1,458 research outputs found

    Computational and chemical approaches to drug repurposing

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    Drug repurposing, which entails discovering novel therapeutic applications for already existing drugs, provides numerous benefits compared to conventional drug discovery methods. This strategy can be pursued through two primary approaches: computational and chemical. Computational methods involve the utilization of data mining and bioinformatics techniques to identify potential drug candidates, while chemical approaches involve experimental screens oriented to finding new potential treatments based on existing drugs. Both computational and chemical methods have proven successful in uncovering novel therapeutic uses for established drugs. During my PhD, I participated in several experimental drug repurposing screens based on high-throughput phenotypic approaches. Finally, attracted by the potential of computational drug repurposing pipelines, I decided to contribute and generate a web platform focused on the use of transcriptional signatures to identify potential new treatments for human disease. A summary of these studies follows: In Study I, we utilized the tetracycline repressor (tetR)-regulated mechanism to create a human osteosarcoma cell line (U2OS) with the ability to express TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) upon induction. TDP-43 is a protein known for its association with several neurodegenerative diseases. We implemented a chemical screening with this system as part of our efforts to repurpose approved drugs. While the screening was unsuccessful to identify modulators of TDP-43 toxicity, it revealed compounds capable of inhibiting the doxycyclinedependent TDP-43 expression. Furthermore, a complementary CRISPR/Cas9 screening using the same cell system identified additional regulators of doxycycline-dependent TDP43 expression. This investigation identifies new chemical and genetic modulators of the tetR system and highlights potential limitations of using this system for chemical or genetic screenings in mammalian cells. In Study II, our objective was to reposition compounds that could potentially reduce the toxic effects of a fragment of the Huntingtin (HTT) protein containing a 94 amino acid long glutamine stretch (Htt-Q94), a feature of Huntington's disease (HD). To achieve this, we carried out a high-throughput chemical screening using a varied collection of 1,214 drugs, largely sourced from a drug repurposing library. Through our screening process, we singled out clofazimine, an FDA-approved anti-leprosy drug, as a potential therapeutic candidate. Its effectiveness was validated across several in vitro models as well as a zebrafish model of polyglutamine (polyQ) toxicity. Employing a combination of computational analysis of transcriptional signatures, molecular modeling, and biochemical assays, we deduced that clofazimine is an agonist for the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ), a receptor previously suggested to be a viable therapeutic target for HD due to its role in promoting mitochondrial biogenesis. Notably, clofazimine was successful in alleviating the mitochondrial dysfunction triggered by the expression of Htt-Q94. These findings lend substantial support to the potential of clofazimine as a viable candidate for drug repurposing in the treatment of polyQ diseases. In Study III, we explored the molecular mechanism of a previously identified repurposing example, the use of diethyldithiocarbamate-copper complex (CuET), a disulfiram metabolite, for cancer treatment. We found CuET effectively inhibits cancer cell growth by targeting the NPL4 adapter of the p97VCP segregase, leading to translational arrest and stress in tumor cells. CuET also activates ribosomal biogenesis and autophagy in cancer cells, and its cytotoxicity can be enhanced by inhibiting these pathways. Thus, CuET shows promise as a cancer treatment, especially in combination therapies. In Study IV, we capitalized on the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB), one of the largest signature repositories, and drug transcriptomic profiles from the Connectivity Map (CMap) to construct a comprehensive and interactive drug-repurposing database called the Drug Repurposing Encyclopedia (DRE). Housing over 39.7 million pre-computed drugsignature associations across 20 species, the DRE allows users to conduct real-time drugrepurposing analysis. This can involve comparing user-supplied gene signatures with existing ones in the DRE, carrying out drug-gene set enrichment analyses (drug-GSEA) using submitted drug transcriptomic profiles, or conducting similarity analyses across all database signatures using user-provided gene sets. Overall, the DRE is an exhaustive database aimed at promoting drug repurposing based on transcriptional signatures, offering deep-dive comparisons across molecular signatures and species. Drug repurposing presents a valuable strategy for discovering fresh therapeutic applications for existing drugs, offering numerous benefits compared to conventional drug discovery methods. The studies conducted in this thesis underscore the potential of drug repurposing and highlight the complementary roles of computational and chemical approaches. These studies enhance our understanding of the mechanistic properties of repurposed drugs, such as clofazimine and disulfiram, and reveal novel mechanisms for targeting specific disease pathways. Additionally, the development of the DRE platform provides a comprehensive tool to support researchers in conducting drug-repositioning analyses, further facilitating the advancement of drug repurposing studies

