589,073 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient wireless medium access control protocols for Specknets

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    Collaborative communication protocols for wireless sensor networks

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    In this document, the design of communication within a wireless sensor network is discussed. The resource limitations of such a network, especially in terms of energy, require an integrated approach for all (traditional) layers of communication. We present such an integrated, collaborative approach which is part of current research in the European research project EYES on energy-efficient sensor networks. In particular, energy-efficient solutions for medium access control, clusterbased routing and multipath routing are discussed. As part of the ongoing project, these approaches work together and are designed to support each other

    Design Aspects of An Energy-Efficient, Lightweight Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This document gives an overview of the most relevant design aspects of the lightweight medium access control (LMAC) protocol [16] for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). These aspects include selfconfiguring and localized operation of the protocol, time synchronization in multi-hop networks, network setup and strategies to reduce latency.\ud The main goal in designing a MAC protocol for WSNs is to minimize energy waste - due to collisions of messages and idle listening - , while limiting latency and loss of data throughput. It is shown that the LMAC protocol performs well on energy-efficiency and delivery ratio [19] and can\ud ensure a long-lived, self-configuring network of battery-powered wireless sensors.\ud The protocol is based upon scheduled access, in which each node periodically gets a time slot, during which it is allowed to transmit. The protocol does not depend on central managers to assign time slots to nodes.\ud WSNs are assumed to be multi-hop networks, which allows for spatial reuse of time slots, just like frequency reuse in GSM cells. In this document, we present a distributed algorithm that allows nodes to find unoccupied time slots, which can be used without causing collision or interference to other nodes. Each node takes one time slot in control to\ud carry out its data transmissions. Latency is affected by the actual choice of controlled time slot. We present time slot choosing strategies, which ensure a low latency for the most common data traffic in WSNs: reporting of sensor readings to central sinks

    Energy-Efficient Boarder Node Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper introduces the design, implementation, and performance analysis of the scalable and mobility-aware hybrid protocol named boarder node medium access control (BN-MAC) for wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which leverages the characteristics of scheduled and contention-based MAC protocols. Like contention-based MAC protocols, BN-MAC achieves high channel utilization, network adaptability under heavy traffic and mobility, and low latency and overhead. Like schedule-based MAC protocols, BN-MAC reduces idle listening time, emissions, and collision handling at low cost at one-hop neighbor nodes and achieves high channel utilization under heavy network loads. BN-MAC is particularly designed for region-wise WSNs. Each region is controlled by a boarder node (BN), which is of paramount importance. The BN coordinates with the remaining nodes within and beyond the region. Unlike other hybrid MAC protocols, BN-MAC incorporates three promising models that further reduce the energy consumption, idle listening time, overhearing, and congestion to improve the throughput and reduce the latency. One of the models used with BN-MAC is automatic active and sleep (AAS), which reduces the ideal listening time. When nodes finish their monitoring process, AAS lets them automatically go into the sleep state to avoid the idle listening state. Another model used in BN-MAC is the intelligent decision-making (IDM) model, which helps the nodes sense the nature of the environment. Based on the nature of the environment, the nodes decide whether to use the active or passive mode. This decision power of the nodes further reduces energy consumption because the nodes turn off the radio of the transceiver in the passive mode. The third model is the least-distance smart neighboring search (LDSNS), which determines the shortest efficient path to the one-hop neighbor and also provides cross-layering support to handle the mobility of the nodes. The BN-MAC also incorporates a semi-synchronous feature with a low duty cycle, which is advantageous for reducing the latency and energy consumption for several WSN application areas to improve the throughput. BN-MAC uses a unique window slot size to enhance the contention resolution issue for improved throughput. BN-MAC also prefers to communicate within a one-hop destination using Anycast, which maintains load balancing to maintain network reliability. BN-MAC is introduced with the goal of supporting four major application areas: monitoring and behavioral areas, controlling natural disasters, human-centric applications, and tracking mobility and static home automation devices from remote places. These application areas require a congestion-free mobility-supported MAC protocol to guarantee reliable data delivery. BN-MAC was evaluated using network simulator-2 (ns2) and compared with other hybrid MAC protocols, such as Zebra medium access control (Z-MAC), advertisement-based MAC (A-MAC), Speck-MAC, adaptive duty cycle SMAC (ADC-SMAC), and low-power real-time medium access control (LPR-MAC). The simulation results indicate that BN-MAC is a robust and energy-efficient protocol that outperforms other hybrid MAC protocols in the context of quality of service (QoS) parameters, such as energy consumption, latency, throughput, channel access time, successful delivery rate, coverage efficiency, and average duty cycle.https://doi.org/10.3390/s14030507

