784 research outputs found

    H-infinity filtering with randomly occurring sensor saturations and missing measurements

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 ElsevierIn this paper, the H∞ filtering problem is investigated for a class of nonlinear systems with randomly occurring incomplete information. The considered incomplete information includes both the sensor saturations and the missing measurements. A new phenomenon of sensor saturation, namely, randomly occurring sensor saturation (ROSS), is put forward in order to better reflect the reality in a networked environment such as sensor networks. A novel sensor model is then established to account for both the ROSS and missing measurement in a unified representation by using two sets of Bernoulli distributed white sequences with known conditional probabilities. Based on this sensor model, a regional H∞ filter with a certain ellipsoid constraint is designed such that the filtering error dynamics is locally mean-square asymptotically stable and the H∞-norm requirement is satisfied. Note that the regional l2 gain filtering feature is specifically developed for the random saturation nonlinearity. The characterization of the desired filter gains is derived in terms of the solution to a convex optimization problem that can be easily solved by using the semi-definite program method. Finally, a simulation example is employed to show the effectiveness of the filtering scheme proposed in this paper.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the UK, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61028008 and 60974030, the National 973 Program of China under Grant 2009CB320600, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Hidden attractors in fundamental problems and engineering models

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    Recently a concept of self-excited and hidden attractors was suggested: an attractor is called a self-excited attractor if its basin of attraction overlaps with neighborhood of an equilibrium, otherwise it is called a hidden attractor. For example, hidden attractors are attractors in systems with no equilibria or with only one stable equilibrium (a special case of multistability and coexistence of attractors). While coexisting self-excited attractors can be found using the standard computational procedure, there is no standard way of predicting the existence or coexistence of hidden attractors in a system. In this plenary survey lecture the concept of self-excited and hidden attractors is discussed, and various corresponding examples of self-excited and hidden attractors are considered

    Sampled-data control of linear systems subject to input saturation : a hybrid system approach

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    In this work, a new method for the stability analysis and synthesis of sampled-data control systems subject to variable sampling intervals and input saturation is proposed. From a hybrid systems representation, stability conditions based on quadratic clockdependent Lyapunov functions and the generalized sector condition to handle saturation are developed. These conditions are cast in semidefinite and sum-of-squares optimization problems to provide maximized estimates of the region of attraction, to estimate the maximum intersampling interval for which a region of stability is ensured, or to produce a stabilizing controller that results in a large implicit region of attraction, through the maximization of an estimate of it.Neste trabalho é proposto um novo método para a análise da estabilidade de sistemas de controle amostrados aperiodicamente e com saturação na entrada, e também para a síntese de controladores estabilizantes. A partir de uma representação por sistemas híbridos, condições de estabilidade baseadas em funções quadráticas de Lyapunov dependentes do clock e na condição de setor generalizada para o tratamento de saturação são desenvolvidas para o sistema amostrado em questão. Essas condições são incorporadas como restrições em problemas de otimização. Os problemas de otimização são baseados em programação semidefinida e em programação sum-of-squares, e têm o objetivo de obter estimativas maximizadas da região de atração do sistema, estimativas do intervalo de amostragem máximo para o qual uma dada região de estados iniciais seja uma região de estabilidade, ou para produzir controladores (dados por ganhos estáticos estabilizantes) que resultem em uma região de atração implicitamente grande, através da maximização da estimativa dessa região de atração

    A review of convex approaches for control, observation and safety of linear parameter varying and Takagi-Sugeno systems

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    This paper provides a review about the concept of convex systems based on Takagi-Sugeno, linear parameter varying (LPV) and quasi-LPV modeling. These paradigms are capable of hiding the nonlinearities by means of an equivalent description which uses a set of linear models interpolated by appropriately defined weighing functions. Convex systems have become very popular since they allow applying extended linear techniques based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to complex nonlinear systems. This survey aims at providing the reader with a significant overview of the existing LMI-based techniques for convex systems in the fields of control, observation and safety. Firstly, a detailed review of stability, feedback, tracking and model predictive control (MPC) convex controllers is considered. Secondly, the problem of state estimation is addressed through the design of proportional, proportional-integral, unknown input and descriptor observers. Finally, safety of convex systems is discussed by describing popular techniques for fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control (FTC).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Contributions to fuzzy polynomial techniques for stability analysis and control

