632 research outputs found

    Reliable pattern recognition system with novel semi-supervised learning approach

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    Over the past decade, there has been considerable progress in the design of statistical machine learning strategies, including Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) approaches. However, researchers still have difficulties in applying most of these learning strategies when two or more classes overlap, and/or when each class has a bimodal/multimodal distribution. In this thesis, an efficient, robust, and reliable recognition system with a novel SSL scheme has been developed to overcome overlapping problems between two classes and bimodal distribution within each class. This system was based on the nature of category learning and recognition to enhance the system's performance in relevant applications. In the training procedure, besides the supervised learning strategy, the unsupervised learning approach was applied to retrieve the "extra information" that could not be obtained from the images themselves. This approach was very helpful for the classification between two confusing classes. In this SSL scheme, both the training data and the test data were utilized in the final classification. In this thesis, the design of a promising supervised learning model with advanced state-of-the-art technologies is firstly presented, and a novel rejection measurement for verification of rejected samples, namely Linear Discriminant Analysis Measurement (LDAM), is defined. Experiments on CENPARMI's Hindu-Arabic Handwritten Numeral Database, CENPARMI's Numerals Database, and NIST's Numerals Database were conducted in order to evaluate the efficiency of LDAM. Moreover, multiple verification modules, including a Writing Style Verification (WSV) module, have been developed according to four newly defined error categories. The error categorization was based on the different costs of misclassification. The WSV module has been developed by the unsupervised learning approach to automatically retrieve the person's writing styles so that the rejected samples can be classified and verified accordingly. As a result, errors on CENPARMI's Hindu-Arabic Handwritten Numeral Database (24,784 training samples, 6,199 testing samples) were reduced drastically from 397 to 59, and the final recognition rate of this HAHNR reached 99.05%, a significantly higher rate compared to other experiments on the same database. When the rejection option was applied on this database, the recognition rate, error rate, and reliability were 97.89%, 0.63%, and 99.28%, respectivel

    Character Recognition

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    Character recognition is one of the pattern recognition technologies that are most widely used in practical applications. This book presents recent advances that are relevant to character recognition, from technical topics such as image processing, feature extraction or classification, to new applications including human-computer interfaces. The goal of this book is to provide a reference source for academic research and for professionals working in the character recognition field

    Incorporation of relational information in feature representation for online handwriting recognition of Arabic characters

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    Interest in online handwriting recognition is increasing due to market demand for both improved performance and for extended supporting scripts for digital devices. Robust handwriting recognition of complex patterns of arbitrary scale, orientation and location is elusive to date because reaching a target recognition rate is not trivial for most of the applications in this field. Cursive scripts such as Arabic and Persian with complex character shapes make the recognition task even more difficult. Challenges in the discrimination capability of handwriting recognition systems depend heavily on the effectiveness of the features used to represent the data, the types of classifiers deployed and inclusive databases used for learning and recognition which cover variations in writing styles that introduce natural deformations in character shapes. This thesis aims to improve the efficiency of online recognition systems for Persian and Arabic characters by presenting new formal feature representations, algorithms, and a comprehensive database for online Arabic characters. The thesis contains the development of the first public collection of online handwritten data for the Arabic complete-shape character set. New ideas for incorporating relational information in a feature representation for this type of data are presented. The proposed techniques are computationally efficient and provide compact, yet representative, feature vectors. For the first time, a hybrid classifier is used for recognition of online Arabic complete-shape characters based on the idea of decomposing the input data into variables representing factors of the complete-shape characters and the combined use of the Bayesian network inference and support vector machines. We advocate the usefulness and practicality of the features and recognition methods with respect to the recognition of conventional metrics, such as accuracy and timeliness, as well as unconventional metrics. In particular, we evaluate a feature representation for different character class instances by its level of separation in the feature space. Our evaluation results for the available databases and for our own database of the characters' main shapes confirm a higher efficiency than previously reported techniques with respect to all metrics analyzed. For the complete-shape characters, our techniques resulted in a unique recognition efficiency comparable with the state-of-the-art results for main shape characters

    Graphonomics and your Brain on Art, Creativity and Innovation : Proceedings of the 19th International Graphonomics Conference (IGS 2019 – Your Brain on Art)

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    [Italiano]: “Grafonomia e cervello su arte, creatività e innovazione”. Un forum internazionale per discutere sui recenti progressi nell'interazione tra arti creative, neuroscienze, ingegneria, comunicazione, tecnologia, industria, istruzione, design, applicazioni forensi e mediche. I contributi hanno esaminato lo stato dell'arte, identificando sfide e opportunità, e hanno delineato le possibili linee di sviluppo di questo settore di ricerca. I temi affrontati includono: strategie integrate per la comprensione dei sistemi neurali, affettivi e cognitivi in ambienti realistici e complessi; individualità e differenziazione dal punto di vista neurale e comportamentale; neuroaesthetics (uso delle neuroscienze per spiegare e comprendere le esperienze estetiche a livello neurologico); creatività e innovazione; neuro-ingegneria e arte ispirata dal cervello, creatività e uso di dispositivi di mobile brain-body imaging (MoBI) indossabili; terapia basata su arte creativa; apprendimento informale; formazione; applicazioni forensi. / [English]: “Graphonomics and your brain on art, creativity and innovation”. A single track, international forum for discussion on recent advances at the intersection of the creative arts, neuroscience, engineering, media, technology, industry, education, design, forensics, and medicine. The contributions reviewed the state of the art, identified challenges and opportunities and created a roadmap for the field of graphonomics and your brain on art. The topics addressed include: integrative strategies for understanding neural, affective and cognitive systems in realistic, complex environments; neural and behavioral individuality and variation; neuroaesthetics (the use of neuroscience to explain and understand the aesthetic experiences at the neurological level); creativity and innovation; neuroengineering and brain-inspired art, creative concepts and wearable mobile brain-body imaging (MoBI) designs; creative art therapy; informal learning; education; forensics

