1,295 research outputs found

    PPG2ABP: Translating Photoplethysmogram (PPG) Signals to Arterial Blood Pressure (ABP) Waveforms using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most severe causes of mortality, taking a heavy toll of lives annually throughout the world. The continuous monitoring of blood pressure seems to be the most viable option, but this demands an invasive process, bringing about several layers of complexities. This motivates us to develop a method to predict the continuous arterial blood pressure (ABP) waveform through a non-invasive approach using photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals. In addition we explore the advantage of deep learning as it would free us from sticking to ideally shaped PPG signals only, by making handcrafted feature computation irrelevant, which is a shortcoming of the existing approaches. Thus, we present, PPG2ABP, a deep learning based method, that manages to predict the continuous ABP waveform from the input PPG signal, with a mean absolute error of 4.604 mmHg, preserving the shape, magnitude and phase in unison. However, the more astounding success of PPG2ABP turns out to be that the computed values of DBP, MAP and SBP from the predicted ABP waveform outperforms the existing works under several metrics, despite that PPG2ABP is not explicitly trained to do so

    Cuffless Blood Pressure Estimation

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    The blood pressure is an important factor in the diagnosis and evaluation of several diseases, such as acute myocardial infarction and stroke. This way, continuous monitorization of this parameter is crucial to a correct health evaluation. The current methods, like the oscillometric method, have some major drawbacks, that can influence the output values or even make the measurements impossible. One example is the high frequency evaluation of the blood pressure, in the standard used methods the process of measuring can take up to 3 minutes, and a waiting time is necessary between consecutive measurements. This dissertation presents two different cuffless solution to solve those problems. One based on physical models of the human body, and the other using machine learning techniques. In the first solution seven models that correlate pulse transit time and blood pressure, deducted by different authors, were tested to evaluate which one performed better. The testes were performed in a custom dataset acquired at Fraunhofer AICOS and in clinical environment, with two different devices (low cost device and medical grade device). The results indicate that pulse transit time can be used to track blood pressure, the developed device/method was evaluated as grade A based in the Standard IEEE 1708-2014. The second solution it’s a proof of concept using a public database and three different machine learning methods (Random Forest, Neural Network and AdaBoost). Two sets of features are calculated from the ECG and PPG signals, one using TSFEL (spectral, frequency and time domain features) and a total of 15 custom features. The proposed method outperforms the methods presented in bibliography with mean absolute error of 3.6 mmHg and 2.0 mmHg to systolic and diastolic blood pressure respectively

    Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitoring: Estimation of the Waveform and its Prediction Interval