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    The present thesis employs fuzzy-polynomial control techniques in order to improve the stability analysis and control of nonlinear systems. Initially, it reviews the more extended techniques in the field of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems, such as the more relevant results about polynomial and fuzzy polynomial systems. The basic framework uses fuzzy polynomial models by Taylor series and sum-of-squares techniques (semidefinite programming) in order to obtain stability guarantees. The contributions of the thesis are: ¿ Improved domain of attraction estimation of nonlinear systems for both continuous-time and discrete-time cases. An iterative methodology based on invariant-set results is presented for obtaining polynomial boundaries of such domain of attraction. ¿ Extension of the above problem to the case with bounded persistent disturbances acting. Different characterizations of inescapable sets with polynomial boundaries are determined. ¿ State estimation: extension of the previous results in literature to the case of fuzzy observers with polynomial gains, guaranteeing stability of the estimation error and inescapability in a subset of the zone where the model is valid. ¿ Proposal of a polynomial Lyapunov function with discrete delay in order to improve some polynomial control designs from literature. Preliminary extension to the fuzzy polynomial case. Last chapters present a preliminary experimental work in order to check and validate the theoretical results on real platforms in the future.Pitarch Pérez, JL. (2013). Contributions to fuzzy polynomial techniques for stability analysis and control [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34773TESI

    Switching Control in the Presence of Constraints and Unmodeled Dynamics

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    Model Predictive Control Applications to Spacecraft Rendezvous and Small Bodies Exploration

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    The overarching goal of this thesis is the design of model predictive control algorithms for spacecraft proximity operations. These include, but it is not limited to, spacecraft rendezvous, hovering phases or orbiting in the vicinity of small bodies. The main motivation behind this research is the increasing demand of autonomy, understood as the spacecraft capability to compute its own control plan, in current and future space operations. This push for autonomy is fostered by the recent introduction of disruptive technologies changing the traditional concept of space exploration and exploitation. The development of miniaturized satellite platforms and the drastic cost reduction in orbital access have boosted space activity to record levels. In the near future, it is envisioned that numerous artificial objects will simultaneously operate across the Solar System. In that context, human operators will be overwhelmed in the task of tracking and commanding each spacecraft in real time. As a consequence, developing intelligent and robust autonomous systems has been identified by several space agencies as a cornerstone technology. Inspired by the previous facts, this work presents novel controllers to tackle several scenarios related to spacecraft proximity operations. Mastering proximity operations enables a wide variety of space missions such as active debris removal, astronauts transportation, flight-formation applications, space stations resupply and the in-situ exploration of small bodies. Future applications may also include satellite inspection and servicing. This thesis has focused on four scenarios: six-degrees of freedom spacecraft rendezvous; near-rectilinear halo orbits rendezvous; the hovering phase; orbit-attitude station-keeping in the vicinity of a small body. The first problem aims to demonstrate rendezvous capabilities for a lightweight satellite with few thrusters and a reaction wheels array. For near-rectilinear halo orbits rendezvous, the goal is to achieve higher levels of constraints satisfaction than with a stateof- the-art predictive controller. In the hovering phase, the objective is to augment the control accuracy and computational efficiency of a recent global stable controller. The small body exploration aims to demonstrate the positive impact of model-learning in the control accuracy. Although based on model predictive control, the specific approach for each scenario differs. In six-degrees of freedom rendezvous, the attitude flatness property and the transition matrix for Keplerian-based relative are used to obtain a non-linear program. Then, the control loop is closed by linearizing the system around the previous solution. For near-rectilinear halo orbits rendezvous, the constraints are assured to be satisfied in the probabilistic sense by a chance-constrained approach. The disturbances statistical properties are estimated on-line. For the hovering phase problem, an aperiodic event-based predictive controller is designed. It uses a set of trigger rules, defined using reachability concepts, deciding when to execute a single-impulse control. In the small body exploration scenario, a novel learning-based model predictive controller is developed. This works by integrating unscented Kalman filtering and model predictive control. By doing so, the initially unknown small body inhomogeneous gravity field is estimated over time which augments the model predictive control accuracy.El objeto de esta tesis es el dise˜no de algoritmos de control predictivo basado en modelo para operaciones de veh´ıculos espaciales en proximidad. Esto incluye, pero no se limita, a la maniobra de rendezvous, las fases de hovering u orbitar alrededor de cuerpos menores. Esta tesis est´a motivada por la creciente demanda en la autonom´ıa, entendida como la capacidad de un veh´ıculo para calcular su propio plan de control, de las actuales y futuras misiones espaciales. Este inter´es en incrementar la autonom´ıa est´a relacionado con las actuales tecnolog´ıas disruptivas que est´an cambiando el concepto tradicional de exploraci´on y explotaci´on espacial. Estas son el desarrollo de plataformas satelitales miniaturizadas y la dr´astica reducci´on de los costes de puesta en ´orbita. Dichas tecnolog´ıas han impulsado la actividad espacial a niveles de record. En un futuro cercano, se prev´e que un gran n´umero de objetos artificiales operen de manera simult´anea a lo largo del Sistema Solar. Bajo dicho escenario, los operadores terrestres se ver´an desbordados en la tarea de monitorizar y controlar cada sat´elite en tiempo real. Es por ello que el desarrollo de sistemas aut´onomos inteligentes y robustos es considerado una tecnolog´ıa fundamental por diversas agencias espaciales. Debido a lo anterior, este trabajo presenta nuevos resultados en el control de operaciones de veh´ıculos espaciales en proximidad. Dominar dichas operaciones permite llevar a cabo una gran variedad de misiones espaciales como la retirada de basura espacial, transferir astronautas, aplicaciones de vuelo en formaci´on, reabastecer estaciones espaciales y la exploraci ´on de cuerpos menores. Futuras aplicaciones podr´ıan incluir operaciones de inspecci´on y mantenimiento de sat´elites. Esta tesis se centra en cuatro escenarios: rendezvous de sat´elites con seis grados de libertad; rendezvous en ´orbitas halo cuasi-rectil´ıneas; la fase de hovering; el mantenimiento de ´orbita y actitud en las inmendiaciones de un cuerpo menor. El primer caso trata de proveer capacidades de rendezvous para un sat´elite ligero con pocos propulsores y un conjunto de ruedas de reacci´on. Para el rendezvous en ´orbitas halo cuasi-rectil´ıneas, se intenta aumentar el grado de cumplimiento de restricciones con respecto a un controlador predictivo actual. Para la fase de hovering, se mejora la precisi´on y eficiencia computacional de un controlador globalmente estable. En la exploraci´on de un cuerpo menor, se pretende demostrar el mayor grado de precisi´on que se obtiene al aprender el modelo. Siendo la base el control predictivo basado en modelo, el enfoque espec´ıfico difiere para cada escenario. En el rendezvous con seis grados de libertad, se obtiene un programa no-lineal con el uso de la propiedad flatness de la actitud y la matriz de transici´on del movimiento relativo Kepleriano. El bucle de control se cierra linealizando en torno a la soluci´on anterior. Para el rendezvous en ´orbitas halo cuasi-rectil´ıneas, el cumplimiento de restricciones se garantiza probabil´ısticamente mediante la t´ecnica chance-constrained. Las propiedades estad´ısticas de las perturbaciones son estimadas on-line. En la fase de hovering, se usa el control predictivo basado en eventos. Ello consiste en unas reglas de activaci´on, definidas con conceptos de accesibilidad, que deciden la ejecuci´on de un ´unico impulso de control. En la exploraci´on de cuerpos menores, se desarrolla un controlador predictivo basado en el aprendizaje del modelo. Funciona integrando un filtro de Kalman con control predictivo basado en modelo. Con ello, se consigue estimar las inomogeneidades del campo gravitario lo que repercute en una mayor precisi´on del controlador predictivo basado en modelo

