43 research outputs found

    Direct communication radio Iinterface for new radio multicasting and cooperative positioning

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    Cotutela: Universidad de defensa UNIVERSITA’ MEDITERRANEA DI REGGIO CALABRIARecently, the popularity of Millimeter Wave (mmWave) wireless networks has increased due to their capability to cope with the escalation of mobile data demands caused by the unprecedented proliferation of smart devices in the fifth-generation (5G). Extremely high frequency or mmWave band is a fundamental pillar in the provision of the expected gigabit data rates. Hence, according to both academic and industrial communities, mmWave technology, e.g., 5G New Radio (NR) and WiGig (60 GHz), is considered as one of the main components of 5G and beyond networks. Particularly, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) provides for the use of licensed mmWave sub-bands for the 5G mmWave cellular networks, whereas IEEE actively explores the unlicensed band at 60 GHz for the next-generation wireless local area networks. In this regard, mmWave has been envisaged as a new technology layout for real-time heavy-traffic and wearable applications. This very work is devoted to solving the problem of mmWave band communication system while enhancing its advantages through utilizing the direct communication radio interface for NR multicasting, cooperative positioning, and mission-critical applications. The main contributions presented in this work include: (i) a set of mathematical frameworks and simulation tools to characterize multicast traffic delivery in mmWave directional systems; (ii) sidelink relaying concept exploitation to deal with the channel condition deterioration of dynamic multicast systems and to ensure mission-critical and ultra-reliable low-latency communications; (iii) cooperative positioning techniques analysis for enhancing cellular positioning accuracy for 5G+ emerging applications that require not only improved communication characteristics but also precise localization. Our study indicates the need for additional mechanisms/research that can be utilized: (i) to further improve multicasting performance in 5G/6G systems; (ii) to investigate sideline aspects, including, but not limited to, standardization perspective and the next relay selection strategies; and (iii) to design cooperative positioning systems based on Device-to-Device (D2D) technology

    An Accurate Approximation of Resource Request Distributions in Millimeter Wave 3GPP New Radio Systems

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    The recently standardized millimeter wave-based 3GPP New Radio technology is expected to become an enabler for both enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) and ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) services specified to future 5G systems. One of the first steps in mathematical modeling of such systems is the characterization of the session resource request probability mass function (pmf) as a function of the channel conditions, cell size, application demands, user location and system parameters including modulation and coding schemes employed at the air interface. Unfortunately, this pmf cannot be expressed via elementary functions. In this paper, we develop an accurate approximation of the sought pmf. First, we show that Normal distribution provides a fairly accurate approximation to the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the signal-to-noise ratio for communication systems operating in the millimeter frequency band, further allowing evaluating the resource request pmf via error function. We also investigate the impact of shadow fading on the resource request pmf.Comment: The 19th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networks and Systems (New2An 2019

    Analytical TCP Model for Millimeter-Wave 5G NR Systems in Dynamic Human Body Blockage Environment

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    Dynamic blockage of radio propagation paths between the user equipment (UE) and the 5G New Radio (NR) Base Station (BS) induces abrupt rate fluctuations that may lead to sub-optimal performance of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) protocol. In this work, we characterize the effects of dynamic human blockage on TCP throughput at the 5G NR air interface. To this aim, we develop an analytical model that expresses the TCP throughput as a function of the round-trip time (RTT), environmental, and radio system parameters. Our results indicate that the blockage affects TCP throughput only when the RTT is comparable to the blocked and non-blocked state durations when the frequency of state changes is high. However, such conditions are not typical for dynamic body blockage environments allowing TCP to benefit from the high bandwidth of 5G NR systems fully


