112 research outputs found

    Studies on automatic parallelization for heterogeneous and homogeneous multicore processors

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3537号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/2/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新587

    Evaluating the performance of software distributed shared memory as a target for parallelizing compilers

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    In this paper we evaluate the use of software distributed shared memory (DSM) on a message passing machine as the target for a parallelizing compiler. We compare this approach to compiler-generated message passing, hand-coded software DSM and hand-coded message passing. For this comparison, we use six applications: four that are regular and two that are irregular: Our results are gathered on an 8-node IBM SP/2 using the TreadMarks software DSM system. We use the APR shared-memory (SPF) compiler to generate the shared memory-programs and the APR XHPF compiler to generate message passing programs. The hand-coded message passing programs run with the IBM PVMe optimized message passing library. On the regular programs, both the compiler-generated and the hand-coded message passing outperform the SPF/TreadMarks combination: the compiler-generated message passing by 5.5% to 40%, and the hand-coded message passing by 7.5% to 49%. On the irregular programs, the SPF/TreadMarks combination outperforms the compiler-generated message passing by 38% and 89%, and only slightly underperforms the hand-coded message passing, differing by 4.4% and 16%. We also identify the factors that account for the performance differences, estimate their relative importance, and describe methods to improve the performanc

    OpenMP on Networks of Workstations

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    We describe an implementation of a sizable subset of OpenMP on networks of workstations (NOWs). By extending the availability of OpenMP to NOWs, we overcome one of its primary drawbacks compared to MPI, namely lack of portability to environments other than hardware shared memory machines. In order to support OpenMP execution on NOWs, our compiler targets a software distributed shared memory system (DSM) which provides multi-threaded execution and memory consistency. This paper presents two contributions. First, we identify two aspects of the current OpenMP standard that make an implementation on NOWs hard, and suggest simple modifications to the standard that remedy the situation. These problems reflect differences in memory architecture between software and hardware shared memory and the high cost of synchronization on NOWs. Second, we present performance results of a prototype implementation of an OpenMP subset on a NOW, and compare them with hand-coded software DSM and MPI results for the same applications on the same platform. We use five applications (ASCI Sweep3d, NAS 3D- FFT, SPLASH-2 Water, QSORT, and TSP) exhibiting various styles of parallelization, including pipelined execution, data parallelism, coarse-grained parallelism, and task queues. The measurements show little difference between OpenMP and hand-coded software DSM, but both are still lagging behind MPI. Further work will concentrate on compiler optimization to reduce these differences

    Automatic translation of non-repetitive OpenMP to MPI

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    Cluster platforms with distributed-memory architectures are becoming increasingly available low-cost solutions for high performance computing. Delivering a productive programming environment that hides the complexity of clusters and allows writing efficient programs is urgently needed. Despite multiple efforts to provide shared memory abstraction, message-passing (MPI) is still the state-of-the-art programming model for distributed-memory architectures. ^ Writing efficient MPI programs is challenging. In contrast, OpenMP is a shared-memory programming model that is known for its programming productivity. Researchers introduced automatic source-to-source translation schemes from OpenMP to MPI so that programmers can use OpenMP while targeting clusters. Those schemes limited their focus on OpenMP programs with repetitive communication patterns (where the analysis of communication can be simplified). This dissertation reduces this limitation and presents a novel OpenMP-to-MPI translation scheme that covers OpenMP programs with both repetitive and non-repetitive communication patterns. We target laboratory-size clusters of ten to hundred nodes (commonly found in research laboratories and small enterprises). ^ With our translation scheme, six non-repetitive and four repetitive OpenMP benchmarks have been efficiently scaled to a cluster of 64 cores. By contrast, the state-of-the-art translator scaled only the four repetitive benchmarks. In addition, our translation scheme was shown to outperform or perform as well as the state-of-the-art translator. We also compare the translation scheme with available hand-coded MPI and Unified Parallel C (UPC) programs

