1,640 research outputs found

    Enriched property ontology for knowledge systems : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Information Systems in Information Systems, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    "It is obvious that every individual thing or event has an indefinite number of properties or attributes observable in it and might therefore be considered as belonging to an indefinite number of different classes of things" [Venn 1876]. The world in which we try to mimic in Knowledge Based (KB) Systems is essentially extremely complex especially when we attempt to develop systems that cover a domain of discourse with an almost infinite number of possible properties. Thus if we are to develop such systems how do we know what properties we wish to extract to make a decision and how do we ensure the value of our findings are the most relevant in our decision making. Equally how do we have tractable computations, considering the potential computation complexity of systems required for decision making within a very large domain. In this thesis we consider this problem in terms of medical decision making. Medical KB systems have the potential to be very useful aids for diagnosis, medical guidance and patient data monitoring. For example in a diagnostic process in certain scenarios patients may provide various potential symptoms of a disease and have defining characteristics. Although considerable information could be obtained, there may be difficulty in correlating a patient's data to known diseases in an economic and efficient manner. This would occur where a practitioner lacks a specific specialised knowledge. Considering the vastness of knowledge in the domain of medicine this could occur frequently. For example a Physician with considerable experience in a specialised domain such as breast cancer may easily be able to diagnose patients and decide on the value of appropriate symptoms given an abstraction process however an inexperienced Physician or Generalist may not have this facility.[FROM INTRODUCTION

    Hierarchical skeletal plan refinement : task- and inference structures

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    This paper presents the task- and inference structure for skeletal plan refinement which was developed for lathe production planning, the application domain of the ARC-TEC project. Two inference structures are discussed: a global inference structure which was developed in the first phase of knowledge acquisition and a more detailed inference structure which builds on the hierarchical organization of the skeletal plans. The described models are evaluated with respect to their cognitive adequacy and their scope of application. The benefits and limitations of the KADS knowledge acquisition methodology are discussed with respect to the development of the two models

    The model-based construction of a case-oriented expert system

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    Second generation expert systems should be based upon an expert\u27s high level understanding of the application domain and upon specific real world experiences. By having an expert categorize different types of relevant experiences and their components, hierarchies of abstract problems and operator classes are determined on the basis of the expert\u27s accumulated problem solving experiences. The expert\u27s global understanding of the domain is integrated with the experiences by a model of expertise. This model postulates problem classes at different levels of abstractions and associated skeletal plans. During a consultation with the expert system previously unseen types of input may be used to delineate a new problem. The application of the expert system can thus be situated in changing environments and contexts. With increasing dissimilarity between the cases that were analyzed during knowledge acquisition and the specific problem that is processed at the time of the application of the system, its performance gracefully degrades by supplying a more and more abstract skeletal plan. More specifically, the search space which is represented by the skeletal plan increases until the competence of the system is exceeded. This paper describes how such a case-oriented expert system is developed for production planning in mechanical engineering

    Integrated knowledge acquisition from text, previously solved cases, and expert memories

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    Within the model-based knowledge engineering framework, an integrated knowledge acquisition method was developed for a complex real-world domain with different traces of expertise. By having an expert constructively explain the previously solved cases with more general information from other traces of expertise (text, expert memories) a model-centered knowledge base is constructed. The proposed method allows for an early knowledge verification where the relevance, sufficiency, redundancy, and consistency of knowledge are already assessed at an informal level. The early knowledge verification efficiently prepares the consecutive knowledge formalization. Through a cognitively adequate model of expertise and the explanation-oriented knowledge elicitation procedures, user friendly second generation expert systems may be developed

    Dates, Diet, and Dismemberment: Evidence from the Coldrum Megalithic Monument, Kent

