo medio e la lunghezza della coda nell'approccio interarrival-based, e come la classe di servizio (CoS) nell'approccio service-based. Riguardo l'interarrival-based il periodo di sleep è fisso, invece nel service-based il periodo di sleep cambia in funzione del limite di ritardo imposto delle applicazioni per garantire le prestazioni di servizio. I risultati delle simulazioni nell'approccio interarrival-based sono molto simili a quelle pubblicate. Nel caso di basse e alte bande, i valori di potenza media combaciano, mentre i valori di ritardo di accodamento medio differiscono a causa di diverse assunzioni. L'andamento delle curve è lo stesso. L'approccio service-based con risultati riguardo il ritardo medio dei pacchetti, sfrutta il massimo ritardo tollerabile per massimizzare l'efficienza energetica. La tecnica SPW con approccio service-based è stato presentato all'Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) 2012 a Los Angeles

    Energy efficiency in next-generation passive optical networks

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2014.Nos últimos anos, a eficiência energética tem se tornado um fator cada vez mais importante para as redes de comunicação, principalmente por fatores econômicos e ambientais. Dentre as tecnologias de redes ópticas de acesso existentes, as Redes Ópticas Passivas (Passive Optical Networks, PONs) são consideradas as mais eficientes em termos de consumo de energia. Apesar disso, os sistemas PON da ITU-T existentes podem dar suporte a dois modos de economia de potência na unidade de rede óptica (optical network unit, ONU), chamados de modos Doze e Cyclic Sleep, que são mecanismos baseados em protocolos para o gerenciamento de potência. Porém, apesar de estes dois modos terem sido padronizados, não há razão técnica para manter a separação entre eles. Neste trabalho de mestrado, nós apresentamos e avaliamos o desempenho de um novo e único modo de gerenciamento de potência para PONs multiplexadas por divisão de tempo (time division multiplexed, TDM), chamado de modo Watchful Sleep, o qual combina as vantagens dos modos Doze e Cyclic Sleep em um framework único e mais simples, e os supera em eficiência energética. Devido à sua eficácia, o modo Watchful Sleep foi aprovado para inclusão nos padrões ITU-T G.984 (G-PON) e ITU-T G.987 (XG-PON). Ele também está sendo considerado para inclusão no padrão de NG-PON (ITU-T G.989), cujo objetivo é padronizar as redes TWDM PON.Energy efficiency in communication networks has been growing in importance in the last few years, mainly due to economical and environmental issues. Among the existing optical access network technologies, Passive Optical Networks (PONs) are considered the most energy efficient ones. Despite this fact, existing ITU-T PON systems may support two standardized optical network unit (ONU) power saving modes, namely the Doze and Cyclic Sleep modes, which are protocol-based mechanisms for ONU power management. However, notwithstanding that these two modes have been standardized, there is no technical reason to maintain the separation between them. In this master’s work, we present and evaluate the performance of a new and single power management mode for time division multiplexed (TDM) PONs, called the Watchful Sleep mode, which combines the advantages of both Doze and Cyclic Sleep modes into a unique and simpler framework and outperforms them in energy efficiency. Due to its effectiveness, the Watchful Sleep mode has been approved to be included in the ITU-T G.984 (GPON) and ITU-T G.987 (XG-PON) standards. It is also being considered for the NGPON standard (ITU-T G.989), which aims at standardizing TWDM PON networks

    Energy-efficient ethernet passive optical networks based on wavelength division multiplexing

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    Због све веће потрошње електричне енергије у свету уштеда енергије у етернет пасивним оптичким мрежама – EPON (енгл. Ethernet Passive Optical Networks) постаје важан фактор у развоју оптичких приступних мрежа. Последњих година предложене су разне технике за уштеду енергије, међу којима је увођење терминалних ОNU (енгл. Optical Network Unit) јединица у режим спавања препознато као врло перспективна техника за постизање уштеде енергије у енергетски ефикасним EPON мрежама. Ипак, треба водити рачуна да увођење додатних техника не наруши квалитет сервиса QoS (енгл. Quality of Service) и тиме угрози развој и перспективу енергетски ефикасних EPON мрежа. Дакле, да би се добио енергетски ефикасан EPON базиран на мултиплексирању по таласним дужинама – ЕЕ WDM EPON (енгл. Еnergy Еfficient Wavelength Division Multiplexing EPON) потребно је свести потрошњу електричне енергије ONU јединица на нижи ниво и веома је важно то постићи без нарушавања гарантованог QoS-a...Achieving energy savings in Ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs) becomes key factor for further development of optical access networks since energy usage increases rapidly. In recent years various energy-saving technics have been proposed among which enabling optical network units (ONUs) sleep time has been recognized as very promising approach for achieving energy savings in energy-efficient EPONs. However, introduction of additional mechanisms can jeopardize the quality of service (QoS) performance of the network and as a result limit the deployment of energy-efficient EPONs. So, in order to obtain the energy efficient Wavelength Division Multiplexing EPON (WDM EPON) it is necessary to reduce an ONU's electrical power consumption to the lower level and it is very important to achieve this without any compromising the implemented QoS..

    Design and Analysis of Green Mission-Critical Fiber-Wireless Broadband Access Networks

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    In recent years, the ever-increasing environmental friendliness concern has made energy efficiency in telecom networks as an important theme in their operations. Meanwhile, mission-critical (MC) services and systems (such as healthcare, police, and firefighting) have been acquiring special attention from telecom designers and operators. The currently deployed MC network technologies are indigent in terms of bandwidth capacity, and thus they are not able to support the emerging MC multimedia applications. Therefore in this thesis, we first explore the possibility of provisioning the MC services over the integration of fiber-wireless (FiWi) technologies, which has been considered as a promising candidate for the deployment of high-speed and mobile broadband access networks. We then investigate the energy efficiency problem in the FiWi integration, which consists of WiMAX in the wireless plane, and of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) - the most popular variant of the next-generation PON (NG-PON) technology, in the optical plane. In WiMAX, the energy saving protocol has been extensively investigated and standardized. Conversely, it has been recently studied in NG-PON, which currently consumes the least power among all the high-speed access networks. However, NG-PON has notably matured in the past few years and is envisioned to massively evolve in the near future. This trend will increase the power requirements of NG-PON and make it no longer coveted. Therefore we address the energy efficiency problem in NG-PON. For each of our contributions, we conduct extensive simulations to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed solutions

    Energy consumption and energy-saving strategies in telecommunication networks

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