    Shared memory as a basis for conservative distributed architectural simulation

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    Journal ArticleThis paper describes experience in parallelizing an execution-driven architectural simulation system used in the development and evaluation of the Avalanche distributed architecture. It reports on a specific application of conservative distributed simulation on a shared memory platform. Various communication-intensive synchronization algorithms are described and evaluated. Performance results on a bus-based shared memory platform are reported, and extension and scalability of the implementation to larger distributed shared memory configurations are discussed. Also addressed are specific characteristics of architectural simulations that contribute to decisions relating to the conservatism of the approach and to the achievable performance

    Java in the High Performance Computing arena: Research, practice and experience

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Science of Computer Programming. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2011.06.002[Abstract] The rising interest in Java for High Performance Computing (HPC) is based on the appealing features of this language for programming multi-core cluster architectures, particularly the built-in networking and multithreading support, and the continuous increase in Java Virtual Machine (JVM) performance. However, its adoption in this area is being delayed by the lack of analysis of the existing programming options in Java for HPC and thorough and up-to-date evaluations of their performance, as well as the unawareness on current research projects in this field, whose solutions are needed in order to boost the embracement of Java in HPC. This paper analyzes the current state of Java for HPC, both for shared and distributed memory programming, presents related research projects, and finally, evaluates the performance of current Java HPC solutions and research developments on two shared memory environments and two InfiniBand multi-core clusters. The main conclusions are that: (1) the significant interest in Java for HPC has led to the development of numerous projects, although usually quite modest, which may have prevented a higher development of Java in this field; (2) Java can achieve almost similar performance to natively compiled languages, both for sequential and parallel applications, being an alternative for HPC programming; (3) the recent advances in the efficient support of Java communications on shared memory and low-latency networks are bridging the gap between Java and natively compiled applications in HPC. Thus, the good prospects of Java in this area are attracting the attention of both industry and academia, which can take significant advantage of Java adoption in HPC.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; TIN2010-16735Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; AP2009-211

    Combining Compile-Time and Run-Time Support for Efficient Distributed Shared Memory

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    We describe an integrated compile-time and run-time system for efficient shared memory parallel computing on distributed memory machines. The combined system presents the user with a shared memory programming model, with its well-known benefits in terms of ease of use. The run-time system implements a consistent shared memory abstraction using memory access detection and automatic data caching. The compiler improves the efficiency of the shared memory implementation by directing the run-time system to exploit the message passing capabilities of the underlying hardware. To do so, the compiler analyzes shared memory accesses, and transforms the code to insert calls to the run-time system that provide it with the access information computed by the compiler. The run-time system is augmented with the appropriate entry points to use this information to implement bulk data transfer and to reduce the overhead of run-time consistency maintenance. In those cases where the compiler analysis succeeds for the entire program, we demonstrate that the combined system achieves performance comparable to that produced by compilers that directly target message passing. If the compiler analysis is successful only for parts of the program, for instance, because of irregular accesses to some of the arrays, the resulting optimizations can be applied to those parts for which the analysis succeeds. If the compiler analysis fails entirely, we rely on the run-time’s maintenance of shared memory, and thereby avoid the complexity and the limitations of compilers that directly target message passing. The result is a single system that combines efficient support for both regular and irregular memory access patterns