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    We present radiocarbon dates, stable isotope data, and osteological analysis of the remains of a minimum of 17 individuals deposited in the western part of the burial chamber at Coldrum, Kent. This is one of the Medway group of megalithic monuments – sites with shared architectural motifs and no very close parallels elsewhere in Britain – whose location has been seen as important in terms of the origins of Neolithic material culture and practices in Britain. The osteological analysis identified the largest assemblage of cut-marked human bone yet reported from a British early Neolithic chambered tomb; these modifications were probably undertaken as part of burial practices. The stable isotope dataset shows very enriched & 15N values, the causes of which are not entirely clear, but could include consumption of freshwater fish resources. Bayesian statistical modelling of the radiocarbon dates demonstrates that Coldrum is an early example of a British Neolithic burial monument, though the tomb was perhaps not part of the earliest Neolithic evidence in the Greater Thames Estuary. The site was probably initiated after the first appearance of other early Neolithic regional phenomena including an inhumation burial, early Neolithic pottery and a characteristic early Neolithic post-and-slot structure, and perhaps of Neolithic flint extraction in the Sussex mines. Coldrum is the only site in the Medway monument group to have samples which have been radiocarbon dated, and is important both for regional studies of the early Neolithic and wider narratives of the processes, timing, and tempo of Neolithisation across Britai

    Decline and fall of the Ediacarans: late-Neoproterozoic extinctions and the rise of the modern biosphere

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    The end-Neoproterozoic transition marked a gradual but permanent shift between distinct configurations of Earth's biosphere. This interval witnessed the demise of the enigmatic Ediacaran Biota, ushering in the structured trophic webs and disparate animal body plans of Phanerozoic ecosystems. However, little consensus exists on the reality, drivers, and macroevolutionary implications of end-Neoproterozoic extinctions. Here we evaluate potential drivers of late-Neoproterozoic turnover by addressing recent findings on Ediacaran geochronology, the persistence of classical Ediacaran macrobionts into the Cambrian, and the existence of Ediacaran crown-group eumetazoans. Despite renewed interest in the possibility of Phanerozoic-style ‘mass extinctions’ in the latest Neoproterozoic, our synthesis of the available evidence does not support extinction models based on episodic geochemical triggers, nor does it validate simple ecological interpretations centred on direct competitive displacement. Instead, we argue that the protracted and indirect effects of early bilaterian innovations, including escalations in sediment engineering, predation, and the largely understudied impacts of reef-building, may best account for the temporal structure and possible selectivity of late-Neoproterozoic extinctions. We integrate these processes into a generalised model of early eumetazoan-dominated ecologies, charting the disruption of spatial and temporal isotropy on the Ediacaran benthos as a consequence of diversifying macrofaunal interactions. Given the nature of resource distribution in Ediacaran ecologies, the continuities among Ediacaran and Cambrian faunas, and the convergent origins of ecologically disruptive innovations among bilaterians we suggest that the rise of Phanerozoic-type biotas may have been unstoppable

    Respiratory, postural and spatio-kinetic motor stabilization, internal models, top-down timed motor coordination and expanded cerebello-cerebral circuitry: a review

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    Human dexterity, bipedality, and song/speech vocalization in Homo are reviewed within a motor evolution perspective in regard to 

(i) brain expansion in cerebello-cerebral circuitry, 
(ii) enhanced predictive internal modeling of body kinematics, body kinetics and action organization, 
(iii) motor mastery due to prolonged practice, 
(iv) task-determined top-down, and accurately timed feedforward motor adjustment of multiple-body/artifact elements, and 
(v) reduction in automatic preflex/spinal reflex mechanisms that would otherwise restrict such top-down processes. 

Dual-task interference and developmental neuroimaging research argues that such internal modeling based motor capabilities are concomitant with the evolution of 
(vi) enhanced attentional, executive function and other high-level cognitive processes, and that 
(vii) these provide dexterity, bipedality and vocalization with effector nonspecific neural resources. 

The possibility is also raised that such neural resources could 
(viii) underlie human internal model based nonmotor cognitions. 

    The model-based construction of a case-oriented expert system

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    Second generation expert systems should be based upon an expert's high level understanding of the application domain and upon specific real world experiences. By having an expert categorize different types of relevant experiences and their components, hierarchies of abstract problems and operator classes are determined on the basis of the expert's accumulated problem solving experiences. The expert's global understanding of the domain is integrated with the experiences by a model of expertise. This model postulates problem classes at different levels of abstractions and associated skeletal plans. During a consultation with the expert system previously unseen types of input may be used to delineate a new problem. The application of the expert system can thus be situated in changing environments and contexts. With increasing dissimilarity between the cases that were analyzed during knowledge acquisition and the specific problem that is processed at the time of the application of the system, its performance gracefully degrades by supplying a more and more abstract skeletal plan. More specifically, the search space which is represented by the skeletal plan increases until the competence of the system is exceeded. This paper describes how such a case-oriented expert system is developed for production planning in mechanical engineering

    The possibility conditions of narrative identity.

