429 research outputs found

    Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology

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    Including some of the newest advances in the field of neurophysiology, this book can be considered as one of the treasures that interested scientists would like to collect. It discusses many disciplines of clinical neurophysiology that are, currently, crucial in the practice as they explain methods and findings of techniques that help to improve diagnosis and to ensure better treatment. While trying to rely on evidence-based facts, this book presents some new ideas to be applied and tested in the clinical practice. Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology is important not only for the neurophysiologists but also for clinicians interested or working in wide range of specialties such as neurology, neurosurgery, intensive care units, pediatrics and so on. Generally, this book is written and designed to all those involved in, interpreting or requesting neurophysiologic tests

    On sensorimotor function and the relationship between proprioception and motor learning

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    Research continues to explore the mechanisms that mediate successful motor control. Behaviourally-relevant modulation of muscle commands is dependent on sensory signals. Proprioception -- the sense of body position -- is one signal likely to be crucial for motor learning. The present thesis explores the relationship between human proprioception and motor learning. First we investigated changes to sensory function during the adaptation of arm movements to novel forces. Subjects adapted movements in the presence of directional loads over the course of learning. Psychophysical estimates of perceived hand position showed that motor learning resulted in sensed hand position becoming \emph{biased} in the direction of the experienced load. This biasing of perception occurred for four different perturbation directions and remained even after washout movements. Therefore, motor learning can result in systematic changes to proprioceptive function. In a second experiment we investigated proprioceptive changes after subjects learned highly accurate movements to targets. Subjects demonstrated improved acuity of the hand\u27s position following this type of motor learning. Interestingly, improved acuity did not generalize to the entire workspace but was instead restricted to local positions within the region of the workspace where motor learning occurred. These results provide evidence that altered sensory function from motor learning may also include sensory acuity improvements. Subsequently the duration of acuity improvements was assessed. Improved acuity of hand position was observed immediately after motor learning and 24h later, but was not reliably different from baseline at 1h or 4h. Persistent sensory change may thus be similar to retention of motor learning and may involve a sleep-dependent component. In the fourth study we investigated the ability of proprioceptive training to improve motor learning. Subjects had to match the position and speed of desired trajectories. At regular intervals during motor motor learning, subjects were presented with the desired trajectory either only visually, or with both vision and and passive proprioceptive movement through the desired trajectory using a robot. Subjects who received proprioceptive guidance indeed performed better in matching both velocity and position of desired movements, suggesting a role for passive proprioceptive training in improving motor learning

    Estudio e implementación de algoritmos de fusión sensorial para sensores pulsantes y clásicos con protocolo AER de comunicación y aplicación en sistemas robóticos neuroinspirados

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    The objective of this thesis is to analyze, design, simulate and implement a model that follows the principles of the human nervous system when a reaching movement is made. The background of the thesis is the neuromorphic engineering field. This term was first coined in the late eighties by Caver Mead. Its main objective is to develop hardware devices, based on the neuron as the basic unit, to develop a range of tasks such as: decision making, image processing, learning, etc. During the last twenty years, this field of research has gathered a large number of researchers around the world. Spike-based sensors and devices that perform spike processing tasks have been developed. A neuro-inspired controller model based on the classic algorithms VITE and FLETE is proposed in this thesis (specifically, the two algorithms presented are: the VITE model which generates a non-planned trajectory and the FLETE model to generate the forces needed to hold a position reached). The hardware platforms used to implement them are a FPGA and a VLSI multi-chip setup. Then, considering how a reaching movement is performed by humans, these algorithms are translated under the constraints of each hardware device. The constraints are: spike-processing blocks described in VHDL for the FPGA and neurons LIF for the VLSI chips. To reach a successful translation of VITE algorithm under the constraints of the FPGA, a new spike-processing block is designed, simulated and implemented: GO Block. On the other hand, to perform an accurate translation of the VITE algorithm under VLSI requirements, the recent biological advances are studied. Then, a model which implements the co-activation of NMDA channels (this activity is related to the activity detected in the basal ganglia short time before a movement is made) is modeled, simulated and implemented. Once the model is defined for both platforms, it is simulated using the Matlab Simulink environment for FPGA and Brian simulator for VLSI chips. The hardware results of the algorithms translated are presented. The open-loop spike-based VITE (on both platforms) and closed-loop (FPGA) applied and connected to a robotic platform using the AER bus show an excellent behaviour in terms of power and resources consumption. They show also an accurate and precise functioning for reaching and tracking movements when the target is supplied by an AER retina or jAER. Thus, a full neuro-inspired architecture is implemented: from the sensor (retina) to the end effector (robot) going through the neuro-inspired controller designed. An alternative for the SVITE platform is also presented. A random element is added to the neuron model to include variability in the neural response. The results obtained for this variant, show a similar behaviour if a comparison with the deterministic algorithms is made. The possibility to include this pseudo-random controller in noise and / or random environment is demonstrated. Finally, this thesis claims that PFM is the most suitable modulation to drive motors in a neuromorphic hardware environment. It allows supplying the events directly to the motors. Furthermore, it is achieved that the system is not affected by spurious or noisy events. The novel results achieved with the VLSI multi-chip setup, this is the first attempt to control a robotic platform using sub-thresold low-power neurons, intended to set the basis for designing neuro-inspired controllers

    ERR2 and ERR3 promote the development of gamma motor neuron functional properties required for proprioceptive movement control

