160 research outputs found

    Adaptive dynamical networks

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    It is a fundamental challenge to understand how the function of a network is related to its structural organization. Adaptive dynamical networks represent a broad class of systems that can change their connectivity over time depending on their dynamical state. The most important feature of such systems is that their function depends on their structure and vice versa. While the properties of static networks have been extensively investigated in the past, the study of adaptive networks is much more challenging. Moreover, adaptive dynamical networks are of tremendous importance for various application fields, in particular, for the models for neuronal synaptic plasticity, adaptive networks in chemical, epidemic, biological, transport, and social systems, to name a few. In this review, we provide a detailed description of adaptive dynamical networks, show their applications in various areas of research, highlight their dynamical features and describe the arising dynamical phenomena, and give an overview of the available mathematical methods developed for understanding adaptive dynamical networks

    Self-Organized Dynamics of Power Grids: Smart Grids, Fluctuations and Cascades

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    Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time and mitigating it requires a reduction of CO2 emissions. A big step towards achieving this goal is increasing the share of renewable energy sources, as the energy sector currently contributes 35% to all greenhouse gas emissions. However, integrating these renewable energy sources challenges the current power system in two major ways. Firstly, renewable generation consists of more spatially distributed and smaller power plants than conventional generation by nuclear or coal plants, questioning the established hierarchical structures and demanding a new grid design. Restructuring becomes necessary because wind and solar plants have to be placed at favorable sites, e.g., close to coasts in the case of wind. Secondly, renewables do not provide a deterministic and controllable power output but introduce power fluctuations that have to be controlled adequately. Many solutions to these challenges are build on the concept of smart grids, which require an extensive information technology (IT) infrastructure communicating between consumers and generators to coordinate efficient actions. However, an intertwined power and IT system raises great privacy and security concerns. Is it possible to forgo a large IT infrastructure in future power grids and instead operate them purely based on local information? How would such a decentrally organized system work? What is the impact of fluctuation on short time scales on the dynamical stability? Which grid topologies are robust against random failures or targeted attacks? This thesis aims to establish a framework of such a self-organized dynamics of a power grid, analyzing its benefits and limitations with respect to fluctuations and discrete events. Instead of a centrally monitored and controlled smart grid, we propose the concept of Decentral Smart Grid Control, translating local power grid frequency information into actions to stabilize the grid. This is not limited to power generators but applies equally to consumers, naturally introducing a demand response. We analyze the dynamical stability properties of this framework using linear stability methods as well as applying numerical simulations to determine the size of the basin of attraction. To do so, we investigate general stability effects and sample network motifs to find that this self-organized grid dynamics is stable for large parameter regimes. However, when the actors of the power grid react to a frequency signal, this reaction has to be sufficiently fast since reaction delays are shown to destabilize the grid. We derive expressions for a maximum delay, which always desynchronizes the system based on a rebound effect, and for destabilizing delays based on resonance effects. These resonance instabilities are cured when the frequency signal is averaged over a few seconds (low-pass filter). Overall, we propose an alternative smart grid model without any IT infrastructure and analyze its stable operating space. Furthermore, we analyze the impact of fluctuations on the power grid. First, we determine the escape time of the grid, i.e., the time until the grid desynchronizes when subject to stochastic perturbations. We simulate these events and derive an analytical expression using Kramer's method, obtaining the scaling of the escape time as a function of the grid inertia, transmitted power, damping etc. Thereby, we identify weak links in networks, which have to be enhanced to guarantee a stable operation. Second, we collect power grid frequency measurements from different regions across the world and evaluate their statistical properties. Distributions are found to be heavy-tailed so that large disturbances are more common than predicted by Gaussian statistics. We model the grid dynamics using a stochastic differential equation to derive the scaling of the fluctuations based on power grid parameters, identifying effective damping as essential in reducing fluctuation risks. This damping may be provided by increased demand control as proposed by Decentral Smart Grid Control. Finally, we investigate discrete events, in particular the failure of a single transmission line, as a complementary form of disturbances. An initial failure of a transmission line leads to additional load on other lines, potentially overloading them and thereby causing secondary outages. Hence, a cascade of failures is induced that propagated through the network, resulting in a large-scale blackout. We investigate these cascades in a combined dynamical and event-driven framework, which includes transient dynamics, in contrast to the often used steady state analysis that only solves static flows in the grid while neglecting any dynamics. Concluding, we identify critical lines, prone to cause cascades when failing, and observe a nearly constant speed of the propagation of the cascade in an appropriate metric. Overall, we investigate the self-organized dynamics of power grids, demonstrating its benefits and limitations. We provide tools to improve current grid operation and outline a smart grid solution that is not reliant on IT. Thereby, we support establishing a 100% renewable energy system