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    Cuffless blood pressure (BP) estimation devices are receiving considerable attention as tools for improving the management of hypertension, a condition that affects 1.13 billion people worldwide. It is an approach that can provide continuous BP monitoring, which is not possible with existing non-invasive tools. Therefore, it yields a more comprehensive picture of the patient’s state. Cuffless BP monitoring relies on surrogate models of BP and the information encoded in alternative physiological measures, such as photoplethysmography (PPG) or electrocardiography (ECG), to continuously estimate BP. Existing models have typically relied upon pulse-wave delay between two arterial segments or other pulse waveform features in the estimation process. However, the models available in the literature (1) provide an estimation of the systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), and mean BP (MAP) only, (2) are validated solely in controlled environments, and (3) do not assign a confidence metric to the estimates. At this point, cuffless methods are not used by clinicians due to their inaccuracy, the validation inadequacy, and/or the unevaluated uncertainty of the existing methods. The first objective of this thesis is to develop a cuffless modeling approach to estimate the BP waveform from ECG and PPG, and extract important BP features, such as the SBP, DBP, and MAP. Access to the full waveform has significant advantages over previous cuffless BP estimation tools in terms of accuracy and access to additional cardiovascular health markers (e.g., cardiac output), as well as potentially providing arterial stiffness. The second objective of this thesis is to validate cuffless BP estimation during activities of daily living, an uncontrolled environment, but also in more challenging physiological conditions such as during exercise. Such validation is important to increase confidence in cuffless BP monitoring, it also helps understand the limitation of the method and how they would affect clinical outcomes. Finally, in an effort to improve confidence in the cuffless BP estimation framework (third objective), a prediction interval (PI) estimation method is introduced. For potential clinical uses, it is imperative to assess the uncertainty of the BP estimate for acute outcome evaluation and it is even more so if cuffless BP is to be employed outside of the clinic. In this thesis, user-specific nonlinear autoregressive models with exogenous inputs (NARX) are implemented using an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the BP waveforms using ECG and/or PPG signals as inputs. To validate the NARX-based BP estimation framework during activities of daily living, data were collected during six-hours testing phase wherein the participants go about their normal daily living activities. Data are further collected at four-month and six-month time points to validate long-term performance. To broaden the range of BP in the training data, subjects followed a short procedure consisting of sitting, standing, walking, Valsalva maneuvers, and static handgrip exercises. To evaluate the uncertainty of the BP estimates, one-class support vector machines (OCSVM) models are trained to cluster data in terms of the percentage of outliers. New BP estimates are then assigned to a cluster using the OCSVMs hyperplanes, and the PIs are estimated using the BP error standard deviation associated with different training data clusters. The OCSVM is used to estimate the PI for three BP model architectures: NARX models, feedforward ANN models, and pulse arrival time (PAT models). The three BP estimations from the models are fused using the covariance intersection fusion algorithm, which improves BP and PI estimates in comparison with individual model performance. The proposed method models the BP as a dynamical system leading to better accuracy in the estimation of SBP, DBP and MAP when compared to the PAT model. Moreover, the NARX model, with its ability to provide the BP waveform, yields more insight into patient health. The NARX model demonstrates superior accuracy and correlation with “ground truth” SBP and DBP measures compared to the PAT models and a clear advantage in estimating the large range of BP. Preliminary results show that the NARX models can accurately estimate BP even months apart from the training. Preliminary testing suggests that it is robust against variabilities due to sensor placement. The employed model fusion architecture establishes a method for cuffless BP estimation and its PI during activities of daily living that can be used for continuous monitoring and acute hypotension and hypertension detection. The NARX model, with its capacity to estimate a large range of BP, is next tested during moderate and heavy intensity exercise. Participants performed three cycling exercises: a ramp-incremental exercise test to exhaustion, a moderate and a heavy pseudorandom binary sequence exercise tests on an electronically braked cycle ergometer. Subject-specific and population-based NARX models are compared with feedforward ANN models and PAT (and heart rate) models. Population-based NARX models, when trained on 11 participants’ three cycling tests (tested on the participant left out of training), perform better than the other models and show good capability at estimating large changes in MAP. A limitation of the approach is the incapability of the models to track consistent decreases in BP during the exercise caused by a decrease in peripheral resistance since this information is apparently not encoded in either the forehead PPG or ECG signals. Nevertheless, the NARX model shows good precision during the whole 21 minutes testing window, a precision that is increased when using a shorter evaluation time window, and that can potentially be even further increased if trained on more data. The validation protocols and the use of a confidence metric developed in this thesis is of great value for such health monitoring application. Through such methodology, it is hoped that cuffless BP estimation becomes, one day, a well-established BP measurement method

    The 2023 wearable photoplethysmography roadmap

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    Photoplethysmography is a key sensing technology which is used in wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers. Currently, photoplethysmography sensors are used to monitor physiological parameters including heart rate and heart rhythm, and to track activities like sleep and exercise. Yet, wearable photoplethysmography has potential to provide much more information on health and wellbeing, which could inform clinical decision making. This Roadmap outlines directions for research and development to realise the full potential of wearable photoplethysmography. Experts discuss key topics within the areas of sensor design, signal processing, clinical applications, and research directions. Their perspectives provide valuable guidance to researchers developing wearable photoplethysmography technology