    A Vavilovian approach to discovering crop-associated microbes with potential to enhance plant immunity

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    Through active associations with a diverse community of largely non-pathogenic microbes, a plant may be thought of as possessing an “extended genotype,” an interactive cross-organismal genome with potential, exploitable implications for plant immunity. The successful enrichment of plant microbiomes with beneficial species has led to numerous commercial applications, and the hunt for new biocontrol organisms continues. Increasingly flexible and affordable sequencing technologies, supported by increasingly comprehensive taxonomic databases, make the characterization of non-model crop-associated microbiomes a widely accessible research method toward this end; and such studies are becoming more frequent. A summary of this emerging literature reveals, however, the need for a more systematic research lens in the face of what is already a metagenomics data deluge. Considering the processes and consequences of crop evolution and domestication, we assert that the judicious integration of in situ crop wild relatives into phytobiome research efforts presents a singularly powerful tool for separating signal from noise, thereby facilitating a more efficient means of identifying candidate plant-associated microbes with the potential for enhancing the immunity and fitness of crop species

    Posterior Association Networks and Functional Modules Inferred from Rich Phenotypes of Gene Perturbations

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    Combinatorial gene perturbations provide rich information for a systematic exploration of genetic interactions. Despite successful applications to bacteria and yeast, the scalability of this approach remains a major challenge for higher organisms such as humans. Here, we report a novel experimental and computational framework to efficiently address this challenge by limiting the ‘search space’ for important genetic interactions. We propose to integrate rich phenotypes of multiple single gene perturbations to robustly predict functional modules, which can subsequently be subjected to further experimental investigations such as combinatorial gene silencing. We present posterior association networks (PANs) to predict functional interactions between genes estimated using a Bayesian mixture modelling approach. The major advantage of this approach over conventional hypothesis tests is that prior knowledge can be incorporated to enhance predictive power. We demonstrate in a simulation study and on biological data, that integrating complementary information greatly improves prediction accuracy. To search for significant modules, we perform hierarchical clustering with multiscale bootstrap resampling. We demonstrate the power of the proposed methodologies in applications to Ewing's sarcoma and human adult stem cells using publicly available and custom generated data, respectively. In the former application, we identify a gene module including many confirmed and highly promising therapeutic targets. Genes in the module are also significantly overrepresented in signalling pathways that are known to be critical for proliferation of Ewing's sarcoma cells. In the latter application, we predict a functional network of chromatin factors controlling epidermal stem cell fate. Further examinations using ChIP-seq, ChIP-qPCR and RT-qPCR reveal that the basis of their genetic interactions may arise from transcriptional cross regulation. A Bioconductor package implementing PAN is freely available online at http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/PANR.html

    Applications of Genome-Wide Screening and Systems Biology Approaches in Drug Repositioning

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    Simple Summary Drug repurposing is an accelerated route for drug development and a promising approach for finding medications for orphan and common diseases. Here, we compiled databases that comprise both computationally- or experimentally-derived data, and categorized them based on quiddity and origin of data, further focusing on those that present high throughput omic data or drug screens. These databases were then contextualized with genome-wide screening methods such as CRISPR/Cas9 and RNA interference, as well as state of art systems biology approaches that enable systematic characterizations of multi-omic data to find new indications for approved drugs or those that reached the latest phases of clinical trials. Modern drug discovery through de novo drug discovery entails high financial costs, low success rates, and lengthy trial periods. Drug repositioning presents a suitable approach for overcoming these issues by re-evaluating biological targets and modes of action of approved drugs. Coupling high-throughput technologies with genome-wide essentiality screens, network analysis, genome-scale metabolic modeling, and machine learning techniques enables the proposal of new drug-target signatures and uncovers unanticipated modes of action for available drugs. Here, we discuss the current issues associated with drug repositioning in light of curated high-throughput multi-omic databases, genome-wide screening technologies, and their application in systems biology/medicine approaches

    Systems biology approaches to a rational drug discovery paradigm

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    The published manuscript is available at EurekaSelect via http://www.eurekaselect.com/openurl/content.php?genre=article&doi=10.2174/1568026615666150826114524.Prathipati P., Mizuguchi K.. Systems biology approaches to a rational drug discovery paradigm. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 16, 9, 1009. https://doi.org/10.2174/1568026615666150826114524

