884 research outputs found

    End-effector vibrations reduction in trajectory tracking for mobile manipulator

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    A method of motion planning for a mobile manipulator taking into account damping the end-effector vibrations is presented. The primary task of the robot is to trace a given end-effector trajectory. The redundant degrees of freedom are used to fulfil secondary objectives such as minimisation of platform kinetic energy and maximisation of holonomic manipulability measure, which leads to reduction of the end-effector vibrations. The method is based on Jacobian pseudo inverse at the acceleration level. Nonholonomic constraints in a Pfaffian form are explicitly incorporated to the control algorithm. A computer example involving a mobile manipulator consisting of a nonholonomic platform (2, 0) class and SCARA-type holonomic manipulator operating in two-dimensional task space is also presented

    Trajectory Generation for Mobile Manipulators

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    Mobile manipulators collision-free trajectory planning with regard to end-effector vibrations elimination

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    A sub-optimal point-to-point trajectory planning method for mobile manipulators operating in the workspace including obstacles taking into account the damping of the end-effector vibrations is presented. The proposed solution is based on extended Jacobian approach and redundancy resolution at the acceleration level. Fulfilment of the condition stopping the mobile manipulator at the destination point is guaranteed, which leads to elimination of the end-effector vibrations and significantly increases positioning accuracy. The effectiveness of the presented method is shown and compared to the classical Jacobian pseudo inverse approach. A computer example involving a mobile manipulator consisting of a nonholonomic platform (2, 0) class and SCARA-type holonomic manipulator operating in two-dimensional task space including obstacle is also presented

    Coordinated Control of a Mobile Manipulator

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    In this technical report, we investigate modeling, control, and coordination of mobile manipulators. A mobile manipulator in this study consists of a robotic manipulator and a mobile platform, with the manipulator being mounted atop the mobile platform. A mobile manipulator combines the dextrous manipulation capability offered by fixed-base manipulators and the mobility offered by mobile platforms. While mobile manipulators offer a tremendous potential for flexible material handling and other tasks, at the same time they bring about a number of challenging issues rather than simply increasing the structural complexity. First, combining a manipulator and a platform creates redundancy. Second, a wheeled mobile platform is subject to nonholonomic constraints. Third, there exists dynamic interaction between the manipulator and the mobile platform. Fourth, manipulators and mobile platforms have different bandwidths. Mobile platforms typically have slower dynamic response than manipulators. The objective of the thesis is to develop control algorithms that effectively coordinate manipulation and mobility of mobile manipulators. We begin with deriving the motion equations of mobile manipulators. The derivation presented here makes use of the existing motion equations of manipulators and mobile platforms, and simply introduces the velocity and acceleration dependent terms that account for the dynamic interaction between manipulators and mobile platforms. Since nonholonomic constraints play a critical role in control of mobile manipulators, we then study the control properties of nonholonomic dynamic systems, including feedback linearization and internal dynamics. Based on the newly proposed concept of preferred operating region, we develop a set of coordination algorithms for mobile manipulators. While the manipulator performs manipulation tasks, the mobile platform is controlled to always bring the configuration of the manipulator into a preferred operating region. The control algorithms for two types of tasks - dragging motion and following motion - are discussed in detail. The effects of dynamic interaction are also investigated. To verify the efficacy of the coordination algorithms, we conduct numerical simulations with representative task trajectories. Additionally, the control algorithms for the dragging motion and following motion have been implemented on an experimental mobile manipulator. The results from the simulation and experiment are presented to support the proposed control algorithms

    Redundancy of space manipulator on free-flying vehicle and its nonholonomic path planning

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    The nonholonomic mechanical structure of space robots and path planning is discussed. The angular momentum conservation works as a nonholonomic constraint while the linear momentum conservation is a holonomic one. Thus, a vehicle with a 6 d.o.f. manipulator is described as a 9 variable system with 6 inputs. This implies the possibility of controlling the vehicle orientation and the joint variables of the manipulator by actuating the joint variables, but only if the trajectory is carefully planned; however, both of them cannot be controlled independently. It means that by assuming feasible-path planning, a system that consists of a vehicle and a 6 d.o.f. manipulator can be utilized as 9 d.o.f. system. Initially, the nonholonomic mechanical structure of space vehicle/manipulator system is shown. Then a path planning scheme for nonholonomic systems is proposed using Lyapunov functions

    Manipulability in trajectory tracking for constrained redundant manipulators via sequential quadratic programming

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    Trajectory tracking methods for constrained redundant manipulators are presented in this thesis, where the end-effector of a redundant serial manipulator has to track a desired trajectory while some points on its kinematic chain satisfy one or more constraints. In addition, two manipulability indexes are taken into account in order to optimize the trajectory. The first index is defined in terms of the geometric Jacobian of the manipulator in the constrained configuration. The second index is based on the constrained Jacobian, which maps velocities from joint space to task space, taking into account the holonomic constraints. Three methods for solving the trajectory tracking problem are discussed. The first two, kinematic control (KC) and quadratic programming (QP), are widely discussed in literature. The third, sequential quadratic programming (SQP), is a new approach, unlike KC or QP, has as advantages (despite some shortcomings) not explicitly depend on pseudoinverse Jacobian, derivative from the desired trajectory and linearization of indexes or constraints. A discussion of these three methods is presented in terms of tracking error, constraint violation, singularity distance, among others through experiments performed on a Baxter collaborative robot.Métodos de rastreamento de trajetória para manipuladores redundantes restritos são apresentados nesta tese, onde o efetuador de um manipulador serial redundante tem que rastrear uma trajetória desejada enquanto alguns pontos em sua cadeia cinemática satisfazem uma ou mais restrições. Além disso, dois índices de manipulabilidade são levados em consideração a fim de otimizar a trajetória para evitar singularidades. O primeiro índice é definido em função do jacobiano geométrico do manipulador na configuração restrita. O segundo índice é baseado no Jacobiano restrito, o qual mapeia velocidades no espaço das juntas para a espaço da tarefa, levando em conta as restrições holonômicas. Três métodos para resolver o problema de rastreamento de trajetória são discutidos. Os dois primeiros, controle cinemático e programação quadrática (QP), são amplamente discutidos na literatura. O terceiro, programação quadrática sequencial (SQP), é uma nova abordagem, diferentemente do controle cinemático ou QP, tem como vantagens (apesar de algumas deficiências) não depender explicitamente da pseudo-inversa de jacobianos, derivadas da trajetória desejada e linearização de índices ou restrições. Uma discussão desses três métodos é apresentada em termos de erro de rastreamento, violação da restrição, distância de singularidades, entre outros através de experimentos realizados em um robô colaborativo Baxter

    Bipedal Hopping: Reduced-order Model Embedding via Optimization-based Control

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    This paper presents the design and validation of controlling hopping on the 3D bipedal robot Cassie. A spring-mass model is identified from the kinematics and compliance of the robot. The spring stiffness and damping are encapsulated by the leg length, thus actuating the leg length can create and control hopping behaviors. Trajectory optimization via direct collocation is performed on the spring-mass model to plan jumping and landing motions. The leg length trajectories are utilized as desired outputs to synthesize a control Lyapunov function based quadratic program (CLF-QP). Centroidal angular momentum, taking as an addition output in the CLF-QP, is also stabilized in the jumping phase to prevent whole body rotation in the underactuated flight phase. The solution to the CLF-QP is a nonlinear feedback control law that achieves dynamic jumping behaviors on bipedal robots with compliance. The framework presented in this paper is verified experimentally on the bipedal robot Cassie.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted by IROS 201
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