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    Κατά τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες τα δορυφορικά συστήματα τηλεπικοινωνιών έχουν προσφέρει μια γκάμα από πολυμεσικές υπηρεσίες όπως δορυφορική τηλεόραση, δορυφορική τηλεφωνία και ευρυζωνική πρόσβαση στο διαδίκτυο. Οι μακροπρόθεσμες τεχνολογικές αναβαθμίσεις σε συνδυασμό με την προσθήκη νέων δορυφορικών συστημάτων γεωστατικής και ελλειπτικής τροχιάς και με την ενσωμάτωση τεχνολογιών πληροφορικής έχουν ωθήσει την αύξηση του μέγιστου εύρους των δορυφόρων στο 1Gbps σε μεμονωμένους δορυφόρους ενώ σε διάταξη αστερισμού μπορούν να ξεπεράσουν το 1 Tbps. Σε συνδυασμό με την μείωση του χρόνου απόκρισης σε ρυθμούς ανταγωνιστικούς με τις χερσαίες υποδομές ανοίγουν νέες ευκαιρίες και νέους ρόλους εντός ενός οικοσυστήματος ετερογενούς δικτύων 5ης γενιάς. Σε αυτήν την διατριβή, αξιολογούμε επιδοτούμενα επιστημονικά προγράμματα έρευνας και ανάπτυξης της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής Διαστήματος (ESA) και του προγράμματος επιδότησης Horizon 2020 της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, προκειμένου να εξηγήσουμε τις δυνατότητες των δορυφόρων εντός ενός ετερογενούς δικτύου 5ης γενιάς, αναφέρουμε συγκεκριμένα αυτά που αφορούν την εξέλιξη των δορυφορικών ψηφιακών συστημάτων και την ικανότητα ενσωμάτωσης τους σε τωρινές αλλά και μελλοντικές υποδομές χερσαίων τηλεπικοινωνιακών δικτύων μέσω της εμφάνισης νέων τεχνολογιών στις ηλεκτρονικές και οπτικές επικοινωνίες αέρος μαζί με την εμφάνιση τεχνολογιών πληροφορικής όπως της δικτύωσης βασισμένης στο λογισμικό και της εικονικοποίησης λειτουργιών δικτύου. Αναφερόμαστε στους στόχους του κάθε project ξεχωριστά και κατηγοριοποιημένα στους ακόλουθους τομείς έρευνας: -Συσσωμάτωση των δορυφόρων με τα επίγεια δίκτυα 5ης γενιάς με οργανωμένες μελέτες και στρατηγικές -Ενσωμάτωση των τεχνολογιών δικτύωσης βασισμένης στο λογισμικό και εικονικοποίησης λειτουργιών δικτύου στο δορυφορικών τμήμα των δικτύων 5ης γενιάς -Ο ρόλος των δορυφόρων σε εφαρμογές του διαδικτύου των πραγμάτων σε συνάφεια με τα χερσαία δίκτυα 5ης γενιάς -Ο ρόλος των δορυφόρων στην δίκτυα διανομής πολυμεσικού περιεχομένου & η επιρροή των πρωτοκόλλων διαδικτύου στην ποιότητα υπηρεσίας χρήστη κατά την διάρκεια μιας δορυφορικής σύνδεσης. -Μελλοντικές βελτιώσεις και εφαρμογές στα δορυφορικά συστήματα με έμφαση στα μελλοντικά πρότυπα του φυσικό επιπέδου Στο τέλος διαθέτουμε ένα παράρτημα που αφορά τεχνικές αναλύσεις στην εξέλιξη του φυσικού επιπέδου των δορυφορικών συστημάτων, συνοδευόμενο με την συσχετιζόμενη βιβλιογραφία για περαιτέρω μελέτη.Over the last decades satellite telecommunication systems offer many types of multimedia services like Satellite TV, telephony and broadband internet access. The long-term technological evolutions occurred into state-of-the-art satellite systems altogether with the addition of new high throughput geostatic and non-geostatic systems, individual satellites can now achieve a peak bandwidth of up to Gbps, and with possible extension into satellite constellation systems the total capacity can reach up to Tbps. Supplementary, with systems latency being comparable to terrestrial infrastructures and with integration of several computer science technologies, satellite systems can achieve new & more advanced roles inside a heterogeneous 5G network’s ecosystem. In this thesis, we have studied European Space Agency (ESA’s) and European Union’s (EU) Horizon 2020 Research and Development (R&D) funded projects in order to describe the satellite capabilities within a 5G heterogeneous network, mentioning the impact of the evolution of digital satellite communications and furthermore the integration with the state-of the art & future terrain telecommunication systems by new technologies occurred through the evolution of electronic & free space optical communications alongside with the integration of computer science’s technologies like Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). In order to describe this evolution we have studied the concepts of each individual project, categorized chronically and individual by its scientific field of research. Our main scientific trends for this thesis are: -Satellite Integration studies & strategies into the 5G terrestrial networks -Integration of SDN and NFV technologies on 5G satellite component -Satellite’s role in the Internet of Things applications over 5G terrestrial networks -Satellite’s role in Content Distribution Networks & internet protocols impact over user’s Quality of Experience (QoE) over a satellite link -The future proposals upon the evolution of Satellite systems by upcoming improvements and corresponding standards Finally, we have created an Annex for technical details upon the evolution of physical layer of the satellite systems with the corresponding bibliography of this thesis for future study

