63 research outputs found

    Motion Optimization using Modified Kalman Filter for Invers-Kinematics based Multi DOF Arm Robot

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    The development of technology today is very rapid, one of which is robotics technology. Currently robots have a very important role for human life, one of them is in the fields of health and medicine. This type of robot has evolved much like humans even though only certain parts, such as legs and arms. One of the imperfections of humans is paralysis of the arm. Paralysis in the arm is a disruption of motion in the human arm. Impaired function can be caused by genetic disorders, accidents or diseases. Research was developed to make a tool that is used to overcome these functional disorders. The robotics research developed is the exoskeleton robot for the arm. Exoskeleton is a supporting structure from the outside of the body. The exoskeleton has prospective applications for rehabilitation or assistive devices. This robot can help patients who are weak and paralyzed to regain independent life with the ability to carry out daily activities, especially in the movement of the arms. So in this paper examines the estimates for the angle velocities of shoulder joint and the angle velocities of elbow joint on the am robot, to determine the movement of the robot arm only on the x and y axes. The simulation result showed that the simulation with the lower error has an accuracy more than 96%. The Angle Velocities of Shoulder Joint error of x is 0.0195 rad/s, and Angle Velocities of Shoulder Joint which is 0.02883 rad/s

    State Variable Estimation of Nonisothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Using Fuzzy Kalman Filter

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    Increasing safety and product quality, reducing manufacturing cost, minimizing the impact of environment in fault detection system for Nonisothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) are the reason why accurate state estimation is needed. Kalman filter is an estimation algorithm of the stochastic linear dynamical system. Through this work, a modification of Kalman Filter that combines with fuzzy theory, namely Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF) is presented to estimate the state variable of Non-Isothermal CSTR. First, we approximate the nonlinear system of CSTR as piecewise linear functions and then change the crisp variable into the fuzzy form. The estimation results are simulated using Matlab. The simulation shows the comparison results, i.e computational time and accuracy, between FKF and Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). The final result of these case shows that FKF is better than EnKF to estimate the state variable of Nonisothermal CSTR. The error estimation of FKF is 72.9% smaller for estimation of reactans concentration, 39.9% smaller for tank temperature, 76.47% smaller for cooling jacket temperature and the computational time of FKF is 76.47% faster than the computational time of EnKF


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    The development of underwater defense technology is commonly related to its usage for security and defense of a country. The need of NKRI (the Republic of Indonesia) for an applicable and multifunctional technology for highly improved unmanned submarines is urgent considering the current necessity of unmanned technology modernization functioning as The Main Weapon System Equipments (ALUTSISTA) to be applied as a spy technology or automatic weapon. This paper focus is on a motion control system design with the motion equation of 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) applied to an unmanned submarine system or also called a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV). ROV requires a control system to control its maneuvering motion when underwater, especially in a straight line motion. The ROV motion equation of 2-DOF consisting of surge and roll motions is in the form of a nonlinear equation. The system control design applied to the ROV system used the Proportional Controller method combined with Sliding Mode Control. The simulation results of the Proportional SMC control system with the motion equation of 2-DOF on the ROV system show that the system is stable with an accuracy of surge and roll motions of 95% - 99%


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    Pemantauan terhadap kondisi bawah laut yang tidak terstruktur dan berbahaya memerlukan suatu alat (wahana) bawah air yang mampu mengatasi kondisi tersebut. Salah satu wahana yang dapat digunakan untuk pemantauan bawah laut tersebut adalah wahana nir awak bawah air yaitu AUV. AUV adalah perangkat robotik yang dikendalikan di dalam air dengan menggunakan sistem penggerak, dikontrol dan dikemudikan (dikendalikan) oleh perangkat komputer, dan bermanuver pada tiga dimensi. Penelitian ini mengembangkan estimasi posisi AUV menggunakan metode Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). EnKF digunakan sebagai metode estimasi posisi AUV yang bermanuver dalam 6 DOF (Degrees of Freedom) sesuai dengan lintasan yang ditentukan. Hasil estimasi tersebut dibandingkan dengan hasil estimasi pada penelitian sebelumnya yang menggunakan metode Fuzzy kalman Filter. Hasil estimasi tersebut disimulasikan dengan bantuan program Matlab. Simulasi menampilkan hasil estimasi posisi AUV menggunakan metode EnKF dengan beberapa jumlah ensemble yang berbeda dan perbandingan hasil estimasi antara metode Ensemble Kalman Filter dengan Fuzzy kalman Filter. Perbandingan tersebut menunjukan bahwa metode Ensemble Kalman Filter menghasilkan estimasi yang lebih bagus pada lintasan persamaan dinamik gerak AUV dengan error estimasi EnKF 92 % lebih kecil pada posisi x dan posisi y, 6.5 % lebih kecil pada posisi z, 93 % lebih kecil pada sudut dan waktu komputasi 50 % lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan estimasi FKF. Sedangkan Fuzzy Kalman Filter menghasilkan estimasi yang lebih bagus pada lintasan yang ditentuka