    Cuffless bood pressure estimation

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    L'hypertension est une maladie qui affecte plus d'un milliard de personnes dans le monde. Il s'agit d'une des principales causes de décès; le suivi et la gestion de cette maladie sont donc cruciaux. La technologie de mesure de la pression artérielle la plus répandue, utilisant le brassard pressurisé, ne permet cependant pas un suivi en continu de la pression, ce qui limite l'étendue de son utilisation. Ces obstacles pourraient être surmontés par la mesure indirecte de la pression par l'entremise de l'électrocardiographie ou de la photopléthysmographie, qui se prêtent à la création d'appareils portables, confortables et peu coûteux. Ce travail de recherche, réalisé en collaboration avec le département d'ingénierie biomédicale de l'université de Lund, en Suède, porte principalement sur la base de données publique Multiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care (MIMIC) Waveform Datasetde PhysioNet, largement utilisée dans la littérature portant sur le développement et la validation d'algorithmes d'estimation de la pression artérielle sans brassard pressurisé. Puisque ces données proviennent d'unités de soins intensifs et ont été recueillies dans des conditions non contrôlées, plusieurs chercheurs ont avancé que les modèles d'estimation de la pression artérielle se basant sur ces données ne sont pas valides pour la population générale. Pour la première fois dans la littérature, cette hypothèse est ici mise à l'épreuve en comparant les données de MIMIC à un ensemble de données de référence plus représentatif de la population générale et recueilli selon une procédure expérimentale bien définie. Des tests statistiques révèlent une différence significative entre les ensembles de données, ainsi qu'une réponse différente aux changements de pression artérielle, et ce, pour la majorité des caractéristiques extraites du photopléthysmogramme. De plus, les répercussions de ces différences sont démontrées à l'aide d'un test pratique d'estimation de la pression artérielle par apprentissage machine. En effet, un modèle entraîné sur l'un des ensembles de données perd en grande partie sa capacité prédictive lorsque validé sur l'autre ensemble, par rapport à sa performance en validation croisée sur l'ensemble d'entraînement. Ces résultats constituent les contributions principales de ce travail et ont été soumis sous forme d'article à la revue Physiological Measurement. Un volet additionnel de la recherche portant sur l'analyse du pouls par décomposition (pulse de composition analysis ou PDA) est présenté dans un deuxième temps. La PDA est une technique permettant de séparer l'onde du pouls en une composante excitative et ses réflexions, utilisée pour extraire des caractéristiques du signal dans le contexte de l'estimation de la pression artérielle. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que l'estimation de la position temporelle des réflexions à partir de points de référence de la dérivée seconde du signal donne d'aussi bons résultats que leur détermination par la méthode traditionnelle d'approximation successive, tout en étant beaucoup plus rapide. Une méthode récursive rapide de PDA est également étudiée, mais démontrée comme inadéquate dans un contexte de comparaison intersujet.Hypertension affects more than one billion people worldwide. As one of the leading causes of death, tracking and management of the condition is critical, but is impeded by the current cuff-based blood pressure monitoring technology. Continuous and more ubiquitous blood pressure monitoring may be achieved through simpler, cheaper and less invasive cuff-less devices, performing an indirect measure through electrocardiography or photoplethysmography. Produced in collaboration with the department of biomedical engineering of Lund Universityin Sweden, this work focuses on public data that has been widely used in the literature to develop and validate cuffless blood pressure estimation algorithms: The Multiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care (MIMIC) Waveform Dataset from PhysioNet. Because it is sourced from intensive care units and collected in absence of controlled conditions, it has many times been hypothesized that blood pressure estimation models based on its data may not generalize to the normal population. This work tests that hypothesis for the first time by comparing the MIMIC dataset to another reference dataset more representative of the general population and obtained under controlled experimental conditions. Through statistical testing, a majority of photoplethysmogram based features extracted from MIMIC are shown to differ significantly from the reference dataset and to respond differently to blood pressure changes. In addition, the practical impact of those differences is tested through the training and cross validating of machine learning models on both datasets, demonstrating an acute loss of predictive powers of models facing data from outside the dataset used in the training phase. As the main contribution of this work, these findings have been submitted as a journal paper to Physiological Measurement. Additional original research is also presented in relation to pulse decomposition analysis (PDA), a technique used to separate the pulse wave from its reflections, in the context of blood pressure estimation. The results obtained through this work show that when using the timing of reflections as part of blood pressure predictors, estimating those timings from fiducial points in the second derivative works as well as using the traditional and computationally costly successive approximation PDA method, while being many times faster. An alternative fast recursive PDA algorithm is also presented and shown to perform inadequately in an inter-subject comparison context