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    The ability of terrestrial vertebrates to effectively move on land is integrally linked to the diversification of motor neurons into types that generate muscle force (alpha motor neurons) and types that modulate muscle proprioception, a task that in mammals is chiefly mediated by gamma motor neurons. The diversification of motor neurons into alpha and gamma types and their respective contributions to movement control have been firmly established in the past 7 decades, while recent studies identified gene expression signatures linked to both motor neuron types. However, the mechanisms that promote the specification of gamma motor neurons and/or their unique properties remained unaddressed. Here, we found that upon selective loss of the orphan nuclear receptors ERR2 and ERR3 (also known as ERR beta, ERR gamma or NR3B2, NR3B3, respectively) in motor neurons in mice, morphologically distinguishable gamma motor neurons are generated but do not acquire characteristic functional properties necessary for regulating muscle proprioception, thus disrupting gait and precision movements. Complementary gain-of-function experiments in chick suggest that ERR2 and ERR3 could operate via transcriptional activation of neural activity modulators to promote a gamma motor neuron biophysical signature of low firing thresholds and high firing rates. Our work identifies a mechanism specifying gamma motor neuron functional properties essential for the regulation of proprioceptive movement control

    Genetics of human sleep EEG

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    Sleep characteristics are candidates for predictive biological markers in patients with severe psychiatric diseases, in particular affective disorder and schizophrenia. The genetic components of sleep determination in humans remain, to a large degree, unelucidated. In particular, the heritability of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and EEG bursts of oscillatory brain activity in Non-REM sleep, i.e. sleep spindles, are of interest. In addition, recent findings suggest a strong role of distinct sleep spindle types in memory consolidation, making it important to identify sleep spindles in slow wave sleep (SWS) and to separate slow and fast spindle localization in the frequency range. However, predictive sleep biomarker research requires large sample sizes of healthy and affected human individuals. Therefore, the present work addressed two questions. The first aim was to optimize data analysis by developing algorithms that allow an efficient and reliable identification of rapid eye movements (REMs) and sleep EEG spindles. In the second part, developed methods were applied to sleep EEG data from a classical twin study to identify genetic effects on tonic and phasic REM sleep parameters, sleep spindles, and their trait-like characteristics. The algorithm for REM detection was developed for standard clinical two channel electrooculographic montage. The goal was to detect REMs visible above the background noise, and in the case of REM saccades to classify each movement separately. In order to achieve a high level of sensitivity, detection was based on a first derivative of electrooculogram (EOG) potentials and two detection thresholds. The developed REM detector was then validated in n=12 polysomnographic recordings from n=7 healthy subjects who had been previously scored visually by two human experts according to standard guidelines. Comparison of automatic REM detection with human scorers revealed mean correlations of 0.94 and 0.90, respectively (mean correlation between experts was 0.91). The developed automatic sleep spindle detector assessed individualized signal amplitude for each channel as well as slow and fast spindle frequency peaks based on the spectral analysis of the EEG signal. The spindle detection was based on Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT); it localized the exact length of sleep spindles and was sensitive also for detection of sleep spindles intermingled in high amplitude slow wave EEG activity. The automatic spindle detector was validated in n=18 naps from n=10 subjects, where EEG data were scored both visually and by a commercial automatic algorithm (SIESTA). Comparison of our own spindle detector with results from the SIESTA algorithm and visual scoring revealed the correlations of 0.97 and 0.92, respectively (correlation between SIESTA algorithm and visual scoring was 0.90). In the second part of the work, the similarity of given sleep EEG parameters in n=32 healthy monozygotic (MZ) twins was compared with the similarity in n=14 healthy same-gender dizygotic (DZ) twins. The author of the current work did not participate in acquisition of twin study sample. EEG sleep recordings used for the heritability study were collected and already described by Ambrosius et al. (2008). Investigation of REM sleep included the absolute EEG spectral power, the shape of REM power spectrum, the amount and the structural organization of REMs; parameters of Non-REM sleep included slow and fast sleep spindle characteristics as well as the shape of the Non-REM power spectrum in general. In addition to estimating genetic effects, differences in within-pair similarity and night-to-night stability of given parameters were illustrated by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and cluster analysis. A substantial genetic influence on both spectral composition and phasic parameters of REM sleep was observed. A significant genetic variance in spectral power affected delta to high sigma and high beta to gamma EEG frequency bands, as well as all phasic REM parameters with the exception of the REMs occurring outside REM bursts. Furthermore, MZ and DZ twins differed significantly in their within-pair similarity of non-REM and REM EEG spectra morphology. Regarding sleep spindles, statistical analysis revealed a significant genetic influence on localization in frequency range as well as on basic spindle characteristics (amplitude, length, quantity), except in the quantity of fast spindles in stage 2 and whole Non-REM sleep. Basic spindle parameters showed trait-like characteristics and significant differences in within-pair similarity between the twin groups. In summary, the developed algorithms for automatic REM and sleep spindle detection provide several advantages: the elimination of human scorer biases and intra-rater variability, investigation of structural organization of REMs, exact determination of fast and slow spindle frequency for each individual. Algorithms are fully automated and therefore well suited to score REM density and sleep spindles in large patient samples. In the second part of the study, sleep EEG analysis in MZ and DZ twins revealed a substantial genetic determination of both tonic and phasic REM sleep parameters. This complements previous findings of a high genetic determination of the Non-REM sleep power spectrum. Interestingly, smaller genetic effects and lower night-to-night stability were observed for fast spindles, especially in SWS. This is in line with recent hypotheses on the differential function of sleep spindle types for memory consolidation. The results from the presented studies strongly support the application of sleep EEG to identify clinically relevant biomarkers for psychiatric disorders

    Studies on the mammalian muscle spindle

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