    Development and Analysis of a Feedback Treatment Strategy for Parturient Paresis of Cows

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    An intelligent on-line feedback treatment strategy based on nonlinear optimal control theory is presented for the parturient paresis of cows. A limitation in the development of an existing nonlinear mathematical model for the homogeneous system is addressed and further modified to incorporate a control input. A neural network based optimal feedback controller is synthesized for the treatment of the disease. Detailed studies are used to analyze the effectiveness of a feedback medication strategy and it is compared with the current impulse strategy. The results show that while the current practice may fail in some cases, especially if it is carried out before the condition of a patient deteriorates, the proposed continuous medication process may be initiated at any time. Moreover the proposed on-line continuous infusion strategy never leads to severe hypercalcemic problems, thereby avoiding an associated disastrous consequence of cardiac arrest. A comparison study with linear quadratic regulator theory brings out the advantages of the nonlinear control synthesis approach

    Robust sampled-data control: An input delay approach

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    International audienceA method for robust sampled-data stabilization of linear continuous-time systems is introduced. This method is based on the continuous-time model with time-varying input delay. Delay-dependent sufficient LMIs conditions for stabilization of systems with polytopic type uncertainty and for regional stabilization of systems with sampled-data saturated state-feedback are derived. The method may be applied to a wide spectrum of robust sampled-data control problems