765 research outputs found

    10381 Summary and Abstracts Collection -- Robust Query Processing

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    Dagstuhl seminar 10381 on robust query processing (held 19.09.10 - 24.09.10) brought together a diverse set of researchers and practitioners with a broad range of expertise for the purpose of fostering discussion and collaboration regarding causes, opportunities, and solutions for achieving robust query processing. The seminar strove to build a unified view across the loosely-coupled system components responsible for the various stages of database query processing. Participants were chosen for their experience with database query processing and, where possible, their prior work in academic research or in product development towards robustness in database query processing. In order to pave the way to motivate, measure, and protect future advances in robust query processing, seminar 10381 focused on developing tests for measuring the robustness of query processing. In these proceedings, we first review the seminar topics, goals, and results, then present abstracts or notes of some of the seminar break-out sessions. We also include, as an appendix, the robust query processing reading list that was collected and distributed to participants before the seminar began, as well as summaries of a few of those papers that were contributed by some participants

    Density-Aware Linear Algebra in a Column-Oriented In-Memory Database System

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    Linear algebra operations appear in nearly every application in advanced analytics, machine learning, and of various science domains. Until today, many data analysts and scientists tend to use statistics software packages or hand-crafted solutions for their analysis. In the era of data deluge, however, the external statistics packages and custom analysis programs that often run on single-workstations are incapable to keep up with the vast increase in data volume and size. In particular, there is an increasing demand of scientists for large scale data manipulation, orchestration, and advanced data management capabilities. These are among the key features of a mature relational database management system (DBMS). With the rise of main memory database systems, it now has become feasible to also consider applications that built up on linear algebra. This thesis presents a deep integration of linear algebra functionality into an in-memory column-oriented database system. In particular, this work shows that it has become feasible to execute linear algebra queries on large data sets directly in a DBMS-integrated engine (LAPEG), without the need of transferring data and being restricted by hard disc latencies. From various application examples that are cited in this work, we deduce a number of requirements that are relevant for a database system that includes linear algebra functionality. Beside the deep integration of matrices and numerical algorithms, these include optimization of expressions, transparent matrix handling, scalability and data-parallelism, and data manipulation capabilities. These requirements are addressed by our linear algebra engine. In particular, the core contributions of this thesis are: firstly, we show that the columnar storage layer of an in-memory DBMS yields an easy adoption of efficient sparse matrix data types and algorithms. Furthermore, we show that the execution of linear algebra expressions significantly benefits from different techniques that are inspired from database technology. In a novel way, we implemented several of these optimization strategies in LAPEG’s optimizer (SpMachO), which uses an advanced density estimation method (SpProdest) to predict the matrix density of intermediate results. Moreover, we present an adaptive matrix data type AT Matrix to obviate the need of scientists for selecting appropriate matrix representations. The tiled substructure of AT Matrix is exploited by our matrix multiplication to saturate the different sockets of a multicore main-memory platform, reaching up to a speed-up of 6x compared to alternative approaches. Finally, a major part of this thesis is devoted to the topic of data manipulation; where we propose a matrix manipulation API and present different mutable matrix types to enable fast insertions and deletes. We finally conclude that our linear algebra engine is well-suited to process dynamic, large matrix workloads in an optimized way. In particular, the DBMS-integrated LAPEG is filling the linear algebra gap, and makes columnar in-memory DBMS attractive as efficient, scalable ad-hoc analysis platform for scientists

    Stealth databases : ensuring user-controlled queries in untrusted cloud environments

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    Sensitive data is increasingly being hosted online in ubiquitous cloud storage services. Recent advances in multi-cloud service integration through provider multiplexing and data dispersion have alleviated most of the associated risks for hosting files which are retrieved by users for further processing. However, for structured data managed in databases, many issues remain, including the need to perform operations directly on the remote data to avoid costly transfers. In this paper, we motivate the need for distributed stealth databases which combine properties from structure-preserving dispersed file storage for capacity-saving increased availability with emerging work on structure-preserving encryption for on-demand increased confidentiality with controllable performance degradation. We contribute an analysis of operators executing in map-reduce or map-carry-reduce phases and derive performance statistics. Our prototype, StealthDB, demonstrates that for typical amounts of personal structured data, stealth databases are a convincing concept for taming untrusted and unsafe cloud environments