    How can we make electronic dictionaries more effective?

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    Pre-publication draft. Not for quotation or copying.This chapter examines some of the ways in which electronic dictionaries of today can be further improved so as to serve human users better. The focus is on two major areas: effective access to lexicographic data and novel types of data. In terms of access, I consider how electronic dictionaries can help in situations when users are unsure about the spelling of the word they want o lookup. Two further issues discussed are efficient entry navigation and access to multi-word expressions. In the second part of the chapter I discuss the degree to which the use of multimedia can benefit electronic dictionaries. This includes audio (recorded or synthesized), static pictorials, as well as animations and videos. Preliminary research indicates that not all of the above may be equally useful for dictionary users

    A study of the effects of ageing on the characteristics of handwriting and signatures

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    The work presented in this thesis is focused on the understanding of factors that are unique to the elderly and their use of biometric systems. In particular, an investigation is carried out with a focus on the handwritten signature as the biometric modality of choice. This followed on from an in-depth analysis of various biometric modalities such as voice, fingerprint and face. This analysis aimed at investigating the inclusivity of and the policy guiding the use of biometrics by the elderly. Knowledge gained from extracted features of the handwritten signatures of the elderly shed more light on and exposed the uniqueness of some of these features in their ability to separate the elderly from the young. Consideration is also given to a comparative analysis of another handwriting task, that of copying text both in cursive and block capitals. It was discovered that there are features that are unique to each task. Insight into the human perceptual capability in inspecting signatures, in assessing complexity and in judging imitations was gained by analysing responses to practical scenarios that applied human perceptual judgement. Features extracted from a newly created database containing handwritten signatures donated by elderly subjects allowed the possibility of analysing the intra-class variations that exist within the elderly population

    Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining

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    Due to the growth of computer technologies and web technologies, we can easily collect and store large amounts of text data. We can believe that the data include useful knowledge. Text mining techniques have been studied aggressively in order to extract the knowledge from the data since late 1990s. Even if many important techniques have been developed, the text mining research field continues to expand for the needs arising from various application fields. This book is composed of 9 chapters introducing advanced text mining techniques. They are various techniques from relation extraction to under or less resourced language. I believe that this book will give new knowledge in the text mining field and help many readers open their new research fields

    Personalized large scale classification of public tenders on hadoop

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    Ce projet a été réalisé dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre Fujitsu Canada et Université Laval. Les besoins du projets ont été centrés sur une problématique d’affaire définie conjointement avec Fujitsu. Le projet consistait à classifier un corpus d’appels d’offres électroniques avec une approche orienté big data. L’objectif était d’identifier avec un très fort rappel les offres pertinentes au domaine d’affaire de l’entreprise. Après une séries d’expérimentations à petite échelle qui nous ont permise d’illustrer empiriquement (93% de rappel) l’efficacité de notre approche basé sur l’algorithme BNS (Bi-Normal Separation), nous avons implanté un système complet qui exploite l’infrastructure technologique big data Hadoop. Nos expérimentations sur le système complet démontrent qu’il est possible d’obtenir une performance de classification tout aussi efficace à grande échelle (91% de rappel) tout en exploitant les gains de performance rendus possible par l’architecture distribuée de Hadoop.This project was completed as part of an innovation partnership with Fujitsu Canada and Université Laval. The needs and objectives of the project were centered on a business problem defined jointly with Fujitsu. Our project aimed to classify a corpus of electronic public tenders based on state of the art Hadoop big data technology. The objective was to identify with high recall public tenders relevant to the IT services business of Fujitsu Canada. A small scale prototype based on the BNS algorithm (Bi-Normal Separation) was empirically shown to classify with high recall (93%) the public tender corpus. The prototype was then re-implemented on a full scale Hadoop cluster using Apache Pig for the data preparation pipeline and using Apache Mahout for classification. Our experimentation show that the large scale system not only maintains high recall (91%) on the classification task, but can readily take advantage of the massive scalability gains made possible by Hadoop’s distributed architecture

    Design and Development of a Human Gesture Recognition System in Tridimensional Interactive Virtual Environment

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    This thesis describes the design and the development of a recognition system for human gestures. The main goal of this work is to demonstrate the possibility to extract enough information, both semantic and quantitative, from the human action, to perform complex tasks in a virtual environment. To manage the complexity and the variability adaptive systems are exploited, both in building a codebook (by unsupervised neural networks), and to recognize the sequence of symbols describing a gesture (by Hidden Markov models)
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