    Potentzia domeinuko NOMA 5G sareetarako eta haratago

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    Tesis inglés 268 p. -- Tesis euskera 274 p.During the last decade, the amount of data carried over wireless networks has grown exponentially. Several reasons have led to this situation, but the most influential ones are the massive deployment of devices connected to the network and the constant evolution in the services offered. In this context, 5G targets the correct implementation of every application integrated into the use cases. Nevertheless, the biggest challenge to make ITU-R defined cases (eMBB, URLLC and mMTC) a reality is the improvement in spectral efficiency. Therefore, in this thesis, a combination of two mechanisms is proposed to improve spectral efficiency: Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) techniques and Radio Resource Management (RRM) schemes. Specifically, NOMA transmits simultaneously several layered data flows so that the whole bandwidth is used throughout the entire time to deliver more than one service simultaneously. Then, RRM schemes provide efficient management and distribution of radio resources among network users. Although NOMA techniques and RRM schemes can be very advantageous in all use cases, this thesis focuses on making contributions in eMBB and URLLC environments and proposing solutions to communications that are expected to be relevant in 6G

    Collaborative, Intelligent, and Adaptive Systems for the Low-Power Internet of Things

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    With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), more and more devices are getting equipped with communication capabilities, often via wireless radios. Their deployments pave the way for new and mission-critical applications: cars will communicate with nearby vehicles to coordinate at intersections; industrial wireless closed-loop systems will improve operational safety in factories; while swarms of drones will coordinate to plan collision-free trajectories. To achieve these goals, IoT devices will need to communicate, coordinate, and collaborate over the wireless medium. However, these envisioned applications necessitate new characteristics that current solutions and protocols cannot fulfill: IoT devices require consistency guarantees from their communication and demand for adaptive behavior in complex and dynamic environments.In this thesis, we design, implement, and evaluate systems and mechanisms to enable safe coordination and adaptivity for the smallest IoT devices. To ensure consistent coordination, we bring fault-tolerant consensus to low-power wireless communication and introduce Wireless Paxos, a flavor of the Paxos algorithm specifically tailored to low-power IoT. We then present STARC, a wireless coordination mechanism for intersection management combining commit semantics with synchronous transmissions. To enable adaptivity in the wireless networking stack, we introduce Dimmer and eAFH. Dimmer combines Reinforcement Learning and Multi-Armed Bandits to adapt its communication parameters and counteract the adverse effects of wireless interference at runtime while optimizing energy consumption in normal conditions. eAFH provides dynamic channel management in Bluetooth Low Energy by excluding and dynamically re-including channels in scenarios with mobility. Finally, we demonstrate with BlueSeer that a device can classify its environment, i.e., recognize whether it is located in a home, office, street, or transport, solely from received Bluetooth Low Energy signals fed into an embedded machine learning model. BlueSeer therefore increases the intelligence of the smallest IoT devices, allowing them to adapt their behaviors to their current surroundings