    Automated deep phenotyping of the cardiovascular system using magnetic resonance imaging

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    Across a lifetime, the cardiovascular system must adapt to a great range of demands from the body. The individual changes in the cardiovascular system that occur in response to loading conditions are influenced by genetic susceptibility, and the pattern and extent of these changes have prognostic value. Brachial blood pressure (BP) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) are important biomarkers that capture this response, and their measurements are made at high resolution. Relatively, clinical analysis is crude, and may result in lost information and the introduction of noise. Digital information storage enables efficient extraction of information from a dataset, and this strategy may provide more precise and deeper measures to breakdown current phenotypes into their component parts. The aim of this thesis was to develop automated analysis of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging for more detailed phenotyping, and apply these techniques for new biological insights into the cardiovascular response to different loading conditions. I therefore tested the feasibility and clinical utility of computational approaches for image and waveform analysis, recruiting and acquiring additional patient cohorts where necessary, and then applied these approaches prospectively to participants before and after six-months of exercise training for a first-time marathon. First, a multi-centre, multi-vendor, multi-field strength, multi-disease CMR resource of 110 patients undergoing repeat imaging in a short time-frame was assembled. The resource was used to assess whether automated analysis of LV structure and function is feasible on real-world data, and if it can improve upon human precision. This showed that clinicians can be confident in detecting a 9% change in EF or a 20g change in LV mass. This will be difficult to improve by clinicians because the greatest source of human error was attributable to the observer rather than modifiable factors. Having understood these errors, a convolutional neural network was trained on separate multi-centre data for automated analysis and was successfully generalizable to the real-world CMR data. Precision was similar to human analysis, and performance was 186 times faster. This real-world benchmarking resource has been made freely available (thevolumesresource.com). Precise automated segmentations were then used as a platform to delve further into the LV phenotype. Global LVEFs measured from CMR imaging in 116 patients with severe aortic stenosis were broken down into ~10 million regional measurements of structure and function, represented by computational three-dimensional LV models for each individual. A cardiac atlas approach was used to compile, label, segment and represent these data. Models were compared with healthy matched controls, and co-registered with follow-up one year after aortic valve replacement (AVR). This showed that there is a tendency to asymmetric septal hypertrophy in all patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS), rather than a characteristic specific to predisposed patients. This response to AS was more unfavourable in males than females (associated with higher NT-proBNP, and lower blood pressure), but was more modifiable with AVR. This was not detected using conventional analysis. Because cardiac function is coupled with the vasculature, a novel integrated assessment of the cardiovascular system was developed. Wave intensity theory was used to combine central blood pressure and CMR aortic blood flow-velocity waveforms to represent the interaction of the heart with the vessels in terms of traveling energy waves. This was performed and then validated in 206 individuals (the largest cohort to date), demonstrating inefficient ventriculo-arterial coupling in female sex and healthy ageing. CMR imaging was performed in 236 individuals before training for a first-time marathon and 138 individuals were followed-up after marathon completion. After training, systolic/diastolic blood pressure reduced by 4/3mmHg, descending aortic stiffness decreased by 16%, and ventriculo-arterial coupling improved by 14%. LV mass increased slightly, with a tendency to more symmetrical hypertrophy. The reduction in aortic stiffness was equivalent to a 4-year reduction in estimated biological aortic age, and the benefit was greater in older, male, and slower individuals. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that automating analysis of clinical cardiovascular phenotypes is precise with significant time-saving. Complex data that is usually discarded can be used efficiently to identify new biology. Deeper phenotypes developed in this work inform risk reduction behaviour in healthy individuals, and demonstrably deliver a more sensitive marker of LV remodelling, potentially enhancing risk prediction in severe aortic stenosis