    Complex networks: Small-world, scale-free and beyond

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    Data based identification and prediction of nonlinear and complex dynamical systems

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    We thank Dr. R. Yang (formerly at ASU), Dr. R.-Q. Su (formerly at ASU), and Mr. Zhesi Shen for their contributions to a number of original papers on which this Review is partly based. This work was supported by ARO under Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0504. W.-X. Wang was also supported by NSFC under Grants No. 61573064 and No. 61074116, as well as by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Beijing Nova Programme.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Swarm intelligence techniques for optimization and management tasks insensor networks

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    The main contributions of this thesis are located in the domain of wireless sensor netorks. More in detail, we introduce energyaware algorithms and protocols in the context of the following topics: self-synchronized duty-cycling in networks with energy harvesting capabilities, distributed graph coloring and minimum energy broadcasting with realistic antennas. In the following, we review the research conducted in each case. We propose a self-synchronized duty-cycling mechanism for sensor networks. This mechanism is based on the working and resting phases of natural ant colonies, which show self-synchronized activity phases. The main goal of duty-cycling methods is to save energy by efficiently alternating between different states. In the case at hand, we considered two different states: the sleep state, where communications are not possible and energy consumption is low; and the active state, where communication result in a higher energy consumption. In order to test the model, we conducted an extensive experimentation with synchronous simulations on mobile networks and static networks, and also considering asynchronous networks. Later, we extended this work by assuming a broader point of view and including a comprehensive study of the parameters. In addition, thanks to a collaboration with the Technical University of Braunschweig, we were able to test our algorithm in the real sensor network simulator Shawn (http://shawn.sf.net). The second part of this thesis is devoted to the desynchronization of wireless sensor nodes and its application to the distributed graph coloring problem. In particular, our research is inspired by the calling behavior of Japanese tree frogs, whose males use their calls to attract females. Interestingly, as female frogs are only able to correctly localize the male frogs when their calls are not too close in time, groups of males that are located nearby each other desynchronize their calls. Based on a model of this behavior from the literature, we propose a novel algorithm with applications to the field of sensor networks. More in detail, we analyzed the ability of the algorithm to desynchronize neighboring nodes. Furthermore, we considered extensions of the original model, hereby improving its desynchronization capabilities.To illustrate the potential benefits of desynchronized networks, we then focused on distributed graph coloring. Later, we analyzed the algorithm more extensively and show its performance on a larger set of benchmark instances. The classical minimum energy broadcast (MEB) problem in wireless ad hoc networks, which is well-studied in the scientific literature, considers an antenna model that allows the adjustment of the transmission power to any desired real value from zero up to the maximum transmission power level. However, when specifically considering sensor networks, a look at the currently available hardware shows that this antenna model is not very realistic. In this work we re-formulate the MEB problem for an antenna model that is realistic for sensor networks. In this antenna model transmission power levels are chosen from a finite set of possible ones. A further contribution concerns the adaptation of an ant colony optimization algorithm --currently being the state of the art for the classical MEB problem-- to the more realistic problem version, the so-called minimum energy broadcast problem with realistic antennas (MEBRA). The obtained results show that the advantage of ant colony optimization over classical heuristics even grows when the number of possible transmission power levels decreases. Finally we build a distributed version of the algorithm, which also compares quite favorably against centralized heuristics from the literature.Las principles contribuciones de esta tesis se encuentran en el domino de las redes de sensores inalámbricas. Más en detalle, introducimos algoritmos y protocolos que intentan minimizar el consumo energético para los siguientes problemas: gestión autosincronizada de encendido y apagado de sensores con capacidad para obtener energía del ambiente, coloreado de grafos distribuido y broadcasting de consumo mínimo en entornos con antenas reales. En primer lugar, proponemos un sistema capaz de autosincronizar los ciclos de encendido y apagado de los nodos de una red de sensores. El mecanismo está basado en las fases de trabajo y reposo de las colonias de hormigas tal y como estas pueden observarse en la naturaleza, es decir, con fases de actividad autosincronizadas. El principal objectivo de este tipo de técnicas es ahorrar energía gracias a alternar estados de forma eficiente. En este caso en concreto, consideramos dos estados diferentes: el estado dormido, en el que los nodos no pueden comunicarse y el consumo energético es bajo; y el estado activo, en el que las comunicaciones propician un consumo energético elevado. Con el objetivo de probar el modelo, se ha llevado a cabo una extensa experimentación que incluye tanto simulaciones síncronas en redes móviles y estáticas, como simulaciones en redes asíncronas. Además, este trabajo se extendió asumiendo un punto de vista más amplio e incluyendo un detallado estudio de los parámetros del algoritmo. Finalmente, gracias a la colaboración con la Technical University of Braunschweig, tuvimos la oportunidad de probar el mecanismo en el simulador realista de redes de sensores, Shawn (http://shawn.sf.net). La segunda parte de esta tesis está dedicada a la desincronización de nodos en redes de sensores y a su aplicación al problema del coloreado de grafos de forma distribuida. En particular, nuestra investigación está inspirada por el canto de las ranas de árbol japonesas, cuyos machos utilizan su canto para atraer a las hembras. Resulta interesante que debido a que las hembras solo son capaces de localizar las ranas macho cuando sus cantos no están demasiado cerca en el tiempo, los grupos de machos que se hallan en una misma región desincronizan sus cantos. Basado en un modelo de este comportamiento que se encuentra en la literatura, proponemos un nuevo algoritmo con aplicaciones al campo de las redes de sensores. Más en detalle, analizamos la habilidad del algoritmo para desincronizar nodos vecinos. Además, consideramos extensiones del modelo original, mejorando su capacidad de desincronización. Para ilustrar los potenciales beneficios de las redes desincronizadas, nos centramos en el problema del coloreado de grafos distribuido que tiene relación con diferentes tareas habituales en redes de sensores. El clásico problema del broadcasting de consumo mínimo en redes ad hoc ha sido bien estudiado en la literatura. El problema considera un modelo de antena que permite transmitir a cualquier potencia elegida (hasta un máximo establecido por el dispositivo). Sin embargo, cuando se trabaja de forma específica con redes de sensores, un vistazo al hardware actualmente disponible muestra que este modelo de antena no es demasiado realista. En este trabajo reformulamos el problema para el modelo de antena más habitual en redes de sensores. En este modelo, los niveles de potencia de transmisión se eligen de un conjunto finito de posibilidades. La siguiente contribución consiste en en la adaptación de un algoritmo de optimización por colonias de hormigas a la versión más realista del problema, también conocida como broadcasting de consumo mínimo con antenas realistas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la ventaja de este método sobre heurísticas clásicas incluso crece cuando el número de posibles potencias de transmisión decrece. Además, se ha presentado una versión distribuida del algoritmo, que también se compara de forma bastante favorable contra las heurísticas centralizadas conocidas