    Time Series Management Systems: A 2022 Survey

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    Qd-tree: Learning Data Layouts for Big Data Analytics

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    Corporations today collect data at an unprecedented and accelerating scale, making the need to run queries on large datasets increasingly important. Technologies such as columnar block-based data organization and compression have become standard practice in most commercial database systems. However, the problem of best assigning records to data blocks on storage is still open. For example, today's systems usually partition data by arrival time into row groups, or range/hash partition the data based on selected fields. For a given workload, however, such techniques are unable to optimize for the important metric of the number of blocks accessed by a query. This metric directly relates to the I/O cost, and therefore performance, of most analytical queries. Further, they are unable to exploit additional available storage to drive this metric down further. In this paper, we propose a new framework called a query-data routing tree, or qd-tree, to address this problem, and propose two algorithms for their construction based on greedy and deep reinforcement learning techniques. Experiments over benchmark and real workloads show that a qd-tree can provide physical speedups of more than an order of magnitude compared to current blocking schemes, and can reach within 2X of the lower bound for data skipping based on selectivity, while providing complete semantic descriptions of created blocks.Comment: ACM SIGMOD 202

    LeCo: Lightweight Compression via Learning Serial Correlations

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    Lightweight data compression is a key technique that allows column stores to exhibit superior performance for analytical queries. Despite a comprehensive study on dictionary-based encodings to approach Shannon's entropy, few prior works have systematically exploited the serial correlation in a column for compression. In this paper, we propose LeCo (i.e., Learned Compression), a framework that uses machine learning to remove the serial redundancy in a value sequence automatically to achieve an outstanding compression ratio and decompression performance simultaneously. LeCo presents a general approach to this end, making existing (ad-hoc) algorithms such as Frame-of-Reference (FOR), Delta Encoding, and Run-Length Encoding (RLE) special cases under our framework. Our microbenchmark with three synthetic and six real-world data sets shows that a prototype of LeCo achieves a Pareto improvement on both compression ratio and random access speed over the existing solutions. When integrating LeCo into widely-used applications, we observe up to 3.9x speed up in filter-scanning a Parquet file and a 16% increase in Rocksdb's throughput

    Local Learning Strategies for Data Management Components

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    In a world with an ever-increasing amount of data processed, providing tools for highquality and fast data processing is imperative. Database Management Systems (DBMSs) are complex adaptive systems supplying reliable and fast data analysis and storage capabilities. To boost the usability of DBMSs even further, a core research area of databases is performance optimization, especially for query processing. With the successful application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in other research areas, the question arises in the database community if ML can also be beneficial for better data processing in DBMSs. This question has spawned various works successfully replacing DBMS components with ML models. However, these global models have four common drawbacks due to their large, complex, and inflexible one-size-fits-all structures. These drawbacks are the high complexity of model architectures, the lower prediction quality, the slow training, and the slow forward passes. All these drawbacks stem from the core expectation to solve a certain problem with one large model at once. The full potential of ML models as DBMS components cannot be reached with a global model because the model’s complexity is outmatched by the problem’s complexity. Therefore, we present a novel general strategy for using ML models to solve data management problems and to replace DBMS components. The novel strategy is based on four advantages derived from the four disadvantages of global learning strategies. In essence, our local learning strategy utilizes divide-and-conquer to place less complex but more expressive models specializing in sub-problems of a data management problem. It splits the problem space into less complex parts that can be solved with lightweight models. This circumvents the one-size-fits-all characteristics and drawbacks of global models. We will show that this approach and the lesser complexity of the specialized local models lead to better problem-solving qualities and DBMS performance. The local learning strategy is applied and evaluated in three crucial use cases to replace DBMS components with ML models. These are cardinality estimation, query optimizer hinting, and integer algorithm selection. In all three applications, the benefits of the local learning strategy are demonstrated and compared to related work. We also generalize the strategy’s usability for a broader application and formulate best practices with instructions for others