    A proposed energy efficient medium access control protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) nodes are broadly used in various sectors nowadays. WSN nodes experience a lot of problems that impact on battery life for sensor node such as, overhearing, collision, hidden node, idle listening, schedule drifts, and high latency. Moreover, WSN nodes are strongly dependent on its limited battery power, and replenishing it again is difficult as nodes are organized in an ad-hoc manner. Energy consumption is the most vital factor to determine the life of a sensor network because sensor nodes are driven by low battery resources. An approach to conserve energy in WSN nodes is to carefully design its Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. Several previous work has been carried out to mitigate many problems that impact on battery life for sensor node such as overhearing, collision, and hidden node. This dissertation attempts to design, a hybrid Energy-Efficient MAC (EEMAC) protocol to address the energy issues that are related to WSN nodes. This protocol aims to reduce idle listening times as well as lowering the latency time thus reducing the energy consumption. The proposed protocol has been developed and analysed using the ns-2 simulator. A mathematical model was used to verify and prove the efficiency of the proposed protocol. We have compared our proposed EE-MAC protocol with the existing contention-based IEEE 802.11 PSM protocol. The simulation results illustrate EE-MAC has achieved better energy conservation than the IEEE 802.11 PSM protocol

    An Adaptable Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless networks have become ubiquitous recently and therefore their usefulness has also become more extensive. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) detect environmental information with sensors in remote settings. One problem facing WSNs is the inability to resupply power to these energy-constrained devices due to their remoteness. Therefore to extend a WSN\u27s effectiveness, the lifetime of the network must be increased by making them as energy efficient as possible. An energy efficient medium access control (MAC) can boost a WSN\u27s lifetime. This research creates a MAC protocol called Adaptive sensor Medium Access Control (AMAC) which is based on Sensor Medium Access Control (SMAC) which saves energy by periodically sleeping and not receiving. AMAC adapts to traffic conditions by incorporating multiple duty cycles. Under a high traffic load, AMAC has a short duty cycle and wakes up often. Under a low traffic load, AMAC has a longer duty cycle and wakes up infrequently. The AMAC protocol is simulated in OPNET Modeler using various topologies. AMAC uses 15% less power and 22% less energy per byte than SMAC but doubles the latency. AMAC is promising and further research can decrease its latency and increase its energy efficiency

    MPEG-4 video transmission using distributed TDMA MAC protocol over IEEE 802.15.4 wireless technology

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    The issues of green technology nowadays give an inspiration to the researcher to make all the future design to be energy efficient. Medium Access Control (MAC) layer is the most effective layer to provide energy efficient due to its ability to control the physical radio directly. One of the important applications in the future is a video transmission that can be transmitted with low-cost and low power consumption. MPEG-4 is one of the international standards for moving video. MPEG-4 provide better compression and primarily design at low bit rate communication. In order to achieve good quality for video application, the design at MAC layer must be strong. Therefore, to increase the performance of the MPEG-4 in IEEE 802.15.4, in this paper we propose a cross layer design between MAC layer and Application layer. A priority queue will be implemented at MAC scheduling depends on the level of frame important in MPEG-4 format frame. A distributed Time division Multiple Access (TDMA) will be used for MAC protocol to provide reliable data transmission for high priority frame

    Energy efficient medium access control for wireless sensor networks

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    A wireless sensor network designates a system composed of numerous sensor nodes distributed over an area in order to collect information. The sensor nodes communicate wirelessly with each other in order to self-organize into a multi-hop network, collaborate in the sensing activity and forward the acquired information towards one or more users of the information. Applications of sensor networks are numerous, ranging from environmental monitoring, home and building automation to industrial control. Since sensor nodes are expected to be deployed in large numbers, they must be inexpensive. Communication between sensor nodes should be wireless in order to minimize the deployment cost. The lifetime of sensor nodes must be long for minimal maintenance cost. The most important consequence of the low cost and long lifetime requirements is the need for low power consumption. With today's technology, wireless communication hardware consumes so much power that it is not acceptable to keep the wireless communication interface constantly in operation. As a result, it is required to use a communication protocol with which sensor nodes are able to communicate keeping the communication interface turned-off most of the time. The subject of this dissertation is the design of medium access control protocols permitting to reach a very low power consumption when communicating at a low average throughput in multi-hop wireless sensor networks. In a first part, the performance of a scheduled protocol (time division multiple access, TDMA) is compared to the one of a contention protocol (non-persistent carrier sensing multiple access with preamble sampling, NP-CSMA-PS). The preamble sampling technique is a scheme that avoids constant listening to an idle medium. This thesis presents a low power contention protocol obtained through the combination of preamble sampling with non-persistent carrier sensing multiple access. The analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of TDMA and NP-CSMA-PS led us to propose a solution that exploits TDMA for the transport of frequent periodic data traffic and NP-CSMA-PS for the transport of sporadic signalling traffic required to setup the TDMA schedule. The second part of this thesis describes the WiseMAC protocol. This protocol is a further enhancement of CSMA with preamble sampling that proved to provide both a low power consumption in low traffic conditions and a high energy efficiency in high traffic conditions. It is shown that this protocol can provide either a power consumption or a latency several times lower that what is provided by previously proposed protocols. The WiseMAC protocol was initially designed for multi-hop wireless sensor networks. A comparison with power saving protocols designed specifically for the downlink of infrastructure wireless networks shows that it is also of interest in such cases. An implementation of the WiseMAC protocol has permitted to validate experimentally the proposed concepts and the presented analysis