432 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Structure of Multi-Optimised Networks

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    Structure and dynamics of core-periphery networks

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    Recent studies uncovered important core/periphery network structures characterizing complex sets of cooperative and competitive interactions between network nodes, be they proteins, cells, species or humans. Better characterization of the structure, dynamics and function of core/periphery networks is a key step of our understanding cellular functions, species adaptation, social and market changes. Here we summarize the current knowledge of the structure and dynamics of "traditional" core/periphery networks, rich-clubs, nested, bow-tie and onion networks. Comparing core/periphery structures with network modules, we discriminate between global and local cores. The core/periphery network organization lies in the middle of several extreme properties, such as random/condensed structures, clique/star configurations, network symmetry/asymmetry, network assortativity/disassortativity, as well as network hierarchy/anti-hierarchy. These properties of high complexity together with the large degeneracy of core pathways ensuring cooperation and providing multiple options of network flow re-channelling greatly contribute to the high robustness of complex systems. Core processes enable a coordinated response to various stimuli, decrease noise, and evolve slowly. The integrative function of network cores is an important step in the development of a large variety of complex organisms and organizations. In addition to these important features and several decades of research interest, studies on core/periphery networks still have a number of unexplored areas.Comment: a comprehensive review of 41 pages, 2 figures, 1 table and 182 reference

    Fabricate 2020

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    Fabricate 2020 is the fourth title in the FABRICATE series on the theme of digital fabrication and published in conjunction with a triennial conference (London, April 2020). The book features cutting-edge built projects and work-in-progress from both academia and practice. It brings together pioneers in design and making from across the fields of architecture, construction, engineering, manufacturing, materials technology and computation. Fabricate 2020 includes 32 illustrated articles punctuated by four conversations between world-leading experts from design to engineering, discussing themes such as drawing-to-production, behavioural composites, robotic assembly, and digital craft

    Cohesive Subgraph Detection and Search in Large Graphs

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    Graphs are widely used to model complex networks in real-world applications. The identification and search for cohesive subgraphs are fundamental tasks in graph analysis. Despite the many models proposed to measure subgraph cohesiveness and solve tasks, there are notable gaps in the research. Specifically, current studies often overlook the higher-order information while modeling and the search for stable communities in signed social networks. This thesis aims to bridge these gaps by exploring these two issues. Firstly, k-peak is a well-regarded cohesive subgraph model in graph analysis. However, the k-peak model only considers the direct neighbors of a vertex, consequently limiting its capacity to uncover higher-order structural information of the graph. To address this limitation, we propose a new model in this thesis, named (k,h)-peak, which incorporates higher-order (h-hops) neighborhood information of vertices. Employing the (k,h)-peak model, we explore the higher-order peak decomposition problem that calculates the vertex peakness for all conceivable k values given a particular h. To tackle this problem efficiently, we propose an advanced local computation based algorithm, which is parallelizable, and additionally, devise novel pruning strategies to mitigate unnecessary computation. Experiments as well as case studies are conducted on real-world datasets to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed solutions. Secondly, most existing studies of community search focus on unsigned graphs, \ie treating all relationships as positive. However, friend-and-foe relationships naturally exist in many real-world applications. Ignoring the signed information may lead to unstable communities. To make up for these deficiencies, in this thesis, we study a novel stable community search called Signed k-Truss Community Search (STCS), which leverages the properties of k-truss and the balanced triangle theorem. Given a signed graph and a query vertex, the STCS returns the community that is densely connected (ensured by the k-truss model), query-centered (smallest diameter), and eliminates all the unbalanced structures. We prove that the problem of identifying the maximum signed k-truss community is NP-hard. To answer the STCS, we develop both exact and approximate algorithms. Specifically, we proposed the bottom-up exact approach in a BFS manner by integrating the local framework, shrinking strategy, and breaking strategy. In addition, to further improve the search efficiency, we propose a 2-approximation algorithm. To deal with large graphs, novel pruning strategies and algorithms are developed. Finally, we conduct experiments on real-world signed networks to evaluate the performance of proposed techniques


