82 research outputs found

    Monitoring of the colonization process at Tagoro submarine volcano, El Hierro Island (Spain), held during the first three years since its generation.

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    In October 2011, patches of pale-coloured water began appearing off the island’s southern coast, dead fish floated on the ocean surface, and locals noted a strong smell of sulphur in the air. These, it turned out, were the first signs of the first submarine volcanic eruption in the last 500 years of volcanology history of the Canary Islands at 1.8 km south of La Restinga village, some 400 metres below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. In that moment, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) together with both Canary Universities and other research institutions began to monitor the event. The eruption continued until March the following year, leaving the cone of the volcano just 88 metres below the water’s surface. Nowadays, the submarine volcano is still active in a degasification phase with a release of heat, gases and metals that produce significant physical-chemical anomalies in the surrounding waters. The volcano-affected area has exhibited responses that are occurring globally, making El Hierro a unique natural laboratory where the main climate change stressors are acting simultaneously. The results emerging from this volcanic eruption will help to improve the scientific understanding of how future climate change may impact marine biota. On the other hand, we now have the perfect opportunity to find out how the colonization process evolves in a new submarine volcanic habitat, i.e. without any previous inhabiting form of life and in such a young substrate. After the eruption event, new basaltic lava material covered the major part of the sea bottom of “El Mar de Las Calmas”, a Marine Reserve, damaging all previous habitats and living organisms. During my internship I will study and establish the colonization process that took place from 03/2012 to 03/2014 at the submarine volcano, bearing in mind the species diversification among time and place and the physical-chemical and biological conditions that made that possible. In order to do this, underwater visual techniques and dredges were used during three cruises

    Significant Release of Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients From the Shallow Submarine Volcano Tagoro (Canary Islands) Based on Seven-Year Monitoring

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    Tagoro, the shallow submarine volcano that erupted south of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) in October 2011, has been intensely monitored for over 7 years, from the early eruptive stage to the current degassing stage characterized by moderate hydrothermal activity. Here, we present a detailed study of the emissions of inorganic macronutrients (NO2– + NO3–, PO4, and Si(OH)4) comprising a dataset of over 3300 samples collected through three different sampling methodologies. Our results show a significant nutrient enrichment throughout the whole studied period, up to 8.8-fold (nitrate), 4.0-fold (phosphate), and 16.3-fold (silicate) in the water column, and larger enrichments of phosphate (10.5-fold) and silicate (325.4-fold), but not of nitrate, in the samples collected directly from the vents. We also provide some preliminary results showing ammonium (NH4+) concentrations up to 1.97 μM in the vent fluids as compared to 0.02 μM in the surrounding waters. Nutrient fluxes from the volcano during the degassing stage were estimated as 3.19 ± 1.17 mol m–2 year–1 (NO2– + NO3–), 0.02 ± 0.01 mol m–2 year–1 (PO4), and 0.60 ± 1.35 mol m–2 year–1 (Si(OH)4), comparable to other important nutrient sources in the region such as fluxes from the NW-African upwelling. Nutrient ratios were affected, with a minimum (NO3– + NO2–):PO4 ratio of 2.36:1; moreover, a linear correlation between silicate and temperature enabled the use of this nutrient as a mixing tracer. This study sheds light on how shallow hydrothermal systems impact the nutrient-poor upper waters of the ocean.En prens

    Impact of ashes from the 2022 Tonga volcanic eruption on satellite ocean color signatures

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    A powerful eruption within the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) volcano (20.64°S, 175.19°W) in the Kingdom of Tonga, occurred on 15 January 2022. The volcanic blast was enormous, leading many scientists to investigate the full impact and magnitude of this event via satellite observations. In this study, we describe a new ocean color signature from a discolored water patch created by the HTHH eruption using NASA and CMEMS products of satellite-derived biological and optical properties. Elevated surface chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) between 0.15 to 2.7 mg.m-3 was not associated with phytoplankton growth, but to basalt-andesitic ash material expelled by the volcano and into the ocean, which resulted in erroneous Chl-a estimates. Distribution of the patch over time was aligned with CMEMS ocean currents for 19 days. The gradual decrease of light attenuation or diffuse attenuation coefficient for downward irradiance at 490 nm, Kd(490), was interpreted as due to the sinking of ash particles with time. It is suggested that due to high porosity of 30-40%, a density close to that of seawater, ash particles stay suspended in the water column for more than 10 days with sustained high values of satellite-derived Chl-a, Kd(490), and particulate backscattering coefficient at 443 nm. The high attenuation of light due to ash, reducing the penetration depth to less than 10 meters during the first period after the eruption may have had implications on ecological processes and biogeochemical cycles in Tongan waters

    Exceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago

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    Alkaline mafic magmas forming intra-plate oceanic islands are believed to be strongly enriched in CO2 due to low-degree partial melting of enriched mantle sources. However, until now, such CO2 enhancement has not been verified by measuring CO2 degassing during a subaerial eruption. Here, we provide evidence of highly CO2-rich gas emissions during the 86-day 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma Island, in the Canary archipelago. Our results reveal sustained high plume CO2/SO2 ratios, which, when combined with SO2 fluxes, melt inclusion volatile contents and magma production rates at explosive and effusive vents, imply a magmatic CO2 content of 4.5 ± 1.5 wt%. The amount of CO2 released during the 2021 eruptive activity was 28 ± 14 Mt CO2. Extrapolating to the volume of alkaline mafic magmas forming La Palma alone (estimated as 4000 km3 erupted over 11 Ma), we infer a maximum CO2 emission into the ocean and atmosphere of 1016 moles of CO2, equivalent to 20% of the eruptive CO2 emissions from a large igneous province eruption, suggesting that the formation of the Canary volcanic archipelago produced a CO2 emission of similar magnitude as a large igneous province

    Hydrography applied to the mapping of submarine volcanoes

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    Technical advances in hydrographic studies of the seafloor and the progressive use of these techniques in oceanographic expeditions with scientific objectives, is generating greater collaborations between the hydrographic and oceanographic institutions. Coordination between the different institutions and the use of IHO criteria in the acquisition of bathymetric data in oceanographic expeditions, allow regional hydrographic offices to have an additional source of data for the improvement of the navigation charts. Meanwhile the Oceanographic Institutions will benefit by having validated bathymetric data of high precision. This product is of great interest in studies of submarine geological hazards where is necessary to have a very detailed knowledge of the seabed to determine possible morphological changes associated with the risk processes and the possible active structures. In addition, monitoring of active volcanoes need to have a good knowledge of changes in the physico-chemical properties of the water column, the possible changes in low intensity emissions (hot water, gas) can be detected with these studies in the overlying water masses.VersiĂłn del edito

    Seven good reasons for integrating terrestrial and marine spatial datasets in changing environments

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    A comprehensive understanding of environmental changes taking place in coastal regions relies on accurate integration of both terrestrial and submerged geo-environmental datasets. However, this practice is hardly implemented because of the high (or even prohibitive) survey costs required for submerged areas and the frequent low accessibility of shallow areas. In addition, geoscientists are used to working on land or at sea independently, making the integration even more challenging. Undoubtedly new methods and techniques of offshore investigation adopted over the last 50 years and the latest advances in computer vision have played a crucial role in allowing a seamless combination of terrestrial and marine data. Although efforts towards an innovative integration of geo-environmental data from above to underwater are still in their infancy, we have identified seven topics for which this integration could be of tremendous benefit for environmental research: (1) geomorphological mapping; (2) Late-Quaternary changes of coastal landscapes; (3) geoarchaeology; (4) geoheritage and geodiversity; (5) geohazards; (6) marine and landscape ecology; and (7) coastal planning and management. Our review indicates that the realization of seamless DTMs appears to be the basic condition to operate a comprehensive integration of marine and terrestrial data sets, so far exhaustively achieved in very few case studies. Technology and interdisciplinarity will be therefore critical for the development of a holistic approach to understand our changing environments and design appropriate management measures accordingly

    Hydrothermal system of Central Tenerife Volcanic Complex, Canary Islands (Spain), inferred from self-potential measurements

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