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    The focus of this dissertation is narrative identity theory, i.e. the proposition that our sense of self is structured like a story. The imputed advantage of narrativity identity is that it enables great coherence and guidance to our complex lives composed of multiple and often conflicting inner impulses and social demands. The manner in which this is accomplished is that narrativity functions metaphorically as a tacit, formative operation, which transfers the intelligibility inherent in the familiar domain of stories to the more elusive domain of personal identity. Narrativity is an epistemically efficient kind of discourse which can synthesize a multitude of elements into a unity called plot. A plot gives unity to the whole of a story and confers significance to its parts. Both narrativity and metaphoricity are the more recognizable products of an underlying mechanism both share, i.e. productive imagination. This faculty pervasively and continually configures the whole field of our experience, accentuating the relevant structures of our physical, social or inner, affective-mental environment (context) and projects the path through this environment towards a physical destiny, social accomplishment or resolution (direction). With the tools of classic Husserlian phenomenology and its radicalization in Heideggerian existential hermeneutics the main concepts of narrativity, metaphoricity and productive imagination can be further clarified and connected. This will enable a discussion about the question whether the ontological status of narrative identity can be construed such that either 1) personal identity merely has narrative cognition available as a pervasive, tacit tool to cope with life, or 2) whether our personal identity is nothing but the product of the productive The focus of this dissertation is narrative identity theory, i.e. the proposition that our sense of self is structured like a story. The imputed advantage of narrativity identity is that it enables great coherence and guidance to our complex lives composed of multiple and often conflicting inner impulses and social demands. The manner in which this is accomplished is that narrativity functions metaphorically as a tacit, formative operation, which transfers the intelligibility inherent in the familiar domain of stories to the more elusive domain of personal identity. Narrativity is an epistemically efficient kind of discourse which can synthesize a multitude of elements into a unity called plot. A plot gives unity to the whole of a story and confers significance to its parts. Both narrativity and metaphoricity are the more recognizable products of an underlying mechanism both share, i.e. productive imagination. This faculty pervasively and continually configures the whole field of our experience, accentuating the relevant structures of our physical, social or inner, affective-mental environment (context) and projects the path through this environment towards a physical destiny, social accomplishment or resolution (direction). With the tools of classic Husserlian phenomenology and its radicalization in Heideggerian existential hermeneutics the main concepts of narrativity, metaphoricity and productive imagination can be further clarified and connected. This will enable a discussion about the question whether the ontological status of narrative identity can be construed such that either 1) personal identity merely has narrative cognition available as a pervasive, tacit tool to cope with life, or 2) whether our personal identity is nothing but the product of the productive The focus of this dissertation is narrative identity theory, i.e. the proposition that our sense of self is structured like a story. The imputed advantage of narrativity identity is that it enables great coherence and guidance to our complex lives composed of multiple and often conflicting inner impulses and social demands. The manner in which this is accomplished is that narrativity functions metaphorically as a tacit, formative operation, which transfers the intelligibility inherent in the familiar domain of stories to the more elusive domain of personal identity. Narrativity is an epistemically efficient kind of discourse which can synthesize a multitude of elements into a unity called plot. A plot gives unity to the whole of a story and confers significance to its parts. Both narrativity and metaphoricity are the more recognizable products of an underlying mechanism both share, i.e. productive imagination. This faculty pervasively and continually configures the whole field of our experience, accentuating the relevant structures of our physical, social or inner, affective-mental environment (context) and projects the path through this environment towards a physical destiny, social accomplishment or resolution (direction). With the tools of classic Husserlian phenomenology and its radicalization in Heideggerian existential hermeneutics the main concepts of narrativity, metaphoricity and productive imagination can be further clarified and connected. This will enable a discussion about the question whether the ontological status of narrative identity can be construed such that either 1) personal identity merely has narrative cognition available as a pervasive, tacit tool to cope with life, or 2) whether our personamagination operating through narrativityl identity is nothing but the product of the productiv