    PhenoFam-gene set enrichment analysis through protein structural information

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the current technological advances in high-throughput biology, the necessity to develop tools that help to analyse the massive amount of data being generated is evident. A powerful method of inspecting large-scale data sets is gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and investigation of protein structural features can guide determining the function of individual genes. However, a convenient tool that combines these two features to aid in high-throughput data analysis has not been developed yet. In order to fill this niche, we developed the user-friendly, web-based application, PhenoFam.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PhenoFam performs gene set enrichment analysis by employing structural and functional information on families of protein domains as annotation terms. Our tool is designed to analyse complete sets of results from quantitative high-throughput studies (gene expression microarrays, functional RNAi screens, <it>etc</it>.) without prior pre-filtering or hits-selection steps. PhenoFam utilizes Ensembl databases to link a list of user-provided identifiers with protein features from the InterPro database, and assesses whether results associated with individual domains differ significantly from the overall population. To demonstrate the utility of PhenoFam we analysed a genome-wide RNA interference screen and discovered a novel function of plexins containing the cytoplasmic RasGAP domain. Furthermore, a PhenoFam analysis of breast cancer gene expression profiles revealed a link between breast carcinoma and altered expression of PX domain containing proteins.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PhenoFam provides a user-friendly, easily accessible web interface to perform GSEA based on high-throughput data sets and structural-functional protein information, and therefore aids in functional annotation of genes.</p

    Broad network-based predictability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene loss-of-function phenotypes

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    Loss-of-function phenotypes of yeast genes can be predicted from the loss-of-function phenotypes of their neighbours in functional gene networks. This could potentially be applied to the prediction of human disease genes

    Protein interactions across and between eukaryotic kingdoms: networks, inference strategies, integration of functional data and evolutionary dynamics

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityHow cellular elements coordinate their function is a fundamental question in biology. A crucial step towards understanding cellular systems is the mapping of physical interactions between protein, DNA, RNA and other macromolecules or metabolites. Genome-scale technologies have yielded protein-protein interaction networks for several eukaryotic species and have provided insight into biological processes and evolution, but many of the currently available networks are biased. Towards a true human protein-protein interaction network, we examined literature-based aggregations of lowthroughput experiments, high-throughput experimental networks validated using different strategies, and predicted interaction networks to infer how the underlying interactome may differ from current maps. Using systematically mapped interactome networks, which appear to be the least biased, we explored the functional organization of Arabidopsis thaliana and characterize the asymmetric divergence of duplicated paralogous proteins through their interaction profiles. To further dissect the relationship between interactions and function enforced by evolution, we investigated a first-of-its-kind systematic crossspecies human-yeast hybrid interactome network. Although the cross-species network is topologically similar to conventional intra-species networks, we found signatures of dynamic changes in interaction propensities due to countervailing evolutionary forces. Collectively, these analyses of human, plant and yeast interactome networks bridge separate experiments to characterize bias, function and evolution across eukaryotic kingdoms

    Directing Experimental Biology: A Case Study in Mitochondrial Biogenesis

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    Computational approaches have promised to organize collections of functional genomics data into testable predictions of gene and protein involvement in biological processes and pathways. However, few such predictions have been experimentally validated on a large scale, leaving many bioinformatic methods unproven and underutilized in the biology community. Further, it remains unclear what biological concerns should be taken into account when using computational methods to drive real-world experimental efforts. To investigate these concerns and to establish the utility of computational predictions of gene function, we experimentally tested hundreds of predictions generated from an ensemble of three complementary methods for the process of mitochondrial organization and biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The biological data with respect to the mitochondria are presented in a companion manuscript published in PLoS Genetics (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000407). Here we analyze and explore the results of this study that are broadly applicable for computationalists applying gene function prediction techniques, including a new experimental comparison with 48 genes representing the genomic background. Our study leads to several conclusions that are important to consider when driving laboratory investigations using computational prediction approaches. While most genes in yeast are already known to participate in at least one biological process, we confirm that genes with known functions can still be strong candidates for annotation of additional gene functions. We find that different analysis techniques and different underlying data can both greatly affect the types of functional predictions produced by computational methods. This diversity allows an ensemble of techniques to substantially broaden the biological scope and breadth of predictions. We also find that performing prediction and validation steps iteratively allows us to more completely characterize a biological area of interest. While this study focused on a specific functional area in yeast, many of these observations may be useful in the contexts of other processes and organisms