    Efficient runtime systems for speculative parallelization

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    Manuelle Parallelisierung ist zeitaufwändig und fehleranfällig. Automatische Parallelisierung andererseits findet häufig nur einen Bruchteil der verfügbaren Parallelität. Mithilfe von Spekulation kann jedoch auch für komplexere Programme ein Großteil der Parallelität ausgenutzt werden. Spekulativ parallelisierte Programme benötigen zur Ausführung immer ein Laufzeitsystem, um die spekulativen Annahmen abzusichern und für den Fall des Nichtzutreffens die korrekte Ausführungssemantik sicherzustellen. Solche Laufzeitsysteme sollen die Ausführungszeit des parallelen Programms so wenig wie möglich beeinflussen. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir, inwiefern aktuelle Systeme, die Speicherzugriffe explizit und in Software beobachten, diese Anforderung erfüllen, und stellen Änderungen vor, die die Laufzeit massiv verbessern. Außerdem entwerfen wir zwei neue Systeme, die mithilfe von virtueller Speicherverwaltung das Programm indirekt beobachten und dadurch eine deutlich geringere Auswirkung auf die Laufzeit haben. Eines der vorgestellten Systeme ist mittels eines Moduls direkt in den Linux-Betriebssystemkern integriert und bietet so die bestmögliche Effizienz. Darüber hinaus bietet es weitreichendere Sicherheitsgarantien als alle bisherigen Techniken, indem sogar Systemaufrufe zum Beispiel zur Datei Ein- und Ausgabe in der spekulativen Isolation mit eingeschlossen sind. Wir zeigen an einer Reihe von Benchmarks die Überlegenheit unserer Spekulationssyteme über den derzeitigen Stand der Technik. Sämtliche unserer Erweiterungen und Neuentwicklungen stehen als open source zur freien Verfügung. Diese Arbeit ist in englischer Sprache verfasst.Manual parallelization is time consuming and error-prone. Automatic parallelization on the other hand is often unable to extract substantial parallelism. Using speculation, however, most of the parallelism can be exploited even of complex programs. Speculatively parallelized programs always need a runtime system during execution in order to ensure the validity of the speculative assumptions, and to ensure the correct semantics even in the case of misspeculation. These runtime systems should influence the execution time of the parallel program as little as possible. In this thesis, we investigate to which extend state-of-the-art systems which track memory accesses explicitly in software fulfill this requirement. We describe and implement changes which improve their performance substantially. We also design two new systems utilizing virtual memory abstraction to track memory changed implicitly, thus causing less overhead during execution. One of the new systems is integrated into the Linux kernel as a kernel module, providing the best possible performance. Furthermore it provides stronger soundness guarantees than any state-of-the-art system by also capturing system calls, hence including for example file I/O into speculative isolation. In a number of benchmarks we show the performance improvements of our virtual memory based systems over the state of the art. All our extensions and newly developed speculation systems are made available as open source

    Distributed Shared Memory based Live VM Migration

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    Cloud computing is the new trend in computing services and IT industry, this computing paradigm has numerous benefits to utilize IT infrastructure resources and reduce services cost. The key feature of cloud computing depends on mobility and scalability of the computing resources, by managing virtual machines. The virtualization decouples the software from the hardware and manages the software and hardware resources in an easy way without interruption of services. Live virtual machine migration is an essential tool for dynamic resource management in current data centers. Live virtual machine is defined as the process of moving a running virtual machine or application between different physical machines without disconnecting the client or application. Many techniques have been developed to achieve this goal based on several metrics (total migration time, downtime, size of data sent and application performance) that are used to measure the performance of live migration. These metrics measure the quality of the VM services that clients care about, because the main goal of clients is keeping the applications performance with minimum service interruption. The pre-copy live VM migration is done in four phases: preparation, iterative migration, stop and copy, and resume and commitment. During the preparation phase, the source and destination physical servers are selected, the resources in destination physical server are reserved, and the critical VM is selected to be migrated. The cloud manager responsibility is to make all of these decisions. VM state migration takes place and memory state is transferred to the target node during iterative migration phase. Meanwhile, the migrated VM continues to execute and dirties its memory. In the stop and copy phase, VM virtual CPU is stopped and then the processor and network states are transferred to the destination host. Service downtime results from stopping VM execution and moving the VM CPU and network states. Finally in the resume and commitment phase, the migrated VM is resumed running in the destination physical host, the remaining memory pages are pulled by destination machine from the source machine. The source machine resources are released and eliminated. In this thesis, pre-copy live VM migration using Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) computing model is proposed. The setup is built using two identical computation nodes to construct all the proposed environment services architecture namely the virtualization infrastructure (Xenserver6.2 hypervisor), the shared storage server (the network file system), and the DSM and High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. The custom DSM framework is based on a low latency memory update named Grappa. Moreover, HPC cluster is used to parallelize the work load by using CPUs computation nodes. HPC cluster employs OPENMPI and MPI libraries to support parallelization and auto-parallelization. The DSM allows the cluster CPUs to access the same memory space pages resulting in less memory data updates, which reduces the amount of data transferred through the network. The thesis proposed model achieves a good enhancement of the live VM migration metrics. Downtime is reduced by 50 % in the idle workload of Windows VM and 66.6% in case of Ubuntu Linux idle workload. In general, the proposed model not only reduces the downtime and the total amount of data sent, but also does not degrade other metrics like the total migration time and the applications performance