    Acoustic sensing as a novel approach for cardiovascular monitoring at the wrist

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of deaths globally. An increased cardiovascular risk can be detected by a regular monitoring of the vital signs including the heart rate, the heart rate variability (HRV) and the blood pressure. For a user to undergo continuous vital sign monitoring, wearable systems prove to be very useful as the device can be integrated into the user's lifestyle without affecting the daily activities. However, the main challenge associated with the monitoring of these cardiovascular parameters is the requirement of different sensing mechanisms at different measurement sites. There is not a single wearable device that can provide sufficient physiological information to track the vital signs from a single site on the body. This thesis proposes a novel concept of using acoustic sensing over the radial artery to extract cardiac parameters for vital sign monitoring. A wearable system consisting of a microphone is designed to allow the detection of the heart sounds together with the pulse wave, an attribute not possible with existing wrist-based sensing methods. Methods: The acoustic signals recorded from the radial artery are a continuous reflection of the instantaneous cardiac activity. These signals are studied and characterised using different algorithms to extract cardiovascular parameters. The validity of the proposed principle is firstly demonstrated using a novel algorithm to extract the heart rate from these signals. The algorithm utilises the power spectral analysis of the acoustic pulse signal to detect the S1 sounds and additionally, the K-means method to remove motion artifacts for an accurate heartbeat detection. The HRV in the short-term acoustic recordings is found by extracting the S1 events using the relative information between the short- and long-term energies of the signal. The S1 events are localised using three different characteristic points and the best representation is found by comparing the instantaneous heart rate profiles. The possibility of measuring the blood pressure using the wearable device is shown by recording the acoustic signal under the influence of external pressure applied on the arterial branch. The temporal and spectral characteristics of the acoustic signal are utilised to extract the feature signals and obtain a relationship with the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) respectively. Results: This thesis proposes three different algorithms to find the heart rate, the HRV and the SBP/ DBP readings from the acoustic signals recorded at the wrist. The results obtained by each algorithm are as follows: 1. The heart rate algorithm is validated on a dataset consisting of 12 subjects with a data length of 6 hours. The results demonstrate an accuracy of 98.78%, mean absolute error of 0.28 bpm, limits of agreement between -1.68 and 1.69 bpm, and a correlation coefficient of 0.998 with reference to a state-of-the-art PPG-based commercial device. A high statistical agreement between the heart rate obtained from the acoustic signal and the photoplethysmography (PPG) signal is observed. 2. The HRV algorithm is validated on the short-term acoustic signals of 5-minutes duration recorded from each of the 12 subjects. A comparison is established with the simultaneously recorded electrocardiography (ECG) and PPG signals respectively. The instantaneous heart rate for all the subjects combined together achieves an accuracy of 98.50% and 98.96% with respect to the ECG and PPG signals respectively. The results for the time-domain and frequency-domain HRV parameters also demonstrate high statistical agreement with the ECG and PPG signals respectively. 3. The algorithm proposed for the SBP/ DBP determination is validated on 104 acoustic signals recorded from 40 adult subjects. The experimental outputs when compared with the reference arm- and wrist-based monitors produce a mean error of less than 2 mmHg and a standard deviation of error around 6 mmHg. Based on these results, this thesis shows the potential of this new sensing modality to be used as an alternative, or to complement existing methods, for the continuous monitoring of heart rate and HRV, and spot measurement of the blood pressure at the wrist.Open Acces