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    Many systems in the world can be represented as models of complex networks and subsequently be analysed fruitfully. One fundamental property of the real-world networks is that they usually exhibit inhomogeneity in which the network tends to organise according to an underlying modular structure, commonly referred to as community structure or clustering. Analysing such communities in large networks can help people better understand the structural makeup of the networks. For example, it can be used in mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks to improve the energy consumption and communication tasks. Thus, community detection in networks has become an important research area within many application fields such as computer science, physical sciences, mathematics and biology. Driven by the recent emergence of big data, clustering of real-world networks using traditional methods and algorithms is almost impossible to be processed in a single machine. The existing methods are limited by their computational requirements and most of them cannot be directly parallelised. Furthermore, in many cases the data set is very big and does not fit into the main memory of a single machine, therefore needs to be distributed among several machines. The main topic of this thesis is about network community detection within these big data networks. More specifically, in this thesis, a novel approach, namely Decentralized Iterative Community Clustering Approach (DICCA) for clustering large and undirected networks is introduced. An important property of this approach is its ability to cluster the entire network without the global knowledge of the network topology. Moreover, an extension of the DICCA called Parallel Decentralized Iterative Community Clustering approach (PDICCA) is proposed for efficiently processing data distributed across several machines. PDICCA is based on MapReduce computing platform to work efficiently in distributed and parallel fashion. In addition, the real-world networks are usually noisy and imperfect with missing and false edges. These imperfections are often difficult to eliminate and highly affect the quality and accuracy of conventional methods used to find the community structure in the network. However, in real-world networks, node attribute information is also available in addition to topology information. Considering more than one source of information for community detection could produce meaningful clusters and improve the robustness of the network. Therefore, a pre-processing approach that considers attribute information, shared neighbours and connectivity information aspects of the network for community detection is presented in this thesis as part of my research. Finally, a set of real-world mobile phone usage data obtained from Cambridge Laboratories (Device Analyzer) has been analysed as an exploratory step for viability to apply the algorithms developed in this thesis. All the proposed approaches have been evaluated and verified for feasibility using real-world large data set. The evaluation results of these experimentations prove very promising for the type of large data networks considered

    Graph Theoretic Approaches to Understand Resilience of Complex Systems

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    Modern society is critically dependent on a network of complex systems for almost every social and economic function. While increasing complexity in large-scale engineered systems offer many advantages including high efficiency, performance and robustness, it inadvertently makes them vulnerable to unanticipated perturbations. A disruption affecting even one component may result in large cascading impacts on the entire system due to high interconnectedness. Large direct and indirect impacts across national and international boundaries of natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, infrastructure failures like the Northeast blackout, epidemics like the H1N1 influenza, terrorist attacks like the 9/11, and social unrests like the Arab Spring are indicative of the vulnerability associated with growing complexity. There is an urgent need for a quantitative framework to understand resilience of complex systems with different system architectures. In this work, a novel framework is developed that integrates graph theory with statistical and modeling techniques for understanding interconnectedness, interdependencies, and resilience of distinct large-scale systems while remaining cognizant of domain specific details. The framework is applied to three diverse complex systems, 1) Critical Infrastructure Sectors (CIS) of the U.S economy, 2) the Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis (KIS), Denmark and 3) the London metro-rail infrastructure. These three systems are strategically chosen as they represent complex systems of distinct sizes and span different spatial scales. The framework is utilized for understanding the influence of both network structure level properties and local node and edge level properties on resilience of diverse complex systems. At the national scale, application of this framework on the U.S. economic network reveals that excessive interconnectedness and interdependencies among CIS significantly amplify impacts of targeted disruptions, and negatively influence its resilience. At the regional scale, analysis of KIS reveals that increasing diversity, redundancy, and multi-functionality is imperative for developing resilient and sustainable IS systems. At the urban scale, application of this framework on the London Metro system identifies stations and rail connections that are sources of functional and structural vulnerability, and must be secured for improving resilience. This framework provides a holistic perspective to understand and propose data-driven recommendations to strengthen resilience of large-scale complex engineered systems

    Learning Dynamic Network Models for Complex Social Systems

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    Human societies are inherently complex and highly dynamic, resulting in rapidly changing social networks, containing multiple types of dyadic interactions. Analyzing these time-varying multiplex networks with approaches developed for static, single layer networks often produces poor results. To address this problem, our approach is to explicitly learn the dynamics of these complex networks. This dissertation focuses on five problems: 1) learning link formation rates; 2) predicting changes in community membership; 3) using time series to predict changes in network structure; 4) modeling coevolution patterns across network layers and 5) extracting information from negative layers of a multiplex network. To study these problems, we created a rich dataset extracted from observing social interactions in the massively multiplayer online game Travian. Most online social media platforms are optimized to support a limited range of social interactions, primarily focusing on communication and information sharing. In contrast, relations in massively-multiplayer online games (MMOGs) are often formed during the course of gameplay and evolve as the game progresses. To analyze the players\u27 behavior, we constructed multiplex networks with link types for raid, communication, and trading. The contributions of this dissertation include 1) extensive experiments on the dynamics of networks formed from diverse social processes; 2) new game theoretic models for community detection in dynamic networks; 3) supervised and unsupervised methods for link prediction in multiplex coevolving networks for both positive and negative links. We demonstrate that our holistic approach for modeling network dynamics in coevolving, multiplex networks outperforms factored methods that separately consider temporal and cross-layer patterns
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