19,466 research outputs found

    English for Specific Purposes: a Need Analysis on English Course in Islamic Banking Department

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    This research was aimed at analyzing the type of English skills needed by the students of Islamic Banking (Perbankan Syariah) in IAIN Metro and figuring out the materials relevant to their needs. This was a qualitative study involving 25 students and 20 alumni who were working or had ever worked in the banks or BMTs. The data were obtained by employing interviews, questionnaires, documentation, and then analyzed by using Miles and Huberman model. The findings reveal that most of the students have less skill in English. However, the language skill that is needed at most by the students is speaking skill as the communicative skill and vocabulary as the language skill. It is also discovered that there are some problems, such as limited references, lack of supporting facilities, and learning duration that are encountered by both lecturers and the students. Then, referring to their needs, the materials do not yet accommodate the content focus in which the students can learn English related to banking issues. This research recommends that the syllabus should be revised and English should be taught in an integrative approach

    English for specific purposes

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    English for Specific Purposes: a Need Analysis at the Second Semester of Physics Education Students of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung in the Academic Year of 2015/2016

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    The objectives of this study are: (1) to explore the problems faced by physics students in ESP class, and (2) to reveal the needs of physics students in ESP class. The study was conducted in IAIN Raden Intan Lampung from April to June 2016. The participants of the study were 50 students at the second semester of physics education students of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung, and 4 ESP lecturers who taught ESP for physic students in the academic year of 2015/2016. The data were in the form of qualitative data which are taken from the interview and the questionnaire. The data were about the problems which are usually faced by physics students during learning English and the students\u27 needs and wants towards the ESP course in IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. The findings describe the students\u27 need of ESP for physics students, the lecturers\u27 view points on the practice of ESP instructions, and descriptions of problems commonly faced by ESP students in Physics Education of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung

    Chemical communications in English for Specific Purposes

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    This study e-book is recommended for classroom work with undergraduate students of the faculty of chemical technology. The main goal of the publication is to develop future chemists’ competences in English speaking, listening, reading, writing as well as development and improvement of translation skills. This book consists of five units and six creative projects which comprise real professional themes for teaching chemists. In addition, there are worksheets useful for group work. This e-book corresponds to the requirements of the study program of credit modules within the discipline “Foreign Language”.Цей навчальний посібник є електронним виданням, рекомендованим для роботи зі студентами першого курсу хіміко-технологічного факультету. Основною метою видання є формування у майбутніх хіміків англомовних мовленнєвих компетентностей в говорінні, аудіюванні, читанні, письмі, а також розвиток і вдосконалення вмінь в перекладі. Видання складається з п’яти розділів та шести креативних проєктів, які охоплюють актуальні професійні теми для навчання хіміків, а також містить роздатковий матеріал. Навчальний посібник відповідає вимогам робочої програми кредитних модулів дисципліни «Іноземна мова».Это учебное пособие является электронным изданием. Его рекомендуют для работы со студентами первого курса химико-технологического факультета. Главной целью издания является формирование у будущих химиков англоязычных речевых компетентностей в говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме, а также развитие и усовершенствование умений перевода. Издание состоит из пяти уроков и шести креативных проектов, которые охватывают актуальные профессиональные темы для обучения химиков, а также содержит раздаточный материал. Учебное пособие соответствует требованиям рабочей программы кредитных модулей дисциплины «Иностранный язык»

    English for specific purposes: Traditions, trends, directions

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    English for Specific Purposes (ESP) began around fifty years ago as a result of pressing worldwide demands for fast-paced language training in occupational and professional settings, rapid revolutions in theoretical linguistics, and burgeoning pressures on schools and educators to focus on, and to be responsive to, learners’ needs. It started within the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) but has gradually established itself as an autonomous subfield of Applied Linguistics (AL). This paper will review the origins, evolution, and status quo of ESP, and then predict the future directions of this important field. The theoretical, analytical, and methodological evolutions of ESP are reviewed, the positions of genre analysis, target language use situation analysis, and context in ESP are described, the ‘just-in-case’ EAP and ‘just-in-time’ EOP approaches are compared, and the text-first and context-first approaches to discourse structure analysis are compared. The paper predicts that ESP will adopt a wide-angled epistemological stance to survey the (a) discursive, (b) generic, (c) social, and (d) organizational structures of specialized texts and discourses, as well as those of texts and discourses simplified for the popularization of science, in a systematic and contextualized manner. ESP practitioners are also warned about the potential threats of teaching genres of power within ESP

    English for Specific Purposes

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    1965, evidence that there should eventually be found. Two scientists named Arno penzias and Robert Wilson discovered these waves by accident. And they get a Nober prize for this discovery. This radiation is called the cosmic Background Radiation. Radiation is invisibre to radiate from a particular source, but covers the entire space. Garmov was immediately realized that this radiation is an echo of the big bang that is still echoing from the explosion. ln 1989, NASA launched the COBE satellite (Cosmic Background Explorer) into space to do research on cosmic background radiation. This satellite is the first satellite launched to measure radiation. And just in time 8 minutes, the satellites can discover and prove the existence of radiation research penzias and Wilson. This finding is expressed as the greatest astronomical discoveries of all time. This evidence caused the Big Bang theory can be accepted in society. Big Bang Theory as a theory of creation of the universe is the last point achieved knowledge about the origin of the universe. ln essence, an explosion will cause material jump in random. But not in the Big Bang case. Those materials *ur" "r"n arranged neatly. ln fact, those materials form the planets, stars and galaxies that arrangement look so amazing. Fred Hoyle, a challenger to the Big Bang theory expressed surprise about this order: "big bong theory stotes the universe begon with o single explosion. However, os shown in the fo owing section, an explosion will only moke the moteriol ejected ot rondom, but the big bong mysteriously give results controry to the moterial collected in the form of goloxies,, This shows that everything which happens in the universe is the will of Allah. Allah revealed in the quran. Al-Furqan verse 2

    English for specific purposes

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    Навчальний посібник побудовано на лексичному та граматичному матеріалі, що охоплює нормативну граматику, базовий лексичний та тематичний мінімум курсу. Призначено для студентів заочної форми навчання всіх спеціальностей.The textbook is based on lexical and grammatical material covering normative grammar, basic lexical and oral speech minimum of the course. It is designed for extramural department students of the first year for all specialties