    Characterization of ictal/non-ictal EEG patterns and Neuronal Networks in Childhood Absence Epilepsy

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    Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) is one of the most common pediatric epilepsy syndromes found in children. It is associated with distinct seizure semiology and clear electroencephalographic (EEG) features. In CAE patients, differentiating EEG ictal and non-ictal generalised spikes and waves discharges (GSWDs) is however difficult, since these events have an identical appearance. The differentiation of these two events is very important in a clinical setting as it has a direct effect on diagnosis and management strategies of patients. This study focuses on differentiating ictal and non-ictal discharges at sensor and source level using only surface EEG. Twelve CAE patients having both ictal and non-ictal discharges were selected for this study. For all levels of analysis, frequency ranges of 1-30 Hz containing four important frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha and beta) were used. At sensor level, spectral analysis and functional connectivity (FC) based on imaginary part of coherency, were used to evaluate the spectral changes and channel connectivity at the surface, respectively. At source level, the onset zone for ictal and non-ictal discharges were reconstructed using the eLORETA algorithm, and FC was used again to analyse the neuronal networks. Furthermore, we gave a detailed mathematical background of the EEG, forward and inverse problem, along with the mathematical foundation for the eLORETA algorithm. Additionally, for the first time we prove the correctness of the eLORETA algorithm based on the correct regularization problem. At sensor level, ictal discharges showed significantly higher power compared to non-ictal discharges, followed by FC depicting a desynchronization of channel connections (weaker connectivity) for ictal discharges. At source level, a fascinating observation was that ictal and non-ictal discharges have the same source or onset zone in the brain. However, ictal discharges had a stronger source power compared to non-ictal discharges. FC at source level revealed that the connectivity between certain brain regions and the seeds of interest (source maximum and thalamus) was stronger for ictal discharges, compared to non-ictal discharges. This study clearly shows the significant differences between ictal and non-ictal discharges at sensor and source level using only surface EEG. This study would be a great interest to clinicians, since it could be the potential foundation for future diagnostics research for CAE patients
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