    Estimasi Lintasan AUV 3 Dimensi (3D) Dengan Ensemble Kalman Filter

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    AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) merupakan kapal selam tanpa awak yang sistem geraknya dikemudikan (dikendalikan) oleh perangkat komputer. Sistem gerak dari AUV membutuhkan sebuah navigasi dan guidance control yang mampu mengarahkan gerak AUV, sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah estimasi posisi AUV sesuai dengan lintasan yang diberikan. Penelitian ini mengembangkan estimasi posisi dari AUV Segorogeni ITS menggunakan metode atau algoritma Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) karena EnKF mampu mengestimasi persoalan berbentuk model sistem non linier dimana persamaan gerak dari AUV berbentuk non linear. Estimasi posisi dilakukan pada lintasan atau trayektori 3 dimensi (3D) yang dibangun dengan bantuan program Octave. Simulasi menampilkan hasil estimasi posisi AUV menggunakan algoritma EnKF dengan beberapa jumlah ensemble yang berbeda yaitu 50, 100, 200 dan 300 ensemble. Akurasi dari estimasi tersebut diukur dari nilai error hasil estimasi yaitu nilai RMSE (Root Mean Square Error). Hasil simulasi menunjukan rata-rata error estimasi yaitu 0.4 m posisi-x, 0.46 m posisi-y, 0.08 m posisi-z dan 0.1 m error sudut.AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) merupakan kapal selam tanpa awak yang sistem geraknya dikemudikan (dikendalikan) oleh perangkat komputer. Sistem gerak dari AUV membutuhkan sebuah navigasi dan guidance control yang mampu mengarahkan gerak AUV, sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah estimasi posisi AUV sesuai dengan lintasan yang diberikan. Penelitian ini mengembangkan estimasi posisi dari AUV Segorogeni ITS menggunakan metode atau algoritma Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) karena EnKF mampu mengestimasi persoalan berbentuk model sistem non linier dimana persamaan gerak dari AUV berbentuk non linear. Estimasi posisi dilakukan pada lintasan atau trayektori 3 dimensi (3D) yang dibangun dengan bantuan program Octave. Simulasi menampilkan hasil estimasi posisi AUV menggunakan algoritma EnKF dengan beberapa jumlah ensemble yang berbeda yaitu 50, 100, 200 dan 300 ensemble. Akurasi dari estimasi tersebut diukur dari nilai error hasil estimasi yaitu nilai RMSE (Root Mean Square Error). Hasil simulasi menunjukan rata-rata error estimasi yaitu 0.4 m posisi-x, 0.46 m posisi-y, 0.08 m posisi-z dan 0.1 m error sudut

    Ensemble Kalman Filter for Crude Oil Price Estimation

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    Oil has become the most important sector for the world economic sector. Since 1983, oil has been the main focus of economists after the known impact of oil prices on the economy of the United States after the Second World War. Oil has also been the key role to a world economy although its nature changes over time. The relationship between capital markets and commodities is one of the most challenging problems for investors. Turmoil in one market can affect other market price indexes. Crude Oil Prices are influenced by political conditions and weather-related factors, which can create an unexpected shift in influencing supply and demand. Oil price volatility can be resolved by estimating world crude oil prices so that economists can predict when world oil prices fall or rise and set policies in the purchase and use of crude oil. Estimates are made because a problem can normally be resolved using previous information or data related to the problem. The Kalman filter is a method of estimating the state variables from a discrete linear dynamic system that minimizes estimated covariance errors. The objective of this study is to estimate the price of crude oil using the Kalman Filter (KF) and Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) method. The simulation results show that the EnKF method has a high accuracy of less than 2% and KF method has accuracy of less than 8%

    Estimation of Packed Red Cells (PRC) in Bojonegoro blood bank using Modified Kalman Filter

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    Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) as a blood supply provider is required to meet the demand for blood, but in reality, the blood stock does not always meet the blood demand. The blood type stocks in the Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) relies on blood donors voluntarily donating their blood. Red blood cells only have a life span of 35 days as of the blood donation date. If overdue the blood cannot be used for transfusion. Fulfillment of the availability of blood is a very important thing. On one hand, too much blood stock results in significant losses, such as expiration. On the other hand, too low blood stock makes the people's blood needs unfulfilled. Therefore, this paper is an effort to estimate the blood supply at Indonesian Red Cross Bojonegoro by using the Modified Kalman Filter method. The Modified Kalman Filter is a comparison of two Kalman Filter development methods, those are Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Fuzzy Kalman Filter (FKF). The simulation results showed that the EKF method was accurate than the FKF method, with an error of 3 % generated by the EKF and that of 9% by the FKF


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    Abstrak—Proyektil merupakan bagian dari peluru yang meluncur di udara akibat adanya ekspansi termal yang terjadi di dalam selongsong. Salah satu jenis kaliber proyektil yang dikenal mempunyai daya hancur cukup tinggi adalah proyektil kaliber 12,7 × 99 mm. Dalam gerak proyektil yang sangat cepat di bawah pengaruh faktor temperatur dan kecepatan angin, diperlukan suatu estimasi untuk memperkirakan gerak proyektil agar dapat mencapai target dengan tepat. Oleh karena itu, pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan estimasi gerak proyektil di bawah pengaruh faktor temperatur dan kecepatan angin.menggunakan metode Ensemble Kalman Filter. Selanjutnya hasil dari simulasi metode Ensemble Kalman Filter dilakukan perbandingan dengan menggunakan metode Kalman Filter yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui keunggulan dari estimasi EnKF. Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa estimasi EnKF lebih baik dalam mengestimasi gerak proyektil dengan ditunjukkan persentase akurasi estimasi EnKF adalah 93.96 % untuk variabel V1, 97.54 % untuk variabel V2, dan 66.10 % untuk variabel V3
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