    Data center's telemetry reduction and prediction through modeling techniques

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    Nowadays, Cloud Computing is widely used to host and deliver services over the Internet. The architecture of clouds is complex due to its heterogeneous nature of hardware and is hosted in large scale data centers. To effectively and efficiently manage such complex infrastructure, constant monitoring is needed. This monitoring generates large amounts of telemetry data streams (e.g. hardware utilization metrics) which are used for multiple purposes including problem detection, resource management, workload characterization, resource utilization prediction, capacity planning, and job scheduling. These telemetry streams require costly bandwidth utilization and storage space particularly at medium-long term for large data centers. Moreover, accurate future estimation of these telemetry streams is a challenging task due to multi-tenant co-hosted applications and dynamic workloads. The inaccurate estimation leads to either under or over-provisioning of data center resources. In this Ph.D. thesis, we propose to improve the prediction accuracy and reduce the bandwidth utilization and storage space requirement with the help of modeling and prediction methods from machine learning. Most of the existing methods are based on a single model which often does not appropriately estimate different workload scenarios. Moreover, these prediction methods use a fixed size of observation windows which cannot produce accurate results because these are not adaptively adjusted to capture the local trends in the recent data. Therefore, the estimation method trains on fixed sliding windows use an irrelevant large number of observations which yields inaccurate estimations. In summary, we C1) efficiently reduce bandwidth and storage for telemetry data through real-time modeling using Markov chain model. C2) propose a novel method to adaptively and automatically identify the most appropriate model to accurately estimate data center resources utilization. C3) propose a deep learning-based adaptive window size selection method which dynamically limits the sliding window size to capture the local trend in the latest resource utilization for building estimation model.Hoy en día, Cloud Computing se usa ampliamente para alojar y prestar servicios a través de Internet. La arquitectura de las nubes es compleja debido a su naturaleza heterogénea del hardware y está alojada en centros de datos a gran escala. Para administrar de manera efectiva y eficiente dicha infraestructura compleja, se necesita un monitoreo constante. Este monitoreo genera grandes cantidades de flujos de datos de telemetría (por ejemplo, métricas de utilización de hardware) que se utilizan para múltiples propósitos, incluyendo detección de problemas, gestión de recursos, caracterización de carga de trabajo, predicción de utilización de recursos, planificación de capacidad y programación de trabajos. Estas transmisiones de telemetría requieren una utilización costosa del ancho de banda y espacio de almacenamiento, particularmente a mediano y largo plazo para grandes centros de datos. Además, la estimación futura precisa de estas transmisiones de telemetría es una tarea difícil debido a las aplicaciones cohospedadas de múltiples inquilinos y las cargas de trabajo dinámicas. La estimación inexacta conduce a un suministro insuficiente o excesivo de los recursos del centro de datos. En este Ph.D. En la tesis, proponemos mejorar la precisión de la predicción y reducir la utilización del ancho de banda y los requisitos de espacio de almacenamiento con la ayuda de métodos de modelado y predicción del aprendizaje automático. La mayoría de los métodos existentes se basan en un modelo único que a menudo no estima adecuadamente diferentes escenarios de carga de trabajo. Además, estos métodos de predicción utilizan un tamaño fijo de ventanas de observación que no pueden producir resultados precisos porque no se ajustan adaptativamente para capturar las tendencias locales en los datos recientes. Por lo tanto, el método de estimación entrena en ventanas corredizas fijas utiliza un gran número de observaciones irrelevantes que produce estimaciones inexactas. En resumen, C1) reducimos eficientemente el ancho de banda y el almacenamiento de datos de telemetría a través del modelado en tiempo real utilizando el modelo de cadena de Markov. C2) proponer un método novedoso para identificar de forma adaptativa y automática el modelo más apropiado para estimar con precisión la utilización de los recursos del centro de datos. C3) proponer un método de selección de tamaño de ventana adaptativo basado en el aprendizaje profundo que limita dinámicamente el tamaño de ventana deslizante para capturar la tendencia local en la última utilización de recursos para el modelo de estimación de construcción.Postprint (published version

    Big Data Security (Volume 3)

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    After a short description of the key concepts of big data the book explores on the secrecy and security threats posed especially by cloud based data storage. It delivers conceptual frameworks and models along with case studies of recent technology